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His Virgin Bride

Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  “Were there ever drugs involved?”

  “No. I’m clean, and I don’t do that shit.”

  “You just fuck random girls as part of your rebellion.”

  Kurtis took her hand, and he took her toward the room that was right next to his. “This is your room.”

  He opened the door, and gave her the chance to step inside. It was large, larger than the room at her apartment.

  “Wow, okay, I really don’t know why you even bother going to school.” She placed her bags on the floor and rushed to the bed. He chuckled as she landed on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. “I can’t wait ‘til bed time.” She rolled over, snuggling into the bed.

  “We’ve got air con so it shouldn’t get to hot for you.”

  “This place is awesome. At home my air con is opening a window, and a fan.” She giggled, and turned to smile at him. “Thank you so much for bringing me here. I love it already.”

  “A summer of freedom.”

  “That’s it, then one year of college before I return home.” She climbed off the bed, moving toward the double doors that opened up onto a decking area. The area was also shared by his room, so in the mornings, he’d be able to see her.

  “My room’s there,” he said, following her out, overlooking the beach.

  The view was amazing. The ocean was a clear blue, the sun high in the sky making everything seem so beautiful. No, it didn’t seem beautiful. It was beautiful.

  “Also, the walls here are thicker. You shouldn’t hear our friends getting all down and dirty.”

  “That will be refreshing.”

  “Here, your brother wanted you to have this,” Kurtis said, pulling out the money that Lewis had given to him. He’d added a couple of grand to the money so that she could have a lot more fun without fear of spending too much.

  “He didn’t have to do this,” she said, taking the money, and rushing to her bag. “I’m not a very big spender as it is.”

  He noticed she didn’t count it.

  “Lewis wanted you to have a good time.”

  “I’m already having a great time, and it’s not even started yet.” She rested her hands along the border, and looked over the edge. “This is such a beautiful place.”

  Kurtis didn’t care about the beauty. He was only interested in her. Placing his hands on her shoulders, he leaned in close.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I didn’t fuck girls as a rebellion. I don’t need to fuck what is offered to me easily. I just give girls what they want.”

  “What about what you want?”

  “I get a fuck out of it.” He turned and inhaled her sweet lemony scent.

  “Will there be any woman here for you?”

  “No. I won’t be having any woman here.” He wanted her, and he was going to have her. Placing a hand on her stomach, he felt her quiver.

  She covered his hand with her own. “Stop it.”

  “Why are you fighting this?”

  “Why are you suddenly interested?”

  “I’ve always been interested.”

  She shoved him back a little and spun around to stare at him. “No, you haven’t. Stop it, Kurtis. Whatever you’re trying to do, I don’t want any part of it.”

  Moving past him, she went back into the bedroom, and he followed her. Kurtis was discovering that he would always follow her.

  Tillie didn’t stop in her room, and made her way into the main part of the beach house where their friends were waiting. They were sitting on the couches laughing and flicking through the television.

  “I’m going for a walk down to the beach. Do you want to come?” Tillie asked.

  Cynthia and Collette squealed in joy.

  She was running. He saw the truth, but he didn’t go to stop her. He was surprised when his friends stayed behind.

  “You’re not following after your women?” he asked, moving toward the kitchen.

  “Nah, I’m fucking tired. It has been a long couple of days.” Steve ran a hand down his face, looking tired.

  Kurtis stared at his friends. They both looked so fucking content and happy.

  “You ever think about fucking other women?” he asked.

  “What the fuck?” Danny spoke first, looking disgusted. “No, not a chance.”

  Steve agreed. “Collette’s the best thing that has ever happened to me. She’s my girl, and I wouldn’t risk her love for anything, not even for other pussy. I’m satisfied—no, I’m extremely happy with Collette.”

  “We’re still in college.”

  “Don’t care,” Danny said. “When you find the one, it’s finished. Cynthia’s my one.”

