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Shades of Desire: 10 Sweet & Spicy Romances

Page 82

by J. A. Coffey

  He shook his head. "You're over-thinking it, sweetheart. But if it makes you feel better, I'll call ahead and let them know to expect you."

  "No, thanks. I'll just go home and get my own clothes. I can save myself the embarrassment, and you can save your money."

  "There's no time," he said, exasperated. "I need you to come down as soon as possible. And a new dress is not going to put me in the poorhouse."

  "Fine," she mumbled. "Since you insist on playing up this Pretty Woman fantasy, then I think I will spend your money."

  He bent down to put on his shoes. "Then I should give you my credit card to make it more real," he offered, trying to contain his grin.

  This time he didn't miss the pillow. And damn, if her aim wasn't good.

  Rubbing the back of his head, he stalked over to where she still sat on the bed. She crossed her arms, a brow arched, but she didn't move. He grasped her jaw lightly with his fingers and tilted her head back for a slow kiss.

  "You have one hour," he murmured. "Buy something pretty and come to my office."

  "See, words like that will guarantee you don't see me at all," she said after him as he reached for his computer bag. "Can't you at least say 'will you' and 'please'?"

  He paused for a moment then shook his head. "Words. Too many." He bit back a smile at her fierce frown. God, she was too easy. "By the way," he added. "Red's my favorite color."

  Her frown deepened. "Oh, yeah?" she shot back. "Did you want me to get you something sexy?"

  He paused on his way to the door. "Well, since you asked... You know, those thigh-highs were pretty sexy. Why don't you splurge and get yourself some garters too. Okay, pretty lady?"

  He barely dodged another pillow, laughing as her hot glare followed him out of the suite.


  "He's pissed."

  David ignored Tena's whispered comment and waited until the doors closed behind Carlos. The man's anger was unmistakable, which he could understand. Tena had managed to make a fool out of them all with her multiple entries into the resort. It couldn't be easy for a man like Carlos, who took his job seriously, to let not only one, but two, intruders slip in under his watch. Then have to rely on one to solve their first intruder problem.

  "So what's going to happen to your assistant?" Tena asked. "I don't want to get anyone in trouble. I think she was just using the phone."

  "All we know right now was that she was in Gabe's office," David assured her. "Until she gets back or we have something more concrete, I'm not going to rush to judgment."

  Tena nodded. "When will she be back?"

  David shrugged. "Maybe sometime next week. She called HR this morning and put in for some personal time off." He sighed at Tena's small frown. "I know, what a coincidence, right? But she'd already told me about her sick grandmother, and I'm the one who suggested she take some personal time off."

  In the meantime, Carlos was going to verify that Judith was where she said she was and the Lab would continue their sweep of her computer. He'd also suggested Carlos move forward with questioning all those who had been on the floor that night. At this point, David wanted to rule everything out.

  "Anyway, don't worry about her," he continued. "We'll handle it. Now come here and let me hold you."

  Tena took her time coming to him, running her hands down her black slacks and pulling on the sleeves of her gray blouse. When she got close, he grabbed her and pulled her onto his lap. He held her close, savoring her nearness.

  "You know, this is highly unprofessional," she said, glancing at his office door, amusement in her dark eyes. "Anyone can walk in here and see us."

  "They'd knock first."

  Well, maybe not the temporary assistant he'd been saddled with. She was too bubbly and eager for his taste, making him miss Judith's cool yet friendly reserve.

  "You know, I'm proud of you, Davie," Tena suddenly murmured, looping her arms around his neck. "You've done so well for yourself. Not many would have been able to accomplish what you have on their own."

  Her words took him by surprise. No one had ever said that to him and yet the one person who had every right to be resentful was actually proud of him. Knowing he'd sacrificed and ended a lot of close relationships to get where he was now made him a little uncomfortable with his success. Though he had certainly worked his ass off without any help from his father's name or money, and was proud of what he and Gabe had accomplished, David wasn't proud of the friendships he'd neglected in the process.

