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Forbidden: an Adult Paranormal Witch Romance: Othala Witch Collection (Sector 12)

Page 23

by Shannon Eckrich

  The darkness finally pressed down on me. Everything was quiet, and I had no idea how far away I was from the temple. They couldn’t have brought me too far out. As far as I could tell, Darius didn’t have teleporting abilities like Seth. His power reminded me more of Geb. Touching someone and making them fall.

  Then I heard a familiar sound which struck fear into my heart. A growling and snapping sound somewhere behind me. I was unable to get my body to rollover, which was good since I thought it best for me not to be able to see the beast. It didn’t really matter because more shadows shifted in front of me.

  I fought hard to loosen my hands from the rope. I needed them to protect myself, but the rope refused to give. A sickness swirled around inside me as the ravagers in front of me bit at each other. They knew I was here. They sensed me. And the more my anxiety picked up, the faster my blood pumped in my veins.

  Suddenly, their heads popped up in my direction, and I let out a scream as they raced toward me.

  “Son of a fucking bitch!” I yelled, rolling onto my back as they lunged at me, all feeling draining from my body as the fear took over.

  Chapter 50

  Seth appeared out of nowhere. “We should split up she said.” He grunted as he swung a sword through the air, the blade whistling above me. “I’ll be fine. I promise,” he mocked my words as the blade sliced through the heads of both ravagers without a single issue. Their heads plopped on the ground somewhere beside me, and Seth leaped over me, readying his sword again.

  A growling sound behind me was cut off immediately. Another plop. Then Seth’s face appeared above mine, splattered in blood. “So, I ask you, love.” He grinned, flashing his white teeth. “May I offer you some assistance?”

  I was completely stunned, and my heart continued to race. “Where did you get the sword?”

  He crouched down next to me, sliding the blade in between the rope and my wrists. “Found it on the way.” He jerked the sword up, but it had no effect on the rope.

  “It’s enchanted,” I told him, still mesmerized by his marvelous face. “Darius put a spell on them.”

  “Darius?” He lifted an eyebrow when he glanced at me, pulling the sword away from my wrists.

  “Yes. He’s with Tiahna. Seth, pick me up. I’m tired of lying on the ground.” I couldn’t talk to him like this. Not upside down.

  He lifted my body into a sitting position.

  “Yes, Darius. He’s working with my sister,” I explained. “Apparently, he’s the one responsible for the attack on the oasis that day. The attack which killed your mother. He told the council where everyone was, and he was promised a seat with them. He didn’t take it very well when I told him the council was dead.”

  “That damn traitor,” he growled, now using his fingers to try to free me.

  “Seth, you’re going to rip my hands off.” I could no longer stand the rubbing of the ropes against my skin. “We need to find another way.” And then I thought about something. “What about Geb. I know if he touches someone he can throw them back. Any idea if his power works on objects…like a rope?”

  “I’m not sure.” He looked down at me. “But we can find out.” He wrapped his arms around my body and we were suddenly just outside the temple. “Geb,” he yelled into the crowd of people.

  Kesi reached me before Geb did. “What the hell, Layna?” she said, looking down at my bound wrists and ankles. “Cut them off!” She glanced over at Seth.

  “Can’t,” I answered for him. “They’re enchanted.”

  “Here, let me take a look.” Geb walked around Kesi and crouched down in front of me. Placing one finger on the rope around my wrists, he caused my skin to heat up. The end of the rope melted away and Geb pulled it off. He repeated the process over my ankles, and before long, I had been freed.

  “We need to go back, Seth.” I rubbed my sore wrists. “We can’t let them get away.”

  “Geb and I are coming too.” Kesi looked at Bastian and then me. “We can help you.”

  “No, I need you to stay here and make sure everyone is protected. What’s the status on the villages throughout the sector?”

  “Seth already transported some Naturals to each village. They should have their shields up, but there’s no telling how long they’ll last.” Worry consumed Kesi’s features. “Everyone is pretty exhausted by the battle. And the ones who were under the Regent’s spell are still pretty dazed. They have no idea what’s going on.”

  “Okay, I need you to stay here and keep an eye on things.” I turned to Seth, knowing we would have to get outside the protected areas again. “Are you sure you’re ready for this? I can go.”

  “Do I have to remind you about the last time you wanted to split up?” He reached over and placed his hand on my stomach. “Besides, I have to look out for two of you now.” I didn’t miss the excitement flashing in his eyes. He gripped the hilt of his sword tightly. “Let’s go.” He took his free hand and weaved his fingers into mine.

  We were back in barren land again. For now, there were no sign of any ravagers. Which was good for us, but it made me worry about anyone who hadn’t made it back to their village before sunset. There may have been people fleeing toward the Capital if they realized they were no longer protected by the force field.

