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Shades of Desire: 10 Sweet & Spicy Romances

Page 109

by J. A. Coffey

  "What happened?"

  "Was run off the road. I'm assuming Joe, but couldn't make out the car enough to be positive. I got out of the car before whoever it was came back and pushed it over the embankment."

  Jayden swore. "I'll be right there."

  "Cliff Road, about halfway along. I'll start walking."

  "I'll call Chloe while I'm on my way. Carla should have gotten there by now."

  "Make it fast. I don't look forward to walking all the way back to Arden when it's only about a half hour ride." Dave disconnected and slipped his phone into his pocket. It was too dark to get down to his car. With a sigh, he turned toward Arden and started walking.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Carla waited until the car started and raced to the kitchen. She pulled out drawers until she came to the one that had the station walkie-talkie.

  "Jayden, are you there?"

  Silence met her.


  She paced around the living room wondering if Chloe had a cell phone that she didn't take. Carla headed towards her bedroom to search. The walkie-talkie was silent except for occasional static. She found Chloe's purse and rifled through it. She came across a cell phone that was powered off and hit the On button.

  "Jayden?" She spoke into the walkie-talkie again. Still no answer. She heaved it on the bed. What good were they if no one answered?

  With the phone powered up, she punched in Jayden's cell number. As soon as he answered, she said, "He has her."


  "Yes, it's me. Tony grabbed her. I don't know where they were going. I have no keys or cell phone, but found Chloe's phone." Silence met her. "Jayden?"

  "Yes, I'm here. Dammit, how did he get her?"

  "Look, Jayden, I'm not happy about it and I am sporting a bruise across my right cheek to prove it. Find her and send someone to get me." She hung up before the tears started falling. She had failed her friend. She lost her child due to a violent man and now she was going to lose Chloe, and her child. The sobs racked her body as the tears flowed.


  Jayden was bombarded with fear and anxiety, then anger. Good, at least he was getting mad. That was a good sign that he would be able to reaction with instinct instead of letting emotions get in the way.

  "I'm on my way to pick up Dave. Apparently he's had a bit of car trouble." Jayden sighed.

  Jayden floored the gas pedal and made record time to Cliff Road. He came upon Dave about five miles from town. With Dave in the car, he turned back towards town. "Tony's got Chloe."

  "Where do we look?"

  Jayden looked up. "I have no idea. Where would he take her?"

  "My guess would be he would keep her close. He wants you to know he's in control." He turned and faced Jayden. "Can you do this?"

  "Yes. I'll do anything to keep her safe."

  "Good. Let's go. We'll pick up Carla and then go from there."

  The drive to Jayden's house was silent, both David and Jayden in their own thoughts. Carla was on the steps waiting for them.

  "What happened?" Jayden demanded as soon as they exited the vehicle.

  "He was waiting here when I got here. He got the jump on me, had a gun. Chloe opened the door for me and he was behind me." Carla watched Jayden. "I shouldn't have come here."

  "If you hadn't been here it would have been longer before we knew she was gone. It's not your fault." Jayden pulled her into his arms and held her close. "We'll get her back."

  Dave interrupted. "Hate to break this up, but any idea where he would have taken her? Did he say anything?"

  "He didn't say. I don't know. She was strong though. She stood up to him and didn't show fear. That's a huge step for her."

  "I'm afraid her strength will tick him off more. He's used to her being submissive." Jayden ran his fingers through his hair. "Dammit, where would they go?"

  "He would want to take her somewhere that would taunt you." Dave was thoughtful. "Where did you see him the most, or interact the most with Chloe in public?"

  "It was always the diner."

  Dave started to the car. "Then the diner is where we'll start. We can drop Carla off at home on the way."

  "I'm not going home."

  Jayden shook his head. "You're not going with us. You need to stay home. I'll bring Chloe to you as soon as I can."

  "That optimistic?"

  "I have to be. It's all I can hold on to right now." Jayden started the car and pulled out, racing for the diner.

