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Taming the Alter Ego

Page 5

by Shermaine Williams

  Simultaneous groans introduced the motion of his flesh piercing mine, sliding deep as I spread my thighs. Further aroused by the satisfying wet slap of our bodies, I immediately sought it again, engaging my thigh muscles to lift my frame before slamming back down.

  A growl that edged toward a pained climax rolled from his throat, hip mouth gaping.

  His hands left my rear to grip the chair arm. I saw his fingers curl around the dark wood from the corner of my eye as he buried his face to my neck. Bypassing his shoulders, I gripped the back of the chair to pump harder, leaning back to watch his face. He had already succumbed, his body no longer under his control, but under mine. Each attempt to lift his hips was met with a heavy thrust from mine, driving him back down into the seat.Wedging my curled toes against the edge of the chair, I used the leverage to slam him with increasing force, leather squeaking against itself each time my muscles gave way to allow me to drop onto his shaft so it plunged deep between my walls.

  Clinging to the chair, I rode him harder as pure ecstasy coursed through me, taking over my body. Returning to my cheeks, his fingertips dug into my flesh as if trying to force us closer.

  His throat shook free a growl more intense than I’d heard before, quickly becoming a roar that caused an instant physical reaction. My body decided a simultaneous orgasm was required, perfectly in tune to make us come together.

  Tightly clamping his body between my thighs, I stiffened and shook out of control, gripping his shoulders with a strength that was inexplicable.

  No other man could do that to me.

  Bodily flung back with the force of exhilarating pressure, my heavy head stretched my throat, which produced no sound. Clinging to him kept me from falling from his lap as a shudder rocked me from head to toe.

  A slow return to sitting upright had a massive effect, dizzying me like I was caught in the continued movement of swirling water. Pressing my breasts to the damp skin of his chest, I felt his heart pounding as I listened to his ragged breathing.

  Smiling against his neck through my own shuddering breaths, I relished the fact that his body was mine to use as I pleased.

  Chapter Five

  My anticipation grew with every step, a knot tightening in my stomach.

  I could barely wait to see my conquest, not least because it had been an especially long workday, and I had spent it ignoring him. However, I could now put him out of his misery.

  Through the glass, I immediately met his gaze, his eyes trained on the door as if expecting me. Though twenty minutes had passed since the end of the working day, he seemed unconcerned.

  Smiling slightly, his expression shone with gratification, unadulterated by anxiety. Only when I entered, my gentle movements like that of a woman who didn’t want to be seen, did I see that his beauteous face also comprised a slight coloring to his cheeks, reddened by lust or rude health.

  As I gently closed the door behind me, he stood as if his ever-present chivalry made the gesture automatic. I wondered whether his back passage puckered at the memories sure to have clouded his mind at the sight of me.

  “Hello, beautiful.”

  My heart flipped, a heavy thump making me hold a deep inhale for a second longer than necessary. My genuine smile came with no compliment, despite a deep desire to hold him before making him kneel at my feet. Slowly walking toward the man who had become mine, my calm demeanor belied the sensations surging inside me like a swollen torrent. The rare emotions amazed me, forcing me to put them into perspective by wondering whether his bum was still raw. Tickled by the idea that he would have had trouble sitting down, I offered a smile that could be mistaken for one of seduction.

  Moving around the desk to meet me as I approached, he wrapped his arms around me to demandingly press his lips to mine. Soft lips and twisting tongue left mine too soon, depriving me of all but the rod at his crotch pressing against me.

  Looking past me, his gaze flicked to the door before returning to my steely gaze.

  “Are you scared of getting caught with me?”

  His expression was as resolute as his response. “No, it is a little risky at work, though.”

  “Questioning me,” I stated plainly, simultaneously huffy and facetious.

  “You should be grateful for what you get.”

  “I am, I am,” he quickly conceded, vainly trying to maintain his hold as I twisted free from his embrace.

  Sitting in his ergonomic leather chair, I forced him to take one of the two static chairs reserved for guests.

