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Dreamspinner Press Year Four Greatest Hits

Page 71

by Felicia Watson

  Evan looks over at Jeff. “So, it’s a porno, so they’re gonna want the money shot. But, I don’t know… I think maybe the plumber’s a bit of a rebel, and he’s gonna come in the executive’s ass. What do you think, Jeff? Money shot or depth charge?”

  “Depth charge? Jesus, kid.” Jeff’s looking pretty ruffled himself, and Dan’s glad to see it. Jeff rubs a hand over his face. “Yeah, he stays in for sure. A little harder, a little deeper….”

  “Yeah, and then he goes off. And the executive can feel it, and that sets him off too. So that leaves just the pizza boy. The other two take a minute to recover, and then they give the pizza boy the full treatment. One of them blows him while the other one sucks his balls, and then they trade around and one goes up and works on the guy’s nipples, and finds all his little sensitive spots and marks them for future reference, ’cause they’re all gonna want to do this again. So, finally the pizza boy comes, hard, right down the plumber’s throat ’cause the plumber is fucking awesome at that. And then they clean up a bit and all fall asleep together on the executive’s huge bed. The End.” Evan is pretty clearly proud of himself, and Dan really can’t blame him.

  After an appreciative silence, Dan says, “Okay, yeah, so maybe there’s some merit to the whole threesome thing.”

  Jeff and Evan both laugh, but no one seems to know just how to proceed. Or at least Evan and Dan don’t know. Jeff seems to think that the best thing to do is to sit there and watch them like they’re baby pandas, and he wants to see their next adorable trick. Dan’s thinking that it’s about time to wipe that smugness off his face, but he tries to hold back a little. If they want to talk, he can talk.

  “So, are we all good with casual, then? I mean, if we’re together, great, if we’re not, we’re on our own?” Dan sees them exchange glances and he looks from one to the other. “Because I’m not really looking to tie myself down when both of you are free to sleep around—that doesn’t work for me.”

  Jeff clears his throat. “What if we were interested in changing that? We could keep things a little loose, but what if we wanted to make it a… well, not monogamous, I guess… duogamous? Whatever—what if we wanted it to be an exclusive thing?”

  Dan hadn’t really expected that, and he has to think for a second. “No. That’s… no. I mean… you guys have each other, right? You love each other. That’s great, but… where does that leave me? I’m fine being the junior partner if we’re just screwing around sometimes, but not if I’m not allowed to look for something else with someone who might… you know, someone who might turn into something for me.” Dan’s proud of himself for that. He’s worth having someone love him. Justin had loved him, and Justin wasn’t stupid. He just needs to keep reminding himself.

  Evan leans forward. “Okay, but why couldn’t that be us? I mean, okay, right now—we like you and we want you, a lot for both of those, but okay, you’re right, we’re not full on in love. But maybe we could be….”

  Dan looks at Jeff in some alarm. What is Evan talking about? But Jeff is looking back levelly at Dan, acting for all the world as if he agrees with Evan’s crazy ideas. “Maybe….” Dan needs to nip this in the bud. “Maybe anything could happen, I guess. But, really… what are the chances? Seems a lot more likely that you’ll decide that it was a fun little experiment but it’s time to get back to real life. And then I’m left standing there, all… attached… to two guys who are moving on.”

  Evan shakes his head stubbornly. “I don’t see why it’s more likely that you’ll get ‘attached’ than we will.”

  “Yeah? Okay, how ’bout if one of you does get attached? But only one of you?” Dan shakes his head. “It’s hard enough with two people. Throwing a third into the mix is… I don’t know, doesn’t it seem like we’re asking for trouble?”

  “So what are you suggesting?” Jeff asks. “Are you saying it’s never going to happen, or just that we should start slow and proceed with caution?”

  Dan looks at Jeff and then over at Evan. He already feels more than he should for both of them, and a part of him is screaming that he should get out now before he starts caring even more. The chances of this ending up well are so slim. But… he wants it. Wants something. He just needs to be smart about it. “No, I can’t say it’s never going to happen. But, yeah, I think we should start really slow. And just… I don’t know… I think we’ve got to stay totally aware of the potential problems.”

  Evan looks a little impatient. “So, slow with everything? Like, the physical too? Or just the emotional?”

  “No, dude, I’m ready to go with the physical! I mean… is that cool with you guys?”

