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Shades of Desire: 10 Sweet & Spicy Romances

Page 126

by J. A. Coffey

  She put down her fork, set her shoulders and looked him square in the eyes. "Because I love you." She knew she was setting herself up for a broken heart, but he had to know how she felt. Maybe it would be enough to get through to him. She realized she could tell him who she actually was and it would probably change everything. However, she needed him to love her and right now she dared not trust her gut. She had to be positive how he really felt.

  "You are a foolish woman. Save your heart for someone who cares."

  She refused to back down. "Besides, how do you intend to make me leave?"

  Tossing his napkin on the table as if it were a challenge, he rose from his seat, stalked around to the other side, picked her up out of the chair and tossed her over his shoulder. She pummeled his back.

  "What the hell are you doing? Put me down," she demanded.

  "Teaching you to respect my authority," he growled.

  Armand tossed her into the car and strapped her in. Before she could free herself, he was in the driver's seat and had the vehicle backing out of the garage.

  "Are you really going to go through with this?" Anger knifed through her and she smacked him on the arm. He didn't flinch.

  "You leave me no choice."

  He ranted something under his breath in Spanish and she was sure she didn't want a translation. Could she have been wrong about him? She stared out the window as they drove up the mountain rather than into town.

  "I thought you were taking me to the bus depot?"

  "Change of plans. There is a small airstrip on the other side of the mountain. I have friends there that will fly you to the main airport." He glared at her. "You have proven to me you cannot be trusted to behave."

  This time she punched him in the arm. "You're an ass just like your brother. I'm not a damn child."

  His nostrils flared. "Did my brother harm you?"

  Seriously? She crossed her arms over her chest and looked out the window. Did he forget she knew how to read body language? At the moment, his indicated he was pissed. "What if he had? Why would you care?"

  The car came to a screeching halt and had it not been for the seatbelt, she would have hit the dash. When she looked over at him, his lip was curled into a snarl. So the lion has woken. Imagine that. And yet he says he doesn't care.

  "Don't play games with me, querida. It does not bode well for either of us," he replied through clenched teeth.

  "Really? It would seem you are a master at it, pretending you don't give a shit about me. I don't believe you, Armand. This little fit of yours just proved you're a liar."

  His jaw went stiff and he focused on the road. He slammed the shifter into gear and proceeded down the mountain. They drove in silence and she smiled knowing she'd struck a nerve. Now she needed to figure out how to keep from getting on that plane. Could he really make her? He had overpowered her once and she had no idea what to expect from his so-called friends. If she was forced to fly from here, then she needed a plan B to get herself back.

  "I give up, Armand. I will go home willingly." She watched his body relax. Good, he'd taken the bait, but what next? Two large buildings and an airstrip came into view. Shit. They were here.

  He pulled the car inside one of the hangers and shut off the ignition. He exited and came around to open her door. She undid her belt and accepted his hand while trying not to think of what his touch did to her.

  "Seems awfully quiet in here," she stated.

  "We were not expected for another hour so we will have to wait."

  She nodded. "I see." She walked to the edge of the hanger and looked out over the mountainous terrain. "So how far from home are you allowed to go?"

  He moved in beside her. "This is it. You see that tree over there?" He pointed toward a field on the other side of the runway. "I can't walk to it. The other side of this strip is off limits."

  "Really? What happens if you try?" A plan formed in her head. She needed to get him to the edge of his boundary.

  He shrugged. "It's like walking into a wall. I simply can't cross it."

  "Fascinating. Can you show me?"

  "Why?" His eyes narrowed.

  Kayla tried to keep her features schooled, not wanting him to become too suspicious. "I simply can't fathom how this magic works." She shrugged and acted nonchalant. "Besides, what else do we have to do while we wait?"

  "Very well." He grabbed her hand and escorted her across the runway. The morning sun was just beginning its climb into the sky, and the air still held its crispness from the previous night. He stopped at the edge of the pavement and pressed his palms into the air. "I can't cross here."

