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Amanda's Return

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by June Kramin

  Title Page

  Amanda’s Return

  Hunter’s Find 2

  June Kramin


  An imprint of

  Musa Publishing

  Copyright Information

  Amanda’s Return, Copyright © June Kramin, 2012

  All Rights Reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without prior written permission of the publisher.


  This e-Book is a work of fiction. While references may be made to actual places or events, the names, characters, incidents, and locations within are from the author’s imagination and are not a resemblance to actual living or dead persons, businesses, or events. Any similarity is coincidental.


  Musa Publishing

  633 Edgewood Ave

  Lancaster, OH 43130


  Published by Musa Publishing, August 2012


  This e-Book is licensed to the original purchaser only. Duplication or distribution via any means is illegal and a violation of International Copyright Law, subject to criminal prosecution and upon conviction, fines and/or imprisonment. No part of this ebook can be reproduced or sold by any person or business without the express permission of the publisher.


  ISBN: 978-1-61937-304-4


  Editor: Ellen Brock

  Cover Design: Kelly Shorten

  Interior Book Design: Coreen Montagna

  Content Warning

  This e-Book contains adult language and scenes. This story is meant only for adults as defined by the laws of the country where you made your purchase. Store your e-Books carefully where they cannot be accessed by younger readers.


  For my cousin, Kellyann, with the golden eyes.

  Thanks for all the help, God-sister.

  You rock.

  Chapter One

  After she was given the doctor’s news, Mandy leaned into Hunt, heavy with relief. There was no medical reason she wasn’t getting pregnant.

  “Hunt checked out just fine. Same as you. Don’t stress over it, Amanda. These things tend to have their own schedule. When you least expect it is when it usually happens.”

  Hunt stood. “Thanks, Doc. Sorry to have wasted your time on unnecessary tests.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous. This is the kind of news I like to give my patients. You need to relax and enjoy each other.” Mandy couldn’t help but laugh, and the doctor turned red. “You know what I mean.” She stood up and joined Hunt’s side.

  “Thanks again, Doc. I hope to see you again soon.” She rubbed her belly. “Just a little fatter next time.”

  He reached for her hand. “It’ll happen. Give it time.”

  A slight smile was the only response she could give him. As they left the office, she leaned into Hunt’s chest and softly cried. Already the good news was pushed aside, and her doubts came back.

  “Hey,” he said as he wrapped his arms tight around her. “What’s that for? That was good news.”

  Mandy sniffed. “It’s been almost three years, Hunt. What if he’s wrong?”

  “Shhh, babe. From what we’ve been hearing, that’s nothing. My insurance premium tells me he knows what he’s doing.”

  “Do you think we should try the fertility clinic?”

  “No. No more cups.” Mandy’s lip trembled. “Shit. Come here.” Hunt backed towards a loveseat in the sitting area and pulled her to his lap. “We have to do what he says and stop fixating on it. Of course I want to expand our family, but I refuse to see you get upset over trying, babe.” He reached to the coffee table for a box of tissues and offered her one. “How about we take a vacation? Maybe time away will do you some good.”

  “Because my days at home with Hannah are so stressful?”

  “Don’t sell yourself short. I know staying at home is no picnic. Granted, she keeps you on your toes, but that hardly compares to your finger-breaking days with the Menuscos.” Hunt laughed as he held up his fisted hands, making a breaking motion.

  Mandy scowled. “I never would have told you that—”

  He placed his finger over her lips, cutting her off. “Where do you want to go, babe? I’ll make it happen.”

  “New York.”

  “Now I know you’re off your nut.”

  “I’m serious. I want to wear a nice evening gown and go to a show that doesn’t involve cartoon characters. I want to drink champagne until the restaurant runs out of the good stuff. I want to walk down the street in stilettos until my feet are killing me.”

  Hunt scooted her aside and stood up. “I was afraid of this.” He walked out of the doctor’s office. Mandy hurried after him. Their truck was on the street, and Hunt had already climbed in. He usually waited and held open her door. This wasn’t good.

