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Amanda's Return

Page 10

by June Kramin

  “Not yet, but I will when I get back. Don’t worry about it. I’ll deal with it.”

  “I mean it. I can’t have any interference if I’m going to do this.”

  “I know. Keep your head down.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  When Mandy got back in the car, she buried the badges in the glove box. “I don’t know if I feel any better with these or not. If the wrong person finds them…”

  “No one will. It’s like a ‘get out of jail’ free card. You must really have some kind of pull, baby.”

  “You know I wasn’t anyone in the time I was in, Hunt. I was Abbey’s puppet and nothing more.”

  “Well, it seems to me you made the right friends, anyway.”

  “Don’t let it fool you. If something goes wrong, they won’t claim any responsibility.”

  “Well then, here’s to nothing going wrong.”

  Mandy smiled at him then continued looking out the window. Fat chance in hell.

  When Hunt pulled up at the warehouse, Mandy instructed him where to park.

  “Is there another bitchin’ crib in this shit hole?”

  “Stop it, Hunt.”

  “If I can’t pick on you, this won’t be any fun at all.”

  “Hunter Blaine! This isn’t a game.”

  He reached for her hand. “I know. I’m sorry.” He leaned in for a kiss, but she backed away.

  “We can’t. What if someone is watching?”

  “Will I get some ‘Hammer time’ later at least?”

  “You’re horrible.” Mandy got out and slammed the door.

  “You picked the name,” Hunt called after her. He caught up to her as she went in the metal side door without knocking. Two men standing inside reached for their holsters then stopped when they recognized her.


  “That’s right.”

  “You have balls.”

  “That’s Hammer, Jeff.”

  “You know what I mean. What are you doing showing up again?”

  “I have business. Same as before.”

  “Heard you two shot up Axle and Kermit’s.”

  “Good news travels fast. Nice to know some things never change.”

  “So it was true?”

  “They had something of mine, yes. You want to exchange recipe cards, or are you going to take me to the office?”

  “Gimme your weapons first.”

  “Am I stupid?”

  “I don’t know. Are you? Either way, you’re not going in with them.”

  Mandy hesitated before she removed her gun from her back. She slapped it into Jeff’s hand. Hunt lifted his jacket, revealing his gun. Jeff reached in and removed it.

  “After you,” Jeff said, motioning forward.

  Once they reached the office, everyone went quiet. There were a few men standing around what used to be Willy’s desk. Gunner, the man she’d had a hard time with when she had first been brought here with Angelo, was behind the desk. He had given her grief, and she’d pinned him on the ground. If he was in charge now, this was not going to go well.

  Mandy wasted no time in getting to the point. She wasn’t going to let any fear show. “Where’s Face?”

  “You crazy? Face is in for a few back-to-back life sentences.”

  “He’s still in?”

  “That’s usually what that means, yeah. I kinda hoped that was your fate as well.”

  “Sorry to disappoint. You in charge now, Gunner?”

  “I guess you could say that.”

  Mandy had to stay in control. She had to summon up her worst attitude. “I’m not even going to beat around the bush here. You sick Ray on me?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “May I?” Mandy asked as she reached for her inside coat pocket. He motioned for her to continue. She removed her hand and tossed the ring at him. Gunner caught it and squinted at her.

  “Where did you get this?”

  “Off of his cold, dead hand. He tried to kill me, and I beat him to it. I want to know what the hell is going on here.”

  “What do you mean tried to kill you?”

  “What does it sound like? He broke into my house in Florida and tried to kill me. I want to know why.”

  “It wasn’t my orders. Hell, Mandy. We thought you were long gone. I didn’t even question him not showing up the past couple of days. He’s been really off lately.”

  “He go to visit Face much?”

  Gunner paused. “I know a few times that he went, but I ain’t his babysitter. I don’t ask what he does on his own time.”

  Mandy walked to the desk and slammed her palms on it. “I want to know what the fuck is going on around here! I just told you I killed one of your boys, and you have no reaction to it? What’s happening, Gunner?”