  She stepped off the edge of the runway. "You mean you can't touch me now?"

  "No, now come back over here," he demanded.

  "If you can't touch me then you can't make me." She was feeling pretty proud of herself for having tricked him. Trouble was, now what? She had to flee before his friends arrived, but first she needed to know. "Tell me what you said to me after making love last night?"

  He paced. "We didn't make love. I fucked you and that is all. Now get back over here."

  A light bulb went off inside her head. "God, how stupid." She pulled her phone from her back pocket and began scrolling for the translator. She hesitated. Did she really want to know? What if the words were not what she hoped for? She swallowed her fear and pressed the screen. "Te Amo, querida."

  "I love you, darling." The monotone voice replied back.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Armand listened as Kayla's phone spoke the words he should have never said to her. How the hell was he going to get out of this mess? "It was the heat of the moment. It meant nothing."

  She stepped closer, but still out of reach. "I love you, Armand."

  He dropped his gaze to the ground. "Don't."

  "Armand, look at me," she begged.

  His gaze drifted to her warm brown eyes and what he saw there was raw and real. "Damn it. You can't love me."


  "Because I can't stand the thought of watching your death." She tipped her head in confusion. He didn't expect her to understand.

  "You mean my growing old and you staying immortal? All the more reason to end this curse."

  "No, you will not sacrifice for me. I cannot allow it." He stood steadfast, prepared to argue with her when a glint behind her caught his eye. "Kayla, get behind me. Now!"

  Rather than obey him, she spun around to look behind her.

  "How lucky for me that I should find both of you here?" Cyndel hissed.

  "Cyndel. You will leave the girl alone." Armand fisted his hands and wondered how the hell he would protect Kayla. "I will marry you, but you must agree to leave the girl in peace." Those words cut through him like hot steel. He despised the thought of marrying her, but would do anything to protect Kayla. Even die for her.

  Cyndel circled Kayla like a predator does its prey. "Oh, I don't want to marry you. I'm centuries past that." She curled her lip into a snarl. "With you gone, little human, I'll no longer have to worry. You are the last of the line."

  "What are you talking about? Why are you doing this? Why have you not released me from my prison?" He tried again to cross the threshold, hoping she'd broken the spell, but the wall held firm.

  She flashed violet eyes at him. "Because it suits me to torture the human. Even better that I can make you watch while I slowly kill her. When I'm done with her, I will kill you next."

  Panic gripped his heart and squeezed. He was helpless to save the woman he loved. "Cyndel, kill me if you want. Torture me for the next century if it pleases you, but let the girl go." He dropped to his knees. "I am begging you."

  Cyndel tapped her finger against her lips. "Hmm. Now I'm not sure which would prove more entertaining. Making you watch her death, or having her watch yours."

  He gritted his teeth. "If you no longer care for me, then why must you harm the girl?" He was afraid he already knew the answer. The fire behind the genie's eyes indicated she'd finally gone
mad. His Jinn screeched within him, demanding release to protect what belonged to him, but wasn't going to happen. For the first time since Kayla had returned, he wished her to use the amulet. The moonstone she wore around her neck might be the only thing that could save her. He had to keep Cyndel distracted and pray Kayla would use the opportunity to her advantage. He just hoped his next move didn't provoke the genie to lash out on Kayla.

  Armand rose to his feet and moved in close to the barrier. "Cyndel, you want to know the real reason I didn't marry you?" He prayed her vanity would be her undoing.

  "Humor me, I have all day," Cyndel replied, inspecting her nails with boredom.

  "You were a rotten fuck. I only pretended to enjoy your company." It was enough to elicit sparks from her fingertips.

  "In this stone I behold, powers of which shall not be told," Kayla yelled.

  "That's right!" Armand yelled louder. Kayla had started the chant and he needed to keep the she bitch occupied. "How's your ego now, Cyndel. Even your own army thought you worthless in bed." He watched her ire grow.