  After he peeled away from the curb, Mandy dared speak. “Don’t be angry. It’s not what you think, Hunt.”

  “The hell it’s not. You’ve been acting like you were content to play housewife when all this time you wanted to be donning a firearm, not a diaper bag.”

  “That’s not true. I want to get pregnant again. If I can’t, then I want to have a little fun.”

  “And you can’t do that anywhere else? You want to put yourself right back in the heat of things with the Menuscos? I didn’t move down here and give up my name so I could waltz you back into firing range, Amanda.”

  “Amanda? You are pissed. Why have you never complained about your name before? You didn’t have to change it.”

  “Like hell. Change it or risk you being found easier. It wasn’t a tough call.”

  “I don’t want to fight with you. You asked where I wanted to go, and I answered.”

  “You need to stop and think for a minute. What you’re asking is insane. You know there is no way in hell we’re allowed to go back to New York. I’m not about to break the rules of protective custody because you want a night out on the town.”

  “You pick somewhere, then. Let’s go to Vermont and visit your friends.”

  “You know we can’t go back to Vermont either.” Hunt stared straight ahead. They were silent the rest of the ten-minute drive home. Hunt put his truck in park without going in the garage. Hannah was already running out to greet them.

  As Hunt leaned down to pick her up, Hannah asked, “Am I going to have a baby brother or sister?”

  “Not yet, baby girl. Soon, though. You keep saying your prayers.”

  Mandy reached their side and rolled her eyes. Hunt frowned. Religion was a subject they tried not to get into if they could avoid it. After giving her daughter a pat on the back, she walked towards the house. Hunt’s parents were walking out as she reached the front door.

  “Thanks for watching her.”

  “Our pleasure, dear,” Hunt’s mother said. “You know we’ll come any time you need us.” She placed her hand on her cheek. “It’ll happen. Just give it time.”

  “Thanks, Mom.” Mandy received a hug from both of them and walked in the house.

  Chapter Two

  Hunt joined Mandy out by the pool with Hannah in her swimsuit and water wings. “Stay on the stairs, Peanut. I’ll be in after a second.”

  “Okay!” she squealed, then ran off.

  Mandy was lying down on a lounge chair under the shade of an umbrella with her eyes closed. Hunt sat down and took her hand. She didn’t open her eyes but softly said, “I’m sorry.”

  “Me, too. You know I’m not pissed about the name thing.”

  “I know. I’m just…”

��Stressed. Will you settle for Paris?”

  Mandy opened her eyes and sat up. “Really?”

  “Really. I know you can take the girl out of the city—”

  “But you can’t take the city out of the girl.” Mandy beamed. “I’m sorry I brought up New York. I know we can’t go there. Paris sounds great. I just need some big city life. It’ll be a bonus if we can hook up with Sue.”

  He leaned back. “Sue is in Paris? Since when?”

  “Didn’t I tell you?”

  “Gee, babe. You only have one ex-mob sister-in-law in hiding that I’m aware of, and you can’t even keep me up to date with that one.”

  Mandy laughed. “She’s only doing what I told her to do. She keeps moving around and keeps herself safe.”

  “So Paulo is out?”

  “You have to keep up, my love. Actually, I haven’t heard from her in a while. I couldn’t get her last time I tried. She hasn’t called me with a new number. Maybe she’s not even in Paris anymore.”

  “But you’ve decided? Make reservations for Paris?”

  “Yes. That sounds great.”

  “Okay then.” He picked her up and, despite her wiggling and protests, dropped her into the pool.

  Hannah squealed. “Me next, Daddy!” Hunt hurried over to her before she tried to swim out on her own.

  Mandy was lying beside Hunt in bed, listening to his heavy breathing when she heard a rustling outside. Strange sounds had woken her before. After they’d moved, it had taken her a long time to get used to the noises of life outside the big city. The lack of sirens, cars, and people milling around was something she didn’t think she’d ever get used to. Too many nights she got out of bed and picked up her revolver, only to discover it was a stray cat or raccoon.

