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Trusting A Tiger (Alaskan Tigers)

Page 11

by Dobson, Marissa

  “Felix, I was just coming to find you.” Ty’s voice traveled down the hall toward Felix, pulling him from his thoughts with a jerk.

  “Harmony’s having coffee with Robin and Tex, so I was catching up on things. I stopped by and talked to Connor. He brought me up to speed. When are we heading out? If you haven’t appointed someone else, I’d like to command the team.”

  “You were our first choice. Taber and Styx are standing by. If there are others you’d like, get them ready. Adam has asked to accompany you as well.”

  Felix cocked his head to the side. “Is that wise? I wouldn’t want to take Tabitha’s best guards from her. I hope the mission will be a success without any outfall, but as you’re aware, things can go wrong. Adam should stay to keep Tabitha safe in case…” The words something should happen died on his tongue. He knew the risks—they all did—but that didn’t keep them in the safety of the compound waiting for trouble to find them.

  “That ‘in case’ is exactly why Adam should go with you. The two of you are an excellent team. To have him protecting your back will ensure you both come back safely. Besides, Carran has been proving himself under Adam and Tad, so Tabby will still have three guards while you and Adam are gone. Theodore will be arriving within the hour. After the latest threat from Avery, we wanted any extra hands on board we could get. Jinx is standing by, along with a few members of his clan if we need them as well. If I feel the threat has increased, there are always Bethany’s guards. We’ll keep the women together if we have to. We’ll make it work. Adam needs to go.” Ty hooked his thumbs through his belt loops and watched Felix.

  “‘Needs to go’… as in another of Tabitha’s messages from the book?” He was well aware of the book that had guided Tabitha along the path so far and would continue to do so, helping her unite the tiger shifters. If the book told Tabitha that Adam needed to go, then no one would argue. You didn’t go against the book if you wanted to survive whatever threat they were facing.

  Ty nodded. “I’m sending Galen as well. You have fifteen minutes until the team is ready. I’ve sent them to gear up, if you’re going be out in front of the main compound then.”

  “I’ll be there. I need to tell Harmony something.” He took a quick look at his cell phone, checking the time.

  Ty’s jaw tightened with unsaid words. His body was ridged, screaming just how displeased he was about the situation involving Harmony. “Let her know you’re going after Henry, but that’s all. I’m going to have her guarded until you return. I don’t want any unfortunate incidents like before. Without the connection between her and the clan and with the bond between her and Robin dimmed from your mating, I can’t risk her leaving the compound. Jayden will take the first watch., I’ll send him to find her shortly. Go to your mate. Hopefully when this is over, we can put this behind us, and she can do what needs to be done.”

  “Yes, sir.” Felix spun around, heading directly to his room. Going after Henry, Felix needed more than just the firearm in his shoulder holster. He wanted to be fully loaded. Taking no chances when it came to Henry would bring him and his team home. Brother, you brought this upon yourself.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Long after the others had left, Harmony sat there. At some point, Harmony had wrapped her hands around her mug of coffee, giving her something to hold onto. The coffee inside had grown cold, not that she had any desire to drink it now. She tried not to think, just to be there unattached. Thinking would only lead her to the conclusion that Robin and Tex were right. Damn it!

  “There you are,” Felix called as he strode toward her.

  Her gaze met his, taking him in. His jeans and T-shirt were now replaced with black cargo pants and a black long-sleeve shirt. Completing the outfit was a bulletproof vest pulled tight over his broad chest. No longer did he wear his shoulder holster, instead there was an assault rifle slung over his chest and an additional handgun in a thigh holster and a knife on his belt.

  “What’s happening?” She pushed the coffee away and rose.

  “I only have a few minutes, but I wanted you to know I’m going after Henry.” He closed the distance and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into his body.

  “No, you can’t. Let someone else.” The rough material of his bulletproof vest against her body brought home the direness of the situation.

  “I can’t. He’s my brother, which makes it my responsibility. I’ll be back.” His hands caressed her back, and he buried his face in her hair.

  There was that word ‘responsibilities’ again, reminding her she now had them as well. Why were things so difficult when all she really wanted was for things to be simple? She wanted an uncomplicated life with her mate. “You’d choose finding Henry over me?” Even as the words left her mouth, she knew they were selfish and stupid.

  His body went stiff under her touch. “I’m not doing that. I’m going after him to protect you and to protect this clan and other shifters and humans.”

  “Go then!” She pulled away from him, taking a step back.


  “Just go.” She continued to step back away from him, doing her best to distance herself from him physically and emotionally. The hurt and anger was clear on his face, but she couldn’t let herself go to him, knowing there was a real possibility he wouldn’t be returning to her. If Henry killed him, she’d be forced from the clan unless she was willing to commit to them, leaving her alone in the world again. She wasn’t sure she could handle that.

  “No, I won’t just go. Damn it, Harmony, I’m doing this for you—for us. Don’t be so callous that you can’t see that. If he’s eliminated, maybe you can put your past behind you.”

