Book Read Free

Falling For My Best Friend's Brother

Page 2

by J. S. Cooper

  Hi Aiden, it’s me, Alice. Hehe, obviously as it’s from my Facebook page. Just wanted to say Hi. So Hi. And then I hit send. And then I fell back on my pillow and groaned. Why oh why had I sent a Facebook message to Aiden? Ugh. Then I heard a small ding and sat up again. Someone had sent me a message. I quickly looked at my Facebook account.

  Hi Alice. That was all Aiden had said in his reply, but I felt as giddy as a drunk mouse as I stared at the screen. He had replied to me. He didn’t hate me! I quickly clicked on my profile to see what photo I had up as my profile photo. I groaned as I saw myself grinning like a fool, my medium-length blonde hair looking messy and my blue eyes squinting. This was not the photo I wanted Aiden to be staring at as he typed back to me.

  You’re up late, I typed back quickly. I know, I know, I really shouldn’t have sent another message. He hadn’t exactly been enthusiastic in his response, but I didn’t care. The fact that he had responded, period, was good enough for me.

  It’s 11pm. Not exactly last call. I rolled my eyes at his response.

  I don’t go drinking every night, so I wouldn’t know, I typed back quickly. Asshole.

  Just a few times a week? Only when Brock and Jock are available?

  Haha. Very Funny. I made a face. Brock and Jock were twins that I had hired to pose as boyfriends for Liv and me in order to make Xander jealous when things hadn’t been going too well for them. It hadn’t worked out very well, and Brock and Jock hadn’t fooled anyone into believing that they were our boyfriends.

  What are you doing up so late? Looking to get into trouble? My heart stopped as I read his words. Was he trying to pick me up?

  What kind of trouble? I typed back quickly.

  You tell me.

  What are you asking me, Aiden?

  Nothing. I was just joking.

  Oh okay. What are you doing?

  About to hit the sack. I have a big meeting at work tomorrow.

  Oh okay. Disappointment filled me. Tonight wasn’t going to be the night that Aiden Taylor professed his love for me.

  Aiden: Sweet Dreams, Alice. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.

  Alice: That might be hard.

  Aiden: I’m well aware of that. :)

  Alice: What does that mean?

  Aiden: What do you think it means?

  Alice: I’m not 16 anymore.

  Aiden: I’m glad to hear it.

  Alice: It was an honest mistake. I lied. It hadn’t been a mistake at all.

  Aiden: I know. You told me.

  Alice: I got confused about whose bed was whose.

  Aiden: Sure you did.

  Alice: What does that mean? Sure you did.

  Aiden: Alice, sweet dreams.

  Alice: We should talk about this Aiden. I don’t want you thinking anything that you shouldn’t be thinking.

  Aiden: That was a long time ago, Alice. I’m over it.

  Alice: Fine. Good Night.

  I closed my laptop and jumped out of bed, feeling antsy. What did he mean he was over it? Was he still mad at me? Was he angry? Was he trying to tell me that he was over me and letting me know that I had no shot with him? I groaned as I walked to the kitchen and heard Liv and Xander whispering and doing heaven knows what in the living room.

  “Get a room, guys!” I shouted into the living room with a snarl, suddenly feeling upset and angry at the both of them.

  “Alice?” Liv sounded surprised, and I heard her get up off of the couch and walk into the kitchen. “Everything okay?”

  “I’m fine. Just wondering why you guys think it’s okay to make out in our joint living room,” I said churlishly as I opened the fridge. “Isn’t your boyfriend a millionaire or something? Do you guys have to make out in our living room, like some randy teenagers?”

  “We weren’t making out,” Liv said simply. “We were watching a movie.”

  “So why did I hear whispering and kissing?”

  “You heard kissing?” Liv raised an eyebrow at me. “Xander asked me to pass him the popcorn, and I told him to get his own,” she explained and studied my face. “What’s going on, Alice?”

  “Nothing.” I bit my lower lip, my face hot with shame. “Sorry.”

