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Shades of Desire: 10 Sweet & Spicy Romances

Page 74

by J. A. Coffey

  And David Carrone was no idiot.

  But he could be tempted. Tonight, she was banking everything she had on enticing him.

  Having looked everywhere she could think of, Athena ended her futile search. She stood in the center of the room, trying to think fast. This is it. Her one and only chance. She glanced at the bed.

  There was no guarantee this bold plan would work, but she couldn't think of any other way to get close enough to him to get what she needed. Her heart pounded with fear and anticipation. As long as he didn't show up with someone tonight, this could possibly work. All she needed was to get his defenses down. She would let her body do the rest.

  Moving with lightning speed, very conscious of the time, she began to undress. She stripped out of the bellhop uniform and threw it in the back of the closet. Next was the short, black dress she had worn underneath-her "getaway" dress-since she had no intention of walking out of his room the same way she'd walked in.

  Standing there in only her flat, thigh-high boots and skimpy underwear, she barely registered the chill in the room. Adrenaline pumped fast in her blood.

  She would have to set aside her feelings if she wanted to get this done. There was no room for second guesses or regrets.

  It was after seven.

  If her timing was right, he would be here any minute.

  Athena sat on the edge of the wide bed and quickly unzipped the long boots, careful not to let the items she carried in the makeshift pockets fall out.

  It was everything she needed to see this job through.

  She stood up, feeling more exposed than ever in the revealing get-up. She had purposely purchased the black, lacy bra in hopes it would excite and distract him. Though she had slipped on a pair of long, black, thigh-high stockings to protect her skin from the items chafing at her from inside the boots, she found they added a nice touch to her "attire."

  She had heard more than once that men found black or red sexy on a woman and had opted for a black lacy bra and black thong. Red looked too garish against her dark brown skin. She just hoped this was enough to catch Davie's interest.

  She needed him to like it, to get his mind away from everything else and focused on her. Once she had him in bed and out of her way, the hard part would be over. Simple enough.

  She scoffed. Right. Simple.

  Athena squelched the anxiety that was starting to build and concentrated on adjusting the black lacy bra as best she could over her large breasts, which swelled provocatively over the small cups.

  Damn, this is smaller than I thought.

  But it was all temporary, she reminded herself. Sex was certainly not included as part of her risky plan, but she needed him to think it was.

  Athena examined the short knobs of the bedpost, wondering how she was going to get this done. Because of the wide frame, the posts on each end of the tall headboard were too far apart. She just needed his hands tied together, not pulled apart like some kind of sacrifice. She walked closer to the intricately designed headboard, and to her relief, found several small openings that would work well enough for what she had planned.

  She left her small toolkit, pocket knife, and the wig inside the boots and moved them out of sight. Walking to the large window, she pushed back the curtains just a bit and peered out at the city lights against the July dusky sky.

  The bright sparkle of Vegas had always drawn her, making her dream dreams she shouldn't have dared. But when a life of scamming and stealing hadn't given her the life she'd dreamt of, she'd decided to do the sensible thing and use her talents with technology to become more than just a stealthy hacker. It had taken a harsh lesson, but she had come to realize she wasn't invincible, and she wanted more for herself instead of betting on how much she could take without getting caught.

  Now, as a computer security consultant, she got to work for herself and used her skills to help instead of harm. Making honest money wasn't bad either. She had no regrets about leaving her old life behind. As Davie had once advised her, she had made the choice to leave. And it made her feel good to know everything she owned, she'd earned.

  But because of Anthony, she was being dragged into this mess. For a moment, she was gripped with another bout of anxiety. She had never taken such risks before, never resorted to tactics that required her to be half naked. Only the thought of saving her brother's ass kept her in David Carrone's suite-and in the tight bra.

