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Shades of Desire: 10 Sweet & Spicy Romances

Page 106

by J. A. Coffey

  He was desperate to protect her and she could hear the pleading in his voice..

  "It's not that simple."

  "It is if you would just be truthful."

  Chloe stood and took her dishes to the sink. "You think I'm not being truthful?"

  "I think you're holding back. Tell me I'm wrong."

  Chloe ran the water and started washing the dishes. She shook her head. "I'm not going to tell you you're wrong, all I can say is what I have said is enough."

  Jayden reached past her and shut off the water. "Enough for who, Chloe? Not for me. Not when I feel you're hiding something that could end up putting your life in more danger. Not when I want to be a part of your life. I'm falling in love with you. Don't shut me out."

  She faced him. "You don't want to be a part of my life, Jayden. Trouble seems to follow me wherever I go."

  She felt numb inside as he backed up, heading for the deck. Once he shut the door a frustrated growl echoed from outside.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Jayden sat out on his deck, eyes closed. Since he had found out about the trouble with Chloe the nightmares had returned. Last night he had slept without them, but this morning they were on his mind. The shooting, the unnecessary dying, the investigation, and how he was ready to give up his badge. Could he even protect her if he wanted to? He had moved back to Arden to get away from the high crime, away from having to be prepared to draw his weapon. Could he even do it?

  Jayden ran his fingers through his hair, trying to forget that night, the young boy that had died in his arms. He shook his head trying to clear the memories. What he needed most of all, and missed, was his dad to talk to. Dad would have had the right advice for him. Maybe his mom, or sister, could talk with Chloe.

  He sat forward, elbows on his knees. Jocelyn might know what to say to her. Carla hadn't made any headway with her. With resolve, he stood. He needed to get in touch with his sister and hope Chloe wouldn't be offended.

  When he stepped back inside the house, the dishes were done and kitchen was spotless. He moved into the living room, but Chloe wasn't there either. He started down the hall and heard the shower running. He breathed a sigh of relief.

  He reached for his cell phone and started back to the living room. Punching in his sister's number, he sank into the couch.

  "This better be good, I was still sleeping." Jocelyn's voice brought a smile to his face.

  "It is. Get up and get over to my place. Need your help."

  "What's up?"

  "Can't talk now. Just get over here as quickly as you can." He hung up before she could respond. He didn't want to get into a long discussion on the phone and run the risk that Chloe would hear him and take off before Jocelyn got there.


  Chloe straightened the bathroom. Her mind had been spinning the whole time in the shower. She needed to tell him the truth. But he said he was falling in love...the fear of those feelings changing when he found out the truth kept her from saying anything.

  She wondered if she was falling in love too. What was love? Her heart pounding every time she saw him, wanting to be with him all the time, wanting the safety of his arms at night. Or was that just the fear talking, and her wanting to just jump from one bad situation to another simply because she was afraid to be alone.

  She found Jayden on the couch, eyes were closed and breathing steady. She sat in the armchair and watched him snoring softly, one arm over his head. Chloe had never seen a man with such long eyelashes. It just heightened his good looks. She wanted nothing more than to go lay with him on the couch and feel his arms cocoon her from worries.

  She startled out of her thoughts when the front door opened. "Jayden?"

  Before Chloe could respond Jocelyn walked into the living room. "Hi, Chloe."

  "Hi. He was sleeping." Chloe turned to Jayden to find his eyes on her. "I wasn't going to wake you."

  Jayden sat up. "It's okay. I didn't realize I had fallen asleep. Was just waiting for you to get out of the shower." He stood and pulled his sister into a bear hug. "Maybe you can visit with Chloe while I make a couple of phone calls."

  "Sure." Jocelyn gave him a puzzled look, but asked no questions.

  "Thanks." Jayden winked at Jocelyn then brushed a quick kiss on Chloe's cheek before heading down the hall.

  "Well, well. My brother sure is smitten with you." Jocelyn sat on the couch and pulled her legs up under her. She patted the couch beside her.

