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Trusting A Tiger (Alaskan Tigers)

Page 14

by Dobson, Marissa

  The short trip from where the geeks made their home to Ty’s quarters was quick. She barely had time to get a good snuggle in with him before they arrived at Ty’s doorstep. The sooner they got the meeting over with, the sooner they’d be able to get some sleep…or for her to have her way with him again.

  Raja answered Ty’s door before Felix could even raise his hand to knock. “Ty will join us shortly. There’s been a call from Korbin and Jinx concerning the Ohio clan.” As they entered, Raja turned back to the room. “Tad and Carran, now that everyone is here, if you could take your position at the door…”

  “Come in, make yourself at home. There’s coffee and cookies on the table.” Tabitha called to them, setting another plate of cookies on the coffee table where everyone gathered. “Ty should be done shortly, and we can get started.”

  “Harmony.” Robin rose from the couch coming to Harmony with her arms open. “Welcome to the clan, sister. I was thrilled when I felt you commit yourself to Ty and the clan.” She wrapped her arms around Harmony, careful not to break the connection between mates.

  “Thank you. It feels wonderful to be a part of a family, especially one that Felix thinks so highly of. I’m beginning to actually understand why.” Easing out of Robin’s embrace, she snuggled back against Felix, his touch easing her nerves. What also helped was the fact that Connor was sitting on the opposite side of the room, and he was counting on her.

  Felix led her to the bar area where Connor had already set up. “This will be the best place for you to work. I’ll be nearby.” He pressed a quick kiss to lips.

  She wanted to lean into him, forcing a deeper kiss between them, but in that instant, Ty came out of his office and the room quieted.

  “If we could all take a seat, I have some news from Korbin and Jinx concerning the Ohio Tigers.” He crossed the room in three quick strides, coming to stand beside his mate and taking her hand in his. Once everyone settled down, Ty continued. “Korbin seems to have things under control for the most part. He’s asked if Adam would bring Robin down to help with some of the clan members who have suffered under the former Alpha the most.”

  “I told you before I’d go. Just let me know when, and Adam and I will be there.” Robin ran her hand over Adam’s knee, soothing the fact she just agreed for him.

  Adam placed his hand over hers, interlocking their fingers. “Maybe Taber or Thorben could be spared to fly us? It would take less time than if I take the helicopter.”

  Ty nodded. “We can make those arrangements later, but that’s a good idea since Jinx will be returning then as well. Since Korbin is being accepted, there’s no reason for Jinx to stay on. However, a few of the West Virginia Tigers are staying as guards for Korbin, and if things change, Jinx could be there within a few hours. In the meantime, we need him here to make our foundation solid with Tabitha coming out, and within the coming weeks, we will have to send a team to deal with Avery. He is not meeting our demands, and his tactics are still over the top. We cannot allow what he did to Tex to continue happening to the other clan members.”

  Raja nodded in agreement. “Avery is threatening to send a team to collect Tex from us next week, so that might force our hand sooner.”

  “But that’s not why we’re gathered here tonight. We’re here to discuss Randolph. Harmony, we believe you might know where to find him?” Ty’s gaze moved over to where Harmony sat taking notes on her laptop.

  “I what? I don’t believe I even know a Randolph.”

  “Randolph is a lone tiger. He’s been preaching the need to kill Tabitha before she can bring all the tigers together. He’s gathering the rogues as we speak to continue where Pierce left off. When Henry…died, he said you would know where he was. He visited with Henry often, so you might have seen him when you were in Ohio. Adam?” Ty nodded to Adam who turned his laptop to Harmony, the picture of Randolph on screen.

  “I know him…” Her hand flew to cover her mouth, her breath caught in her throat. She took a moment to gather herself. “Henry, never called him by his name, but I saw him there while Henry held me captive.” She shot a quick glance to Felix to see how he was handling them talking about his brother. She felt his pain, but his face held no traces of it. He seemed relaxed, interested, but not emotionally involved. Her Felix had a hard outer shell that kept his feelings hidden, at least from everyone except her.