  He continued to glare at her. “Why do I need to tell you shit? Where the hell is Angelo? I don’t talk to no skirt. Without him here, you ain’t shit. I took your crap when I had to, but no more. You were gone for too long, and I took you for dead or in jail. I was kinda hoping for the first one. I don’t need to answer anything. Get the fuck out of my office and take your…tool with you.”

  Mandy kept her stance firm. “I guess you haven’t heard yet.”

  “Heard what?”

  “Angelo is dead.”


  “Died this morning. I think you know more than you’re saying. The boys had a little more fun with him than they planned on. That, or it was the plan all along.”

  Gunner sank in his seat. His voice was softer now, “Angelo’s dead?”


  “Aww, fuck. I heard Axle and Kermit had him and that you rescued him. There’s no way they were trying to kill him.”

  “Well, they did.”

  “So what now? You sending someone after them?”

  “I’m not really in a forgiving kind of mood, but no. I know they didn’t mean to kill him, and I find it very hard to punish stupid. They’ll get what they have coming one way or another.”

  “Then what?”

  “I need to get to the bottom of who hired them to take Angelo and why. I’m back, Gunner. I’m in charge now. You are the lucky bunch to be the first to know.”

  Hunt finally spoke. “Second.”

  Mandy spun around and gave him a glare for all to see. She wasn’t really mad and was sure Hunt knew it.

  “Second. I had to hit up the shop earlier. Terri didn’t take the news too well.”

  “Wait a minute. You’re in charge? Who the hell are you to decide you’re in charge?”

  “Vince’s daughter.”

  “No way! That’s total bullshit.”

  “What do you think I was doing during my time with Angelo? Making him an afghan?”

  “Where the hell have you been, then? There is no way Vince’s daughter spent any time in jail.”

  “When her husband is the lawyer she happens to kill, it’s been known to happen. My father wanted me out, and he figured a little jail time would help seal the deal. Well, it didn’t, and he’s not here to stop me now, is he?”

  “I went to see Face in prison, too. He said you were a fed.”

  “And you bought that? A fed that married a mob lawyer then killed him? You think Vince is that stupid to let a fed be right under his nose? Face would have said anything to cut a deal. I guess he had his deal cut then tried to find a way to get even with me anyway. Too bad he couldn’t convince someone smarter than Ray.”

  “I’m not sure I buy he’s dead. You’ve given me a ring, not a finger.”

  “Maybe I don’t work that way. He’s buried somewhere in Georgia. You want a map to his body?”

  Gunner’s head dropped in his hands with his elbows on the desk. “No.”

  “Then we need to get to business. I’ll have to figure out what the hell Ray wanted with me after all this time. Maybe he figured out who I was and that I would come back and take over after Vince’s death; maybe he’s not linked to Face at all. I
don’t know. What I do know, and you need to understand, is that your orders now come from me and only me. I want you to call a meeting with everyone you have out there ASAFP. This bullshit with ‘who’s running the show’ is going to stop. I’m here, and I’m it. If you don’t like it, kiss my tiara.” She turned to Jeff. “Now give us back our fucking pieces.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Mandy stood there with her hand outstretched, but Gunner stopped Jeff from retrieving their guns. “Hold on a second. I heard rumors about Vince having a daughter. I think you’re a little old and a little ‘not Italian enough’ to be her.”

  “Ever hear of a daughter favoring the mother? What do you want Gunner. A DNA test?”

  Gunner turned to Hunt. “Your boy here sure doesn’t speak much.”

  “He speaks when he’s told to speak.”

  “You banging him, too?”

  Mandy walked over to his desk and slapped him hard.

  Gunner stood and backhanded her. Hunt flew across the desk, tackling Gunner. He sent one solid punch to his chin then held him by the tie, ready for another. Hunt held his fist high, ready to swing again.

  Mandy shouted, “Stop it! Let him go.”