  Stopping at Carla's house, Jayden stepped out of the cruiser to open the back door. She handed him her key to the diner. "Just in case you need it."

  Jayden folded her into a bear hug. "Don't worry. We'll find her."

  "Be careful, both of you."

  Jayden slid into the car. "Please call Joce and let her know what is going on." He slammed the door and was gone before Carla had turned towards the house.


  Carla let herself in and reached for the phone. She knew Jayden wanted Jocelyn to know for David's sake. Jocelyn had been fighting her feelings for him for as long as Carla could remember. Maybe this was just the thing that would finally knock down her defenses.

  Carla minced no words when Jocelyn picked up and filled her on the situation. They agreed she would come to Carla's house and wait for news.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Tony parked behind an old building next to another car. He rolled down his window to speak with Joe. "PI is out of the picture."

  "Good. Now I want you to go back home."

  "You might need help with the boyfriend," Joe protested.

  Tony shook his head. "This is only going to end one of two ways. I'm either going to jail for a long time or I won't be breathing. You need to get out of here and take over the business."

  "What about her?" Joe nodded his head towards the backseat.

  Tony glanced over his shoulder. Chloe was huddled against the far door, glaring at him. He sighed. "She'll be fine. I need to find out what information she has given Mr. Police Officer and then I'll dispose of her."

  "Disposed of? Just thrown away. Just let me go and you won't need to be bothered with me again."

  "Shut up, Chloe." Tony's voice was cold.

  She turned towards the window.

  "Joe, just get out of here. I'll take care of everything else. If by chance I get past this, I'll catch up with you. If you don't hear from me in the next 24 hours, then move forward with our plans."

  "Got it, boss." Joe gave a mock salute and slid into his car.

  Tony started his car. He closed his eyes for a moment. Where could he draw Jayden in? If he wasn't going to get through this, he wanted to take the one thing Chloe cared about with him.

  "You won't get away with this." Her voice broke through his thoughts.

  "You are so sure lover boy is coming for you?" He laughed. "I hope he does and then you can see just want kind of life you created for him."

  Chloe shuddered at the callous tone. She had to warn Jayden somehow...but how?

  "You have your key for the diner?"

  "Yes. Why?"

  Tony smiled and turned the car towards town. "I think it is most fitting the place you met him will be the place you say goodbye to him."

  "Don't do this, Tony. Please."

  "Save it, my dear. I don't care how you feel about him. My one regret will be not being able to take this baby from you. I would have loved a son to leave the family business to."

  "I never would have let you near him or her." Her voice rose an octave as her fear grew.

  "You say that like you would have had a choice." Tony pulled in behind the diner and shut off the car. "Let's go."

  He pulled Chloe from the car and shoved her towards the back door. Her hand shook as she unlocked the door, pushed it open, and stepped inside.

  "Far enough. Stay close." Tony locked the door. "Have a seat right there on that stool." He pointed just inside the door.

  "What are you going to do now? Jayden wi
ll find you here in no time. You had no intention of trying to get away, did you?"

  Tony chuckled. "And miss all the fun when he shows up to rescue you? He just won't know what he's stepping into."

  Chloe stood and walked towards him. "Don't do this. Nothing happened between him and me. I was just trying to make you jealous. I knew you would come for me." She batted her eyelashes and flashed a smile.

  He pushed her back against the stool. "Stop it. You never were very good at seduction, Chloe. You ran from me for no reason and now there are consequences for that."

  "I didn't run for no reason. You had no love for me. You wanted a puppet and I couldn't be that anymore. It wasn't fair to the baby."

  "A puppet? A puppet would have behaved better than you. All those times I hurt you, you made me do that because you couldn't just be happy with our life."

  Chloe stood tall. "I didn't make you do anything. You need help."

  He took the gun out of his pocket and placed it on the counter. "Sit down, Chloe. I'm done talking."

  "Well I'm not. It's been years, Tony, and I have never said a word to you. I went along with what you wanted, or got beat if I did something wrong. I'm done playing your games. I want out...NOW."