  Memories of the times Randolph visited with Henry played through her. Those times were some of the only relaxed evenings she ever spent under Henry’s control. Randolph brought homemade liquor, and the men sat in Henry’s small study drinking until the hour grew late. Harmony was never included once the liquor was brought out, only expected to fetch whatever they required, yet it was a reprieve from the abuse Henry forced on her each night.

  Felix eased off the wall, coming toward her. “What happened on those visits? Do you remember what they talked about?”

  “I wasn’t included once they brought out the hard liquor, only expected to bring them ice, food, or whatever they needed. In the winter I was also expected to tend the fire, nothing more. I don’t think I can be of any help finding him. Why would I know where he is?” The laptop before her beeped, she ran her fingers over the mouse pad to wake it.

  “I’ve sent you a map that I’ve been able to pinpoint Henry’s location at in the last few months. See if anything looks familiar. That may be where Randolph is hiding.” Connor explained the beep of the computer not only to her but to everyone else.

  Felix’s hand caressed her shoulder as she looked over the map. It took her moment to realize what she was looking at. There in the center of all the red dots was the main compound of the Ohio Tigers. Other dots surrounded the area where… “Oh my, that’s my house. Before I was given to Henry, I had a little place just off the compound grounds, giving me privacy and keeping me out of the mix of the clan politics.”

  “Which one?” Felix asked, leaning over her shoulder.

  “This one.” She pointed to the red dot just outside of the main cluster, giving Felix a chance to look at it before pointing it out to Connor.

  “Interesting…” There was a flash of something in Connor’s eyes.

  “What is?” Ty asked, coming closer to look at the laptop screen.

  Typing away at the keyboard, Connor didn’t bother to look up as he answered Ty. “The spot she’s pointing at is where Henry was once he left the compound. He was there for days before starting his journey to Harmony. Did Henry know that it was your place?”

  “Yes. When I was given to him, all my possessions became his as well. He’d take me there sometimes…” A shudder coursed through her body, cutting off her words.

  “With his death, the property is yours again.” She looked up to see that Raja had joined them sometime during the mix of it all.

  “I don’t want it. Burn it, sell it—honestly, I don’t care. It holds too many bad memories for me to see it again. Even if it didn’t, this is my home now.” She placed her hand over Felix’s that was still on her shoulder.

  “Very well. I’ll have Korbin see to it, and the proceeds for selling the house will be sent to you.” Raja nodded to the computer. “Do you think Randolph might be there? Would there be enough room for the rogues to gather.”

  “Not in the house, no, but the security is top of the line. He’d know if someone was coming from a quarter of a mile away. Wait…” She closed her eyes, trying to get the memory back in full. With her eyes closed, she could see the clearing in the woods and almost smell the lush trees and damp grass. The clan had once gathered, but when they had to sell off part of the land, she now knew the Alpha used the money to help Pierce. “I know where they are.”

  Her eyelids sprang open, and she found everyone staring at her, waiting for her to explain. “A few years ago, the Alpha sold off land that had once been part of the compound in Ohio. It allowed me to buy the house and the land surrounding it. There’s a large clearing a good distance in the wood, it’s where the clan would gathe
r for celebrations and clan business.”

  “I don’t understand how any of this has anything to do with Randolph, he was never a part of the clan.” Ty accepted the coffee Tabitha offered.

  “Under the celebration grounds there are living quarters. It’s where the Elders would meet for private meetings. Randolph knows the area, he attended some of the clan’s celebrations. If I’m supposed to know where they are, it has to be the celebration grounds.” She tugged a hand through her hair, trying to get rid of the unease of everyone watching her. “Instead of selling the house and land, I think it should go back to the clan. Raja if you could make arrangements for Korbin to regain control of the home and land for the clan I’d appreciate it.”

  “I’ll see to it.” Raja nodded.

