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Romancing The Alpha

Page 2

by Cass Wilder

  The bacon gets devoured and begin to relax as the digestion kicks in. Finally, I am feeling more like myself.

  Now that I have relaxed a bit, I begin looking around, and looking at him. With his back to me, I can see this man is built like a lumberjack. A tight high ass with thick thighs and a slim waist. Shoulders that look like he could carry a whole tree on his own. Despite this he is clean shaven, which is a surprise considering he is a man out in the woods. I didn’t think men shaved when they were out in the woods. I know I wouldn’t if I was a guy.

  The rest of the cabin is sparse. The wood stove he is cooking on keeps it toasty. There are a few books on a shelf, and fishing gear in the corner. There is a window over the sink, which is catty-corner to the stove where he is standing. It lights up the room enough to see comfortably. I notice the shotgun over the door. Swallowing hard I look towards him as he set three perfectly cooked over medium eggs in front of me. How did he know that is how I liked my eggs?

  A soft smile moves over his face and I swear his eyes just twinkled at me. Must be the bump on my head because I have never seen a man like this before.

  He hands me a fork.

  “Thank you.”

  “You are quite welcome. It has been a long time since I had a guest.”

  Guest? Not sure I would exactly call it that.

  I shovel the delicious eggs into my mouth.

  “How did I get here… I mean, what happened?”

  He pulls out the chair opposite of me and sits, almost gracefully. How the hell does he move like that?

  “You took a pretty good tumble. Those wolves almost got you. You were screaming pretty loud and I heard you so I came running. I got there just in time.”

  “Did you kill them?” I said as I looked up at the shotgun.

  “No, I just scared them off. They are in their natural habitat. I am not going to kill an animal for doing what is instinctual.”

  “So you brought me here?”


  The long pause brought my eyes to his. I felt compelled to hold his gaze, but I had more questions. More eggs made their way up to my mouth.

  “How long have I been here?”

  He smiled.

  “You’ve been out for about 4 days. I was able to stir you enough to get a little water with you, but that was about it.”

  “Um, why not take me to a hospital?”

  A smile brimmed and his perfectly polished white teeth made me wonder if he was even real.

  “There isn’t a hospital for 50 miles. And no way to get to it right now in this snow. My cabin was only a short distance and I didn’t see any injuries that would be life threatening.”

  It finally sets in that I had no shoes on. I wiggled my toes trying to feel them all after being so cold and worrying about frostbite. They all felt ok. Mentally scanning my body, I did feel like I was ok, except for the headache and that was fading now that I was getting food and drink in me.

  But my sarcasm got the best of me.

  “So you are a doctor then?”

  “No. But I know enough about the human body to know you were going to make it with rest. And of course, bacon.”

  I went back to finishing my eggs and bacon. As hungry as I was, it was amazing how quickly I filled up.

  “Thank you for breakfast.”

  He nodded as he took my plate. I watched as he lifted the hand pump up and down to bring water up from a well. The cabin made me feel like I was living in the 1800’s.

  “So… how do I get home?”

  “Well, every few weeks I have groceries delivered. You can catch a ride with him if you like.”

  “A couple of weeks? You don’t have any way to get out of here?”

  My disbelief was showing.

  “Not without walking through the snow for about 50 miles. I didn’t think you would want that as an option. But if you want to walk it, I will take you.”

  Huh? Ok, so hunk of a man lives out here all by himself, with no one around and has groceries delivered every 2 weeks and no way to leave? Not sure I am buying this story. But he is willing to hike 50 miles if I want?

  “Seriously? How do you deal with so much solitude?” I tried not to seem rude.

  He pauses and looks out the window.

  “Just part of my nature I suppose.”

  I sense a change in his body language. Something I am not familiar with. Not something I am afraid of, but that I can’t quite put my finger on.

  “Is there any way to communicate with the outside world up here?” I pat myself looking for my phone.

  “Not until the groceries get here. The guy who delivers them to me has a radio in his truck.”

  “Great. So there is no way to let anyone know I am alive.” What a stupid thing to say! I am such an idiot. I don’t know this guy or his intentions. He could be some kind of a crazed serial killer who brings his victims up here to torture them before he eats them or something. Emma, what the hell are you thinking!

  He must have sensed my fear level increasing.

  Reaching over, he placed his hand on mine and gave it a gentle squeeze.

  “Relax. I won’t hurt you. You can stay here until the groceries are delivered, then you can get back to civilization.”

  He put me at ease enough to stop my mind from going places it shouldn’t.

  Now that I had eaten, I started to feel very sleepy. Almost like I hadn’t slept in days.

  “I hope you don’t mind, but I really feel like I need to sleep some more.”