  Kurtis rubbed the back of his head as he looked from one friend to the other. “I need your help with something.”

  “What could you need our help with?” Steve asked, turning off the television.

  “I like Tillie.”

  There! The words were out. The truth had finally been told.

  “No, it’s not going to happen,” Danny said. “There are enough girls out there for you to fuck without you using my girl’s best friend.”

  Before Steve got a chance to join in Danny’s tirade, he spoke over them. “This isn’t about me finding a fuck for the summer. I like Tillie, and no, it’s not about her fucking virginity. I actually like her. She’s great to be around, and I don’t want to lose her to Brandon fucking Sparks.” Just saying the name left a bitter taste in his mouth.

  Steve and Danny looked at each other, and then back at him.

  “You like her?” They both asked this in unison.

  “Yes. I like her. I like her a hell of a lot. I’m not going to hurt her. I want Tillie for my own, and I need your help in order for me to convince her that I’m being serious.”

  “Let me get this straight. You want us to help you win over a girl?” Steve asked, pointing between himself and Danny.

  “Yes.” What was the big deal? He wanted Tillie, and she was keeping him at arm’s length. He wasn’t getting anywhere near her, anytime soon. Kurtis wanted to change that, and if the only way to do so was to listen to his friends, then so be it. He needed to get through to Tillie. The compulsion was driving him crazy. “Tell me what to do to prove to her that I’m different.”

  Danny didn’t look convinced. “Dude, you’ve been fucking everything that walks for a long time. I don’t think you’re going to change her opinion of her anytime soon.”

  “The girls have got to go. You can’t try to win her over, and still be up to your usual shit,” Steve said.

  “There’s not going to be anyone else,” he said. Kurtis had already come to the decision that he wasn’t going to have anyone else. Tillie was going to be his, and he was willing to change every part of his life to get her if he had to.

  Sitting down, he started to listen to everything Danny and Steve had to say about Tillie, and what he needed to do in order to win her over.


  “Kurtis is totally digging you right now,” Cynthia said.

  Walking along the beach, Tillie let out an annoyed growl. He was really confusing her, and she hated being confused. Why couldn’t they go back to when he ignored her?

  He’s the first guy to get along with the brothers.

  She admired him for that. No other guy had ever spent the night with her brothers and left to tell the tale. It made him seem almost invincible.

  “You have to admit the way he handled your brothers was just awesome. I’ve never known anyone to take your brothers on,” Collette said.

  “What about Danny and Steve? They didn’t exactly get away scot-free. Lewis and the rest of them made sure they were grilled. Damn, I hate having brothers.”

  She picked up a stone and tossed it out into the sea, watching the water ripple as she did. The way Kurtis was invading her thoughts was distracting her, confusing her, and totally scaring her. She didn’t like it. There wasn’t any other guy who’d made her uncomfortable, yet Kurtis did.

  Should she trust
this newfound attention?

  “I’m sure Kurtis is just bored,” she said, trying to get her heated body under control. The little touches he gave seemed to do things to her body. Her pussy always grew slick, and her nipples hardened. She may be a virgin, but she also knew that her body was aroused. Tillie wasn’t dumb.

  He was pulling out of his friend category, and trying to squeeze into something more. She wasn’t ready, not by a long shot.

  They walked along the beach, and she was thankful when Cynthia and Collette changed the subject. She hated being the center of attention, or being speculated on. There was a lot more things going on in the world than trying to understand attraction.

  After a couple of hours of being on the beach they made their way back to the beach house. The scent of barbeque reminded her that she’d not eaten much in the last couple of hours, and she was in fact starving.

  Following the scent of food, she found the guys stood out in the backyard. Steve was in the pool doing laps, and Danny was standing by some music machine, while Kurtis was at the grill pit, grilling burgers.

  “Hey, boys,” Cynthia said. She walked over to Danny, wrapping her arms around him. Collette sat on the edge of the pool, and Tillie made her way toward Kurtis.