  They had moved to Celebration, Florida, and changed their names after the arrest of Vince Menusco, a New York mob boss and her former employer. She’d been an undercover agent and called him “boss” for almost a year, but Craig Abbey of the FBI had been her real boss. A final shoot-out in an isolated cabin in Vermont left her shy one boss and Vince Menusco behind bars. She’d met Hunt during that case, and nine months later she’d brought their daughter Hannah into the world.

  Although they had changed their names and were in the witness protection program, Hunt stayed a police officer. This left Mandy uneasy for the most part, but he loved what he did, and she would never take it from him. Celebration was filled with nice families and easy access to Disney World. Not too much went on by way of heavy crime. Hunt hadn’t seen a lot in Vermont, anyway, so the transition wasn’t too rough for him. He had joked many times that Mandy was the only exciting thing to come along—ever.

  Their relationship had had a hell of a start. Mandy smiled at Hunt’s sleeping face as she reminisced about their first days together. She was beginning to feel silly about her fears, writing it off to old job jitters, when the rustling happened again. She carefully slid out of bed and managed to get her gun from the nightstand without waking Hunt.

  She cautiously descended the stairs, hugging the wall to avoid creaking them, and walked to the sliding kitchen door. It sat directly under their bedroom window. She checked the door to make sure it was locked and peered outside. Satisfied that there was nothing there, she turned back around.

  Seeing the silhouette of a man, she jumped and pulled her gun up.

  “For God’s sake. Don’t shoot me, Mandy.”

  She dropped her gun and leaned into her husband’s chest. “You scared the shit out of me, Hunt.”

  “Yeah? Well, you don’t want to take a look in my shorts right now either. Why the hell didn’t you wake me if you were freaked enough to grab your gun?”

  “I didn’t want to worry you.”

  “Right. This is so much better.”

  “I knew it was nothing.”

  “That’s why you took your gun out?”

  She leaned back. “I don’t know, Hunt. Old reflexes die hard, I guess.”

  He removed the gun from her hand, and then they walked arm in arm up the stairs, checked on Hannah, and crawled into bed.

  “You think it was a raccoon again?” Hunt asked.

  “Probably. Maybe you should go get some more live traps. Just don’t let Hannah see it if you catch one. She’ll want to keep it.”

  Hunt became serious. “Don’t ever let me catch you getting out of bed with a gun again, babe. I don’t care what you think it is. If you’re that scared, I’m going.” He cut off her protests by putting his hand over her mouth. “Or going with you. I know you’re a toughie, but let me play man of the house, okay?”

  She nodded her head, and he dropped his hand. “I’m sorry. I guess my imagination got carried away. You’d think after all this time I’d be used to this peaceful lifestyle.”

  He pulled her closer to him. “We’ll get you a room right off of the worst part of town. With a little luck, you’ll get your fill of enough sirens and gunshots to make you appreciate our home.”

  “Sweet talker.” After leaning over and kissing him, she maneuvered her way on top of his chest. “I’m really not sleepy anymore.”

  “I think I’m up to the challenge of wearing you out.”

  “Put your money where your mouth is, lover.”

  He changed positions with her and let out a growl. “I hope you don’t ever learn to sleep through those little backyard noises. I live for your two a.m. horny attacks.”

  Chapter Three

  After Hunt left for work the next morning, Mandy’s mind wandered to their vacation. She was getting excited about the hustle and bustle of a busy city. Unlocking the glass door, she slid it open to let the fresh air in. She’d take the heat as long as she could before turning the air conditioner on. Hannah would be up soon and, as usual, would want to go for a swim before breakfast. Even at the age of four, she didn’t like to go out in the afternoon heat, but Mandy didn’t want her out in the harsh sun in the middle of the day anyway.

