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Sandman (Forbidden Love Series II Book 5)

Page 3

by Danielle James

  “I told you I would come back,” he answered. He stood stock still, unnaturally so.

  “You were supposed to use the door! Can’t you knock like normal people?” she asked, moving past him to her laptop. This time, he was in his physical form. Not only could she see him perfectly, but she could smell him as well. Man, he smelled good too. It wasn’t any cologne she had ever smelled before; most likely it was his own scent. It was woodsy and manly with hints of soap and clean skin. Ignoring the way his proximity caused her breath to hitch, she pushed the top of her computer down, closing her research to his eyes.

  “I did use the door,” he said with a slight smile. “I just forgot to knock. Did you find anything useful?” he asked, coming to stand behind her on silent feet and looking over her shoulder.

  Rachel resisted the urge to let him know he’d surprised her yet again, and forced a cool façade. “Didn’t anyone tell you that it’s rude to invade someone’s personal space?” she asked, trying to turn to face him without actually touching him. It must have looked ridiculous, because she had to bow her back and hold her desk for leverage, but she managed to pull it off. Not without getting a good look at him, though.

  He was still wearing dark jeans that hugged his legs like a dream, a black t-shirt that barely fit over his muscular chest, and heavy boots that should have made a ton of noise when he moved, but didn’t. Those eyes, which she hadn’t been able to see earlier were crystal clear now. One was a deep, rich brown that reminded her of milk chocolate. The other was a brilliant blue. They were framed by thick black lashes she would have killed for, and set under dark brows. His face was angular but not hard. In fact, he looked kind. His sandy-colored hair was brushed back now, and beckoned for her to run her fingers through it. He was just as tall as she’d originally thought. But those lips… His lips were full, and currently smiling ever so slightly, as if he knew what his mere presence was doing to her.

  “I found a lot of BS,” she said, finally breaking away from him and going after yet another cup of coffee. Maybe she should put rum in it. “Would you like some?” she asked, waving an empty cup at him. He nodded and Rachel poured the hot brew for him. “Cream or sugar?” she asked.

  “Black is fine,” he answered.

  “Here you go,” Rachel said as she pushed the mug toward him. “I don’t know what to call you. What’s your name?” That seemed like a bit of information she should have got before offering any kind of hospitality. For whatever reason, Rachel knew he meant her no harm.

  “Somnus,” he rumbled.

  Rachel raised a brow at him. “Interesting name,” she said, taking a seat on her sofa. She watched as he folded his large body into the chair adjacent to her.

  “I was named after the Roman god of dreams,” he told her.

  She took a sip of her coffee, allowing that information to digest. The hot liquid soothed her throat and calmed her nerves. “You said you were a demigod. That means only half. What’s your other half?”

  Somnus grinned at her and allowed a pair of shiny, sharp fangs to protrude from his gums. “Vampire,” he answered proudly.

  “But it’s daytime,” she countered, leaning forward in her seat.

  “I’m a day-walker,” he said. “My mother is an earth goddess and my father is a vampire. Turned, not born.”

  Rachel nodded at this information. She thought it was odd that he felt the need to differentiate that his father was turned. A vampire was a vampire, was it not? As he spoke, she couldn’t help but watch his mouth move. Every so often, she would get a glimpse of those fangs. Never before had a vampire seemed sexy to her, but this half-vamp did. Those teeth were something else. She wondered if he cut women that he kissed. Just thinking of him kissing anyone caused a sour feeling in the pit of her stomach, much like the feeling she got when she realized Trent was a whore. Which was just silly.

  “Are you listening to me?” he asked.

  “Of course, I am,” she lied. How long had he been talking while her brain had checked out?

  “What did I say then?” he asked playfully.

  Busted. “Um,” was about all she could answer.

  “I was telling you that my father was once the lead homicide detective in LA. He became very close with the vampire clan there. Eventually, they turned him. After I turned fifteen, I was given a choice in my schooling. I chose dreams. After all, my namesake is the Roman god of dreams.”