  “Are you hungry?”

  “Starved.” She tucked some hair behind her ear. “So, have you got any girls on the way here to keep you company?” she asked.

  She’d not given a thought to being alone. If her friends were off with their boyfriends, then she’d just set herself up for a summer of being alone. Maybe she could get a job or something to pass the time.

  “Sorry, you’ve got me all to yourself. No plans other than to keep you company.”

  Tillie stared at him, and Kurtis stared back. Neither of them dropped their gaze, and she found herself becoming more unsettled by the second. “What’s going on here?” she asked, unable to take it another second.

  “You know what’s going on.”

  Their friends fell away, and she focused on him. Taking a deep breath, Tillie forced herself to keep on looking in his eyes. It was hard as all she wanted to do was hide. Kurtis, with the way he was looking at her now, seemed to see deeper into her soul, to understand her. She preferred it when he was just a playboy, screwing a bunch of faceless women.

  “I don’t trust you,” she said. “You’ve only shown me an interest since you’ve found out I’m a virgin.”

  Kurtis smiled. “Don’t worry, baby. I had an interest in you long before finding out you’ve still got a cherry. I will take it, Tillie. You know that.”

  Tillie tilted her head to the side, watching him. “No, you won’t. It’s mine to give to whoever the hell I want, and if I don’t want you to have it, then you’re not getting it.”

  “Do you really think you’ve got a choice?”

  “This is my body.”

  He took a step closer invading her space once again. “Yes, it is your body. Tell me, baby, are you wet right now? If I shoved my hand in those loose shorts, I wouldn’t find a slick pussy begging for my cock?”

  She crossed her arms across her chest, annoyed with his crude behavior. “Shut up.” It was all she could think of to say.

  “You are. You’re fucking soaked, and just begging for me to give you what you want.” They were standing toe to toe. “Or do you want Brandon fucking Sparks to give you what you want?”

  Tillie scrunched her nose up at the name. Brandon was just a study buddy, but she didn’t tell him that.

  He started laughing. “You don’t need to use words. I know exactly what’s going on in your mind.”

  “Fuck off, Kurtis.” She made to turn away, but he held her arm, stopping her from leaving him behind. Pissed, she glared at him.

  “This isn’t over,” he said, before releasing her.

  She was so shocked that she simply stared at him for a few seconds. When she was finally able to take control of her own body, she spun on her heel, and went toward her group of friends. She took a seat beside Collette.

  “You okay?” Steve asked.

  “Yeah, I’m fine.”

  “I’m going to go and get a drink. I’ll be back.” Collette patted her arm and moved away. Steve stayed exactly where he was.

  “Kurtis can be a dick, and an ass, and all the colorful words that I’m sure you know by now,” Steve said.


  “He means well.”

  She raised a brow.

  “Look, I’m not saying that Kurtis has been perfect. He’s not. In fact, he’s been downright awful. The thing is, when he wants something, he’s determined, and he won’t stop until he gets what he wants.”

  Gripping the edge of the pool, Tillie thought about what he’d said. “You’re his friend. I’m not going to be used as a summer fling ‘cause there are no girls around for him to chase.”

  “You and I both know he can find girls anywhere. This beach house won’t stop him from finding what he wants to find.”

  “Why now?”

  “It has always been there, Tillie. You’ve just never noticed it before.”

  She tucked some hair behind her ear, and was grateful when Collette came back, handing her a soda. Steve didn’t mention anything else, and within minutes food was being dished up. Kurtis knew how to grill a burger. It was succulent, juicy, and just so damn tasty.

  The rest of the night rolled on by, and not a lot actually happened. They all took a swim in the pool, listened to music, and when the sun went down, the couples left. She was alone with Kurtis, and if truth was told, she didn’t have a clue what to do.

