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Cobra- The Vigilante Box Set 2

Page 2

by Nicholas Bella

  My eyes were watering, but I was able to survive my ordeal, no thanks to his soulless ass. I wiped the tears from my eyes and chuckled. “You’re a cold piece of work. You were just going to watch me die from swine like Mama Cass.”

  “We both know that piece of bacon isn’t the biggest thing you’ve taken down your throat. I knew you were going to be okay. By the way, Mama Cass didn’t die from choking on that ham sandwich, you insensitive jerk,” Jordan stated.

  I snorted. “Whatever.”

  “Stop crying. And that’s what you get for stealing my food. Anyway, I did make you a plate,” he said, walking over to the oven and opening it. He reached in and took a piece of bacon from my portion. “There.” He smiled as he walked back to his plate and resumed eating.

  “I knew you were bullshitting,” I teased as I made my way over to my plate. I reached in, taking it out of the oven, and joined him at the table.

  “Yeah, so…” Jordan continued to stuff his face.

  “Keep talking shit, J… I’m going to fill your mouth with some other kind of meat.” I winked.

  He giggled. “Promise?”

  I couldn’t help myself, I laughed. He was too fucking adorable sometimes. “You’re damn right, I promise.”

  “Good. Of course, it will have to be later. You need to eat fast and then get downtown,” he pointed out.

  I looked at the clock on the wall and had to agree. I had about an hour to scarf down breakfast, get dressed in civvies, and get downtown. I started working on my food right away.

  “By the way you’re wolfing that down, don’t choke again,” Jordan teased.

  I gave him the middle finger as I ate the last of my waffle.

  “Jesus! You inhaled that shit. Did you even taste it? I put apple pie cinnamon spice in the waffles,” Jordan said.

  I nodded with a mouthful of food preventing me from vocalizing my satisfaction. This time, I swallowed it carefully. Once it was down and safely on its way to my stomach, I answered him.

  “Yeah, shit was good as fuck.”

  “That’s the best compliment,” Jordan said with a chuckle.

  I kissed him on his cheek, stood up from the table, and left to get ready. As part of my covert planning, I shifted my visage to that of a drug dealer I’d taken down a few months back. He didn’t have a police record, and most importantly, he had some average features. Didn’t want any remarkable attributes someone might pay attention to. It hurt a little, but not much since I wasn’t breaking too many bones or reshaping that much flesh to get the desired appearance. Once I was done with that, I was dressed and ready to go in fifteen minutes.

  “See you later,” I said as I jogged to my car.

  “Do you have everything you need?” he asked me, then he saw my new face. “I like the look, it works.”

  “Glad you do. I have what I need, it’s all in my car. I’m good. Be back later.” I climbed in behind the wheel and was on my way downtown. Parking was shit around there, so I knew I was going to have to park some distance away or pay too damned much money for parking. I found a metered spot by sheer luck and put in enough to start a small business, for two hours. I still had to walk six blocks to City Hall.

  I took a seat on the bench facing the main entrance. I hoped I hadn’t missed him going in yet, or coming out. I looked at my cell phone, reading a text from Jordan from the day before, where he was asking me where I was. At the time, I had been enjoying my first rim job. I guess his breakfast prank was his way of getting back at me. I chuckled at the text, then looked up to casually survey the crowd. No one would pay me any attention as I was just sitting there doing exactly what other people were doing. Some were eating lunch, some were chatting, but the point was everyone was in their own worlds.

  I sat there for an hour before I finally saw my target. He was wearing a gray, three-piece suit I was sure was tailor-made. Mr. Tate didn’t seem like the buy-off-the-rack kind of guy. I discreetly watched as he walked down the steps of City Hall towards a waiting black Cadillac sedan. By his side was his menacing-looking bodyguard who seemed to have a keen eye on his surroundings. He looked my way briefly before checking out everyone else in the area. Finally, Richard climbed into the backseat and Takahashi followed.