  A floating ring in the pool caught Mandy’s attention. She took the net off the wall to retrieve it. After fishing it out, she spun around and let out a scream.

  “Dad! You scared the hell out of me!”

  He chuckled. “Sorry to scare you, dear. Everything okay?”

  She gave him a kiss hello. “Everything is fine. A raccoon woke us out of bed early this morning. I guess I’m shy of a little sleep.” And I didn’t mind it one bit, she thought.

  “Is that what’s been trampling your hostas?” He pointed by the screen door.

  “Damn rodents! I swear I’m going to tell Hunt to hell with the live trap and shoot the bastards!”

  Again he laughed and shook his head. “Mom made a coffee cake this morning. She wanted to bring it over here while it was good and hot. Did we miss Hunt?”

  “You just missed him. He’ll love it for tomorrow morning. I have coffee on. Come on in.”

  He took the net from her hand. “I’ll hang this up for you and be right in.”


  Mandy walked in to find her mother-in-law walking down the stairs with Hannah.

  “I went in to check on her, and she was up. I promise I didn’t wake her.”

  Mandy laughed. “That’s okay if you did. She was due up any second.”

  “See right through me, don’t you, dear?”

  “You’re like a window, Mom.” Mandy walked over and kissed them both then went to get coffee and plates for the cake. She never minded Hunt’s parents popping in unexpectedly. They had already given up spontaneous kitchen and couch sex anyway once Hannah was crawling around.

  Hunt’s parents wanted to live nearby after they went into witness protection. They already had a winter place in the Keys, so it was an easy decision for them to make their retirement official and move permanently to Celebration. Give up seeing their granddaughter or change their names. It wasn’t a tough call. Normally something like that wasn’t allowed, but after what Mandy was put through, the FBI owed her at least that. Not having any
family around of her own, Mandy welcomed grandparents that wanted to be an active part of her child’s life.

  After serving them, she asked about the vacation she and Hunt had been discussing.

  “Of course we’ll watch the peanut. You mind if we take her to our house? You know how that pool worries me,” Hunt’s mother said.

  “That would be fine. She’s used to your place. I know she’ll be okay.”

  Hunt’s father spoke up. “Well? You going to ask her?” he said to his wife.

  “Ask me what?”

  “We wanted to take Hannah to the circus this afternoon.”

  “There’s a circus?”

  “It’s about an hour away. I’d love to take her, dear. I know how you feel about the circus. I didn’t think you’d mind us doing it.”

  “Personally, I can’t stand it anymore, but if you want to take her of course it’s okay with me.” She turned to Hannah. “Sweetie? You wanna go with Grandma and Grandpa and see some tigers and elephants?”

  Her eyes lit up. “Yes!”

  “Go wash your hands; I’ll be up to help you get dressed.”

  “I’ll help her,” Hunt’s mother said. “Thanks for letting us take her.”

  “Of course you can take her. You know that, anytime. And don’t think I didn’t know your coffee cake came with an ulterior motive.”

  “Damn window again, huh?”

  “Absolutely.” Mandy laughed and gathered the empty plates.

  After waving goodbye, Mandy set about her daily routine. She wasn’t as unhappy as Hunt thought. She didn’t mind the mundane, everyday chores of being a housewife.

  She enrolled Hannah in an early childhood class and made some friends, but she didn’t have a lot in common with the other women. Growing tired of Pampered Chef, Princess House Crystal, Naughty Nightie, and various candle parties, Mandy really wanted some time away. She needed more for adult conversation than breast feeding, toddlers sleeping through the night, and the new series on Nick Jr.

  More than once she looked into the different martial arts classes in the area, but she worried what Hunt would think, so she stuck to her various workout videos while Hannah napped. Maybe she didn’t give him enough credit. After they got back from vacation, she’d talk with him about it. She was more than qualified to be a martial arts instructor, but of course she could never admit to that. Being a part of the class would be rewarding enough.


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