  Hunt lowered his fist but still held on tight to Gunner’s tie. He pulled him closer to his face. “Touch her again, and I’ll fucking kill you. Understand?” Gunner nodded. As Hunt stood, he showed no fear at the four guns pointed at him. Mandy was not surprised at the reaction from the men. Hunt’s mere stare said enough. She often forgot how intimidating he could be.

  “Drop ’em,” Gunner said, and everyone complied.

  Hunt offered Gunner his hand to help him up, and he accepted. He dusted himself off once he stood. “I think we’ve established a pecking order here.”

  “Sorry it came to that. I tried to be matter-of-fact about it,” Mandy said.

  “I would have liked this to come from Eddie first.”

  Mandy pulled out her cell phone. “You want me to get him here? Prepare for more of what Hammer gave you. You know Eddie hates being on the street.”

  “No. We’re good.”

  “All right then. You stop worrying about who my legs are spread for and concentrate on work. You’d best straighten up whatever rumors are going around about Vince’s daughter.”

  He eyed Hunt. “No disrespect, but you know how word on the street goes. I have to ask. Does that include the rumors that you’re doing Darin?”

  “I’ve heard the rumors and dealt with it the best I can. Darin and I are on the same page about this. He’ll do what he can from his end, too. Now can we get back to my original question? What the hell is going on around here?”

  Gunner excused his men then pointed at Hunt. “Does he need to be here?”

  “Consider us attached at the hip,” Hunt said.


  “He stays. He may be a new face for you, but I can tell you nothing will be going on without his knowledge. If you see him without me, know he’s speaking for me. Understood?”

  “Yeah, yeah.” He closed the door and went back behind his desk. “You want to know what’s going on? I can’t tell you.”

  “Can’t or won’t?” Hunt asked.

  “Can’t explain it,” Gunner said at a growl. “People are getting capped left and right. It’s like nothing we’ve ever seen before.”

  “What’s your take on this? I know you’re not dumb enough to think we don’t have enemies.”

  “Of course not, but that has always been there. No one has ever acted out like this. Remember back when you were hanging with Angelo, and we thought there was an undercover fed?”

  “I do remember. They wanted to cap Face for it, and I stopped them.”

  “I didn’t know that.”

  “He was good to us. I couldn’t see him go down on a rumor. I actually stopped Gerard from killing him.”

  “Guess he probably would have preferred that to life in prison.” He motioned his head towards Hunt. “Can I ask again exactly who this is? Without getting hit?”

  “He’s with me. That’s not enough?”

  “With what is going on? No. Just when did he step into the spotlight?”

  Mandy turned to Hunt. The question had caught her off guard. Hunt spoke up, saving her from stammering.

  “Vince had me protecting her from the day she was released. She’s a feisty cuss to say the least, but I do my job. Just because Vince isn’t here to answer to doesn’t mean I can walk away. I may not be family, but I owe him my life, therefore, I owe Amanda mine. Good enough answer for you?”

  Mandy held back her smile. She wasn’t sure how she felt about Hunt being able to lie on the spot. In this case, it was a good thing.

  “So you did know Vince.”

  “He hired me personally. Said he wasn’t going to take someone off the street here. I’m military trained if you need to know. Special Ops. I hold no regard for the law if you think that’s an issue. I was dishonorably discharged. Attitude problem.”

  “Now that makes sense.”

  “Vince thought it would be a good fit knowing his daughter’s reputation. He didn’t want her back here anymore than you do.”

  “That’s enough, Hammer.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Hunt resumed a stance as if he was awaiting his next order.

  Gunner laughed. “Military. What the hell next?”

  “You satisfied yet?”

  “He ain’t my problem. What’s out there is my problem.”

  “So. Theories. Let’s have it.”

  “It ain’t the feds.”

  Mandy played along. “You sure?”

  “You know how they work. They watch us for a year, and then decide to start thinking about doing something. They don’t start killing.”


  “We own too many of ’em.”

  “So what? A vigilante?”

  “What does the average Joe give a shit for?”