  "I'm sorry I didn't try harder to stay in touch, sweets," he began, suddenly eager to have her know he hadn't forgotten about her. "Even when you plan something, life just seems to take over and steer you someplace else. Time just sort of ran away from me, and I literally got sucked into my new life."

  She placed her hand on his cheek. "I know. I can't be mad at you for following your dreams. One, that would be one hell of a grudge. And two, fate seemed to work it out so that we got to be with each other again."

  He couldn't argue with that. If it hadn't been for her idiot brother, he doubted they would have ever crossed paths. Though being with her again made the fourteen years feel nonexistent between them, he still knew very little of her life now. For her safety and his piece of mind, he couldn't let her continue in the life.

  "What do you do for money?" he blurted.

  She stiffened. "I don't steal or cheat anyone, if that's what you're really asking." She tried to pull away from him but he kept her against him.

  "Sorry," he said. "I didn't mean it like that."

  She studied him. "Yes, you did," she said frankly. "But I've been done with that kind of thing for a long time. Believe it or not, people pay me to consult them on preventing computer crimes."

  David frowned. "When did that start? The guys told me you were running with another crew."

  She glanced away. "I did, for a little while. They were a different group, a bunch of underground hackers. They taught me all of this computer stuff, how to hack and phish, and it was all easy money." She shrugged. "Eventually, I decided that wasn't for me, so I used the money I made to buy equipment, and I taught myself how to take apart computers and put them back together."

  "How'd you get into consulting?" he asked quietly, relieved to hear that she had gotten herself out.

  Her lips quirked. "Honestly, by accident. I started just fixing and troubleshooting laptops for college students and setting up networks for a few home-based businesses. My name eventually landed with the right people, or person, because next thing I know, I'm giving corporate workshops on computer security and privacy. I'm finally doing something I enjoy and making honest money from it. If Anthony didn't need my help, I would have never gotten involved in this mess with you and the Acerras."

  David clenched his teeth. As usual, it came down once again to her blind loyalty to her damn brother.

  "Tena, I get that you love Anthony and all," he began. "But you need to start looking out for you first. He's never going to change if he knows he has you to fall back on."

  She pushed away from him and went to stand by the large window, her arms folded around her. "I don't think you do get it," she said. "He's my family, Davie. The last time I didn't help him, he ended up in the hospital, hurt bad. I'm not losing my brother because of money or because I decided just one time to teach him a lesson."

  "Did you ever think that he needs more help than just getting money from you? That he could seriously have a problem?"

  Her stance was rigid. "He says he's not gambling anymore."

  "Do you believe him?"

  She hesitated. In that moment, David wanted to come clean about everything but now wasn't the right time. Until he could convince Anthony to come clean with her, David would wait.

  "I don't know if I believe him," she eventually said. "But I'm choosing to trust him because no one else will. I won't turn my back on my brother."

  David frowned, realizing now that what she felt for her brother went deeper than blind loyalty. Obvious
ly, when Tena Lewis loved, she loved hard. Maybe losing her brother would be like losing that essential part of herself, and he could see that it scared her.

  But after what Anthony had done, he wasn't worthy of that level of devotion, that kind of unconditional love. David probably didn't merit it either, but he found that he wanted that kind of affection from her-he wanted it very much.

  "Anthony really doesn't deserve you," he muttered.

  She shrugged. "Well, he's my brother, and he's all I've got."

  Something twisted in his gut, and he frowned, not particularly liking the sound of that. Despite the shift in their relationship, the missing years between them, he wanted to think that they were friends first, lovers next, and that she would always see him as an important part of her life as well.

  David rose from his seat and came up behind her. Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her into his arms. "You've got me, too, sweets."

  She rested her hands on his arms and leaned into him. They stood like that for a while.

  "How would you feel about working here?" he eventually asked.