  Chloe sat and just stared at Jocelyn. "Smitten with me?"

  "Yes. I don't think I have ever seen him this into a female before. I say it's about time someone stole his heart."

  "I didn't...I think you have it wrong. He just wants to protect me from some trouble that seems to have found me. There's nothing more than that," Chloe stammered, trying to find a way out of this conversation.

  "What kind of trouble?"

  "Nothing really. Jayden is making more out of it than is necessary. An old boyfriend trying to reach me, I don't really want to talk to him so..." Chloe drifted off to silence.

  "Hmmm. Intriguing, but I have to say it's not like Jayden to make too much out of something. And it certainly isn't like him to bring his work home with him. You are more than a case to him, Chloe."

  Chloe leaned against the back of the couch and closed her eyes. "It's just not the right time." Her words were soft and heart wrenching.

  "Can I ask you something?" Jocelyn paused.

  Chloe opened her eyes. "Sure."

  "You appear to like my brother also, so why are you pushing him away? What has you so spooked from a relationship?"

  "Relationship? I barely know your brother. I just wanted to start my life over."

  "Chloe, I'm a good judge of character and I think you are perfect for Jayden, but I don't want to see him hurt. So if you are hiding anything, now would be the time to clear the air."

  Chloe shook her head. "You two are just alike, suspicious. There's nothing. Bad past, boyfriend causing problems, that's all." The words even sounded phony to her own ears. Jocelyn would never believe her. Subconsciously her hand moved to her stomach and stayed there.

  She had to protect this child. No one could know until she moved on. She would contact Carla later and let her know how she was doing. They sat in silence each lost in their own thoughts until Jayden came into the room.

  Chloe's breath caught seeing him standing there in bare feet, fresh jeans, and blue t-shirt clinging to his muscles. She couldn't look away. The sound of her heart beating sounded so loud in her ears, drowning out everything around her. She shook her head to equalize her hearing again. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

  "You okay?" Jayden knelt in front of her, taking both of her hands.

  "Yes, of course."

  "You got white for a minute. Do you want some water?"

  "No, no. I'm fine." She smiled and gave his hands a squeeze. "Stop being so overprotective."

  Jocelyn stood. "Let me get some water." She left the room with a questioning glance to Jayden. He had barely shaken his head in response before turning back to Chloe.

  "Jayden, you need to stop this." Chloe leaned forward to make sure she had his attention.

  "Stop what? Caring for you? Not going to happen." He leaned forward and kissed her gently.

  A soft clearing of her voice queued then to Jocelyn's return. She handed Chloe a glass of water. "Want to tell me what is going on, darling brother?"

  Jayden glanced at Chloe and as she shook her head no to him, he squeezed her hands. "We need to let her know. She's family, Chloe."

  "Jayden, don't do this." Chloe tried to pull her hand back but he held on.

  "Please. Let her help us."

  "It's not us who need help."

  Jayden stood and paced to the other side of the living room. "My God, Chloe, don't do this." His voice was harsh, but as a tear traveled down her cheek he was across the room in a heartbeat. "Don't cry. I'm sorry."

  "You called her here, didn't y
ou?" Her voice was soft. She raised a hand to his cheek and ran her thumb slowly back and forth.

  He nodded his head. "I'm sorry. I don't know how to reach you. I thought you would talk to her. Chloe, I love you. Please talk to Jocelyn if you won't to me."

  Chloe closed her eyes and rested her forehead against Jayden's. "There's too much you don't know. I can't tell you."

  "Talk to Jocelyn. You don't have to tell me and she won't tell me, only give me an idea what to do to keep you safe. Trust her Chloe, please."

  He kissed her forehead softly as he stood. "I'll be in the other room."

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Tony was in no mood to deal with the incompetence that surrounded him. He had made it clear that Joe wasn't to check in unless he had news on Chloe's whereabouts. Consequently, he hadn't heard from any of his men. He was furious that Chloe had been able to hide from him. He always thought she lacked any kind of street smarts. Apparently he had been very wrong.