  “But I’d still prefer to be in your bed.”

  Resting his clasped hands on the desk, he leaned forward to search my eyes as he spoke. The soulful brown pair wrenched at my insides and making my soul yearn for him. It was an unnerving feeling.

  “What’s wrong with right here?” The question was supposed to stem the tide of authority slowly leeching from my body.

  It didn’t work. His smile turned my insides to liquid like lava churning in a volcano.

  Despite his apparent reservations, he wouldn’t have resisted had I pounced on him. I could see take me written on his forehead.

  “There’s nothing wrong with right here.” Shaking his head slightly, he leaned back in his chair.

  Many would consider the location inappropriate for any sexual encounter, but I was of the opposite opinion. The room epitomized him—stylishly furnished with high-end items, scented by hints of coffee, aftershave and cigars.

  “You’re greedy,” I smiled, ironically hiding my own voracity. “If you’re not careful,” I began, walking around to where he sat. “You’ll find that greedy boys get punished.”

  Gripping his hair between my fingers to roughly force his head back, I made Tom submit to my demanding kiss and probing tongue.

  Few men got into my bed and he would have to work for the privilege, even if I wanted exactly the same. Feeling my body sinking to the chair arm, I resisted and pulled away from the kiss that threatened to engulf me like a giant wave curling overhead.

  Sighing heavily like pressure had been released after the loosening of a valve, Tom got a perfect view of my back. “Why are you going?” he asked hoarsely.

  Already halfway out the door, I turned to flash him a smile, somewhere between allure and contempt. Though my heart pounded like physical collapse was imminent, I maintained my stern manner.

  Leaving him to stew, I attempted to walk back to my desk with my thighs pressed together, molten heat threatening to spill.

  Tom looked forlorn, behind his desk as if not considering leaving.

  Surprising him by entering without knocking, my heart surged at the instant change my presence caused, greeting me with a warm smile.

  “Let’s go.”

  Instantly obeying the command, he switched off his computer and approached, pressing a tentative kiss to my closed mouth as if concerned I would reject it. His fear was like fuel.

  Allowing his lips to meet mine gave him the confidence to take my hand, hot fingers enclosing mine. With a single squeeze, he made me want him, a sudden urgent need for him making me hesitate in reaching for the door handle.

  Opening the door was a signal for him to release me, commencing our innocent departure from the office. Comforted by the action that confirmed our coordination, instinctually maintaining our privacy.

  Conversation was minimal during the journey to my house. The generous seat of the taxi was wasted on us. We pressed together like we couldn’t be apart. Being directly in the line of the rear view mirror was of no concern—we only saw each other and didn’t care who saw us.

  Holding his jaw, I let my gaze trail over his face, marveling at how he could kiss so well with such non-descript lips.

  My heart pounded with a power that almost scared me, a sign of my urgent need to get him home. I never wanted a man more.

  “When I get you home,” I started, instinctively whispering. “Go straight upstairs.”

  Gazing back into my eyes, he didn’t miss a beat. “Where should I

  His tone was light with hope. “Take my post at the window?”

  The question caused a frisson. No longer mine alone, it became our shared secret. There was more that I wanted to share and the new sensation was overwhelming.

  “My bed.” I could barely accept that the breathy voice was my own.

  Mutual trust didn’t require an extended period of discussion—we were instinctively aware of its existence. Remaining entwined during the journey through the streets of London, we silently surveyed each other using our senses, hearing being as necessary as the ability to speak.

  At home, I stalled in putting away my bag and coat, giving Tom the opportunity to comply with my instructions without a reminder. Shrugging off his jacket as he silently ascended the stairs, he smoothly caught it and laid it over the railing on reaching the top.

  After what seemed like several minutes, I slowly followed.

  Halting in the doorway, I hid my elation at the sight of him lying supine, waiting for me and any action I chose to undertake.

  “I left them for you,” he confirmed, referring to his underwear with a brief flick of his gaze.