  "Where it once held ice, it now holds fire. Containing the cursed and their desire."

  Cyndel screeched and spun to face Kayla. "You bitch!" She shot a blast of power aimed at Kayla's chest sending her flying.


  Searing pain shot through Kayla's chest at the same time she heard Armand yell her name. She landed with a hard thud several feet away, the air knocked from her lungs. With no idea where the genie was, she knew she had to regain herself and finish the chant before they both died. She rolled to her side.

  "To turn the fire back to ice. Kiss the fire, kiss it thrice." She brought the stone to her lips. Once. Twice.

  A second blast hit her back causing a blood-curdling scream to escape her lips.

  "Kayla!" Armand yelled.

  "You think you can destroy me? Human?" Cyndel laughed. "You will never succeed. You are a fool just as your forefathers before you."

  The hair on Kayla's arms rose and wafted in the breeze. She heard Armand shouting, but was unable to make out what he said. Pain shot through her body and stars danced before her eyes. Keep it together. You have to fight back. She focused on the two things most important to her: Armand and retribution.

  She kissed the stone a third time. "With this blessed kiss of three ... "

  Another shot and Kayla was flung into the air. Landing on her arm, she heard bone shatter. Blood ran from her mouth, but her gaze met Armand's who knelt a few feet away and his tear stained face made her more determined to live. "The genie's heart of ice shall not be free."

  Armand tipped his head back and yelled to the heavens. Black smoke wafted around him in a slow dance then tightened and transformed into a funnel that reached several feet into the air. The winds whipped and debris flew past. She cried out as her body skidded over the rough terrain.

  As suddenly as it started, all fell quiet. Kayla lay on her back staring at a blue sky. The birds chirped their daily song as if nothing had ever happened. She tried to sit up, but her broken body refused to move. She turned her head to where Armand had been.


  She tried to look around for Cyndel, but didn't see her. Had she succeeded? "Armand?"

  Only the birds answered back.

  "Dear god, what have I done?" Tears flowed as the racking sobs overtook her. Had she sent him to purgatory as well? Maybe the amulet couldn't discern between Armand and Cyndel. Why the hell had she not thought of that? Why had Crone or Efrain not told her? They must not have known, otherwise they would never have risked Armand's life. What the hell was she going to do now? Her broken body was useless and black spots danced in front of her. She could do nothing but lie there and remember to breathe.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Armand was careful as he picked up Kayla's broken body and brought her close to his chest. He kissed her lips and shared his power with her own to speed the healing process. Pride swelled in his chest at how his little vixen had stood up to a powerful genie. He also remembered the fear that ate him raw as he watched her get tossed like a rag doll. Later, he would reprimand her for being so careless with her life. Never had he thought someone besides his father and brothers could mean more to him, but with his mate tucked close to him he vowed he would never let her go.

  He flashed them to his bedroom and was greeted by Crone, Lazaro and his father as he laid her on the bed.

  "Is she well?" Efrain asked.

  Armand nodded. "Her broken bones are already mending. I expect she will be fully recovered by morning."

  Lazaro stepped forward. "I have missed you, brother."

  Armand pulled his brother into an embrace. "I have missed you as well." Emotions overwhelmed him as he clung to a man who had only been a boy when last he saw him. He pushed back. "You have grown."

  Lazaro laughed. "Yes, I have. We have many things to catch up on but after your mate recovers."

  Armand nodded. "Thank you."

  Efrain approached. His eyes watered. "I cannot even begin to tell you how much I have missed you. I am sorry I didn't protect you from Cyndel."

  Armand pulled his father into him. "Don't. I was the only one responsible for my actions." He released his father and bent to one knee. "I beg your forgiveness, my king."

  His father palmed his cheek. "You were forgiven long ago. Take care of your vetemba and come to me when you are ready."

  Armand nodded and watched his family disappear. He rose and walked back to Kayla's side, deciding this was not the place he wanted her to awaken. He had a special place in mind. He curled in next to her and whispered the magical words that transported them to his bungalow. He would not leave their bed until she awoke.