  Tony stared at her, his face cold and unemotional. "Well, well. This is a surprise. This new personality of yours would have been quite fun while we were together. Now it bores me."

  There was only one door to the outside from here, where they had come in. The other door led to the dining room. It was open. If anyone came in the front the bell would ring so Tony would know. Jayden would be walking into a trap. Chloe had no way to warn him. She wrung her hands. Tony leaned against the counter watching her. As if he could read her thoughts, he smirked. "Don't fret, Chloe. He'll be here soon."

  "He won't come alone, you know. You won't make it out alive."

  Tony picked up the gun and approached Chloe. "If I don't make it out alive, do you think you will? There will be shots. No one will know whose bullet hit you." He ran the edge of the run down her cheek. "It will be a sweet moment to know he won't have you before I go."

  Chloe closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Don't be so sure of yourself, Tony. Look how long it took you to find me, or even the fact that I was able to get away from you."

  He stood straight and put the gun in his belt. "Yes, you are so confident that you fooled me, aren't you?"


  Jayden and David parked just down the road from the diner and crept out of the car, pushing the door shut without a sound. Tony's car had been seen behind the diner as they drove around. "How do you want to do this?" David whispered.

  "The problem will be the front door. That stupid bell. No way to open it without the thing making noise. My guess is he has her in the kitchen and there's only one door there."

  "So one of us covers the back door while the other opens the front and distracts him." Dave was silent. "I'll take the back if you want."

  "He's waiting for me. He's expecting me to come in the front. I don't think he'll try to come out. The question is, who does he want dead more, me or Chloe?"

  "Don't think that way. Chloe's smart. She won't push him. We'll get her out."

  "Dave...thanks. Take the back and be prepared to get her out of there regardless of what happens."

  "Hey, man, are you ready for this?"

  "I'm good. I won't let her down."

  Dave moved off towards the back of the diner while Jayden went to the front door. There weren't any lights on. He unlocked the door and slid it open as slowly as possible. When he could get his hand in, he grasped the bell while he slipped inside and closed the door. Jayden crept down behind the counter and moved at a snail's pace to the kitchen. At least that door was open.

  Chloe was taunting Tony with the fact she had left him. Jayden shook his head. He hoped she wasn't making things worse. Yet the strength in her voice gave him encouragement. This was the woman he wanted to be with, to have a family with. He crept closer to the open door. Tony stood with his back to him.

  His gun was pointed at Chloe. Jayden couldn't surprise him and take the chance the gun would go off. He sat back out of sight. He had to somehow signal Chloe he was here.

  "Tony, let Chloe go. It will go so much easier for you." Dave's voice broke the silence from the back of the diner.

  Jayden peeked around the corner. Tony hauled Chloe against him. He had his gun pointed at her temple.

  "She's not coming out. Where is the police chief?"

  Jayden stood and moved partially into the door. "I'm right here."

  Tony whipped around, bringing Chloe with him. "Clever. Snuck in without the bell ringing. I'm impressed."

  "You should be. Now let her go. This is between you and me."

  Tony gripped Chloe tighter. "Oh, I think she is a big part of this and should stay."

  "You know you can't walk out of here." Jayden's hand trembled. He blinked rapidly to erase the sight of the young boy dying in his arms. This was about Chloe. He wouldn't let her die, not her, not here.

  "Having problems with memories?" Tony's taunt broke through Jayden's fog. "Yes, I know all about the young boy you killed. Was considered an accident, but it doesn't feel like it. You are haunted by it all the time, aren't you?"


  Chloe watched Jayden. Tony was hitting a nerve. She knew there had been an incident and he had left the Portland job because of it, but she didn't know it involved a death of a child. The tightness of Jayden's jaw indicated that he had pulled himself into a more focused groove.

  She kept her eyes on Jayden, trying to convey to him the strength that he needed. Her life without him flashed before her eyes and she felt warm with the realization that this was what love was – being there for someone when it was tough, no matter what. If they could make it through this, they stood a chance of making a relationship work.