  She denied hearing anything when questioned, but at this point he couldn't take any chances. Had he believed she didn't know things, he would just let her go and be done with her. Instead now it was a race to find her before she told her police friend things she shouldn't – if she hadn't already.

  Tony slammed his hand on the steering wheel. He had been parked out in front of Carla's house since early morning and still no sign of her. She should be leaving to open the diner soon, but instead the house looked empty. With a sigh, he started the vehicle. He'd get coffee at the diner and pressure her a bit more as to Chloe's whereabouts. He was at the end of his patience and just wanted all this behind him.

  He was surprised when he pulled around the corner to see Carla opening the diner. Had she been with Chloe. How was it possible? He sat outside her house all night, When did she, how did she? His frustration shot through him. He parked and sat there for a moment. This was a delicate situation. Carla was tougher than he first thought. She wouldn't put up with the bullying, nor would she answer questions readily. He drummed his fingers on the steering wheel.

  With a smirk, he exited the vehicle and went inside. He moved to a bench in the back of the diner and gestured for coffee. He kept his eyes on Carla as she made her way to his table with a cup of coffee. "Anything else?"

  "I think I will have the special." Tony smiled.

  She met his eyes and never blinked. There was no warmth in her face. She gave a brief nod and turned towards the kitchen.

  Tony pulled out his cell phone and called Joe. Giving him instructions, he hung up and waited for the food. There was more than one way to get to Chloe. She had a soft heart. He would rely on that to draw her into the open.

  Carla slid the plate in front of Tony. "Will that be all?"

  "For the moment. Thank you."


  Carla put the check on the table and walked away. She had never turned away business, but in this moment she wanted nothing more than to tell him to go elsewhere. She hadn't heard from Jayden last night and had no idea if he found Chloe. She had stayed the night at the shelter. She and Sarah had been up all night talking. Sarah knew nothing more than what Carla had told her when Chloe moved in.

  For the next few hours, Carla was busy with the breakfast crowd. Tony stayed in the booth the whole time, even though she refused to take more coffee to him. During a break, she called Jayden. When he didn't pick up his cell phone, Carla's heart started pounding. What if something had happened to him?

  She dialed his home number. After the third ring, Jayden's voice came on the line.

  "Where have you been?"

  "Carla? I'm sorry I didn't call. It was late when we got back. Chloe's been upset." He sighed.

  "Is she okay?"

  "Yeah. Jocelyn is here now."

  Carla glanced around the diner. It was empty except for Tony and his lackey who had showed up after she delivered his food. "Why can't you just trust her?"

  The frustration came through the phone. "Why don't you tell me?"

  "It's not my place, Jay. She needs to do this in her own timing." Carla was silent for a moment. "Have you told her yet?"

  "Told her what?"

  "How you feel." Carla waited, holding her breath.

  "Yeah. There wasn't much response except that she said I didn't want to be involved with her." Carla could hear Jayden pacing. "I'm a fool, aren't I?"

  "No. I believe she's worth it, Jay. Hang in there. Give her my love. I've got to run." Carla hung up as Tony stood from the table.

  He placed the check and cash by the register on his way out. Carla didn't move until he was gone. As she gathered the money to put into the register, an envelope with Chloe's name sat under the check. It was sealed. She slid it into her pocket.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chloe sat there with her eyes closed. How much could she tell Jocelyn? Could she—should she—tell her everything? The weight of the world was on her shoulders and she was going under. Life would be so much easier if she hadn't met Jayden, yet she couldn't imagine her life without him at this point. She needed him, wanted him to hold her and tell her it was alright and that she was safe. She wanted his security and his love. Love. She never thought she would have that kind of love her parents had. For the first time ever she had a strong desire, and hope, that it could happen. She could envision Jayden being a father to her child, maybe wanting more children.

  "Chloe?" Jocelyn's soft voice broke through her thoughts.

  Chloe glanced over at Jocelyn and took a deep breath. "What has Jayden told you?"