  “Someone’s kid was killed in a drug incident. Someone’s daughter was involved with one of our boys. It wouldn’t take much.”

  Mandy was suddenly slammed to the ground by Hunt. Before she even hit the carpet a shot hit the wall behind her. She turned her attention to Gunner. He was fine. His gun had been drawn, but he was already putting it away.

  “You sure make enemies fast, Mandy,” Gunner said as Hunt helped her to her feet. They peered out the shattered office window at Axle. Jeff had pinned him to the ground. “I guess someone is still holding a grudge.”

  Gunner walked out of the office and over to the men. He shooed Jeff aside and kicked Axle hard in the stomach. “If we weren’t already men short, I’d kill you myself.”

  “There’s no way we killed Angelo, man. Bitch is lying.”

  Mandy reached for Gunner’s weapon and pointed it at Axle’s head. “Call me ‘bitch’ one more time.”

  Axle pinched his eyes shut. “We didn’t hurt him that bad.”

  “He’s gone, asshole. You and your brother did more than your share.”


  Mandy moved her eyes to Hunt then down to Axle. Hunt took the cue and pulled him to his feet by his shirt.

  “Who hired you to do this?”

  “No one. He was just due for a pounding. Been getting cocky lately. He needed to be put in his place.” Axle spit then added, “Bitch.”

  Mandy swung her hand back to punch him, but Hunt caught her mid-air with his left hand then followed through with his right fist to Axle’s stomach. Axle dropped to his knees and swore. Hunt let go of Mandy and pulled him back to his feet.

  “Try again.”

  Axle looked back and forth between the two of them. “We were just supposed to hold him for a few days. They said someone was going to come get him. They wanted him out of the way.”

  “For what?”

  “What the hell do I know? I don’t turn down twenty grand and a go-ahead to beat up on his drunken punk ass.”

  “Who paid you?”

  “I don
’t know where it came from. Ray delivered it.”

  “Ray?” Mandy’s voice raised a few octaves as she turned back to Gunner.

  He raised his hands up. “I swear this didn’t come from us, Mandy. I swear it.”

  “When were you supposed to let him go?”

  “We didn’t get that info, man. He said we’d get word. We got you instead.”

  Mandy held the gun to his forehead for a minute then spun it around and gave it back to Gunner. “We’re done here. I’ll be in touch.”

  “What about tomorrow’s shipment?”

  “Handle it as you would. I’m not up to speed on deliveries yet. My priority is to find out what is going on.” She motioned to Axle. “Keep a leash on your pets, or I’ll cage them myself.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Mandy had the shower on extra hot. She told Hunt she needed to relax her muscles. There was a hot tub out back, but she didn’t want to prance around Eddie’s men in a bikini. Even though she was pretty much operating on her own, he still had three men at the house at all times.

  The shower stall was large with two shower heads. She faced the wall with her shoulders in both streams, trying to relax and not think about anything.

  “You okay, baby?”

  Mandy jumped at the sound of Hunt’s voice. She turned to find him joining her. “Fine. Just tense.”

  “Well, that’s understandable.” He rubbed her shoulders.

  “Thanks for the save with Gunner. That was fast thinking on your part.”

  “I know you don’t want to hear it, but it was fun. I didn’t know I had it in me either. I have to say again that you really turn me on when you’re a hard-ass.”

  She turned around and faced him. “I turn you on when I breathe, Hunt.” She motioned her eyes down to his crotch.

  “That’s true but not fair. You are naked.”

  “I was taught to shower this way. Sue me.” She took his hand and kissed it. “I wish you would have let me punch Axle. I know that stuff isn’t you, Hunt. Don’t try so hard to play the part.”

  “He called you a bitch. I was happy to deck him.” He pulled her hand to his lips and gave it a kiss. “I don’t want you to hurt these gorgeous hands. Every part of you is hot stuff, woman. And I’m not talking about the temperature in here either. I’m surprised I got this reaction in this heat.”


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