  Their car pulled out into downtown traffic and I was left wondering how I was going to get close to them. Of course, taking the persona of his bodyguard was the best option, but I needed to get to Takahashi alone in order for that to happen. I left the bench and made my way back towards my car and headed to Richard’s home address, which was located near the downtown area.

  This area had quite a few of those high-rise condominiums for people who could afford them. Just a bunch of luxurious towers of chrome, steel and glass rising stories into the sky. I’m sure from their views, you could probably see for miles and miles across the city. For two thousand dollars a month, you’d be lucky to get a condo with one bedroom and some amenities. Only the wealthy could afford to live in this area. Richard Tate lived on the top floor of his own, and extremely expensive, condominiums, Tate Towers. Damn, how arrogant did you have to be to name shit after yourself? Well, considering I carved my name in the flesh of assholes, I guess I was one to talk.

  Anyway, back to the fancy-shmancy condo I was sure had top-notch security. Of course, that wasn’t going to be difficult for someone like me to break into. I was just going to have to be more than one person, no biggie. I didn’t park my car in the underground garage of the building. The last thing I needed was to get my motor baby on camera. I parked three blocks away on the side street, had to pay another meter, but those were the breaks.

  I didn’t look like myself, nor did I have to worry about leaving fingerprints behind, so I was going to walk into the place and take a look around, maybe ask a few questions. My clothes were average, since I didn’t want to stand out while on my stakeout. However, I hoped they would give me a tour even though I didn’t look like I could afford to live there.

  I checked the outside of the building, noting the security cameras mounted on the walls at certain angles to make sure the guards had a full and clear view of the entrance. I walked inside and paused to look around. There was a nice lobby, complete with chairs and sofas, and a coffee table with pastries like some hotels had. Several escalators took you to other floors where more amenities awaited, like a fucking gym, grocery market—a fancy, expensive one at that, a movie theater, and several stores for clothes, furniture, and other items.

  It was such a lap of luxury, like a place you never really needed to leave because everything you could ever want or need was already there. Damn, rich people sure knew how to cater to themselves. It was almost overwhelming to behold; certainly, it was impressive. I got my bearings and walked to the front desk.

  The man behind the counter was friendly enough as he greeted me. “Good afternoon, how may I help you?” he asked.

  “Beautiful place you have here. I’m in the market for a new condo and was hoping I could get a tour of this place and find out what you have available,” I said in my most arrogant tone. I was hoping they’d think I was just some rich, eccentric asshole.

  He looked at me from head to toe, then smiled. “I can give you a pamphlet that highlights some of the amenities Tate Towers offers.”

  A pamphlet. That ain’t what I fucking asked for. I guess he felt I was wasting their time by going on a tour. “A pamphlet is nice, but I’d prefer the tour,” I said.

  That was when the gentleman behind him, who was obviously listening in, decided to interject, “Sir, we conduct tours on an appointment-only basis. If you would still like a tour, I could set you up with an appointment and someone would gladly take you on a tour. If you have a realtor, they can contact us on your behalf as well.”

  “And you are?” I asked.

  “My apologies, sir… I’m one of the managers, Mr. McNeary.”

  Okay, I had his last name and, after a quick glance at his nametag, I now had his first name: Jared. He was the perfect
person to hijack. I smiled and nodded, not wanting to cause a scene. “That sounds like a good plan. I’ll have my realtor do the hard work. I just happened to be in the neighborhood and saw this beauty. I got a little excited. But I’ll be back, thank you.”

  I took the pamphlet the other guy had retrieved for me and left. But I didn’t leave the area. Instead, I walked to the bistro across the street and called Jordan. I also ordered myself a sandwich because I was hungry as hell.

  “How’s everything going?” Jordan asked once he answered.

  “Boring as fuck. I hate doing recon… but I’m good at it, so I’ll stop complaining.”

  Jordan chuckled. “Sure you will. Okay, what’s up?”

  “I need information on a Jared McNeary, manager of Tate Towers. I need to know his schedule, where he lives… everything you can get on him.”

  “Why is he a person of interest?” J asked.

  “I’m sending you a text,” I said, then I sent him my intentions regarding Mr. McNeary.