  His mind moved back to the events earlier in the day. When Kayla had completed the chant, all hell had broken loose. Armand's power and that of Cyndel's had created a strong vortex as it whipped in the atmosphere and searched for its host. Armand's Jinn had awakened fully and welcomed its power back. When the energy reentered his body, it had been more than he could consume and sent him into his smoke form. It had been all he could do to fight it and return back to Kayla. He had no idea what had happened to her in the short time he was gone.

  Lying next to her, he sensed her power awakening. She was immortal and on the mend, but it was a good thing she slept. Broken bones knitting back together was painful no matter who you were. He kissed her cheek. "Te amo, querida. Sleep well my little angel."


  Makayla opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling fan that whooshed in slow motion. Checking the function of her body parts when she woke was becoming way too familiar of a routine. She sensed someone beside her and slowly turned her head, not sure what to expect. However, meeting the intense blue gaze she had grown so fond of warmed her insides.

  "You are awake," Armand whispered.

  "You're okay?"

  He propped up on one elbow. "I am perfect, thanks to you."

  She looked around and found herself in a large open room and she swore she heard waves crashing outside. "Where are we?"

  "My private tropical isle."

  She sat up. "Seriously?" It was then she realized she was naked. "Uh, where are my clothes?"

  He snorted. "You're worried about what you're wearing?"

  She pulled the sheet to cover her breasts. "Well last I remember, I was half dead in the middle of nowhere and you vanished in a puff of smoke. I thought I'd sent you with Cyndel." She gasped. "She is gone, right? You ... you have your powers back?"

  He nodded. "Yes to both questions."

  "So I'm guessing I'm now immortal?"

  His lip curled into a most wicked grin ever. "Very and all healed."

  She narrowed her gaze. "Why are you looking at me like that? Did I grow two heads or something?" She reached up and touched her hair just to be sure.

  "No, you still have one. For now."

  "What?" Panic set in. No one ever really told her what would happen when she took Cyndel's power. G
reat. Now I'm a freak.

  He rolled into a thunderous laughter. "I kid."

  She pursed her lips. "I'm not finding the entertainment value here."

  He sat up and it was then she noticed he was buck-naked. How the hell did I miss that? He looked different, but she couldn't place it exactly. It must have shown on her face.

  "Querida, now you look at me as if I have two heads."

  "Something's different about you."

  He smiled. "You are most observant."

  She turned away, afraid to face him. Her fingers itched to trace the hardened muscles of his chest, down his abs and wrap around his ... She rubbed her palm over her face. Dear god, she had to figure out how to get out of bed and get some clothes.

  "I can hear your thoughts and I like you better naked."

  She whipped her gaze back at him. "What?"

  He shrugged. "You are Jinn, we can read each other's thoughts."

  "No! How the hell do I turn it off?" This wasn't good. Not at all. Having him know her every thought– "Wait, then why can't I hear yours?"

  "You will in time, when you become more practiced. You'll also learn how to block others from yours. There are many things I have to teach you, but before I do ... " He sprang at her. Pinning her body to the bed, he held her arms over her head and brushed a kiss across her lips. "I find the need to bury myself deep inside you."

  She shivered. So many things had happened between them. Words had passed, but where did it leave them? Did they have a future? It was hard to think straight with him peppering kisses along her neck. He leaned back and eyes filled with desire bore into her and touched her soul.

  "I meant the words I whispered to you. Never before has a woman affected me in such a manner."

  "Then why were you willing to marry Cyndel?" She knew but needed to hear the words pass his lips.

  "I would do anything to protect you. Including live an eternal hell with a witch like her. When she attacked you and I could do nothing but watch, I nearly died."

  She understood, really she did. When Cyndel threatened his life, it scared her more than anything ever had. "But you knew I had the pendant and the ability to stop her and give you your life back."


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