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Shades of Desire: 10 Sweet & Spicy Romances

Page 104

by J. A. Coffey

  He picked up his phone. He wanted so badly to call the number Carla had given him for Chloe. But he promised to only call if necessary, but his heart was telling him it was necessary. He needed to hear her voice and know she was okay. His mind argued with his heart because it knew he needed to respect her privacy right now. Carla had promised to add his cell number to Chloe's contacts so she would have it.

  Betty walked in. "You've been here all night and there's no fresh coffee?" Jayden stood and stretched.

  "I was working, not making coffee." Jayden moved to the coffeepot.

  Betty swatted his hand away. "I'll make it. You look like hell. What's got you all fired up? I don't recall hearing about any crime sprees."

  "Just something I'm helping Dave on." Jayden felt a twinge of guilt, he hated to lie. Betty could help with research, but Jayden couldn't risk telling anyone else about Chloe. "I'm going to run out. I'll be back in a bit."

  Jayden slipped out the door before Betty could ask any more questions. He started for the diner to find Carla. He made a quick detour to his apartment for a shower and change of clothes. In record time he was out. As he came around the corner, he noticed a car parked near the beach. Driving slowly he made a mental note on license plate. He pulled into the diner and punched the number into the car computer. Just as he suspected Tony's name came up. At least he now knew what he drove.

  He shut down the computer and walked into the diner. Carla was busy serving breakfast to the locals. Jayden knew she was missing Chloe's help, yet hadn't said a word. Some of the locals had asked about Chloe, and Carla simply said she had a personal issue that she needed to tend to. No further questions were forthcoming. He helped himself to a cup of coffee and sat at the counter.

  "Usual, chief?" Carla asked as she headed to the kitchen.

  "Yeah, that's fine."

  With orders in and a bit of a breather, Carla refilled Jayden's cup. "Any news?"

  "Our friend is sitting down the street watching the diner." Jayden was quiet in his answer. He glanced around, but everyone was chatting among themselves. "Was she okay last night?"

  Carla held up her finger as she went to gather orders to deliver. She got all the food out and slid Jayden's plate in front of him. "Funny, she was more concerned about you."

  Jayden paused before taking a bite. He felt Carla's eyes on him waiting for his response. "Do you think she'll stick around?"

  "I don't know. Sarah said she was asking questions about cars and how the women would leave if someone ever found them." She grabbed the coffeepot and made rounds to the tables. Making her way back to the counter, she held the pot in front of Jayden. He shook his head.

  "We can't let her run." Desperation filled his voice.

  "She'll be fine. Give her some credit. She got this far and she has made the effort to get away from that man." She squeezed his hand. "Jocelyn just pulled in. How much does she know?"

  "Nothing." He finished his breakfast in silence waiting for his sister to pounce on him. He figured she had stopped by the office and Betty told her he had worked all night.

  He felt a nudge in the back. "Hey, bro. What's happening?"

  Jocelyn slid onto the stool next to him. She was a beautiful woman, yet a very strong willed who seemed to scare men off. "Nothing with me. You?"

  She stood there searching his face. He didn't know what she was after, but she wasn't in any hurry.

  "Not much," she said. "I hear David is in town."

  "Ahh, so that's what brings you to see me."

  "What? It simply was a conversation starter."

  "To what? Yes, he's still available. Why don't you just tell him you changed your mind and you will go out on a date with him?" David had been pursuing his sister for years, but for some unknown reason, Jocelyn, although she liked David, turned him down every time he asked her out.

  "I'm not looking for a date. Just curious as to why he's here in Arden, away from the big city life."

  Jayden thought carefully. "He decided to come visit an old friend."

  "Hmmm, I'm not sure I believe that, but okay. " She played with the saltshaker on the counter. "Is there anything else you want to tell me?"

  "Like what?" Jayden sighed. "What exactly are you fishing for, sis? I don't really have time for games this morning."

  "I'm not fishing for anything. Just haven't really chatted with you since the new girl showed up in town. How's that going?"