  Evan nods enthusiastically, and Dan laughs a bit as they both turn to look at Jeff. He seems a bit more thoughtful. “Are we sure that we can keep the two separate?” He looks at Evan. “He’s not wrong about it being risky.”

  Evan looks subdued for a second, then stares Jeff down. “A couple days ago… that was the closest we’ve ever come to calling it quits. Right?” Jeff nods reluctantly, and Dan feels bad again. Why had he dragged other people into his issues? But Evan is still talking. “I think we’ve come too far to back down. We’re”—he looks at Dan—“I think we’ve pretty much committed ourselves to seeing this through. If we don’t do this….” He looks back over at Jeff, and smiles sadly. “If we don’t do this, we’re going to have a hell of a time hanging on, aren’t we?”

  Jeff looks down at his hands, then over at Dan. “I think he’s right. I think… Evan and I are pretty well committed to making some sort of change. A change bigger than just both of us fooling around with the same person. It… we’re all off balance, somehow. And I think—we both think—that you could balance us out again. That we could care about you just as much as we care about each other, and… I don’t know, that it would take some of the pressure off.” He looks over and can clearly tell that Dan isn’t convinced. He laughs regretfully. “Yeah, I can’t really explain it. You’re probably right that we should start slow, but… I just want you to understand. I can’t keep the physical separate from the emotional. Not with you. So, if you want to protect yourself and keep it casual, okay. But just… be aware, okay? This is important to me. And to Evan. And to the two of us together.”

  Dan feels overwhelmed, like maybe this is a bit more than he signed up for. It’s crazy, for them to think that he’s going to somehow save their relationship. He kind of wants to run, to get the hell out of there and find somewhere calm and safe. He could always jerk off thinking about Evan’s story, he doesn’t need to stay and see how it plays out in reality. He’s pretty sure that leaving would be the smart thing to do. He tries to consult Puppet-Chris, but he’s just as confused as Dan is. Great.

  Dan looks over at Jeff and Evan, both sitting and watching him, and he realizes that it’s too late. There’s no way he can stand up and walk away from them. Not just because he wants them, but because he cares about them, and if they think that he can help them, then that’s what he wants to do. He’s nervous again, but he’s committed. He stands up, and he can tell that Evan thinks he’s leaving. Dan shakes his head gently, and smiles at Evan, then at Jeff. “Okay,” he says.

  Jeff seems relieved and satisfied, but Evan wants clarification. “Okay? Okay to what?”

  Dan shrugs. “Okay. I’m gonna try to keep myself from getting too into this, but, yeah, I understand that it’s important to you guys, and I’m not gonna be careless about that. And I do need to start slow with any… emotional commitments or whatever, but… I’ll try to be open to at least the idea of more.” He tries to look less serious and more sexy. “Is that enough? Or do I have to go pick up a fucking pizza or something? I mean, what’s a guy got to do to get some action around here?”

  Evan looks at Jeff as if for permission, and when Jeff speaks his voice has that honey-dipped growl that Dan can’t resist. “All you got to do is ask, Dan.”

  Dan tries to make his own voice even half as sexy as Jeff’s, and it comes out warm and smoky. “All r
ight, then. I’m asking.” He turns and starts toward the house.

  Dan isn’t sure which of the two moves faster, but he knows that both of them have caught up to him before he gets to the door of the house, and then their mouths are on him, their bodies pressed against his, their hands everywhere. Dan lets his overworked brain turn off as he gives in to the sensations. He’s pretty sure that at least this aspect of things is going to work just fine.

  Chapter 41

  SOMEBODY GETS the door open, and then they’re all stumbling inside. Dan feels himself pressed up against the wall, Evan leaning in against his right side, a rippling, writhing flame, and Jeff on his left, slowly flowing lava. It’s no surprise that Dan’s skin is burning. He wonders if that’s all he is, more fuel for the furnace of their desire, but then their hands lace together over his stomach and work in under his shirt, and he stops caring.

  Evan’s lips find Dan’s sensitive spot just under his ear, and he gasps in response, tilting his head to give better access. He feels Evan’s mouth curl up. “Jeff, try here,” Evan murmurs, and he uses his hand to guide Jeff’s head to the exact spot on Dan’s other side, and then they’re both kissing and nipping, and Dan doesn’t even know what to do, he can’t move for one without blocking the other, so he just tilts his head back against the wall and lets the chills run down his spine, one hand wrapped around Jeff’s shoulder and clutching, the other… oh, the other is near Evan’s waistband. Dan runs his hand down over the outside of his fly, along Evan’s hard length, and he feels Evan moan in approval.