  Pushing the short strands of her hair behind her ear, she braced herself for the performance of her life. The main thing that could go wrong was if Davie recognized her. Hopefully, her cropped hair and long bangs would ensure he didn't, though she highly doubted he would. He hadn't seen her in a long time. Fourteen years. She was no longer the same baggy sweatshirt and cargo pants wearing girl she had once been.

  She had changed quite a bit since-more physically than emotionally.

  Emotionally, she was still obsessed with him.

  What would he think if he could see her now? He had always been protective of her, almost like having another older brother. Over time, her adolescent admiration and affections had evolved into something much stronger-something no amount of time had been able to lessen.

  Guilt gnawed at her as she, again, tried to justify what she was about to do. No matter how she tried to rationalize it, it just didn't feel right. And try as she might, she couldn't silence the thought that echoed in her head.

  Davie doesn't deserve this.

  Twenty years ago, he had defended her right to hang around their crew when she refused to leave her brother's side. It hadn't been any grand gesture. Davie simply instructed the rest of the boys to "leave her the fuck alone," and they had. But they had pretty much ignored her, until she'd proven that she could be just as resourceful at sneaking in and out of places as her brother. But Davie had been different. He'd always been different. Before they had started including her in their crew, he'd been the only one to talk to her, to stand up for her. She'd been a lost little girl, afraid to be far from her brother. Davie, however, had made it so that she felt welcomed and never alone. For that, he had forever won a place in her heart.

  But that was a lifetime ago. A lifestyle she had left behind years ago.

  Athena turned away from the window and cursed her brother again for putting her in this situation. She walked to the large bed and stood staring down at it. Taking a deep breath, she slid between the heavy covers. The sheets were cool and forgiving against her warm skin and guilty conscious.

  Lying there, awkward and stiff, she pushed aside her lingering anxieties and positioned herself on the bed. She had never slept with so little on-or with such uncomfortable underwear.

  Before resting her head on the soft pillow, she glanced at the clock. Seven thirty-eight. He could walk through that door any minute.

  Suddenly, the telltale sound of a keycard sliding into the door, followed by a soft beep, filled the silent room.

  He was here.


  David stepped into his dark suite, letting the door slide shut. Walking into the large room, he immediately dropped his computer bag on the small sofa then went to the windows and pulled back the drapes. Letting in more of the city lights, he began to undress.

  Pulling off his suit jacket and belt, he quickly worked the buttons on his collar. The cool, hotel air brushed over his heated chest as he let the shirt hang open, and he breathed in deeply, enjoying the sensation, glad to be able to really relax. He glanced over at the bed as he walked past then came to an abrupt stop.

  What the fu...

  With the stream of soft light coming into the room, he could make out a dark, motionless figure on the bed. Adrenaline made his heart beat heavily, and he went to the desk. Unlocking the safe, he pulled out the small handgun he kept inside. He didn't like surprises. They annoyed him. He undid the safety as he inched closer to the bed.

  Suddenly, the shadowed figure sat up and it took him only a second to recognize it was a woman. A woman who was all breasts, hips, an
d legs.

  He hid the gun behind him and waited, curious. Her short, dark hair was tapered stylishly down her neck, but her bangs were so long they swooped over her eyes, partially shielding them.

  Even in the limited lighting, he could make out the swells of her large breasts spilling from her black, laced-trimmed bra. With her lush curves silhouetted against the white sheets, it was hard for him to focus anywhere else. He glanced further down and noticed the piece of silk masquerading as panties, barely covering her very sexy lady parts. The visual came complete with shapely thighs covered in long, black thigh-highs. His cock stirred at the display before him.

  She was sexy.

  But she didn't move. She didn't say anything. She just sat there, perched on the bed like an erotic dream-or sexy offering. He couldn't decide which, but he would be lying if he pretended he didn't want to sample.

  While he continued to stare down at her in all her lush glory, she grabbed the sheet to cover herself.

  But he was quicker.