  “Ahh, okay… good plan. But we need to make sure he doesn’t lose his job over this,” Jordan said.

  “Then you’ll need to create some kind of camera glitch in the building when I do it,” I pointed out. Just then, the waiter brought my meal over to me and my stomach growled something awful. “Listen, J… I’m about to tear this food up, but send me what you gather, okay?”

  “Sure. I’m already on it.”

  “Thanks. Be careful.”

  “You too.”

  With that, I hung up and chowed down on my sandwich. About ten minutes passed before I heard a notification chime on my cell. I checked to see the message from Jordan. He’d gathered information about the manager that I could use. I was going to pay Mr. McNeary a visit tomorrow morning before he headed out for work. For now, I was going to return home, chill… and think about just how I was going to take down Tate.

  Chapter Three

  “You’re home sooner than I thought you’d be,” Jordan said when I climbed out of the car.

  I stretched and groaned as my muscles flexed. I’d already switched back into my normal form on the way home, so that was out of the way. “Can’t do anything right now, so I decided to call it a day. Tomorrow morning, I’m going to Jared’s house and make my move.” I walked over to the sofa and plopped down hard on the worn-out cushions. I looked at our second-hand furniture and shook my head. “I know we probably could have better shit, but I spend my money where it counts. It just seems like an injustice how some people have money to waste on frivolous shit and others struggle to make their ends meet.”

  Jordan walked over to me and climbed onto my lap. He slipped his slender arms around my shoulders and smiled at me. “Looking at all that wealth put you in a mood?”

  I pouted. “Maybe. Just doesn’t seem fair.”

  “You thinking about robbing from the rich and giving to the poor?”

  “We’re poor. I’m going to rob from them and give to myself. Do you know how hard it is to replace my Cobra suits? How much money it costs? Those bulletproof vest aren’t cheap,” I complained.

  Jordan laughed. “You’re bulletproof, why bother with the vests?”

  “It still hurts like hell when I get shot. The vest pretty much takes that brunt and leaves me feeling pretty good. It’s worth the money, in my opinion. Anyway, we have to survive somehow. I need to get out on the regular streets and rob a drug dealer or pimp or something. I’ve been spending so much time on the big fish, the little ones are slipping through my net.”

  “Don’t overwork yourself. Do what you can. It’s the big fish that we have to focus on, Eric. Maybe next time you’re torturing one to death, you can make them pay you first,” Jordan said, then looked off to the side and tsked. “I’ve been spending too much time around you. I can’t believe I said that.”

  “You have a point, and I think it’s sexy when you let your dark side out to play,” I flirted, then gripped two handfuls of his bubble butt.

  “Oh! Well, someone is frisky,” Jordan quipped, then wiggled his sexy ass. I moaned as the movement rubbed along my cock just right. “Yeeah, you like that?”

  “Fuck, baby… you know I do,” I growled, then leaned forward, kissing him. I loved when Jordan teased my dick like he was doing, the little flirt. He knew just how to get me riled up. Of course, thinking about Alexi got me riled up in a completely different way. Shit, why did thoughts of him get inside my head when I had Jordan’s fucklicious ass rubbing all over my dick?

  I pulled back and Jordan leaned forward, kissing my neck. “J… stop,” I said, which were words I never thought I’d ever utter.

  And by the look of sheer confusion on Jordan’s face when he sat up, neither had he. “What’s wrong?”

  “I… I don’t know.” I really didn’t know. I was still horny as hell and wanted to fuck really badly. I just didn’t want to top. My body was actually yearning for cock. How in the hell—I say, how in the hell did this happen?!

  “You don’t know?” Jordan’s look of confusion deepened, along with his dark eyebrows and frown. “You’re worrying me, Eric. It’s so not like you to turn down sex… especially with me.” He climbed off my lap and, by the look of the erection in his sweat pants, his dick was just as upset as the rest of him.

  My cock was raging, but my asshole was quivering, if that made any sense. I really wanted to feel the pleasure Alexi had given me, and I wanted it over and over. Try as I might, I couldn’t get that son of a bitch cop out of my system. Damn it!