  “There’s nothing to be sorry about.” She continued to stand there. “Are you sad about Aiden?”

  “He’s just a jerk,” I groaned again as I pulled out the carton of chocolate milk. “I don’t know why he gets to me so much.”

  “Because you like him.” She smiled.

  “Yeah, I guess so.” I poured a tall glass and then looked for some cookies. My stomach was in knots and I needed a sugar high to make me feel better.

  “It’s fine, Alice,” she continued. “He’s just being an ass. He’ll come around, and he’ll forget that silly little kiss.”

  “That’s not everything,” I said softly as I pulled out my purple box of Cadbury Fingers. They were my expensive treat to myself. They were more expensive than regular cookies because they were imported from England, but I loved my sticks of biscuit covered by milk chocolate. They were worth going broke for.

  “What do you mean, that’s not everything?” Liv stood behind me and as I turned around, her brown eyes looked cautious. “You didn’t have sex with Scott, did you?”

  “What?” My voice rose and my jaw dropped. “Hell no. Of course I didn’t sleep with Scott. How could you think that?”

  “Well, you’re acting funny,” she said with a frown. “What else don’t I know, Alice?”

  “Ahem.” Xander walked into the kitchen and cleared his throat. “I’ve put the movie on hold, but I’m wondering if I should just leave?” He looked at me and then at Liv. “It seems like you guys need to talk?”

  “Thanks.” I nodded and smiled at him weakly.

  “No.” Liv frowned and then gave me a look. “You don’t have to leave.”

  “Are you sure?” He stood there with a smug smile on his face. “I don’t mind, and it seems like Alice really needs to talk.” He looked at me again, and I stood there with my heart in my throat. I couldn’t look at Liv. I was scared she was going to tell Xander he could stay. Which would mean that she was officially choosing him over me. Which would not be cool. I was her best friend. I had first dibs on her time. If she told him he could stay, I was going to feel very, very sad.

  “If you don’t mind,” Liv said and walked over and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “I’ll make it up to you.” My shoulders relaxed at her words. She wasn’t choosing Xander over me. Yet.

  “I’ll hold you to that,” he said in a silky smooth voice, and I looked away as he pulled her mouth to his and kissed her firmly. Oh how I wished Aiden would grab me like that and kiss me possessively. “Feel better, Alice.”

  “Thanks.” I nodded and chugged my chocolate milk.

  “Alice, I’m going to walk Xander to the door then I’ll be back.” Liv looked at me. “Pour us two glasses of Merlot. I think tonight’s going to be a long night.”

  “Okay.” I nodded and smiled. I wasn’t sure how I’d gotten so lucky as to get Liv as a best friend, but I vowed to myself that I would never take her for granted. I looked in the cupboard for some wine glasses and a bottle of wine. I then opened the fridge and took out some French bread and brie that I had not bought, and sliced the bread and put it in the mini toaster oven that we had. A couple of minutes later Liv walked back into the kitchen, and I tensed slightly. I was worried that she was going to be mad at me for making her send Xander home.

  “Yummy, you’re toasting the French bread?” She sidled up next to me and grinned.

  “Yup, and I took out the brie, too.” I looked over at her. “I hope that’s okay.”

  “Of course.” She laughed. “I got chocolate as well.”


  “It’s dark, so it’s good for us.” She pulled out her bar of chocolate from the fridge. It was Lindt dark chocolate with mint, and I grinned. It was the only dark chocolate I liked because it didn’t taste all gritty and bitter. The mint in
this bar made the chocolate taste creamy and delicious. Almost as sinful as real milk chocolate.

  “I’m sorry I made you send Xander home.” I made a face as I turned the slices of French bread over so that they could be toasted on both sides. Our toaster was poorly made and it never seemed to toast the bread evenly on both sides.

  “It’s fine.” She rubbed my shoulder. “I’m not going to just let you suffer; besides, he knows us both well enough to know that I couldn’t just sit there while you were upset. He knows you’re my best friend and—love it or hate it—he has to deal with it.”

  “He hates me?” I opened the fridge and pulled the butter out.