  “How cool. I didn’t know you were allowed to choose,” she said. “What made you choose dreams?”

  “I think they are fascinating. A human must dream to work out their issues from the day. It’s fun to see what the human mind can conjure.” He said the words with the slightest of smiles and Rachel knew he meant it. “But lately, strange things have been going on.”

  “Like what?” she asked.

  “The nightmares,” he answered. Somnus studied the very perceptive woman, trying to decide just how much to tell her. “You aren’t the only one having bad dreams.”

  “Everyone has bad dreams,” Rachel pointed out.

  “Yes, but more than normal are happening, and I want to figure out why. But first, how about you tell me why you could see me in your dream and in my ghost form, when no one else can. You shouldn’t be able to.” He leaned back and crossed one ankle over his knee and watched her expectantly.

  Rachel shrugged. “I’ve always been able to see what others could not. I guess it’s a gift of some sort.”

  “But you are not a paranormal?” he asked.

  “Not to my knowledge,” she answered. “I was adopted so there isn’t much that I do know about my heritage. I don’t do magic, I don’t have fangs, I don’t shift into another creature. So, all that’s left is human.”

  “Look, I have to go,” he told her abruptly. “But I will come back and talk to you again, if that’s okay?”

  “Depends,” she answered with a smile, “Are you going to use the door?”

  “Maybe,” he answered, smiling in a way that told her he had no intention of using the door.

  “Okay then,” she said, standing and going to the door. She opened it for him.

  “Thanks for the coffee,” he said as he brushed past her and left the confines of her home.

  Chapter Four

  Yeah, he was running like a pussy. He knew it. He was fleeing out of Rachel’s home and back to his family’s like his ass was on fire. Somnus had wanted to tell her more, but at the same time, he wanted to hightail it out of there. Something about Rachel when she was awake was having a strange effect on him.

  Not only did he want to tell her everything she wanted to know, and then some, but he found his fangs were aching, as if he needed to feed. He didn’t. He’d made sure he fed before coming to see her. But although he may have only been half-vampire, the need for blood was real. It wasn’t like his cousins who were also half-vampires. They could take blood or not, but their lives did not depend on it. Somnus was one who had to take blood for survival.

  Rachel was an anomaly, though. There was no way he was going to risk being hungry around her. He couldn’t help but watch every move she made, and he couldn’t seem to keep his eyes off her breasts which were barely contained within her black tank top. The shorts she was wearing didn’t help either. It was as if she were trying to drive him insane. He had thought she was attractive before, but awake, she was stunning. Those kinds of thoughts were a distraction he couldn’t afford right now. Not with dream gods disappearing. When her home began to shrink around him, suffocating him, Somnus knew he had to go. What the hell was wrong with him?

  Somnus hadn’t been home in several months. As he ghosted to the gates of the Knight Estate, he felt bad for not coming home sooner. His mother would undoubtedly chastise him for not visiting, and he felt even worse for not coming to see her specifically. No, he needed to see his father. He materialized in front of the heavy iron gates and turned to smile at the guard.

  “Hey, Somnus,” the vampire greeted him with a smile. �
�Haven’t seen you in while. How’s life treating you?”

  “You know,” he answered, “All work and no play. Wanna let Mom know I’m here?” He knew he would have to see her first. The only reason he bothered to stop at the gates was because the property was heavily warded. His uncle, Angel Knight, was the California vampire Clan Leader, and his uncle Gage was the King of Vampires. That meant heavy security at all times. One time, Somnus tried to ghost in and was smacked back on his ass by a spell. He learned his lesson that day. His family’s dream god though never had that problem. Even though Somnus didn’t know who it was, as was protocol, he knew his family dreamed.

  “Already on it,” the guard answered. He said something into his phone and then nodded. “Okay, coast is clear,” he said.