  “Raja and I will get in touch with Korbin after the meeting and have a team check the grounds to see if Randolph or any of the rogues are there. For now I believe that’s all we have. Connor, I want you three seeing if you can find out anything else on any of the rogues on the list you have. There’s three of you now, divide and conquer the list. Also, continue to monitor the situation in Texas. Felix, make sure Harmony is brought up to speed on all clan business. It looks like Tabitha will be announcing herself as the Queen of Tigers soon. The magical book that has helped her through everything so far has told her that she would have to make the announcement before we take on the Texas Tigers for the other clans to fall in line.” With the mention of his mate, Ty slid his arm around Tabitha.

  “What happens if the clans don’t fall in line?” Harmony wasn’t sure she understood everything, but she had to ask.

  “We are aware there’s going to be rebellion as I claim my place as the Queen of the Tigers, which is why we have the guards. Felix, Adam, Thomas, Shadow, Styx, and everyone else are excellent at what they do, I have no doubt they will keep everyone safe. The Kodiak Bears, West Virginia Tigers, and now Carran are wonderful additions that make us stronger. If anyone chooses to take us on, they will have a strong fight on their hands. We will come out on top in the end, and everything we went through to get there will be worth it.”

  With Tabitha’s words, Harmony couldn’t help but wonder if it would be worth the cost at the end. Would they lose too many of those they cared for before they reached the end? Her poor Felix had already been forced to kill his twin to keep her and the clan safe. For some, that would have already been too much of a cost.

  Chapter Eighteen

  The sun was already sinking low into the sky, and dusk was beginning to fall upon the compound when Felix finally woke. Harmony’s body pressed tightly against his side, her arm draped over him, holding him securely. Teasing his finger along her shoulder, he woke her gently. “Love.”

  “Ummm.” She snuggled in closer to him and deeper under the covers. “Too early.”

  “It’s nearly dinner time.” He tucked her hair behind her ear.

  “It also means I have another two hours until we’re supposed to report. Tabitha isn’t expecting you yet…can’t you just go back to sleep?”

  “Work isn’t what’s on my mind. I was thinking there’s another way we can spend the next two hours.” His hand travel down her body, his mouth finding hers just before his cell phone rang, stealing the moment away.

  “Duty calls,” she whispered, her voice fully awake.

  “Forget it…” The tug of his duty to his clan weighed on him and made his voice tight.

  “No, you know you can’t do that. Answer it. I know you’ll make up for it later.”

  Knowing she was right, he rolled over and snatched his cell from the nightstand. Sliding his finger over the screen to answer, he brought it to his ear and growled. “Hello.”

  “Robin’s just returned from her session with Daisy. Things are going better than expected there.” Felix could here Ty sitting behind his desk, shuffling papers.

  “You didn’t call to give me the update on Robin’s session, so with all due respect, could we get to the point? I was about to use my last two-hour break for some recreational activities.”

  Ty sighed. It was almost as if the Alpha was trying to work up to it, which was completely against Ty’s nature. “Daisy has asked that Harmony visit her. She’d like to see the only family she has left.”

  “Absolutely not!”

  “I had a feeling you’d say that, but, Felix, if Daisy commits to the clan, the women will see each other. They are the only true blood family either of them have.” Ty leaned back, the chair squeaking as he did. “I’m not asking you to let her go alone. Hell, I don’t even allow Robin to do her sessions without Adam or another guard to protect her.”

  Felix tried not to let his anger taint the words to his Alpha, but it wasn’t working as he expected. “I don’t care if there’s a dozen guards armed to the teeth, she’s not going. Daisy is unpredictable right now, especially with what she’s been through and why she was chosen. You wouldn’t allow Tabitha to go either, so don’t ask me to do this.”

  “I’m only asking that you speak with your mate on the subject. Keeping her from Daisy could cause backlash for you. When all is said and done, it’s your decision. Either way, I’ll expect to see you both at work in two hours. Call if you need more guards to go with you.” Ty laughed and clicked off.