  Jayden rolled his eyes. "Give it a rest. She is just a new person in the community. There is nothing there."

  The laughter that rolled out of his sister made him smile. "I would love a sister-in-law."

  Jayden stood. "That's my cue to leave." He gave her a kiss on the cheek. "I love you, but stay out of my love life, or lack of one."

  Her laughter followed him as he left the diner. He shook his head. She could get under his skin, but she was one of the best friends he ever had. He had never met siblings closer than him and Jocelyn. Chloe would love her when she got to know her.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chloe woke with a start. Carla was gone. She lay in bed and stared at the ceiling. She had to move on. She sighed as her thoughts drifted to the kiss she had shared with Jayden. She had never felt so alive, yet the secret of her pregnancy weighed on her. The only way she saw it ending was with Jayden hating her and she would need to move on anyway. Now was just as good a time as any to go.

  Chloe swung her feet over the side of the bed and sat there. She would write a good-bye letter to Carla. It was better to break it off clean with Jayden. Mind made up, she rummaged through her bag for clean clothes. Repacking after she was dressed, she sat with paper and a pen.

  Chloe chewed the end of the pen as her thoughts raced on what to say to Carla. Everything seemed too trite. Frustrated, she pushed the paper aside and threw down the pen. She would just go and make a clean break from both of them. She had Carla's number if she chose to call later. The question was how to get out of the house without being seen. The bus station was down the street, but walking there with her suitcase would look a bit obvious.

  As she started downstairs, she heard murmuring in the living room. She paused and strained her ears to make out the conversation. Not being able to, she continued. Upon entering the living room, Sarah paused her talking to Michelle.

  "I didn't mean to interrupt." Chloe hesitated.

  "You didn't. Come in." Sarah smiled at Michelle.

  Michelle stood. "I've got kitchen clean-up so I best get started."

  Chloe stepped aside as she left the room. She tugged at her shirt and sat on the edge of the couch. "What's going on?"

  "Nothing." There were no other words forthcoming and the silence was deafening. Chloe sat rigid. Her mind raced with the possibilities. Had Tony found her? Was Carla hurt? Where was Jayden?

  "Chloe?" Sarah's soft voice broke through her thoughts.


  "I know what you're thinking. You are safe here. Jayden is doing everything he can to catch up with Tony and put him behind bars."

  Chloe sighed. "I can't explain it. I just don't want anyone in danger."

  "There's nothing to explain. We've all been there." Sarah leaned back in her chair. "Did I ever tell you my story?"


  "I was a teen when I got involved with Jimmy. I thought I was so in love. Things were good for a while and he treated me right."

  "What happened?" Chloe pushed back onto the couch and waited.

  "Well, I got pregnant and Jimmy didn't want a baby. We had just gotten married and he thought I got pregnant on purpose. His anger escalated from there. I couldn't say anything that appeased him."

  Sarah stood and walked to the window. She pushed back the curtain and stared outside. Finally when she turned back around, tears were streaming. "He pushed me and I fell down the stairs. I lost the baby. It was at that moment I knew I had to get out. Chloe, we've all been there, scared, afraid to ask for help, determined to run even when we were being helped. Don't you s
ee you're not alone in this?"

  "You don't know Tony."

  "You're right, I don't, but I know his type. If you run and he finds you, when Jayden isn't around to help, and if you survive it, your baby might not. Is that what you want?"

  Chloe stood. Her hands clenched at her sides. "Of course not. I left him so I could protect my baby. Do you think I would deliberately put myself in harm's way?"

  "No, not deliberately. But I do think you could put yourself in harm's way by not thinking."

  Chloe struggled to hold back the tears. "You don't understand." She turned and ran. As she stumbled up the stairs, the tears started flowing like a sieve. Slamming the bedroom door, she threw herself on the bed and let the sobs take over.