  “Not at all. Please make yourself at home.”

  I get up and make my way back to the little bedroom. As I push through the quilt doorway, I realize that the bed is barely big enough for two people.

  “Um… where have you been sleeping if I have been in here?”

  “Oh, I made a bed out here on the floor.”

  “Oh… ok.” I didn’t know quite what to say. Here is a guy who saved me from the wolves, brought me back and nursed me back to health, fed me and sleeps on the floor so he doesn’t disturb me. Wow.

  What kind of madman is this? He definitely isn’t typical.

  Wesley only… shit! Wesley doesn’t even know I am alive! He must be worried sick. And I won’t be able to contact him for another 2 weeks? My sister must be worried to death too.

  There isn’t anything I can do about it at the moment. Sleep finds me quick as the softness of the bed seems to pull me in.

  Chapter 3

  I open my eyes, but it's pitch black in the room. Straining to listen, I wonder what time it is as I roll towards the door. There is a faint light peeking its way under the quilt that hangs there.

  I get up and push my way into the main room. Looking around I don’t see any other doors except the one that goes outside and another quilt hanging on the opposite wall. The coffee and breakfast had finally made its way through and I have to go pee. NOW.

  I see a figure rise from the floor.

  “Are you ok?” He says as he stands. The tight fitting T-shirt does little to hide the mass of muscles across his chest. The pajama pants are just loose enough to keep the jewels from showing. Shit, how can a man be built so fine?

  “Um, yeah. But, I need to pee. Like really bad.”

  “Oh.” He pauses. “Here, right past this other quilt. Go around to the end. Here is a light.”

  He hands me a lantern.

  “Uh, ok.” I feel my eyes roll. Pushing into the darkness of the other room, there is a wall with shelving that has tons of food on it from ceiling to floor. It is COLD in this part of the cabin. I walk around to the end, and there is a toilet seat on what looks like a wooden box and a roll of bath tissue on a stump.

  Now I know I have gone back in time as I try to look into the dark hole that is where I am supposed to sit. I can’t see anything and of course my mind goes through a million horror flick scenes of what can happen in dark holes. And this one I was supposed to pee in!

  “You have got to be kidding!”

p; “You ok in there?” I hear him call from the front room.

  “Yeah… uh… I’m fine.”

  Bracing myself, I lower my butt onto the cold seat. Not a pleasant experience but when you have to pee it doesn’t matter.

  I pull up my pants and realize I have been wearing the same clothes for almost a week. I must reek.

  And I see no way to bathe or wash clothes.

  I head back into the main room. The fire dancing in the wood stove mesmerizes me as I move towards it, warming myself from the small adventure.

  “Glad to see you made it.” He jests.

  “Yes, thank you.” I sit in the chair facing the fire. “Um, may I ask, where do you bathe or wash clothes?”

  “Out in the barn.”

  “Does it have central heating?”

  In the flicker of the golden glow, his smile seems to make the room even brighter.

  “No, but it does have a wood burning stove to heat up water and its own hand pump. Tomorrow I will get it set up for you and show you how I do it.”

  My thoughts immediately went to wanting to see him all wet and naked. The twinge between my thighs confirmed it. There is no doubt that he exuded sexiness and manliness. I bet he was a powerhouse in bed.

  What was I thinking! I can’t think like that. I have Wesley, who is probably worried sick.

  “That sounds great.” Why couldn’t I think of anything other than short sentences around this man? “Goodnight.”


  I padded back towards my dark room. But before entering it occurred to me that I didn’t know this guy's name.

  “Hey, what’s your name?”


  “Hi Kaleb, nice to meet you. I’m Emma.”

  “Nice to meet you Emma.” His eyes were doing that twinkle thing again. Or either I was just overly tired.

  “’Nite Kaleb.”

  “Goodnite, Miss Emma.”

  Miss Emma. I liked how he said that.

  My head hit the feather pillow once again, but my mind was now adrift with thoughts of my savior’s naked body. It has been a long time since I had felt this way. I closed my eyes and allowed my thoughts to drift into a fantasy of him on top of me, pushing his hardness in between my thighs, forcing its way into my slick folds.

  I reached down between my legs and rubbed my clit through my clothes. If I wasn’t so tired I would push off a good one. But I needed more sleep and it came fast as I snuggled back into the small bed. It would be big enough for both of us if we were spooning. I closed my eyes and pretended that he was lying there next to me, his body up against mine as I drifted off.



  What the fuck was that? I shot out of the bed and hurried into the front room.

  There was Kaleb, holding the shotgun… and looking right at me.


  To Be Continued…Look For Part 2 Of Romancing The Alpha

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