  “You’re too kind.” I smiled wickedly, my voice swollen with lust and sarcasm as I noted his clingy black shorts.

  Defiantly holding my place between the light of the hallway and the darkened bedroom, I remained there for a moment, demonstrating my strength through my ability to resist him. The shift of his body made me advance, tickled by the impatient raise of his knee like he was preparing to stand.Unbuttoning my shirt regained his attention, making him still as I stopped at the foot of the bed. With every step, my heart pounded harder until I was sure he could hear it.

  Loosening the last button, I shrugged off the cotton garment and let it fall to the floor. Seen by the light from the passageway, the glint in his eye was unmistakable and stopped me from continuing.

  By getting him naked first, I could retain the upper hand.

  Curling my fingers around his waistband, I scratched his skin in the process of dragging down his underwear. Despite the urgency that made adrenalin course through me and take control, I feigned patience. Dipping low, I positioned my mouth inches from his crotch as his cock leapt up from the garment I lowered.

  The salty aroma of the pre-cum glistening on the tip of his cock mingled with the hot scent rising from his skin, sweat mixed with tobacco and aftershave. Only needing to reach my tongue out to caress his swollen tip, his groan confirmed his awareness of the fact. His body became taut with anticipation.

  Ever compliant, he dutifully lifted his bottom to assist me in getting him naked. Cock twitching as I retreated, Tom fixed his eyes on mine as I prepared to disrobe. Eye contact commenced a battle, an intense look in his eye despite his vulnerable state.

  I knew it came from being able to watch me undress, his gaze patiently trained on me. I could have turned away, blindfolded him, somehow hidden my figure from his eager eyes, but it was unnecessary. Being able to hold his attention was sufficient to display the extent of my command over him.

  His eyes told on his steady expression, darting between my face and body as if unable to remain still. Unable to look anywhere else, he was under my control.

  Continuing to undress by moving to my smart, slim-line trousers, I removed every item of clothing deliberately slow, manipulating my body to give him the best view as I gradually revealed more.

  My electrified skin registered every stroke as my clothing fell away, revealing my body to his hungry gaze.

  Both naked, I reaffirmed my dominance by climbing onto the bed, straddling his body and crawling upwards until my pussy hovered over his face. His breath warmed the slick moisture coating my cleft as I taunted him, staying just out of his reach.

  Clinging to the headboard, I engaged my muscles and looked down to watch his efforts, stretching his neck in an attempt to level his lips with my labia. Inches from his nose, my arousal would be evident to him as even I could detect my sweet aroma.

  “How long have you wanted me?” I whispered, needing to make some effort to find my voice.

  When no reply was immediately forthcoming, I assumed he hadn’t heard and was preparing to repeat my question when I felt a heavy flow of breath caress my wet cleft.

  “From the first moment I saw you,” he finally admitted.

  My heart pounded with a sudden burst of speed, beating as if it was fluttering against my ribcage as a contented smile curled my lips.

  Despite his revelation, I needed more. I wanted to know that his pleasure was dependent on me and desperately wanted him to say it. My body was on fire, burning with the anticipation of hearing the confirmation from his mouth. “Did you dream about going down on me?”

  Feeling him shift a little after a prolonged period of quiet, our respective deep breaths preventing complete silence, I looked at Tom. Angling my gaze down along my body, I found his already aimed at me, our eyes meeting in a focused meaningful look despite our eyes being heavy with lust.

  “I’ve imagined it so many times,” Tom revealed, breaking our eye contact to look back at my body.

  For a moment, he seemed mesmerized, his lips parted slightly like there were more words to follow. Pushing my knees deeper into the soft mattress as my frame stiffened, the action of moving away prompted him to complete his unfinished thought. “I’ve even been carrying your knickers around.”

  Picturing him holding them to his face, inhaling on my scent, coupled with the look in his eyes affected me deeply. My muscles contracted, causing a wave of pressure to roll through me like a hot geyser. My clit bulged and the trickle increased, making me succumb and smother him.