  Somnus didn’t waste any time going in. He knew the wards would only be down a matter of seconds, which was more time than he needed. He solidified his form just inside the front doors of the massive mansion. His mother, Azerial, an earth goddess, was waiting for him.

  “Somnus!” she called cheerfully, immediately embracing him in a tight hug. “Where have you been, son?”

  “Hi Mom,” he answered with a smile. His mother was one of the world’s truly graceful creatures. Her love and kindness bypassed anything else he had known in his life. Her long golden hair fell carelessly down her back, almost reaching the floor. Her frame was slight in comparison to his own and he couldn’t help but be gentle with her, even though he knew she could kick his ass any time she wanted. Violence was not ever her first choice, and Somnus felt sorry for anyone who invoked it from her. “I missed you,” he said.

  “Well, of course you did!” she told him. “It’s about time you came home. How are things in the dream realm?” She led him by the hand into the sitting room and took a seat, pulling him down with her. “I want to hear all about it.”

  Knowing there was no way he was getting away without a good talk, Somnus leaned back on the plush sofa and crossed one ankle over the opposite knee. “Things are strange, actually,” he told her honestly. “There’s been an abundance of nightmares lately.”

  Azerial pressed her lips together but remained quiet, silently encouraging him to go on.

  “I know that people dream about all sorts of things, and that nightmares are normal too. But this is getting sort of ridiculous.” He scratched the top of his head. “I think someone is messing with humans’ dreams.”

  “Humans are a stressful breed,” Azerial pointed out. “Perhaps there is something going on that is causing undue stress among their kind?”

  Somnus shook his head. “It’s not just humans,” he told her. He wanted to tell his mother everything, including the missing dream gods, but he knew that she would forbid him from working, even if she had to tie him up in the basement for his own safety.

  “That is odd,” she said. “What can I do to help?”

  “I don’t know,” he said. “If I think of something, I’ll let you know. Right now, all of us are just on the lookout for anything strange. It’s probably nothing.”

  Azerial shook her head. “If it is bothering you, son, it is most certainly something. However, I feel as if there is something else that is on your mind.” She gave him a knowing look. “Care to share?”

  Somnus looked at the carpet. His mother was crazily perceptive, but he just didn’t feel comfortable discussing it with her. “Actually, I was wondering if Dad was around?”

  The earth goddess smiled warmly at her son. “Of course,” she said. “I’ll go and let him know you are here.” She stood and left the room without another word. She was smiling, which left Somnus confused. Either she knew exactly what was on his mind, or he had managed to hurt her feelings and she was hiding it. He really hoped it was the former. He couldn’t accept hurting his mother for any reason, no matter the situation.

  As he waited, Somnus listened to the sounds of the house. Even though his female cousins had moved out to start their own family with their mates, most of his aunts and uncles still lived in the large home. He could hear Brea, Angel’s mate, in the kitchen talking with Jessica. His uncles were all doing various things as well. Sebastian was in the studio, as was the norm, Rebel and Leigh were talking quietly in their room, while Gage and Jacque were arguing.

  “Shut up, dickbag,” his Uncle Gage’s familiar voice said as he entered the room.

  “Eat shit, smurf,” Jacque called after him, hot on his heels.

  “Hey guys,” Somnus said to them.

  They both turned to face him as if they hadn’t known he was there, which was ridiculous. They’d heard him as soon as he entered the house. Vampires had different strengths and weaknesses, but they all had incredible hearing. Somnus had learned that the hard way when he was growing up. Every once in a while, his family had let him think he’d gotten away with something, but in the end they always knew what kind of mischief he had been up to.

  “Somnus!” Gage yelled, throwing his body at him. Somnus braced for the impact, but the King of Vampires still knocked the wind out of him.

  “Hey, nobody said we were dogpiling!” Jacque shouted just before throwing himself on top of them both. Somnus laughed as the two did their best to cover him and squash him. After a minute or so, Somnus shoved his weight off the sofa, taking the two uncles with him.