  “No.” She shook her head and laughed. “I think he hates—well, not hates, more like dislikes the fact that when we’re together we can be a bit immature.”

  “Immature?” My jaw dropped. “He thinks I’m immature?”

  “He thinks we’re both a bit childish.” She giggled. “I told him he was wrong, but you have to admit we do have a tendency to act like teenagers sometimes.”

  “I take offense to that.” I laughed and then shook my head. “And it’s not all the time, it’s just sometimes.”

  “That’s what I told him. Everyone is entitled to act young when they want.”

  “Exactly, and we’re only twenty-two.” I placed the bread on a plate with the cheese. “I’ll take the food and you can bring the wine and the glasses.”

  “Okay.” She nodded in agreement and followed me into the living room. I have to admit I felt bad when I saw the lit candles on the coffee table, with Liv’s favorite cream faux angora wool blanket thrown on the couch. There was also a single red rose on the table next to the candle.

  “Oh, man.” I looked back at her with an apologetic look. “I ruined a romantic night.”

  “It’s fine.” She smiled at me.

  “He gave you a red rose?” My heart had a sudden ache. “That’s so sweet.”

  “He said that he’s never given a woman a red rose before,” she said, nodding. “He said that he vowed never to give a woman red roses until he met the woman he loved.”

  “Oh my God, that is so sweet.” I sighed. “Argh, why does he have to be so perfect?”

  “He told me that he couldn’t believe that he was so lucky,” she squeaked out with a huge grin. “He told me that I made him a believer and that he doesn’t want to spend a day or night without me.”

  “Wow, thanks for making me feel even worse,” I groaned. “How sweet is he?” I sighed. “I shouldn’t have made him leave. Call him and tell him to come back. We can talk tomorrow.”

  “No, we will talk tonight.” She sat down on the couch and opened the bottle of wine. “I want to know what’s going on, Alice.”

  “It’s not important. Call Xander and tell him to come back so that you can have hot sex and tell him you don’t want to spend a night without him either.”

  “Alice.” She giggled. “He can go without sex for one night. Might make him miss me even more.”

  “You’re silly.” I giggled. “Though, what’s that saying? ‘Treat them mean, keep them keen’?”

  “‘Make them wait, get the hate’?” she said with a laugh.

  “Or ‘Give them blue balls, get eaten by Jaws,’” I said.

  “No, no, I’ve got it!” She laughed. “‘Make them jack off, make them cough.’”

  “Cough? Eh?” I started laughing harder. “That makes no sense.”

  “Make them cough up a big diamond ring.” She laughed and I watched as her head fell back and her eyes watered up in tears.

  “That’s stupid!” I continued laughing and sipped at my wine. “But thanks for making me laugh.”

  “Of course.” She grinned and then looked me directly in the eyes. “Now tell me, what haven’t you told me?”

  I took another sip of wine, swallowed and took a deep breath. “I lost my virginity to Aiden,” I said softly, and I watched as Liv spat her wine onto her lap in shock.

  Chapter Two

  There’s No Such Thing as a Love Spell

  You know that saying. The one about a watched phone never rings? Well, it’s not true. My phone has been ringing off the hook all morning. The only person who hasn’t called me is the one person I want to call me. I’ve had calls from the local satellite company telling me I needed to switch from cable. I told them I’ll switch if they can promise that I only have to pay a dollar a month for the next ten years. She cursed at me and then hung up when I told her I wanted a new 50” TV as well to sweeten the deal. I also had a call from my dentist. Well, his receptionist called to tell me that I’d missed my last two appointments and that I needed to come in for a cleaning. Yeah, right. Not anytime soon, Dr. Rosenberg. The last time I needed a cleaning, I had several cavities that needed to be filled. I’m still paying off that bill. Thanks for nothing, $300-a-month insurance premium. And of course, I also had a call from my dear old grandma, wanting to know when I was getting married and giving her great-grandbabies. I told her she can go to the local park and see some babies there, but she wasn’t amused. So yes, I’ve had a lot of calls today, but none from Aiden, the man I really wanted to hear from.