  Was his Alpha trying to hint that Felix would take Harmony to visit her cousin? If so it wasn’t working. He’d stand firm to keep his mate safe. Laying the phone aside, he had every intention of picking up where he left off.

  “What about Daisy? Is she okay?” Harmony was no longer snuggled next to him. She lay a few inches away, propped up on her elbow glaring at him.

  “She’s fine. Now where were we?” He leaned into her only to be pushed back.

  “You’re not telling me something.” She raised an eyebrow at him, waiting.

  “I take it I won’t be enjoying your beautiful body before we get to work?” he asked only to have her continue to stare at him. “It’s a crying shame.” Rolling onto his back, he closed his eyes, hoping her tigress couldn’t resist another romp in the hay before a night of work.

  “What the hell are you doing?” Rising to sit, she tugged the sheet with her to keep her body covered.

  He refused to open his eyes, not giving in to her demand for information on Daisy, she’d find out soon enough, and then he’d have a fight on his hand with his high-spirited mate. “If I can’t make love to my beautiful mate, I might as well use this time to sleep.”

  “There’s no way in hell you’re going to sleep until you tell me what’s happening with Daisy. As her cousin, don’t I have a right to know if there’s something wrong with her?”

  “Goodnight, my mate.”

  A growl echoed through the small room that they took over in the main compound building. “Felix, do I look like I’m playing? You’re not going to get any sleep or sex until you tell me what’s going on. I’ll go find out for myself if I have to.”

  Harmony waited while he continued to pretend to sleep until she had enough and moved to let her legs fall over the edge of the bed. The beast within refused to let her go away angry. “I’m sorry.”

  Pausing at the edge of the bed, she turned back to look at him. “If that’s the truth, then tell me what’s happening with Daisy.”

  “She wants to see you.” He barely got the words out when she pushed off the bed, the sheet going with her in one clean movement.


  “I’m not sure how much clearer I can make it. Your cousin wants to see you.” Forgetting sleep, he sat up in the bed. “It’s not happening so come back to bed.”


  Smirking, he couldn’t help but tease her. “My dear Harmony, what happened to your vocabulary that you’re now limited to only one word?”

  “What I don’t understand is why you’re telling me what I am and am not going to do.” She snatched her robe off the edge of the bed and wrapped it around her body, tossing the sheet back onto the bed.

  He suppr
essed a snarl as she covered up her beautiful body. “We don’t know what she is capable of yet, and I won’t risk you. She needs time to adjust, to work through her issues. Seeing you now could only serve as a reminder of why she was taken by Pierce in the first place. I won’t risk you.”

  “Risk me? What the hell do you think this is? Just because we’re mated doesn’t give you the right to decide what’s right for me.”

  So this is what Ty was hinting at? Harmony would wear him down to take her to see Daisy. How did mates deal with this? “Harmony, I’m only protecting you.”

  “I don’t need protection.” Collapsing on the bed as if the air went out of her, the spark of fight that was in her eyes had gone.

  “What is it, mate?” He leaned forward, clasping her hand. The comforter fell past his hips, revealing his naked body.

  A sigh escaped between her lips, her shoulders sinking. “I hate to admit it, but maybe your right. No matter, we’re family, and I should see her.”

  “Well, if I’m not getting sex and can’t sleep, then I’m going to shower. We can discuss this once we’re dressed.” He threw off the blanket and stepped out of the bed. Anything to put off fighting with his mate when he wasn’t allowing her to go to Daisy’s.

  * * *

  Harmony smoothed her hair, trying to repair the damage the wind did. She wanted to make a good impression on Daisy, not look like a wind-blown mess, it was bad enough she only had twenty minutes before she and Felix had to report to duty.

  “I would like to make my objections known that this is a bad idea. You could do more harm to her, walking through this door. Is that what you really want?” Felix stood beside her, his hand on the gun nestled in the shoulder holster.

  “I have to agree. Daisy is in a very delicate state right now.” Styx stood just behind them. He was armed as well, but his hand wasn’t touching his gun, not that it made him any less intimidating. There was something about him that screamed danger.


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