  Then I heard the snapping and the growling in the distance, like they had found a meal and were fighting over it. Glancing over at Seth, I couldn’t hide the worry written on my face. What if they had a human, or another Natural? That would be a reason why we didn’t see any.

  Seth pulled a dagger out of the holster on the side of his pants, and shoved it at me. “Take this. Just in case.” His expression contained the same anxiety as I felt. He touched my arm as I shoved the dagger in the waistband of my shorts, and we flashed again.

  This time we were right behind a group of ravagers circling something. They sensed us right away and turned around. One by one they raced toward us, possibly around eleven of them.

  “I’ll distract them.” Seth readied his sword. “You go see what they cornered.”

  I touched his arm and appeared behind them now. Turning around, my eyes landed on the two figures hovered near the ground. Darius was crouched over my sister, his hands in the air, shielding the both of them from the ravagers.

  I walked over, unable to push away the anger that rose up inside of me. Darius saw me coming and he stood up while my sister cringed in terror when her eyes caught sight of me. Everything around me faded as I focused on the two of them. She had murdered my parents and sliced Zinna’s throat right in front of me, and he had been responsible for the demise of Kali. And I was sure he had something to do with Re’s attack as well. These two were cold blooded killers. I felt no pity for them.

  Darius rushed at me, holding his hands out, palms facing me. The force of his power pushed me back, caused me to stumble, but I managed to hold my ground. No, I was no longer that weak woman who had no idea how to control her powers. I knew what I was doing now, and he sure as hell wasn’t going to stop me.

  Before I could make my way to him, Seth appeared between us. “Sorry, Uncle,” he said, the blade of the sword whistling through the air. Darius’s head flew from his shoulders and landed on the ground, his body falling instantly.

  I drew in a quick breath, realizing I’d never get used to someone being beheaded. I’d been so focused on Seth’s actions that I didn’t realize Tiahna had moved until she grabbed me from behind and placed a blade to my throat.

  Seth swung around, his eyes narrowed and his jaw tight. He gripped the hilt of the sword with both hands now, his strength becoming apparent as the muscles in his arms contracted.

  “Seth,” my sister’s voice was consumed with desperation. “We can work together. You and me. We can rebuild this sector, create a new race and get rid of the old. Think how powerful we could be together. Nobody would be able to stop us.”

  I kept my arm straight and fished the dagger out of my waistband with my fingers. Grasping the handle, I
pulled it out and jammed the blade into her leg. She screamed and released me, her own knife plummeted from her hands. “Except for me,” I said, whirling around and dropping her to the ground.

  “You killed my parents, and now you have the audacity to try to seduce my boyfriend!” My hands were on her throat, and I pushed every bit of magic out at her. “Fuck you, Tiahna!” I held tight, my arms and legs shaking like mad, not realizing her eyes had already rolled into the back of her head.

  Seth bent down next to me, placing his hands on my arms and removing them from my sister. Her limp head fell to the side. He took me into his arms while I cried big, shoulder heaving sobs.

  “Shh…it’s okay, love.” His voice was gentle, soft, as I turned my head and buried my face in his chest. “It’s over. It’s all over now.”

  Yes, he was right. It was all over. But even so, killing my sister would never bring back the ones she took from me. My mother, my father, Kali, and Zinna. They were all lost forever. Damn her to hell. For eternity.

  Chapter 51

  When we returned to the temple, I knew I had to get the boundary put back in place, and fast. Not only did the Naturals who had been taken want to be reunited with their families, but I had no idea if anyone was stuck outside the safety of their villages. Besides, I was sure the Naturals who were sent out to create shields were wearing down. Using magic took a lot of energy.

  “We can’t put the border in place until we remove the ravagers.” I looked over the area, shaking my head, having no idea how I would manage to remove all the blood sucking beasts. The area had to be infested by now.

  “I’ve gotten rid of them before.” Seth placed his hand on the small of my back, his warmth absorbing into my skin. “I can do it again.”

  “You nearly killed yourself last time, Seth,” I reminded him. “There has to be a different way. Another way to do it without risking your life.”

  Then, a weird feeling took over my body. It was more than just the magical tingles I’d been accustomed to…it was a stranger feeling. It felt like a sudden wind picked up inside of me, causing my head to spin.

  In this darkness, there will be light. You are the light. Let it shine, true and without fear, guided by love and strength and compassion for all, the words from the stone echoed through my head. I had no idea where they came from, or why I would even think of them.

  “Seth, take your hand off me,” I said gently as a loud roaring rumbled inside my head. His hand slipped away and I took a step forward, as if my mind knew exactly what it was doing, what it was supposed to do.