  She turned to face him. "For you?"

  "You would probably report to Carlos, but we could always use more people in security." The irony wasn't lost on him that he was trying to create the one thing he swore against. Not too long ago, he'd harassed Gabe about arranging for his girlfriend to consult at Royal Courts, and now he was attempting to do the same with Tena. "In fact," he continued, "I think we could really use your skills in the Lab."

  "The what?"

  He shook his head. "I'll explain later. But you could help us keep what happened these past few days from happening again. We could really use your expertise to improve our systems."

  She contemplated it for a moment then shook her head. "I don't think it would be a good idea."

  He frowned. "Why not? We pay well here, and you could have something more stable."

  "But I like my freedom. I like the autonomy of being a consultant and setting my own schedule and terms. And anyway, I don't think Carlos likes me very much."

  "You're over thinking things again," he said. "I'll talk with Carlos, don't worry about him." When she didn't immediately respond, he added, "Why don't you try it out for the rest of this week, maybe shadow a few of the guys in the Lab?"

  She looped her arms around his neck, looking pensive. "But if I work for you," she said, kissing the corner of his mouth. "That means no more of this." She kissed him on the lip. "Or this."

  "Nope," he said, brushing his lips along her jaw. "None of that." He moved back to her lips. "During work hours, everything will be strictly professional between us." This time he lingered over her lips.

  She pulled away before he could deepen it. "Okay," she said hesitantly. "Let me think about it."

  "Don't think too long. We both know it's a great idea."

  "I have a better idea," she whispered.


  Her eyes sparkled and she leaned in close. "I'm thinking of something hot, moist, and so thick, I need both hands to put it in my mouth."

  She certainly had his interest piqued-among other things and his heart thudded at her words. "I love the way you think, sweetheart. Want to go into the washroom or back to the suite?"

  She snickered, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "Only if there's a cheeseburger in there 'cause I need food."

  Chapter Thirteen

  "You still haven't given me an answer."

  "Neither have you," Athena said, leaning against Davie's bare chest, the heavy hotel bed sheet wrapped around her. "Do I really sound like that?"

  "Yes, sweetheart, you do." He leisurely ran his hand up and down her arm.

  They both stared at the small screen of her cell phone, reviewing the salacious footage of their amateur sex clip.

  She purposely stalled in letting him know if she would come down tomorrow and check out this specialized security and surveillance department of his. Not because she wanted him to beg-though, it wouldn't hurt-but because the idea flustered her. She had never worked a steady job before, and she just didn't want to disappoint him-or herself.

  "But it's sexy," he added. "Like a pussy in heat."

  She nudged her elbow into his stomach, and he chuckled louder. "What? I was talking about a pussycat."

  She shook her head, rolling her eyes. "Whatever. Have you actually heard one in heat?"

  "Yeah. Don't you remember the stray we found? Mimi, right? The damn thing would never shut up."

  Athena smiled at the memory. That all had been a long time ago, and she was surprised Davie even remembered. "Mona," she corrected. "And if you remember that, then you know it's not a very cute sound."

  She remembered the gray and brown tabby they had found a little after her twelfth birthday, and Davie had let her keep it as a gift. It hadn't been easy holding on to the stray as a pet since she had nowhere to put her, but Mona would always seem to come back time and again until one day, the cat had stopped showing up. Athena hadn't been all that surprised. At least for that short time, she'd gotten the chance to love the little animal and had treasured having it near. But like everything in her life, it was all temporary. People were temporary. Davie had come into her life and, like that, he had gone away. She didn't know how long this would last, but now that she had him back, she wouldn't use their time together worrying about when it would end.

  "You know, I love the way you sound," he said, nuzzling her hair. "It's all smoky and raspy, and when you drives me crazy."

  Athena laughed, feeling self-conscious. That wasn't the first time he'd told her that. He'd said it once when he'd been deep inside her. She wondered if he remembered. He had been whispering a lot of sexy things to her then.