  "Let her go, Tony," Jayden took a step into the kitchen.

  "Don't come any further." Tony jabbed Chloe with the gun. He pulled her to the side so he could see Dave and Jayden both. Dave was just inside the doorway.

  Jayden met Chloe's eyes. She gave a tiny wink in his direction. "I'm not feeling well, Tony. I need to sit down, please."

  "Stop. I'm not letting you away from me." He tightened his grip around her waist.

  Chloe kept her eyes on Jayden, mouthed the words "I love you" and let her knees buckle. She closed her eyes on the way down. Her fall caught Tony off guard and he loosened his grip. A shot rang out and Tony fell backwards. The gun flew out of his hand. Dave was at his side in an instant, kicking the gun out of the way.

  "Bastard." Tony sneered at Jayden as he held his shoulder where the bullet had gone clean through.

  "It's a flesh wound. You'll live." Jayden rushed to Chloe.

  She opened her eyes and smiled as he pulled her close. "I didn't really faint."

  "I know. I love you. Don't ever do that again to me."

  "I love you, Jayden. I just want all this over and behind us so we can start fresh." She hugged him close. She could feel his heart beating with the adrenal that was pumping through him. "You did it. You saved me."


  Chloe was wrapped in an afghan curled up on Carla's couch. Jayden had taken Tony to the hospital before going to the station. Dave had given her a ride. He was just as anxious to see Jocelyn as Chloe had been to see Jayden.

  She held the cup of peppermint tea that Carla had prepared and enjoyed the warmth. Jocelyn and Dave were talking quietly in the corner while Carla dropped on the couch next to Chloe.

  "Are you feeling okay? I think you should be checked by the doctor," Carla spoke softly.

  Chloe gripped Carla's hand. "I'm fine. I'll call the doctor tomorrow, but right now I just want to be here with friends, and wait for Jayden."

  "Did you finally end up telling him about the baby?"

  Chloe smiled. "Yeah. He didn't head for the hills." Chloe shifted to face Carla. "I really do love him."

/>   Carla hugged her close. "Thank God you two came to your senses. Jocelyn and I were afraid we were going to have to lock you in a room together so you would get the hint."

  Chloe laughed. "We should consider that for Joce and David. Though maybe those two are finally coming around too."

  "Talking about us?" Jocelyn came over and sat on the floor in front of Chloe.

  "Just wondering how long you two were going to waste time."

  David sank into the recliner. "Really? You want to talk about us? Do you realize the amount of turmoil you brought into Jayden's life?" He shook his head.

  Jocelyn winked at Chloe. "Well, maybe I'll be getting a sister out of this whole fiasco."

  "Don't rush things." Chloe looked shocked, but her eyes sparkled with her love for Jayden. "I'm not sure after all this your brother won't want some peace and quiet."

  "Peace and quiet sounds good." Jayden's voice announced his entrance. Chloe met his eyes and her heart swelled. "Are you going to join me for that R&R?"

  He walked slowly across the room and bent to capture her lips. His tongue caressing hers gently, but with her soft moan the kiss became more demanding. As he broke away, he whispered, "I take that as a yes."

  "Yes." Chloe nodded.

  Jayden glanced around at the others. "Do you mind if I steal her away for just a moment?"

  There were murmurs of encouragement. He laced his fingers with hers and led her out to the back flower garden. Standing next to a red rose bush, he pulled her close. "I don't ever want to go through that again. I thought I'd lost you."

  Chloe held his face between her hands. "Never. I'm here. I had every confidence that you would be there for me."

  "I want to be there for you, Chloe, forever. All this has just made me realize how deep my love goes for you. I want to spend the rest of our days together, raise this baby, and others, if you are willing."

  She searched his face and saw the same love shining from his eyes that she felt in her heart. "Are you...?"

  "Marry me, Chloe. I don't want to waste another minute without you by my side."


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