  He jerked it from her hands and tossed it to the end of the bed. She swept her bangs aside, and he caught a glimpse of irritation in her beautiful, deep-set eyes. He would have laughed then had her escorted out if he hadn't been so intrigued.


  The unexpected command jarred him from his fascinated trance. Or rather, her husky voice did. It was low with a light rasp to it. Incredibly sexy...

  "Stop what?" He stifled a groan, mentally shaking his head at himself. One word and she had him asking stupid questions. He should be demanding who the hell she was.

  "Stop staring at me."

  David raised an eyebrow. She apparently didn't know where she was. Or who he was.

  "Sweetheart," he drawled. "You're in my bed. I plan to do more than just stare."

  Chapter Four

  Athena's heart thudded in her chest. She couldn't believe she just said that.

  This is no way to start a seduction.

  A nervous laugh threatened to burst from her, but her heart was lodged too far in her throat for that to happen. Partly from fear. Partly from something far more disturbing.

  "Then at least put that thing away," she said with forced coyness, nodding toward his hand, trying to calm her racing heart. "You won't need it."

  He glanced down at the gun in his palm then back up at her. "I think I'll decide that."

  She lightly rested her arms above her head. "If you like, you can come search me. I promise I'm not concealing anything." She thrust out her breasts for added effect.

  Soft light from the window outlined his broad shoulders. His shirt lay open enough for her to catch a glimpse of his hard, muscled chest. It was a very nice chest. The button and zipper of his slacks were undone, and it was hard not to stare at the faint dark hairs that trailed down to his crotch. At that moment, Athena wondered what it would be like to go to bed with David Carrone.

  Flushed, she instinctively turned away. She was supposed to be seducing him, yet she was the one losing her senses.

  He shook his head. "It's not that I mind finding a beautiful woman in my bed," he began, casually. "I'm flattered actually. But who are you, and how the hell did you get in here?"

  Athena gathered her courage and rose to her knees on the soft mattress. She avoided his latter question and offered him what she hoped was a seductive smile. "I-I'm your...treat."

  "Oh, yeah?" His eyes travelled down the length of her. "A second ago, you didn't want me looking at you."

  He was right about that, but she couldn't help it. The way he was watching her was unnerving. His murky, gray eyes were too intense. It was as if he was trying to see right through her flimsy bra and panties.

  Athena looked down at his hard chest and surprised herself by being honest with him. "I get shy sometimes."

  He frowned slightly. "With a body like yours?" he asked, incredulous. "Why?"

  Athena shrugged, touched by his emphatic remark. Her body certainly wasn't model material-she had too much breast, hips, and ass for that-but he didn't seem to mind.

  He continued to assess her in that way of his that made her feel completely naked. She struggled with the impulsive urge to shield herself, especially her breasts, which were fighting to be freed from their tight restraints.

  But the bulge in his pants gave her a spark of courage. He obviously liked what he saw. She needed to capitalize on that and salvage what she could from her botched plan of seduction.

  She offered him her sexiest smile. "You can continue staring at me," she said with a small shrug, then glanced down at his hand. "Or you can come here-with or without the gun-but I think we can have more fun with just your gun barrel."

  Jeez! Where did that come from?

  But Athena held on to her seductive smile, gliding her fingers slowly down her hips to her thighs to give her tense body something to do.

  His eyes followed her fingers. "I'm good right here. I can enjoy the view and still hold onto my gun." He smirked. "Both of them."


  What now? She needed him to come to her...

  With another small shrug, she murmured, "You can do both. I'm in no rush. Whenever you stop feeling scared, you can come here and let me have a turn." Her heart was still racing, but there was a new kind of interest in his eyes. A blend of curious amusement and primal competitiveness.

  "Sweetheart, I don't think you can handle what I'm packing."

  Oh, wow.

  "Wanna try me?" she whispered, staring down at his chest, glad for her long bangs, which now partially shielded her gaze. "I promise not to squeeze or jerk the trigger." She brushed a finger across her bangs. "Not, of course, unless you want me to."