  Athena refocused on the small screen, wincing at the high, throaty moans she was making. She didn't know if the heat flooding her face was from embarrassment or arousal. She couldn't believe they had actually recorded themselves making love. The small camera was braced on his chest so the only angle they had was of their bodies coming together. Watching him disappear into her, again and again, his hands on her hips, made her body clench with renewed desire. The video was horribly shaky, and in some areas unfocused, but it was the most erotic thing she'd ever seen. The noises coming out of them were definitely...animalistic, but also a huge turn-on. It could have been any two people in that video, but knowing it was her and Davie made it that more exciting.

  She ended the video and immediately deleted it. The sight and sound of them moaning and straining together was getting her hot again.

  "Hey, I was watching that?"

  "We both need to get some sleep for work tomorrow," she said matter-of-factly, though sleep was a distant memory. His gentle caress on her arm was becoming hard to ignore, and he knew it.

  "Coward," he taunted in her ear.

  She didn't take the bait. Instead, she tossed her phone onto the nightstand then leaned back against him. "Say what you want. No way am I letting that stay on my phone for anyone to find and watch-and God forbid, enjoy."

  "We'll have to do that again," he murmured. "That was fun."

  She laughed. "I'm glad you enjoyed making your first sex tape." And it was with me. It was nice to have something only they had done together for the first time. "But that was our last."

  He groaned. "Since I'm not crazy enough to do something like that with just any woman, I guess I'll have to commit it to memory."

  She turned to face him. "You trust me with something like that?"

  Amusement lit up his face. "With the noises you make," he said, rubbing his thumb lightly over her lower lip, "I should be asking you that."

  She narrowed her eyes and punched his arm. He only laughed louder.

  "I'm only teasing you, sweets," he said, kissing the tip of her nose. "I'm starting to think being too trusting is a weakness of mine, but yes, I trust you."

  His words made her heart swell. Despite everything, he still believed in her.

  "I'm glad,"
she said, slowly rubbing his arm. "Because I trust you too." It may not have been groundbreaking news, but she wanted him to know that.

  He kissed her neck. "Good. Now that we've cleared that up, je envie de faire l'amour avec toi."

  Athena suppressed a small shiver from the delicate contact. "You can't sweet talk me with your sexy French words," she said, though it came out more breathy than she intended. "They won't work on me."

  "Dáccord, chérie," he murmured, still nuzzling her neck. "Come su questo, allora?"

  She scoffed. "Not that either."

  He chuckled. "But it's Italian."

  "I don't care," she said on a gasped as he continued his light nipping. Clutching his arms, she closed her eyes, enjoying the feel of his warm mouth over her sensitive skin.

  "Will you come tomorrow?"

  His unexpected question surprised her and pulled her from their sensual bubble. She knew exactly what he was asking.

  "Fine, I'll give it a try." She paused before adding, "Nothing definite. I want to see how this goes first."

  His eyes flashed brilliantly. "You'll like it here."

  She hoped so, but if she was now going to work for him, and they were still going to continue a relationship, she wanted to be completely honest and open with him about everything. He said that he trusted her, and she wanted to prove to him that he could.

  "You know, Davie," she began slowly, "this is not the first time I've gotten you on camera."

  He tensed then pulled back from her. "What?"

  She didn't look away from his frowning gaze when she admitted, "I was able to do a little spying on you the other day with one of my small cameras in your office. But I only did it so that I could know when you would leave the office," she rushed out. "I wasn't trying to listen in on your private business deals or anything. And I took it down right after you left."

  "What did you do with it?" he asked after a while. His voice was low and neutral. She didn't need to look at him to know that he was pissed.

  She shoved away from him and sat up on the bed, keeping the sheet firmly wrapped around her. "I deleted it, of course. I certainly wasn't going to do anything with it. I just thought I'd let you know about that so there are no secrets between us."


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