  The first night alone with him, and she was totally unsure of him. After gathering up the empty soda bottles, she made her way into the kitchen, aware of him following behind her. Placing them in the recycle bin, she spun around only to come up against Kurtis’s hard body. She wasn’t afraid of him even when he placed his hands on her hips, and held her steady.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “It’s time to get this out of the way.”

  “Why don’t you just stop?” She was really asking him to stop, and she gritted her teeth because part of her was curious as to what he intended to do. It was complete insane. She and Kurtis weren’t even that friendly to each other, and yet, she couldn’t look away.

  “I don’t stop until I get what I want.”

  “Then what happens? You get bored and leave?” she asked.

  He smirked. “No, do you really think I’m going to get bored of you?”

  “I don’t know what you’re doing, Kurtis.”

  He pressed her up against the fridge, and she placed her hands on his chest. She didn’t even try to push him away. What was wrong with her?

  No guy had gotten her against a fridge. Could she even win if she tried to push him away?

  “I want to taste those lips. I’ve been thinking about them for a long time now, baby. You’ll be sweet, I just know you will.”

  She licked her lips, knowing in her heart she wanted to taste him as well.

  Glancing down at the firm line of his lips, she wanted to know what it was like to be kissed, to be ravished. She’d heard a lot of rumors about the power of Kurtis’s lips, and just once she wanted to experience it, to know what all the hype was about.

  “You want it as much as me.”

  One of his hands left her hips, grabbed her hand, and pressed it above her head, locking her into place. Biting her lip, she stared into his deep blue eyes, and started to lose herself.

  “God, you’re beautiful. I’ve been a fucking asshole.” He leaned in closer, and in that moment, she didn’t want to pull away. She wanted to see exactly where this was going.

  Chapter Six

  Tillie wasn’t fighting him, and Kurtis was damn excited. Her lips looked so damn enticing, and he leaned a little more into her. She didn’t fight or push him away. In fact, she tilted up a little more toward him. Did she even know what she was doing? Was it on purpose?

moment Danny and Steve got their girls, I should have taken you.”

  “What makes you think I’d have gone with you?” she asked.

  “You want me as much as I want you, baby.”

  She shook her head.

  “You may not think it now, but it’s the truth.” He brushed his lips across hers, and she moaned. It was the lightest of touches, and yet she was arching up to him.

  He smiled. Letting go of her waist, he touched her face. Her skin was so smooth and soft. Running his thumb across her bottom lip, his cock jerked as she touched the tip of his thumb with her tongue. It was fucking hot, and he didn’t want to stop. Instead, he pressed his thumb inside her mouth.

  Her touches and responses showed her nerves, but she didn’t back away. They didn’t look away from each other even as she took his thumb into her mouth, and sucked it deep. Fuck, all he saw was her taking his cock into her mouth, and taking him to the back of her throat. Removing his thumb, he slammed his lips down on hers, and finally tasted her. Tillie released a moan, and he swallowed it down. She opened up her lips on another moan, and he took advantage, plunging his tongue deep into her mouth, and meeting her tongue with his. She melted against him, and she gripped his shoulder with her free hand. He wanted her touch, craved it.

  Biting her bottom lip, he sucked it into his mouth, and rested his head against hers. Her breath fanned across his face, and he couldn’t hold back. Taking her lips once again, he licked along her bottom lip, and then pushed his tongue inside. She met him halfway, touching his tongue with hers. He’d never kissed like this, and he liked it.

  By the time they pulled away from their exploration, he was aroused to the point of pain. He wanted to fuck her, to tug her up onto the counter, open her thighs, and slam inside her.

  They were both panting, and suddenly Tillie pulled away from him, leaving him alone. She moved toward her bedroom without looking back, closing the door.

  “You know, that was her first real kiss,” Cynthia said, startling him as she rounded the corner.

  “You’ve been watching?”

  “I came to get a couple of beers, but I didn’t want to stop what I saw. It’s about time Tillie got some loving in.” She brushed past him, opening the fridge. “Danny’s told me you’re interested in her.”


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