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Galactic Bandits Compilation

Page 39

by Duke Campbell

  “The thing is…” she started. “When I ran away, I was betrothed.”


  “It was arranged when I was very young,” she continued.

  “Oh great,” Regan said. “So there’s some Pershan dude who’s going to be thrilled to see you and then want my head.”

  Calico moved toward Regan and took a knee next to him.

  “It won’t be as bad as you think,” Calico said.

  I doubt that.

  “You said arranged,” Regan said. “Arranged by… your father?”

  “Yes, but—”

  “So two dudes,” Regan said. “One of them is a king. And I have disrupted another man’s promised nuptials to the king’s daughter.”

  Calico started laughing. For as serious as Regan thought the situation was, Calico looked at him with playful eyes. “Captain,” she said, and the way her eyes looked at him made him forget that any of his crew remained in the room with them. “It was a long time ago. Years. I’m bringing you back to participate in the ritual with me. They will have to accept that, sooner or later.”

  Even though Calico had the ability to command his attention and make a convincing point, he doubted that the years she was away changed much for her betrothed.

  Shit, if I was promised the hand of a sexy princess, I’d wait that one out for sure.

  But he went along with it. He was committed to this course of action already, so he might as well adjust to the situation.

  “So what does this ritual entail?” Regan asked. “This Rite of Hissock.”

  Calico stood and made her way back toward her chair, but really she just wanted to pace.

  “It’s nothing painful or dangerous.”

  “Real convincing,” Straya said.

  The former pirate’s voice pulled Regan out from his focus on Calico. He had forgotten how good she was at grabbing his attention. He knew she wasn’t playing him that way, it was just how she was. She had just been off her game for a while, distracted by the data cube and the ninjas. But things were playing in Calico’s court again. She was stepping up.

  She looked at Straya with a smirk that soon became a full smile. She looked back at Regan.

  “It’s simple, really,” she said. “Our mating must be witnessed by several others. It will serve as proof that we’re able to care for each other.”

  She took a step closer to Regan.

  “We must groom each other,” she said.

  She took another step closer.

  “We must feed each other,” she continued.

  More steps, almost right on Regan now.

  “Then mate.”

  She stood right before him.

  He stared into her eyes and could have taken her right there. He wanted to press her down into the ground and have her.

  Squit interrupted their moment with some squishy sounds which Bob translated as, “Sexy!” He pumped a fist up into the air, as if to drive home the point.

  Regan then remembered that the bridge was full of people. He winked at Calico, who turned back for her pilot’s chair.

  Getting it on with you in front of some witnesses… I guess it could be worse.

  The ship came out of its FTL jump into the atmosphere of a beautiful planet. It was massively overrun with green forests and mountains, with many rivers and waterfalls stretching out across the entire planet.

  The structures were built of stone and looked ancient. Well maintained, but it looked as if this civilization had been here for a tremendously long time. The spaceships and other flying vehicles were modern and smooth, yet still seemed appropriate for the area.

  While he couldn’t tell from this high up, the air appeared to be fresh and clean. The colors of the planet were overly crisp, as if there were no pollution at all, no exhaust or garbage of any kind.

  Regan dug this place. He couldn’t wait to land and see what the air outside felt like. He had visited enough planets by now that he was getting used to the exciting sensation of breathing in alien air for the first time.

  But when Calico set the ship down inside a rear entrance to the castle, the reality of their situation came flooding back to him. He was about to deal with a king who would likely be less than thrilled about the guy his daughter had been fooling around with.

  “Follow my lead,” Calico said as she rose from her pilot’s chair. She was speaking to everyone on the bridge, then looked at Regan. “Trust me, it’s going to go just fine.”

  Regan nodded at her, then motioned for her to lead the way. She walked off the bridge and the entire crew followed, with Posha being carried by Squit. She made a sound as she picked him up.

  “Don’t want to keep a king waiting,” Bob translated.

  Regan smirked and followed behind them all.

  The air was crisp and welcoming, like cool morning air out in the country, clean of typical city exhaust. As the crew descended, Regan hurried up to the front of the group to walk beside Calico. Ahead of them, passing through a large set of doors, was the advisor Calico spoke to previously. And there was no question the regal man next to him was the king himself.

  He was tall, looking more like a lion than Calico. His hair was long and braided in parts, almost woven into the crown on his head. He was draped in robes of silk. It was obvious, even through the layers of robes, that this king was incredibly strong. As he got closer, Regan saw that the man was nearly double his size and appeared to be all muscle.

  The king looked down at Regan for only a moment before turning his gaze to his daughter, smiling largely. Calico lost it then, unable to contain herself walking at a slow pace, and ran to her father. He opened his arms and lifted her into the air, hugging her tightly.

  “You look beautiful, my daughter,” the king said. His voice was deep and had a subtle growl to it. Regan knew he could be ferocious if he wanted to. Who would dare challenge a king who looked like this?

  Regan, apparently.

  “Thank you, father,” Calico said. “I’m sorr—”

  But the king wouldn’t let her finish her statement. He raised a finger, looking back and forth between her and Regan.