  “Why? So I commit to your clan? Is that the reason behind all of this?” Anger heated her words.

  He closed the distance she put between them in a blink of an eye, wrapping his hands around her arms. Her body stiffened under his grip, and anger vibrated through him. “Shit, woman, how can you even think that? Maybe when this is done, you can look at me and see me, not Henry. Every time you look at me, I can see you waiting for me to hurt you, to do the things he did to you. My words won’t change your mind that I’m not him, but maybe this will. Maybe you will finally be able to put Henry to rest—to accept our mating without wondering when I’ll do something that he did to you.”

  Heavy soled boots thumped as someone entered the cafeteria. “Felix, you’re needed.”

  With one last look, he let his hands fall away and turned to face the doorway. As Jayden came toward them, Felix nodded. “The team’s ready?”

  “A package arrived that you need to see. I’ll see that Harmony is returned to her room safely.”

  Clearing her throat, she brought the attention back to her. “I can make it there myself.”

  “No. Until I return, Jayden or another guard will be with you. I won’t have a repeat of last time.” For the first time since they mated, there was a coldness to his voice.

  “What?” Her eyes went wide, unable to believe what she was hearing.

  “You heard me. I want you safe while I’m gone, and this is the only way. If Henry gets around the team and me, he’ll head for you. Ty doesn’t have the connection with you to insure you’re safe.” He stepped toward her, but when she stepped back away from him, sadness filled his gaze before he turned and left.

  The tigress within her demanded she go after him, to tell him she loved him, to feel his arms around her again, but the human side of her was too angry. How dare he assign her a babysitter? Did he think he could control her as Henry once did? If so, he had another thing coming. It was time she stood up for herself.

  * * *

  A group gathered around a small table near the main gate to the compound, a local delivery service truck parked just beyond the gate with two guards and Raja questioning him. Felix jogged to the table, coming to stand next to Ty. “What’s happening?”

  “A package for Harmony was delivered by him.” Ty tipped his head in the direct
ion of the person Raja questioned. “It’s already been cleared of any danger.”

  “I can smell the metallic taste of blood seeping into the cardboard.” Felix bit out the words while trying not to breath in the horrid air.

  “Human blood and fresh.” Ty leaned forward, slicing through the clear packaging tape as he spoke. “Looks like Henry took it to a drop-off center forty minutes ago and paid an outrageous fee to have the delivery guy bring it out even though they were closing when he entered.”

  Carefully they tugged back the folds of the cardboard box, sending the stench of blood through the air. Felix’s beast rose in him as the scent of blood hit him full force. There on top laid a torn piece of notebook paper, the blood already staining it red in several places.


  You lured me to this frozen piece of land my twin calls home hours before you claimed him as a mate. Come to me within the hour at this man’s home or your mate’s blood will be on your hands, and then I’ll hunt you down and make you pay.

  Dearest twin,

  I’m sure you will read this as well. You always pitied me because I couldn’t shift, but my beast has given me things yours never will. Come with your mate. It’s long past when we should have settled this between us.

  Careful to avoid the wet blood, Felix handed the paper to Ty and looked inside the box. Pushing aside the newspaper, Felix found the cause of the blood.

  “Shit!” Felix hissed. The head of the town’s vet laid surrounded by the newspaper, the blood still fresh, the eyes staring but not seeing. Even though the clan never used a veterinarian, it was a small town and everyone knew who Doctor James was. When the residents found out he was murdered, it would shake the sleepy town to its core.

  “Fuck!” Ty exclaimed. “You know where he lives—get the team and go. I’ll deal with this. Once Henry has been neutralized, we’ll send in a team to deal with his body.”

  Felix tore his gaze from the head and forced his attention onto Ty. “Are you suggesting we cover this up?”

  “We have little choice. Someone could have seen Henry and Doctor James together. You’re twins. We can’t bring that pressure down on the compound now, not with all that’s going on. He’ll get justice for his murder, and that’s what matters. No family will come looking for him. He’s been a widower for over ten years, and there were no children or other family.” Ty tossed the letter on the table. “Being the Alpha means protecting the clan from any harm. This scandal will harm our clan. We’ll give him a proper burial, and justice will be served. That is all we can do.”

  Felix wanted to argue, but he couldn’t. This wouldn’t have been the first time the clan had covered something up nor would it be the last, but this close to home—and someone they knew—it seemed wrong on a whole different scale. Nevertheless, if they didn’t and someone saw Henry with Doctor James, it would put suspicion on Felix and the clan. With the coming threats to the clan, they didn’t need that, nor did they need anyone put in jail. A shifter couldn’t survive there without being found out. They had to shift or their beast would eventually take over. There was no way to hide shifting into a massive tiger in a jail cell.

  With no other alternative, Felix nodded. “Very well. I’ll call once we’ve eliminated Henry.”

  “Watch your back. This shit with you and Henry goes back years. He’s had time to let the grudge grow, and that makes him more dangerous. Don’t underestimate him just because he doesn’t change his form,” Ty called as Felix began to walk toward the area where his team gathered.

