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Shades of Desire: 10 Sweet & Spicy Romances

Page 100

by J. A. Coffey

  The water teasing her every so often as she walked on the edge of the waves and her mind wander to her pregnancy. She had to find a doctor to start getting prenatal care. Finding a sheltered cluster of rocks, she made herself comfortable on the edge of one of them Her arms wrapped tight around her, the tears slipped from her eyes. The overwhelming feeling at the lack of family and support came over her. She wished her mom was here. Mom would have loved a grandchild and spoiled him or her rotten. Chloe sighed. She wanted her child to have the childhood she started to have and then missed out on—one full of love and warmth, comfort when needed and space to let grow when required. She wondered how she would know how to do all that when she hadn't had it herself.


  She wiped her tears away before turning towards the voice. "Chief."

  "Stop with the ‘chief'. Are you okay?" Jayden leaned against the rock, looking out on the ocean.

  "Fine. Just enjoying the view."

  "I love it here. I can't imagine living anywhere without the ocean. How was the first day of work?"

  "It was good," Chloe gushed. "I really enjoyed it. Carla is great."

  "Her sentiments too." Jayden turned toward her. "Hungry?"

  "A little, but more tired. I think I will head home and relax." Chloe stood and climbed off the rocks. "Thank you."

  "For what?"

  "Dinner last kind you have been. Just wanted to be sure I told you in case I forgot."

  "No need. I enjoyed your company. Want a ride home?"

  "No, thanks." Chloe stepped away. "I think I'll walk."

  She felt his eyes on her back as she moved towards the road, stopping only to slide her sneakers back on before heading up the street.


  Jayden leaned against the rocks watching Chloe. He tried to ignore the disappointment that coursed through him. He had been up half the night searching for something that would give him insight to why she was running. Frustrated, he tossed and turned before giving into the longing to see her.

  He returned to the diner. Carla would be the one who would know. She had a knack for spotting women in need and instinctively knew what the issue was. And knowing Carla, she had already become fast friends with Chloe. His fast pace spoke of his anxiousness to identify what was going on. He sensed a fear about Chloe.

  Jayden pushed open the door and searched the room for Carla. The place had cleared out and only a few lingered over beverages. Just then, she pushed through the swinging doors from the kitchen.

  "What's up, Jayden?" Carla slipped onto one of the barstools.

  "Just curious to see how Chloe made out today." Jayden sat next to her.

  "Let it go, Chief. She needs support and friendship right now, not an interrogation from you."

  "I'm not going to interrogate her...just thought I could offer protection, if need be."

  Carla paused, her eyes staring at Jayden. "Will you just trust me when I say she doesn't need you snooping?"

  "What do you know?"

  "Nothing, really. Just a hunch and some observations. I think she's running from someone who has hurt her. Don't know the story; just the look on her face at different times reminds me of the women at the shelter."

  "Even more reason to protect her. We need to know what happened."

  "No, Jayden. She needs to find herself. Don't ask questions. Let her learn to trust someone." Carla frowned. "Might be best if you just let me hang out with her and see if she will open up."

  "You want me to stay away from her?"

  "Somewhat, yes. Can you do that?"

  Jayden closed his eyes and ran his hand along the stubble of his chin. "I guess."

  "This isn't about your being attracted to her." Carla rested her hand on him arm. "I can't say it enough, if you want to protect her, let her be comfortable here."

  "You've really taken a liking to her, haven't you?"

  "Yes. She's sweet and so alone."

  "I can't help but feel there is something more to her." Jayden sighed.

  "Just be there for her. Really, Jayden, just be there."

  Chapter Seven

  Chloe strolled through the quiet streets, heading towards the library. It had been three days since she arrived in Arden. So far she was enjoying working at the diner and getting to know Carla. The large glass door swooshed open and she stepped inside, taking in the smell of paper and the wooden decor. Her eyes scanned the area in front of her. Bookshelves to the right housed fiction with a sign pointing to the back of the building for nonfiction. To the left, she spied the resource section with public computers. She settled in and brought up Google search. First looking for cell phone exchange information and local places to do so, she wrote everything down.