  As the tears subsided, Chloe fell into a restless sleep, dreaming of running from Tony. She was stuck in the room, cut off from the door. Tony smirked at her and advanced one painfully slow step at a time. The anxiety of what would be coming when he reached her had Chloe gasping for air. His right hand slammed into the wall beside her head while his left hand rested just to the other side of her, pinning her to the wall. No escape. Panic filled her and the air seemed to be cut off as she tried to take in deep breaths. His fingers traced along her jaw line until they were encircled around her neck.

  She woke with a start chocking on her fear, her hands rubbing her neck as the feeling of being choked slowly dissipated. Her head pounded with the start of a migraine from exhaustion that had racked her body. Chloe curled up, pulling her knees tight to her chest and for the first time in a long time wished she knew how to pray.


  Jayden drove by the apartment where Chloe had stayed. He pulled into a space behind her car. Sitting there just staring at the building, he felt the dull ache of loneliness in his chest. He had loved the conversations they had, the shyness about her. Loved? Where did that come from? He sighed as he put the car in Drive. He had to see her. He had to know she was alright.

  The driving need propelled the car in the direction of the women's shelter, keeping a close watch on the rearview mirror. Satisfied he wasn't being followed, he moved his head from side to side to ease the tension. Only when the house came into sight did he feel a relief, and a burning desire to hold her in his arms. He needed to assure her things would be okay.

  Sarah met him at the door. "I'm not sure it's a good idea for you to be here, Jayden."

  "Why not? I just want to talk to her."

  "She's struggling to know she's safe." Sarah sat at the kitchen table and gestured for Jayden to take one of the other chairs.

  "You think if she sees me she won't feel safe?"

  Sarah pondered the question. "I think in her mind you are in grave danger and that you can lead Tony here to her."

  "That's ridiculous. Let me see her, Sarah." His intense stare held her eyes.

  She sighed and stood. "I'll see if she wants to. If she doesn't, you need to respect that."


  Jayden stood and paced around the kitchen. Was Chloe really feeling unsafe with him? The thought of it was unfathomable to him.

  "Hey." Chloe's soft voice behind him caused him to pause before turning.

  "Are you okay?" He took a few steps towards her and stopped.

  "I'm doing okay." Chloe trembled. His arms ached to hold her, yet she moved towards the table and sat down.

  Jayden followed her lead and sat beside her. "Did you know Tony went by an alias?"


  "Tony's real last name is Petroni. He's involved in dealing drugs, for sure, but there is question about some other things he may be involved in."

  Chloe's eyes widened. "I had no idea. I knew he was doing something illegal, but he never talked about it so I didn't know any details. I had overhead some things, vague things, but nothing specific."

  "I'm not judging you. I want to help, but Chloe you have to tell me everything."

  She stood up. "I have told you everything." Her voice trembled. She bit her bottom lip as she met his eyes. "I don't want you to be hurt, Jayden. I-I don't have anything else to tell you."

  Jayden searched her face. Something was off, but he couldn't put a finger on it. "Chloe." He took a step towards her and reached out a hand.

  "Don't, please." Chloe stepped back. "I can't Jayden. Please you'll be better off if you don't come back here." She turned and fled from the room.

  Jayden was numb, he ached to hold her. To make her believe she could trust him. But the alarming voice in his head kept whispering that something was still wrong. How could he protect her if she shut him out? He ran his hand over his face. He was tired and losing perspective. He needed some rest to clear his mind.

  He turned, left the house, not looking back. He wouldn't push her, but he would get her justice.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Tony stood across the street from the diner. Carla was just turning the Open sign around. Now was the perfect time to get some answers before anyone came in. He crossed the street and chose a seat at the counter.

  "What can I get you?" Carla's voice was cool, but polite.

  "Coffee, please." Tony's eyes stayed on her as she filled his cup.

  "Anything else?"

  "Just some answers." He sat back and took a sip of the hot beverage.

  "I can't imagine what I could possibly answer for you. You need directions?"

  "I want to know where Chloe is." He sat forward and watched her instinctively step back. He smiled.

  "I don't know what you're talking about. There is no Chloe here."