  “In this darkness, there will be light.” I lifted my hands in the air, losing all control of my body as my soul took over. “I am the light. Let it shine, true and without fear, guided by love and strength and compassion.” A bright white light, brighter than I’d ever seen before, radiated from my palms.

  Suddenly, it spilled from my hands and spanned out, rolling over the ground, like a wave reaching the shore. Everyone in front of me shielded their eyes or glanced away, unable to stand the brightness. The light consumed all the darkness in front of it as it continued over the land, transferring the night into day.

  I knew Seth, Kesi, and Geb were screaming something at me because their mouths were moving, but I couldn’t hear anything but the roaring. The light brightened, and then flashed like lightening. Then it was gone. And so was I.


  A soft hand slid over the bump of my belly. The touch warm and comforting. Then moist lips, hot breath, circling the area. A weight pressed down on my thigh.

  “I can’t wait to see you, little one.” Seth’s voice was low, almost a whisper. “I bet you’ll be just as stubborn as your mother.”

  “Or her father,” I said, a smile forming on my lips, unable to resist remaining quiet anymore. I opened my eyes and glanced down. Seth’s head lay on my bare thigh, orbs of blue shimmering in happiness as he looked at me.

  He didn’t say a word as he lifted his head up and shifted his body so it was parallel with mine. His hand landed on my breast, his thumb tracing my nipple. “You scared me.” He swallowed hard. “I thought I’d lost you. After the light faded, you collapsed, and I caught you in my arms.”

  “I…I don’t remember anything.” I tried to pull the memory from my mind, but it just wasn’t there.

  “You,” he said, shifting a little further up in the bed, “managed to get rid of every ravager in the sector. A bright light came from your hands after you repeated the words that were on the wall inside the cave. I think it was a spell. One created by the founding Regent. My guess is, that’s the same spell she used when she created our sector.”

  “Every one of them? Are you sure?” That would be impossible, unless it really was a spell the founding Regent created.

  “Yes. Kesi and I searched the entire sector while Geb watched over you.” He cupped my breast in his hand. “They’re all gone, Layna. Every one of them. And Kesi and Geb had a few of the Naturals put up a temporary border for now.”

  I gazed around the room. It was vaguely familiar. High stone walls, elegant furniture carved from wood, red carpeted floor. The Regent’s bedroom. I’d been in here a few times as a child. But not many. I brought my attention back to him. “Why am I in the Regent’s bedroom?”

  “Layna, you are the Regent now.” He brought his hand up and smoothed his fingers over my cheek. “You always were, but it was stolen from you. You took it back.”

  “Wow.” A rush of giddiness rolled through me and I smiled. “The Regent.” I turned over so I was facing him. “So, I’m like in control of the entire Sector? All of it?”

  He laughed. “Yes. It’s all yours.”

  “No, Seth. It’s all ours,” I corrected him. “It’s just as much mine as it is yours. None of this would have been possible without you. Even though it was forbidden to be with me, you chose to find me anyway. We were strong enough to change the future. Besides,” I brought my hand up and placed it over the center of his chest. “The Regent not only needs a King, but she also needs someone to protect her and to lead her council. Know anyone who would fit that position?”

  “I might know someone.” He grinned.

  “Good.” I pressed my lips together, trying to look serious. “Because that someone would have to marry the Regent. You know, to ensure the future of Sector Twelve, not that it isn’t ensured already.” I glanced down at my bulging stomach.

  “Layna, love.” He smiled so wide he flashed his teeth. “The Regent isn’t supposed to make the marriage proposal.”

  “I’m not proposing, I’m demanding.” My lips twitched, almost giving me away.

  “Then I guess there’s no other way around it. I must obey my Regent.” He slid his body on top of mine and positioned himself between my legs, causing the warmth to flow through me. “No matter the cost.” He pressed his lips to mine. “Besides, she already has my heart and my soul.”

  “As you do mine,” I whispered right before he claimed my lips again. He always had and he always will. Forever.


  Read more of the Othala Witch Collection

  About the Author

  Shannon Eckrich is an International Bestselling Paranormal Romance author who writes for teens and adults. She is a dreamer, an avid reader, ghost hunter, and believer in aliens, myths, and love at first sight. After all, she did marry her high school sweetheart. Shannon also believes all the problems in the world can be solved with a little bit of love and compassion.

  When she’s not creating worlds that walk the line between fiction and reality, she enjoys spending time with her family and volunteering at the firehouse down the street.

  She currently lives in Delaware with her husband, two kids, three cats, and her dog, Chewy.

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  Shannon Eckrich, Forbidden: an Adult Paranormal Witch Romance: Othala Witch Collection (Sector 12)




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