  He was silent for a heartbeat, then he threw his head back and laughed. "You're cute."

  "Thank you."

  He laughed again, and she wasn't sure if she'd just lost some sexy points for her politeness. She figured she had and her face heated.

  Shaking his head, he walked over to the desk and placed the handgun inside the small safe. She slowly released a sigh of relief, but it was short lived as he made his way back to the bed, much closer than before, and continued his intense staring.

  "So, who's offering me this sexy treat?" he asked, still staring down at her semi-nude body.

  She fought to keep her hands at her side. "A friend."

  His brows lifted, wrinkling his forehead. "I have a lot of friends, sweetheart."

  She shrugged again, trying to contain her sudden nervousness at his penetrating gaze. "I was told to wait here for you."

  The corners of his lips lifted, and to her shock, he placed his hand on her waist. She jerked then trembled at his light touch.

  "Are you still shy?" he asked quietly.

  Not so much now. His words had changed something in her, and the way he was staring at her now made her breath hitch, but in a good way-a tantalizing way. For the first time in her life, Athena truly Not at all like the girl he'd known growing up, the one who had tried hard to fit in by dressing up like one of the guys.

  And she was now more aroused by the desire in his eyes than she should have allowed herself to be.

  She inched closer to him. He didn't move a muscle. Sliding a hand inside the opening of his white shirt, she lightly rested her palm on his hard chest. Heat and power radiated from his body, and his muscles flexed beneath her fingers. She beamed inside.

  "No, not shy," she whispered and for the second time that night, she surprised herself by being honest with him. "Just something about you makes me nervous."

  "Don't be," he said. "You're gorgeous."

  She smiled softly at that. He thinks I'm gorgeous? That wasn't a word she was used to hearing. Before she could process that, he tightened his hand slightly on her waist.

  "Should I go back and get my gun?" he asked, his tone laced with amusement. "You weren't nervous then."

  Yes, I was.

  She still was, a little.

  But she shook her head, his attempt at humo
r helping her relax some.

  "It's the way you look at me..." she murmured softly, trailing her fingers down his hard chest. "It turns me on."

  Oh God, why did I say that?

  From the rapid beating of his heart vibrated against her palm, her admission seemed to excite him. He covered her hand with his and ran his other palm down the curve of her waist. She shivered at the light caress. Gripping her hips, he pulled her forward. She fell against him, her free hand bracing against his broad shoulders.

  The contact of their bodies was electrifying.

  "Then we should do something about that," he murmured huskily.

  Her breasts pressed against his hard chest. The sensation had her holding her breath. His warm, smoky scent wrapped around her, and her heart thudded in her ears-from both fear and excitement. Having sex with him hadn't been part of the plan, but the thought of taking all that power and strength inside her was extremely arousing.

  She smiled. "Then what are you waiting for?" she asked softly, gliding her fingers further down to his muscled abdomen. The desire in his eyes blazed through the dimness in the room. There was no taking those words back.

  She wasn't sure she wanted to.

  Leaning down, he murmured inches from her lips, "Who are you?"

  Athena stared at the sensuous curves of his mouth, eager to feel them against hers. She looped her arms around his neck and pressed her body fully against his. He was harder, firmer, than she'd expected, the heat of him burning right through her. A small, wicked part of her loved the clandestine nature of their hookup, and she was in no rush to change that.

  And it would be stupid of her to do so.

  She tilted her head slightly and lightly brushed her lips across his. "Your destiny," she whispered against his mouth.

  He inhaled sharply then slanted his head and captured her lips fully. Her breath caught.

  Our first kiss.

  She clutched at his shoulders as he deepened the kiss, his mouth moving over hers repeatedly. Athena moaned as he gently rubbed his tongue across her lower lip. She was lost in the heat and carnal pleasure of his mouth and didn't realize what was happening until the small clasp of her bra gave way under his deft fingers.


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