  “Eric?” Jordan said my name in the form of a question.

  I looked at him. Did I tell him what I was feeling? Would he understand? Hell, who else was I going to confide in?

  “I know you want to fuck, your dick is damn near doing jumping jacks, so what’s up?” he asked again. He reached out, twisting his fingers in the curls of my hair, which felt good.

  “I…” I paused and took a deep breath, then continued, “I can’t get that cop out of my mind.”

  “Oh,” Jordan said, then he sighed. “I was afraid that might happen.”

  I looked at him. “What do you mean?”

  He shrugged. “You let him inside of you.”

  I scoffed. “You say that like that’s supposed to mean something significant.”

  “Well, that’s because it does. When you let someone inside of you, you’re opening yourself up to that person. You’re vulnerable. There has to be a certain level of trust in that moment,” Jordan explained.

  I sat back against the cushions of the sofa. “You fuck men all of the time and don’t get attached.”

  Jordan smiled. “One.” He held up a finger. “I fuck you multiple times because you drive me crazy sexually and you know exactly what you’re doing. And you give a shit. At least, I think you give a shit about making me feel good. I don’t know how you think about other men you fuck.”

  “You doubt that? That I give a shit about making you feel good?” I asked. My feelings were kind of hurt that he wasn’t sure.

  He lowered his head. “Sometimes, I know for sure you care, and then there are times when you’re so horny when you’re fucking me, I’m not sure. Does that make sense?”

  “No, not to me, it doesn’t. When I’m fucking you, J… I care about you enjoying it, too. Never doubt that. I care about you,” I said, then I caressed his chin and leaned forward, kissing him again.

  “I won’t.” He smiled and I could tell he felt even better about the relationship we shared. You could see that small sliver of doubt evaporate, and that made me happy.

  Well, truth be told, the other men I fucked, I kind of didn’t care too much if they got off or not. I wasn’t planning on seeing them again, nor did I need a reputation of world’s greatest lover. But for Jordan, yeah, I gave a lot of shit.

  “Good. You matter to me, bab—”

  “Let me finish,” Jordan interjected, and I shut up. “I don’t fuck that many guys, if you really think about it. I don’t like feeling like a piece of meat
, so I may fuck a stranger if I really need to feel something different than what I can get from you. I have to be in the mood for that rough detachment that a quick lay delivers. Some guys don’t care one way or the other, but a lot do.”

  “So, you think I’ve developed feelings for this guy just because we fucked one time?” I asked.

  Jordan shrugged. “Did you?”

  “No!” I protested.

  “Are you sure about that? Because we’re both sitting here having this conversation instead of fucking. Something is on your mind,” Jordan stated.

  Before I responded to him, I thought about what he was saying to me.

  “It doesn’t make you weak or anything if you did, you know. I’m sure this guy probably ticked off a few of your boxes from more than just what he did in the bedroom,” Jordan stated.

  I thought about everything Alexi said and did… he was just overflowing with the right kind of confidence, and that was what I found so alluring. It was like he knew how to handle me, and damned if he hadn’t. I’d never met a man like him before, not ever. Maybe that was what was blowing my mind. I wanted him. It was as simple as that.

  “Are you mad?” I asked Jordan, wondering what he was thinking, seeing as I had put on the brakes.

  He shrugged. “I’m a little disappointed, but I get it.”

  “I still want you, too.”

  “Oh, I’m a consolation prize now?” he laughed.

  “You’re more than that, and always will be,” I stressed.

  “Awww, you don’t normally go all sentimental like this. It’s so sweet.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Okay, now you’ve ruined it.” I shoved him playfully. Well, it would seem his dick was back in its resting state. My cock was still poking a tent in my pants.

  “Want me to take care of this… or do you want your boyfriend to?” Jordan teased me as he touched the tip of my dick through my sweats with his finger.

  “He’s not my boyfriend,” I said, frowning.

  “Yet,” Jordan shot back, which brought me back to earlier when similar words had been spoken.


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