  Tony chuckled. "Obviously she is not here, but don't play coy. I know you know where she is."

  "I have no answers for you. If you don't want the coffee, there's the door. If you're going to stay, drink it and be quiet." She turned her back to him and headed to the kitchen.

  Tony finished his coffee in the time she was gone. It was just a matter of minutes before the chief showed up. He was sure she had called him. The door opened behind him. A couple of elderly men walked in and chose a seat. They were involved in their own conversation and oblivious to him.

  Carla came from the kitchen. With a quick look at Tony, she put on a smile and greeted the other customers. Spending a few minutes in quiet small talk, she took their order.

  "Refill, please," Tony called out as she headed to the kitchen.

  Walking to the counter, she stood watching him for a brief moment. "Sorry, we're out. That cup's on the house."

  He snickered. "Trying to get rid of me?"

  The door opened and the chair next to him was filled. He glanced over to see the Chief of Police. "Chief."

  "I think you're done here, unless you want answers from me?" Jayden gestured for coffee. "Of course, I would expect answers from you first."

  Tony threw down a couple of dollars on the counter. "Thanks for the coffee, and the enlightening information, Carla."


  Jayden raised an eyebrow at Carla who shook her head ever so slightly. As soon as the door shut behind him, she threw her towel on the counter. "I told him nothing. What information?"

  "He's just yanking your chain. Ignore him." Jayden pushed his coffee aside. "David's trailing him. Thankfully, from the questions he is asking, he has no idea where Chloe is."

  "Did you talk to her?"

  Jayden sighed. "Yeah, a bit. She doesn't want me there and wants me to not contact her. What's the deal with her? It's more than Tony."

  Carla played with the towel. "Only she knows if there is."

  Jayden shook his head and stood. "Carla, I love you, but you have to stop protecting her."

  "Me? Jayden, you want to protect her just as much as I do. But until you can admit your true feelings for her, to her, you need to stop acting like you can save her. Give everyone a break and get things straightened out between you. You can't look at things objectively if you're lying to yourself."

  "I'm not lying to myself." Jayden jerked his hat off the counter. "We have a connection, but beyond that,
I don't know."

  "You keep telling yourself that." Carla picked up the towel and turned towards the kitchen as Jayden left. He was ticked for her pushing him, but he was going to lose Chloe if he didn't start being honest. The big concern right now was keeping Tony from finding her. Carla knew firsthand the danger if he did.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Tony grimaced as he shifted in his seat. His legs cramped and he was getting sick and tired of watching the diner. He needed to find Chloe. He was tired of putting up with the run-around from Carla, and her cop friend. His gut told him they both knew where she was.

  He straightened up as Carla locked the building and started towards her house. She usually went home and stayed there, however he saw her, and Jayden, in a heated exchanged. This was it. Tonight could be the night she led him right to Chloe.

  He waited for her to round the corner then he drove down the block, circling around. She crossed to the other side of the street and was almost to her house. He slowed as he drove past., but she never looked up. She was staring at the sidewalk, obviously deep in thought. He pulled up to the corner and waited. His anxiety grew as time ticked on and he reached for the Tums to calm the heartburn.

  Tony's cell phone vibrated against his hip. Grabbing it, he glanced at the caller ID. "You best have good news."

  The silence that greeted him gave him the answer. "Sorry, boss. Still nothing."

  "Don't bother checking in if you can't find her." Tony paused. "The PI is yours. Get him out of the picture." He hung up. Watching through the rearview mirror, Carla entered her house. Lights came on as she moved about the house. He sighed. How much longer would this go on? Chloe could not have just fallen off the face of the earth with her car still here.

  A knock on the window startled Tony. He came face to face with the Chief of Police. He cracked the window. "Something I can do for you, officer?"

  "Sure. You can move along. There's no reason for you to be sitting here."

  Tony shrugged his shoulders. "Fine." He started the car as Jayden took a step back and stood there. He gunned it and took off, curses filling the vehicle as he rounded the corner.


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