  Aiden Taylor is Liv’s oldest brother. I’ve known him since I was a little kid, and I’ve had a crush on him since I was ten and he was sixteen. Not that he ever gave me the time of day. I was always his annoying kid-sister’s best friend. Well, almost always. There was one time that I was more than that. One time that we shared a moment that I’ve relived every day of my life since it happened. Only it’s not something I can talk about with him. Not at all. I’m lucky that he still talks to me after that little episode. And we’re the only ones who know. Well, we were the only ones who knew. Until very recently. I didn’t tell Liv at the time, and she’s my best friend. I wanted to tell her. I really, really did, but how do you tell someone something like that? How do you tell your best friend that her brother was right, and that you’re the bad influence that no one wants in their kids’ lives? I guess I should be grateful that Aiden never said anything. I suppose he was embarrassed as well or something. I mean, it’s not exactly something you shout out to the world. “Hey, Liv, I slept with your best friend. In fact, I took her virginity.” Yeah, he didn’t say that. And I didn’t tell Liv, either. How could I tell her that I’d crept into her brother’s bed with the hopes of seducing him? How could I tell her that we’d made love and that it had been the best night of my life? I didn’t know how to tell her, and then I’d felt too guilty to bring it up, but now she knew and I honestly didn’t feel better. I knew now that the one person I really needed to talk to about that night was the one man who wanted nothing to do with me.

  “Alice!” Liv shouted as she walked into the apartment. “Where are you?”

  “I’m in the living room!” I shouted back and then lowered my voice. “Why are we shouting by the way?”

  “I’ve had a brilliant idea.” Her eyes were sparkling as she ran into the living room. She clapped her hands and did a little dance as she grinned at me, her enthusiasm for her idea refusing to be quelled.

  “What’s the idea?” My eyes narrowed as she finally stood still.

  “I have a way for you to start talking to Aiden again.”

  “Oh?” My heart raced at her words. I looked up at her and studied her face carefully. “A good idea or a harebrained idea?”

  “Alice,” she pouted, her eyes looking at me wickedly, “since when have I had harebrained ideas?”

  “Since you became my best friend.” I giggled and shook my head at her. Unfortunately it was true. We both seemed to have spur-of-the-moment ideas and plans that always seemed to get us into trouble. To be fair to Liv, I was the one who usually had the really stupid ideas, but Liv had been giving me a run for my money lately.

  “We’re going to join a flag football team.”

  “Say what?” I frowned.

  “Flag football,” she said excitedly. “Xander was telling me about it. He’s going to
be on it, too.”

  “Okay,” I said, not feeling as excited. “How is this going to help me get Aiden?”

  “He’s going to be playing on the same team.” She grinned. “It’s going to be perfect.”

  “I don’t know about this, Liv.” I chewed on my lower lip. “Do you really think me playing football is going to win any guys? I’m not exactly the queen of anything sporty.”

  “Trust me.” She grabbed my hands. “That’s not the only plan I have. That’s just step one.”

  “Step one?” I groaned, but my stomach was doing flip-flops in excitement. I wasn’t a huge football fan, but if joining a team meant I would get to see Aiden weekly, then I was all for it.

  “Oh yeah, baby.” She grinned. “I’ve come up with a surefire way to make sure you and my brother get together.” The look on her face looked so satisfied and excited that I held in my second groan. I didn’t want to rain on her parade, but I’d also had a surefire plan once and it had blown up in my face.

  “What’s your surefire plan?” I asked weakly. There were times that I didn’t love that I had rubbed off on Liv so much. When we were younger, Liv was innocent and quiet and I was the rabble-rouser, always looking to get into something. I always had a plan or a scheme, and they had never worked out as I’d planned them to.

  “You’re going to go to the flag football games with me and Xander. You’re going to look pretty and flirt with all the attractive single men. You’re going to be nice but not overly friendly to Aiden. You’re going to let him see what he’s been missing all these years.”

  “You think he’s even going to care or notice?”


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