  My vulva immediately found his mouth before I tilted my pelvis, rocking against his lips and nose in a firm grind. From between his wide parted lips, his tongue swept around wildly, sending a tremor through me each time he made contact with my clit. Finally, pressing firmly to my sensitized bud, he made my body shake like I was wracked with convulsions. The motion of my hips made me pump harder against his face, using him for my gratification, perfect friction to my clit forming strands of euphoric bliss twisting inside me.

  The tight pressure climbed inexplicably fast, flickering sparks gathering together to create a river of fire that crackled its way through my core. As the sensations bounced around like marbles in a pinball machine, I told myself to pull back because it was too soon to come. My body refused to cooperate with my brain, my labia remaining firmly pressed to his face, his vibrating hum too sensational to abandon. Perfectly attuned with the ideal pressure, it proved impossible to tear myself away. I came hard without warning, my body shuddering as my deep, throaty cry filled the room.

  My muscles seized up, keeping me in a kneeled pose that Tom was forced to extricate himself from, hooking his hands over my thighs to slide out from beneath me, leaving me to collapse on the pillows.

  I didn’t remain there for long. Tom’s firm grip clamped my hips and dragged me backwards, maneuvering my frame into a supine position before turning me over.

  As he straddled me, I opened my eyes long enough to see his reddened face, glistening with my moisture. The sight made me smile through my deep breaths, my breasts heaving. The weight of his body shifted, letting me know his intention before I tasted myself on his mouth. Lying against me, his skin moist and warm, he tried to take advantage of my exhausted state.

  For a moment, I let him get away with it, permitting his tongue to explore my mouth before sucking on it hard, making him groan. Taking back the upper hand whilst he was distracted by the flash of pain, I threw my hips upwards to throw him off me, scrambling to my knees to roll him over and sit on his stomach.

  Panting heavily, he warmed my breasts as I leaned over him to retrieve the handcuffs I’d laid ready on the bedside table. “Were you trying to take charge, Tom?” I teased, my voice low and seductive.

  My skill with the cold steel bracelets enabled me to keep hold of his wrists, securing him to the wrought-iron headboar
d with ease.

  “Remember your place, pussy boy.” The aftershocks that reverberated through me seemed to create renewed energy, making me strong enough to keep him under my control.

  “I will, Mistress.”

  My body burned for him, my craving so strong that I could see myself riding him, but I wanted to punish him more.

  Sliding off him, I laid on my side facing him, close enough to feel the heat from his damp skin without touching him. His swollen shaft pointed skyward, twitching with the slight touch of my fingers to the underside so that it nearly slapped his belly.

  “Ready for me to fuck you, Tom?” As I spoke, I reached below his full sac to stroke his sensitive spot.

  Emitting an unintelligible pitchy cry, Tom nodded before he found his voice. “Oh, God, yes.”

  My vulva pulsed erratically, deep contracting with my desire to impale myself on his cock. “I told you greedy boys get punished, didn’t I?”

  Turning away from him, I reached into the drawer of the beside cabinet.

  “Have you ever had hot candle wax dripped on your cock?”

  Tom exhaled with a hiss, writhing against his restraints as I rested a tapered white candle and lighter on his chest before tightly coiling my fingers around the base of his cock.

  My core seemed filled with molten lava, desperate for escape despite my earlier climax. However, Lady Isis wanted him tamed, especially before he could get there first. His cock was there for the taking, twitching invitingly and eagerly, sensing my yearning to ride him hard and taunting me with it.

  As I propped myself up on my elbow, I ran the fingernail of my forefinger the length of the ridge raised on the underside of his shaft. I gave him a fierce look that betrayed nothing of my true emotions, only demonstrating my disappointment with his failure to respond quickly enough. “Well?”

  His chest heaved, rising and falling with a single heavy breath that made the items resting on his torso shift. The rush of air was loud enough to fill the room, patently sounding like frustration. “I want you to do what you please.”


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