  “I will not accept an apology from you, my child,” he said calmly. “But I will ask that you make it right.”

  “Of course,” Calico said.

  The king looked over Regan carefully, not looking too impressed with what he saw.

  “I’m Regan,” he said as he lowered his head before the king. “I’m… humbled to be in the presence of your majesty.”

  Yeah, that sounded like shit.

  The king made a motion for Regan to lift his head. He continued looking at him.

  “I do not like what you have done, Regan,” the king said sternly. “I want more for my daughter. And yet, I must trust her intentions. Even so, you too must make this right with our people.”

  “Of course,” Regan said. “Anything you ask.”

  The king nodded.

  “We will introduce you to the public later and declare that the Rite of Hissock is to occur. Until then—”

  A shouting interrupted him. It was another strong voice, and it came from the door that the king passed through earlier. It was a male Persha, not as large or ferocious as the king, but still impressive regardless. He too was strong, and Regan started to make the connection that all the males in this society might resemble a lion, tiger, or some other form of ferocious cat. The thought made him tense up a bit.

  “Oh shit,” Calico muttered under her breath, but loud enough for those immediately present to hear her.

  “Mind your tongue, daughter,” the king said. “This is a mess of your own doing. You must face it.”

  Regan put it together then. The male Pershan was the promised suitor running toward them.

  Well, here we go.

  The young strong Pershan lifted Calico up and swung her around. Regan tensed, but he didn’t make a move. He kept his position. This was for Calico to settle. When the male Pershan set her down, she did.

“Norio, hello,” she said.

  “Hello?” Norio replied. “That is all I get? Your betrothed, who has missed you terribly all these years, and who has worried considerably… ‘Hello’?” Norio laughed heavily at this response. Whether he knew what was happening or was still unaware, he was making Regan increasingly nervous.

  “Norio…” Calico started in a more serious tone. “I have something to tell you.”

  “You may tell me anything, my love,” Norio said, taking hold of her hand.

  Calico pulled her hand away and used it to motion at Regan. “I want you to meet Regan.”

  The motion was met with a brief yet sinister glare from Norio.

  He extended his hand to Regan, but not quickly. He corrected his posture and stood upright, showing Regan how much stronger and taller he was than him.

  “To what do I owe the pleasure, Regan?” Norio asked, his tone carefully measured.

  “I’ve brought Regan back to meet my family,” Calico said. “And to introduce him to the kingdom. We are to perform the Rite of—”

  “What?” Norio snapped. He spun around to face the king, taking a moment to calm himself before proceeding. “Your majesty, I apologize for my outburst.” The king nodded. Norio turned back toward Calico. “But, we had a plan in place! When you returned…”

  “Norio, I’ve traveled much, and met a man of means who I could not resist,” Calico said.

  Norio looked Regan up and down. It was pretty obvious the rebuffed lover wanted to tear him apart right there. Regan worried that if the king weren’t present, Norio might have done just that. The male Persha then looked at the space yacht they emerged from. He growled at it.

  “A man of means, indeed,” Norio grumbled. “But means aren’t a merit to hold on their own. Wealth is trivial compared to royalty and strength.”

  “Regan is incredibly strong,” Calico argued, falling for Norio’s bait.


  “Really?” Norio said sarcastically. “His appearance begs otherwise. Not much hair on him, is there? Not much muscle either, to be frank.”


  Regan rested a hand on Calico’s shoulder, which thankfully kept her from protesting further. It was a move that the king and Norio seemed impressed and surprised by. They must’ve known how hard it was to keep the spirited Calico in check.

  “Norio, and your majesty,” Regan began. “I have grown incredibly fond of Calico and have come here out of respect for your customs and your culture to take the necessary steps of moving our relationship toward marriage.”

  The king smiled at the comment. But Norio grew furious.

  “Necessary steps?” he said. “Fine. Then I will take the necessary steps I must take as well, by challenging you to a royal duel! A fight to demonstrate your supposed strength against my own!”

  Give me a fucking break.

  Calico interjected. “This isn’t necessary. You’re being rude, Norio. I’ve made my decision, and won’t be swayed by the outcome of a duel.”

  But Norio’s mind was made up. Regan could see it on his face. He would have to fight this lion on his own turf. While he had done this before, he felt there was more at stake this time. Much more.

  “I have proposed my challenge,” Norio said. “And as a betrothed Persha male, it is my right to do so.”

  The king looked at Calico, and though he didn’t appear thrilled, he nodded his head, affirming that Norio was correct.

  Regan knew that they had to play by the rules this time. There was no skirting around this one. He nodded at Norio. If the young lion wanted a fight, then Regan would bring him one.

  “Norio,” he started. “I’m seeking Calico’s hand out of my love and respect for her. It has nothing to do with you or the past you shared. I don’t seek your permission, but I’ll accept your challenge out of respect for your culture. I will fight for Calico. And I will win.”

  An unfriendly smile crept up Norio’s face. He looked back and forth between Regan and Calico, then turned on his heel to walk away.

  “The Duel Chamber in one hour!” he shouted as he continued to walk away.