  “Damn boy, you got strong!” Gage said with a boyish grin.

  “It’s that goddess blood in his veins,” Jacque agreed. “Although I fear since it is goddess blood, he might be a bit too girly. I mean, seriously? I have never seen this kid shave. One day soon he is gonna go through puberty.”

  Somnus laughed. “Yeah, one day,” he agreed, “but you first.”

  “Never!” Jacque cried out, throwing a defiant fist in the air.

  “Boys,” Serena said firmly as she glided into the room.

  The woman had been a fae princess before becoming Gage’s mate. Now she served as the Queen to the vampires. It didn’t matter that she was not a vampire herself; the people they led respected her as much as they did their king. Her presence commanded attention whether the person wanted to give it or not. Her movements were ethereal, fluid, and most definitely not human. The three men snapped to attention and pretended they weren’t just acting like twelve-year-olds.

  “How old are you again? Frankie is looking for you, Jacque,” she said, sending him to his mate, “and honey, I need you in here for a minute.” She turned to Somnus. “It is good to see you. Will you be here for a while this time?”

  Somnus shrugged. “I have a job to do,” he told her. “I needed to see Dad.”

  “You must promise not to stay gone so long next time,” she said with complete understanding, moving to him and embracing him in a solid hug.

  “I promise,” he told her.

  Serena took her mate and left the room, along with Jacque, leaving Somnus alone with his father. He hadn’t seen Samuel come into the room, but from the look on his face he was trying not to laugh at them all for being chastised by Serena.

  “Hey Dad,” he said.

  “Son,” Samuel said, leaning against the wall. “Long time no see.”

  “I’ve been busy,” Somnus said, standing to greet his father. “How are you, Dad?”

  Samuel smiled and embraced his son. “I’m good. This old fart is still kicking.” After he released Somnus from his hug, his face became serious. “But there is something wrong. Your mother says you specifically wanted to talk to me about something?”

  “Yeah, I did,” Somnus said. “But not here. Can we go somewhere else?”

  Samuel raised a brow at his son. “Top secret?”

  “Something like that,” Somnus agreed. No way did he want the rest of his family to hear what he had to say, and no matter where they were in the house, someone would hear them.

  Samuel nodded, his lips forming a thin line as he pressed them together. He didn’t know what it was that Somnus wanted to discuss, but if it had to be in privacy that meant it was serious. “Let’s t
ake a walk,” he offered.

  The two men left the house through the glass back door that led straight to the beach. Somnus smiled as he remembered how his father would take him for walks every evening, just as the sun was setting, right there on that same beach. His upbringing had been unusual, but there was nothing he would change about it. Being brought up in a house full of vampires and other supernatural beings had its advantages. But his family had made sure Somnus was comfortable with humans as well. He had to be. The world had changed so much in the last century, with vampire and human law enforcements coming together, as well as other species too. Just last year, the first lycanthrope senator was elected. At first, humans wanted all supernaturals to be registered. It was a way of segregation and was founded on fear. Over time, each species learned more about the other until, finally, all that was dropped; and now they worked in harmony. Mostly.

  There were still those that preferred prejudice over peace, and all species had their good eggs and bad. Somnus knew that his father, who was a human detective in LA at one time, had hoped that he would go into law enforcement. Many of those walks on the beach as he grew up were filled with conversations about the future and about right and wrong. Samuel never failed to mention that those who can should protect others.

  Somnus was drawn to another form of aid, though. Sleep and dreams were his passion, and helping others to dream was more fulfilling than slapping handcuffs on a rogue werewolf would ever be. To think that someone, or something, was messing with people’s dreams was terrifying.

  People needed their dreams. People who don’t dream don’t really sleep. People who don’t sleep go insane.

  “So, we’ve walked…about a mile now,” Samuel said, breaking into Somnus’ thought bubble. “You gonna tell me what’s eatin’ ya?”


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