  Jeff’s attention is caught by the sound, and then he’s pulling away, and Dan feels cold on that side. He forces his eyes open and looks over to where Jeff is standing, one hand bracing himself against the wall, the other absentmindedly rubbing at his jaw.

  “Evan. Kid, hey,” Jeff says softly, and Evan lifts his head up a little from Dan’s neck, glances over toward Jeff. “Let’s slow this down a little, huh? I want this to last.”

  Dan isn’t sure about that idea, and he gives another little rub to Evan’s cock through his pants. Do they really need to slow down?

  Evan groans and his hips jerk toward Dan, but he keeps his mouth away, and then pulls his whole body back. “Yeah, okay,” he says huskily. “Should we… bedroom?”

  Jeff nods, and then Evan has one of Dan’s hands and is leading him toward the bedroom, while Jeff trails along behind them, holding Dan’s other hand. It’s a bit like they’re going on a field trip in elementary school, with everyone ordered to buddy up, but Dan kind of likes it. He likes that he feels connected.

  When they get to the bedroom Evan pauses, and looks over at Jeff as if for instructions. Jeff smiles. “I wasn’t lying outside, when I said that I liked the show. And I’ve got a few years on both of you—I’m thinking that my recovery time might not be where yours is.” He gestures toward an arm chair by the wall. “How about if I watch for a while, see how things are going?”

  Dan isn’t sure about that. He’d been enjoying having two times the usual sensations, and he’s not sure he won’t get self-conscious if Jeff’s watching. And it somehow doesn’t feel right for Jeff to be left out. Then he has an idea. “Watch? Or direct?” Dan sees Evan’s eyes flare with interest, and they both turn to look at Jeff.

  Jeff’s voice is gruff when he says, “Jesus, Dan. You’re gonna kill me, here.” He sits down with one hand on the arm of the chair, the other resting on his straining fly. Dan really wants to go over and release that pressure, remind him what Dan can do with his mouth, but then Jeff sees him looking and shakes his head. “You want me to direct, you need to wait until you’re told to do something.” Dan gives a little snarl, mostly playful but hopefully enough to make it clear that he’s not going to give up on the idea entirely.

  Jeff leans back and looks at them. “All right, too many clothes. Dan, why don’t you start? Unbutton Evan’s shirt. Slowly.” Dan’s not crazy about the “slow” part, but he obeys. Evan’s chest is gorgeous, all ripped muscles and golden brown skin, and Dan’s mouth is on it even as his hands are still working the lower buttons. Jeff gives him a moment to enjoy, and then says, “Now slip the shirt right off. Drop it on the floor,” and Dan does that without even lifting his mouth from Evan’s nipple. Jeff laughs a little. “Determined, isn’t he?” he asks, and Dan can feel Evan’s stomach moves as he laughs.

  “Okay, that’s enough of that… Evan, lace your fingers in his hair. Lift his head up.” Dan lets it happen, but once he’s far enough away to see Evan clearly, it’s all he can do to not move back in. He wants to taste every inch of that tanned skin, wants to…. “Okay, Evan, your turn. Let’s get his shirt off.” Evan doesn’t waste any time, and Dan cooperates—he definitely sees the importance of getting naked.

  Evan pulls back a little and looks over to Jeff for more instructions, and Dan is really regretting his suggestion that Jeff direct. Jesus, he could have been three-quarters done by now, but instead he’s still standing there half-dressed and achingly hard. “Dan, you’re looking a little impatient… is there something you’d like to do?” Dan’s hands dart toward Evan’s fly, but Jeff’s voice is a little sharp. “Wait!” Dan freezes and looks over at Jeff, whose eyes are as dark as his voice. “Ask me, Dan. Ask me if you can do it.”

  Dan’s about ready to revolt. “This power thing—are you thinking this is a permanent situation, or is it just for right now?” He knows Jeff can see the rebellion forming….

  “It’s just for now, babe. Let me enjoy myself while I can.” Jeff almost sounds defeated, and Dan really doesn’t know what that means, but he doesn’t like it.