  Calico looked worriedly at Regan, but Regan just shook his head at her. The king addressed Regan directly.

  “You are brave,” he said. “I will give you that. But you will need more than bravery to defeat Norio in a duel.”

  “Father, does it have—”

  “Calico, enough,” the king intoned, his gaze still locked on Regan. “This challenge is unfortunate, but there is nothing that can be done. Your new suitor must rise to the challenge and demonstrate his own strength.”

  Regan nodded. “Your majesty,” he said before they started back for the castle. “Before we proceed, perhaps I could introduce my crew, who are your humble guests while we’re here.”

  The king smiled and heard the introductions. Each member of the crew bowed before Calico’s father, then began the walk toward the palace. The king positioned himself between Calico and Regan.

  “Father,” Calico said. “There are other matters, urgent matters, with which we need your help.”

  “Yes, I assumed as much. But until your insolence is paid for, and the Rite is finished to satisfy my needs and the needs of my kingdom, we will not discuss it.”

  Calico nodded. Regan did as well.

  Once they entered the palace, the king stopped. He turned toward Regan and waved the advisor over.

  “Show Regan to his waiting room,” the king said. “And perhaps give him the rules of the challenge he has agreed to enter.”

  The advisor nodded.

  “May I go with him?” Calico asked.

  The king shook his head. “It would not be proper. This task is for Regan alone. The rest of you may follow me and be guests in my suite during the event.” The king then stepped right up to Regan and looked at him intently. “Good luck.”

  With that, the king disappeared down a massive hallway, along with Calico and the rest of the crew. The advisor put a hand on Regan’s shoulder as he watched them walk away.

  “Shall we?” the advisor asked.

  “After you.”

  Another battle was on the horizon.

  Chapter Fifty-Six

  The advisor showed Regan to a large locker room, one that looked like it was straight out of a fancy club. The stone walls had accents of carved wood, along with ample space to prepare.

  This is what a locker room should look like!

  The advisor walked to a wall of wooden lockers and opened several of them up.

  “Here is what you are to wear,” the advisor said. “Find a suit that fits. You’ll want some breathing room, but you’ll want it snug enough that it won’t get caught or drag you down.”

  Regan looked over the uniforms, surprised by how much they resembled a traditional fencing outfit, except for thicker padding.

  “So this duel,” Regan began. “What does it entail? What do I have to do?”

  The advisor opened another section of the wooden wall which had a stone wall behind it. The wooden door folded up like an intricately carved garage door. And on the stone wall behind it was a series a beautifully designed swords.

  “Nice!” Regan commented.

  But as excited as he was about being in an old-fashioned castle duel with an actual sword, he also recognized the danger he was in. Norio was clearly a skilled fighter, or else he wouldn’t have challenged him to a duel.

  “There will be three rounds,” the advisor said. “You must strike the circle on the opponent’s chest two times to be declared the winner.”

  Regan took a look at the chest pad, noticing the small dot right in the center, but this dot was connected to a pad sewn into the garment. It was probably only 3 inches wide.

  “So I can hit the circle anywhere?” Regan asked. “Not just on the dot?”

  “That is correct. If you do manage to hit the dot itself, it’s more of an embarrassment type of thing.” The advisor chuckled. “If you’d like to maintain a strong image, d
on’t get hit in the dot.”

  Regan shrugged into his armor. He swung his arms and jumped up and down, lunging his legs forward and backward, making sure he could move around.

  The armor was made for agility and speed, unlike the armor Regan had worn for his battles against the Brutes. He’d have to adjust his strategy accordingly.

  “Can you tell me anything that will help me win?” Regan asked.

  “I can tell you that he is fast, but that means he also gets ahead of himself at times.”

  That made sense. Regan would have to stay patient and wait for his opportunity.

  There was no helmet, but there was a wrap for his hair. Regan realized this was to keep a lion’s mane out of his face, and that it was largely unnecessary for him, but he let the advisor strap it on anyway.

  The advisor then let Regan lift several swords and feel how they fit in his hands. Most of them were too long for him, again, being that they were designed for the large beasts that Pershans were. But Regan finally found one that fit him nicely. His hand felt comfortable on the handle. Even though Regan favored his right hand, he tossed the sword to his left hand as well, testing the weight.

  “Only choose one hand,” the advisor said.

  Regan gave him a curious look. The advisor could tell by his expression that Regan didn’t understand what he was saying.

  “Whatever hand you start the fight in, that is the only hand you are able to use throughout the duel.”

  “No switching it up?” Regan asked.

  The advisor shook his head.

  “Anything else I need to know?”

  “The rules are this: Hit the chest with the sword. Only use one hand to fight. No tripping, hitting, or kicking. No attacking any other body part with the sword, since only the chest is padded. And no swearing.”

  “No swearing?” Regan smirked. “Are you serious?”

  “I am absolutely serious,” the advisor said. “This is the Royal Duel Chamber. Swearing is strictly forbidden.”

  “Sure, yeah, okay.”

  “Any other questions?”

  Regan mulled it over. He realized now would be his chance, but nothing came to his mind.


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