  Turning her attention then to Tony, she ran his name but found nothing but business dealings, making him sound like quite the businessman. No criminal record to be found. A chill spread through her and she wrapped her arms around herself as she shivered. The screen cleared, she folded her notes and slipped them into her back pocket. She closed her eyes and allowed herself the luxury of imagining life in this town. It would be great for her child to grow up here. Not to mention living near Jayden. The chill left at the thought of Jayden and how friendly he had been. Had she misread his friendliness?

  "Deep in thought?"

  Chloe jumped up and turned.

  "Hey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." Jayden reached out, rested his hand on her arm. "You're shaking."

  "I'm okay. You startled me." Chloe's voice shook as she attempted to brush off Jayden's hand causally.

  She stepped backward and was brought up short by the chair. "I-I was just getting ready to leave. How long have you been standing there?"

  "Just got here. Had to return a book and saw you. Thought I'd say hi."

  Chloe pushed the chair firmly in and took a deep breath. Calm yourself. "I really have had a busy day and was just headed for the apartment."

  "Want a ride?"

  "No, I prefer to walk, really."

  "May I walk with you?" He smiled as she searched his face.

  "Sure." Chloe kept her face neutral. "What about your car?"

  "I'll pick it up later. Your apartment isn't far. The exercise will do me good." He gestured her in front of him and stepped back so she could pass.

  Walking in silence, Chloe's mind raced. What had he seen on the computer screen?

  "Can I ask you something, Chloe?" Jayden slowed his pace.

  "Of course." She stiffened her shoulders and braced for the worse.

  "When are you going to settle down – make the apartment your own? You know, decorations, and all that. You didn't bring much with you."

  "Well, I told you from the first day I wasn't staying long. No sense in decorating if I won't be here." Chloe shrugged, easing the tension. "Besides it's only been three days. I don't know many people starting over who move with a lot of stuff."

  "You could stay." Jayden again reached for her arm. "Chloe, why not stay?"

  "Jayden, I can't." Chloe stopped, but stared straight ahead. His touch made her tingle and the overwhelming sense of isolation hit her. A lone tear ran down her cheek. "I just can't. Please let it go."


  She wiped the tear, and faced him. Her eyes locked with his and time seemed to stand still. "I need you to not ask, please."

  "Okay, Chloe. I won't." He reached for her hands. "Please trust me though. I can help."

  "There is nothing to help with, Jayden. Let it go." She squeezed his hands before pulling back. "Go get your car. I'm almost home. I'll walk the rest alone."

  She briskly walked away. The tears flowed freely once she knew Jayden wasn't following. She felt his eyes on her and forced herself not to run. A tiny bit of sensibility tried to enter Chloe's head. This was not Tony. Jayden wasn't going to hurt her. Instinctively she knew that. Yet, her heart felt like it was tearing apart as she turned her back on him.


  Jayden fought to keep
his feet from running after her. He had pushed and had gone too far. Damn. He'd promised Carla to be cool. If she wouldn't talk to him, he would find out on his own.

  He went back inside the library where the computer Chloe had been at was empty. He pulled up Chloe's latest search entry. Anthony Massey. Nothing spectacular about him. Jayden sat back wondering who he was. He wished he could do a background check for more than what the internet would show. Damn, privacy rules. In his gut he knew this person was the root of Chloe's fear, he just didn't know why.

  Jayden shut down the computer after clearing the history, and headed outside. He sat in the car mulling over ideas rushing through his head. He started the engine and drove slowly towards her house, parking down the street, hidden in the shadows of the trees. He sat in the dark and watched, waiting, but not sure for what. The light in the apartment was muted by the shades pulled in the living room. No movement. The shadows deepened as Jayden sat there, unaware of the time passing.