  “Oh, I can help you enjoy yourself,” he suggests with a purr, but Jeff shakes his head.

  “Evan’s waiting for you, Dan. What do you want to do for him?”

  Dan looks back at Evan. He’ll play the game for a little longer, he supposes. “I want to suck him off.” He pauses. “Jeff. May I please give Evan a blowjob?”

  Jeff sounds a little out of breath. “Oh, yeah, Dan, you can do that.”

  Dan’s falling to his knees at the same time that he’s undoing Evan’s fly and pulling his pants down, and so his first view of Evan’s cock is up close. And Dan just wants to get closer. It’s big, and dark, and beautiful, sticking out totally straight, leaking at the tip. Dan takes a quick lick there, feels Evan’s hands flutter at his shoulders in response, and then starts in on the rest of it. Evan’s a bit too big for Dan to take all at once, but he’s confident that he can work up to it, and he relishes the challenge. He lets his lips go a little loose to start with, just curls them over his teeth and focuses on depth. He takes Evan as deep as he can, feels him hit the back of his throat, changes the angle a little and tries to relax. He keeps Evan mostly in his mouth, just bobbing a little bit, letting the tip of Evan’s cock hit his throat, working on the angle… and there it is, and he hears Evan’s groan as his cock slides past Dan’s gag point and right down his throat. Dan holds still for a second, working his tongue along the bottom and swallowing to keep Evan happy, and then he’s ready to move.

  He thinks about just staying still and letting Evan start thrusting. Dan loves it when guys do that, but tonight he feels like he’s already given away a lot of control, and he’d like to keep what he has left. So he starts moving, tightening his lips and bobbing his head, sucking his cheeks in, and he keeps his tongue working too. He remembers what Evan said about the executive being a bit into pain, and he feels Evan’s hips twitch when Dan tries a little brush with his teeth. Evan’s groaning now, his hips jerking periodically, and Dan wonders if he’s actually going to get this, if Jeff is going to let him make Evan come.

  Then Jeff is there beside him, and Dan hadn’t even noticed that the man had left his chair. “Jesus, Dan, you are so beautiful like this.” Jeff runs a hand up Dan’s chest and over his face, resting his fingers on the place where Dan’s lips are moving back and forth over Evan’s skin. “So beautiful.” Dan feels Jeff fumbling for his hand, and he recognizes the fa
miliar shape of a bottle of lube. “I want you to work him open while you’re sucking him. Not much, just one finger, but lots of lube. And then when you’re done, when he’s come down your throat, I want you to put him up on the bed on his knees, with his shoulders against the mattress, and I want you to fuck him hard. Is that good, babe?”

  Dan nods enthusiastically, Evan inhaling sharply at the changing pressure on his dick. Dan gets a finger slicked up and brings it around behind, circling Evan’s hole teasingly. He thinks about what Jeff had said, about not stretching it too much, and thinking how tight that’s going to be around his cock is almost enough to bring him off right there, without even being touched. He brings his free hand down to press on his dick, and Jeff sees it and grins a little wolfishly. Dan doesn’t have time to respond to that, but it’s not like Jeff isn’t straining the limits of his clothing, and he’s not even touching anyone.

  Dan slides his finger in, silky smooth in the heat and all the lube, and works it around to find the right spot. Evan’s fighting to keep still now, his hips jerking like it’s only his willpower that’s keeping him under any sort of control, and Dan decides to give in. He lifts his free hand to find Evan’s and brings it to his head, then sinks back a little to get a better balance. Evan looks down like he’s not sure of the message, but Jeff’s been here before with Dan, and he gives a little moan. “Do it, Evan, he wants you to.” And that’s all it takes to get Evan’s long, fat cock shoved down Dan’s throat. He swallows around it, letting it go deep, but Evan’s already pulling out and driving back in. Dan works his finger more as Evan’s rhythm get more erratic, and then Evan’s hands come off his head entirely. Dan understands the signal, but he sucks Evan down deep anyway, swallows around him, knows he’s drooling a little but doesn’t worry about it at all. Evan makes a shuddering, hoarse shout when he comes, and Dan chokes a little but loves it. He keeps working until Evan’s hand comes to ease him off, and then Evan falls down to his knees in front of Dan, and he brings both hands to the back of Dan’s head and holds him still to give him a deep, soft kiss. Which is well enough for Evan, but Dan’s still rock hard….


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