  Felix could have told him that things would be fine, but it felt like too much of a lie. Even if the mission went down without a hitch, there was still the fact he was about to kill his twin. To protect my mate…

  Chapter Fifteen

  Harmony was beyond tired of feeling like a prisoner. Every move she made was watched. Jayden led her back from the cafeteria only to stand guard outside her door. Even if there had been another exit, he’d have smelled her tigress escaping. If she wanted to have the privileges the other clan members had, then she had to make the commitment to Ty.

  She collapsed on the unmade bed, feeling sorry for herself. The tiredness she was fighting earlier was nowhere to be found. Her nerves and anger over Felix hunting down Henry had cleared it away. The thought of Henry made her mentally kick herself again. She acted like such a bitch to Felix when she should have told him she loved him. If Henry killed her mate, the last words she would have said to Felix would have been in anger. How was she supposed to live with that?

  For a brief moment, she thought of calling him, to apologize for her actions, but she didn’t want to throw off his concentration by reminding him of how childish she had been. If he returned…no, when he returned, she would have to make her actions up to him.

  A knock echoed within the small room. Expecting it to be Jayden, she hollered, “Come in.” Sitting up, she tried to hide the irritation at being disturbed.

  The door opened, revealing Tex with his white cowboy hat still firmly in place. “I’m sorry to bother you, but Doc asked me to give this to you.” He held out a piece of paper toward her.

  Without moving from the bed, she reached out to take the paper. “Why you? I’m sure you had more important things to do than play messenger.” With the paper in her hands, she clenched it, wondering what Doc’s test said. Her mixed feelings about having Daisy as a cousin turned her stomach. If Felix and the team didn’t manage to dispel the threat of Henry, it would put Daisy in danger—one more person that Henry could use to control her.

  “I was about to start my first shift as one of the grounds guards.” He slid his hands into the pockets of his jeans, his shoulders tight with unease. “Actually, Robin was asked, but she passed. I believe she needs a little time before seeing you again. The scene over coffee has her worked up.”

  “I don’t mean to cause any problems. Hell, that’s why I left to go after Henry myself.” She shook her head, her hair falling into her face. “Oh, I’m making a mess of things, aren’t I?”

  He remained silent until she looked up at him. “What do you want me to say?”

  “Tell me I’m not screwing everything up. That would be a start.” She longed to hear someone tell her that things would work out, that she wasn’t throwing everything she wanted to the wind because of her fears.

  “I can’t do that. You already know how I feel about the situation. Have a good night, Harmony.” His voice held a touch of coldness to it.

  “Tex…” She called to him as he started to leave. “I appreciate you bringing this to me. No that’s not it…I’m sorry. Maybe I am making a mess of this, but how do I let go of the terrors that are controlling my actions? How do I regain the control again?”

  He leaned against the wall, his hand still on the door, watching her. “That’s not something I can tell you—it’s something you have to figure out for yourself. If you don’t figure it out soon, there’s going to be nothing left of what you could have had except Felix. He’ll stick by you because he’s your mate. The bond between you two would be too strong for anything else. But the rest of the clan, it would be an uphill battle for you to be completely one of them. Burnt bridges take twice as long to build as new ones.”

  With that, he left, leaving her holding the paper that now seemed to weigh more than it should. She took a deep breath and unfolded the paper until it lay open in her hands. Her heart beat against her chest with such speed that she thought it might break free. “What does it matter if we’re related? She’s safe here. There’s no way Henry can get to her on the compound.” Even as she reassured herself, her stomach twisted until she felt like she would be sick.

  There’s no need to go into the technical aspects of the test, only that she is your cousin.

  The words on the page stole the last remaining control she had on her emotions. A cousin. Daisy was the only family Harmony had left. Would she be able to move past the fact that Harmony was the reason behind her imprisonment?

sp; Falling back on the bed, she tried to take it all in, to wrap her mind around everything that had happened over the last few weeks. She went from it being her against the world to having a mate, a cousin and possibly a clan if she could just move past her reservations. The clan would become an extended family if only she’d allow them.

  Throwing caution to the wind, she rose up on her elbows. “Jayden,” she called, knowing he could hear her without any problems.

  The door swung open, and Jayden’s bulky frame stood in the doorway. “You called?” His voice held a touch of amusement, and she could guess why. She complained about him guarding her the whole time he escorted her back, and now she was calling him in. It either meant she wanted to bitch more or she needed him.

  “Can you get word to Ty? I need to see him immediately.”

  He nodded, the smile still curving his lips. “He’s busy dealing with other things, but I’ll let him know that, when he’s done, you’ve requested to see him.” He turned to leave before turning back to her again. “I suspect it will take some time before Ty can tear himself away from the issue he’s dealing with, so why don’t you get some sleep while you wait?”

  “Is that a nice way of saying I look exhausted?” She teased, and for the first time since she’d arrived, she felt lighthearted.


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