  "Not much, except your boyfriend is trying to get to you, and he's not a very nice man." Jocelyn paused. "Do you want to talk about it? Don't be pressured by Jayden to tell me anything you aren't comfortable talking about."

  "I have been on my own for so long. It's hard to trust people, but I want to trust Jayden." Chloe tucked her feet under her on the couch and faced Jocelyn.

  "He is the most trustworthy guy I know, and I'm not just saying that because he is my brother." She smiled. "I have worried about him for a long time now. I didn't think he would ever give himself the chance to feel love and really live again. I guess I should thank you. Despite your misgivings, you are the best thing that has come into his life."

  Chloe shook her head. "I don't know how. I'm a mess, my life, my emotions...I can't think straight when he is around. I want..."

  Jocelyn stood from the chair and moved to the couch. Sitting in front of Chloe, she grabbed her hands. "What do you want, Chloe? It's just you and me."

  She blinked back a tear and squeezed Jocelyn's hand. "I want to be able to love him, to allow him to give me the safety he wants."

  "So let him in." The words were just a whisper, but it was the break in the damn that brought the tears streaming down Chloe's face.

  They sat in silence while Chloe let the tears fall. The cascade was years of hurt and trying to be strong that had finally gave away to possible hope. As Chloe took a deep breath and calmed, Jocelyn stood and left the room. She returned with a box of Kleenex and once again sat close on the couch facing Chloe.

  "Ready to talk now?"

  Chloe nodded yes. "It's been so long since someone has cared."

  "I imagine it has. From what I have gathered, you have been on your own, and being as strong as anyone could be for the circumstances you were in. There's no guilt in getting out of a bad situation."

  "It's more than that." Chloe rolled the Kleenex in her hand. "I had to get out because it's not just me anymore."

  Jocelyn's face went from unsure to a smile taking over. "How far along are you?"

  "Almost five months. Jayden doesn't know." Panic brought her voice up a notch.

  "He doesn't have to right now. I think you need to tell him pretty soon, or else he is going to notice anyway, but right now we need to think about your safety."

  "I didn't want to lie to him, but I...he couldn't possibly want to be with someone like me."

  "Someone like you? What do you mean?" Jocelyn
sat a little straighter. "I can assure you my brother will think no different of you when he finds out."

  "I didn't mean to imply he wasn't a good person. I just don't know how he would react, and I certainly don't expect that he'll want to be involved with me."

  "You're being a bit unfair, aren't you?" Jocelyn spoke harshly. Taking a deep breath, she continued. "He wouldn't feel an obligation, but he does obviously have feelings for you. That isn't going to change because of your circumstances."

  Chloe stood and paced the living room. "So what is it that he wants to do? Regarding Tony? I will not continue to run away. I need to face him."

  "You don't really believe that putting yourself in danger is going to solve anything?"

  "I think it's time to take my life back and that doesn't mean hiding behind Jayden. Tony will never stop until I stand up to this."

  "That's insane, Chloe. Think of the baby."

  Chloe faced Jocelyn. "No talk of the baby. I know how to protect my child." The moment of weakness and crying had passed. Chloe straightened her back. "I've got this. Please you and Jayden need to leave it alone."

  "Wow. Really? You are going to go the ‘I'm stronger than anyone else' route on this? I like you a lot and I'm worried. Don't push us away at a time like this." She stood. "I will respect your wishes to a point, but I won't let you do what you're planning."


  Jocelyn turned and walked out of the living room. She shook her head and yet respected Chloe's determination to take care of herself. She found Jayden out on the deck. She stood in the kitchen and watched her brother. The dark circles under his eyes were evidence of his concern, although they were faint. He had been through plenty, and she knew he still fought his demons over the shooting. It would devastate him if something happened to Chloe, and Jocelyn wondered if he would ever heal from it.

  Pulling the door open, she stepped onto the deck. "Hey."

  "Is she okay?"

  "She is one tough cookie. That's strength, Jay, even if you don't think so right now."


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