  Frustrated, he started the car and headed home. He hated the thought of leaving Chloe alone, but there was no reason to believe she was in danger. She was running, but from what?

  His house was dark. Pulling in the driveway, he parked in front of the garage. On most days, he avoided being home as much as possible. The house was lonely and now, after meeting Chloe, it seemed oppressive to be here alone.

  He stepped inside, picked up the mail from the foyer floor. It took only a minute to rifle through the bills and junk mail. He dumped it on the hallway desk and stepped into the kitchen to grab a beer. Jayden leaned against the counter. Time to develop a strategy to get through to Chloe.

  She was attractive, although very thin, and he had the feeling beneath the cautious exterior was a free spirit just waiting to be set free. He had seen the pain while she talked about her parents and their deaths. She was young to have been through so much.

  The phone shattered through his thoughts as it began to ring. Jayden pushed away from the counter and reached for the phone on the wall. He rolled his eyes as his sister's voice came through. He loved her dearly, but she could just talk forever.

  "Hey, bro. What's up with the new girl?"

  "What are you talking about?" Jayden sighed.

  "I was talking with Betty. Apparently you are pretty taken with the new girl in town, a quiet little thing who's working at Carla's."

  "You don't miss a trick, do you?" Jayden teased. "Maybe you should stop by Carla's and meet her. She doesn't know anyone in town yet."

  "Am I supposed to be fishing for anything in particular?" Jayden heard the laughter in her voice.

  "You know me too well, but no, just get to know her. I think she is running from something, running scared." Jayden paced the kitchen. "She needs a friend. You and Carla would be good for her."

  "Another soul to save, Jayden...or is it more than that?"

  "Just keeping the town safe."

  "Bull. But I'll let that one go for now. Meet me for coffee in the morning and introduced me to her?"

  "See you at seven." Jayden hung up before she could respond.

  Chapter Eight

  Chloe flipped pages in the book. Although the cover blurb was intriguing, she found it impossible to concentrate on the words. Her thoughts drifted to Jayden. She had been holding him at arm's length, but her heart was telling her to open up. What would it hurt to have an actual conversation with the man? Instinctively she knew he would never physically hurt her.

  She had never felt so connected to someone so quickly. A slight rap at the door brought a sigh of relief. She looked through the peephole and saw Jayden. Her breath caught and she swallowed hard. It was one thing to daydream about, another to spend time in his company.

  Chloe pulled open the door. "Hi."

  "Hi. Were you busy?"

  She gestured for him to enter. "Just reading."

  Jayden picked up her book and skimmed the back. "Any good?"

  "Honestly, I wasn't really getting into it." Chloe slipped on the couch and curled her legs under her. "What's up?"

  "I was feeling a bit restless and thought you might like some company." He leaned back on the couch and stretched out his legs.

  Chloe pulled her knees up. "Tell me about growing up here. I hear it gets pretty quiet in the off season."

  "Yeah, it does. When we were kids I couldn't wait to get out of here. I wanted to see the world, do something exciting."

  "Did you? Go see the world?"

  Jayden shook his head. "No. Got as far as Portland. Loved the ‘big city', but life changes."

  They fell into a comfortable silence. Chloe agonized how much she never got a chance to do anything.

  Jayden broke the silence. "How about you? Any big dreams you followed through on?"

  "No. Unfortunately, like you said, life got in the way."

  "What were your dreams?"

  Chloe sighed. "When I was younger, I wanted to dance. Mom signed me up for ballet classes and I danced until I was ten. Then Dad lost his job and they couldn't afford it anymore."

  "Any other dreams after that?"

  "I wanted to be a nurse when I got into high school." Chloe paused, biting her lower lip.

  "What happened?"

  "Life. My parents were killed in a car accident when I was sixteen. Everything changed for me." Chloe held her legs tightly, fighting the tears.

  "I'm sorry, Chloe."

  She smiled. "Thanks. You learn to live the life you've been given. We can't all have a happy ending."

  "You can make your own happy ending." Jayden turned towards her. "What happened after your parents died?"

  "Over the next two years, until I turned eighteen, I was in and out of foster homes. Apparently I was too sullen and no one wanted me around."

  "Sullen? You had lost your parents. How about sad, frightened, needing reassurance?"

  Chloe let out a small laugh. "Yeah. How about those? Unfortunately, there are a lot of people that take in foster kids for the money, not because they care about the kids."

  Jayden shook his head. "What a shame."

  "I often wondered how different my life would've been if someone had just cared. Moot point though." She shrugged.

  "What happened when you turned eighteen?"

  "I stayed with friends here and there, got a job hoping to save enough money for my own place."


  She held up her hand. "Don't you dare feel sorry for me."

  "I don't feel sorry for you, but no one should go through that. You were just a kid."

  "It's life. There are a lot of teens out there in the same boat. You must have seen it working in Portland."

  "Yes, too much of it. It always hits you a little harder when you hear firsthand about it instead of seeing it from a distance."

  "Someday I want to have foster kids. Give them the home they really deserve."

  "What about nursing? It's not too late to go back to school."

  Chloe shook her head. "Maybe not too late, but not feasible at the moment." She closed her eyes and let her mind drift to thoughts of Tony and how much being with him had affected her life, and her opportunities to better herself. She didn't want to admit it, but she had made a bad decision and it was going to cause consequences for the rest of her life. If she ever could get back on her feet, would she ever have the courage to make something of her life? Even for her child?

  "How did you get mixed up with this guy?" The sound of Jayden's voice brought her back to the present.

  "Tony. I was alone, nowhere to go and he showed an interest in me. Sounds pathetic now, but at the time I just wanted someone to love me."

  "Doesn't sound pathetic. How long were you together?"

  "Five years. At first he was great." She blinked to keep the tears from falling. "After awhile you suddenly realize how alone you really are. Somehow he had convinced me to sever ties with my friends. When things got really bad, I had no one to turn to for help."

  "There's always help, Chloe. There are so m
any agencies that help women involved in domestic abuse."

  "Maybe, but fear plays a huge role in stopping you from getting out."

  "I'm so sorry you went through that."

  Chloe shrugged. "It's life."

  Jayden sat up straight. "You have to know it's not life. It's not the way it should be, and it's not your fault."

  She gave him a thin smile. "Those are easy words to say when you've never been there."

  A heavy silence fell between them and she took a deep breath as Jaden stood.

  "Well, I should be going. Thanks for the company, I enjoyed it."

  Chloe nodded as sadness filled her. Jayden left and she was overwhelmed with loneliness. She longed for more conversations like that with him, but she needed to not let herself fall for him. She had to hold him at arm's length.

  Chapter Nine

  The phone was ringing at the diner when Chloe entered. No patrons were in sight and Carla was nowhere to be seen. She froze, uncertainty making her heart thump in her chest, the rush of blood causing a roar in her ears. She stood still until the phone was silent before starting her morning ritual of refilling sugar holders on each table.

  Chloe had spent the night in fitful sleeping stages plagued by nightmares that Tony had found her. She awoke this morning in a cold sweat with a sense of dread looming over her. She had packed up her clothes and drove to the diner this morning with every intention of moving on as soon as her shift was over. The tip money from today would have to last for gas and a few groceries.

  "You okay, honey?" Carla's eyes were full of concern.

  "I'm okay, just a long night." Chloe focused on her tasks, avoiding eye contact.

  "Come on over here for a second, Chloe." Carla poured a glass of milk and placed it on the counter, pushing it towards Chloe as she sat down.

  "What's that for?"

  "Strength. Honey, you are going to have to get some medical attention soon."

  "What do you mean?" Chloe's hand instantly rested on her stomach.

  "Yes, I can tell. No, others don't know, but I have been there myself, pregnant, alone and hoping no one would find out." Carla walked around the counter and slid into a stool next to Chloe. "You want to talk about it?"


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