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Initiation (Christian's Kisses)

Page 20

by H. N. Sieverding

  Addison nodded, her smile fading and being replaced by a more dazed expression, her lips slightly parting. "He loves me."

  "Do you want to be a vampire again?"

  "I…" Addison’s eyes were having a hard time staying open, her long butterfly lashes only letting a sliver of her baby blues show. "I’m staying with you. I’m tired." She yawned as she spoke, her words a little muffled, "I want a soda."

  "I’m glad you want to stay with me. But right now I want you to sleep. You can eat tomorrow."

  "Is Christian coming?"

  "No." Frowning, Zak lightly touched her face, her skin still soft as a rose petal.

  "I’m sleeping here." Addison slowly blinked her eyes in an attempt to keep them open. "I’m so tired."

  "I won’t let him take you away from me." Zak smiled and Addison mirrored him, even though she didn’t understand what he was saying, "I’m going to save you. You’ll never have to go back to him again."

  "You’re so nice." Addison’s voice was a low whisper now, Zak barely being able to hear her. "I like you."

  "Go to sleep."

  "Okay." Addison nodded, closing her eyes and snuggling up in the pillow. "Zak…"

  Frowning, Zak removed his medallion from her neck and watched Addison fall asleep. She looked like an angel but he knew this woman who slept in his bed was Christian’s. Even though he made her human again, he knew she was molded to be completely dependent on Christian. Christian had touched every inch of her beautiful body, something Zak had wanted to do since the day he set eyes on her in the park.

  Chapter Fourteen

  A Vampire’s Charm

  Zak had fallen asleep in the living room, despite trying to stay awake all night to check on Addison. Sniffing the air, he could smell something cooking. He rubbed at his tired eyes as he stood from the couch and walked into the kitchen. He made sure to do it very stealthy, not trusting Addison, even though she looked as innocent as a kitten.

  She was standing at the stove, wearing a long dress shirt she had obviously taken from Zak’s room and no pants. This was quite interesting to him, igniting a small smirk as his eyes traveled up her slender legs and settled on her face. She was smiling at the eggs she was making, talking to them like they were alive and telling them they looked tasty.

  "What’s going on in here?" Zak put on a stern face and walked out from behind the doorframe.

  Addison jumped, falling back against the cupboards and looking at him anxiously. There was a startled look in her wide eyes, her breath quickening at the sight of him. "Zak."

  "Hi." He scratched his head as he walked further into the kitchen. "This looks healthy." He frowned at the mass amount of grease in the pan from the cheese and sausage.

  "It is." Addison went over to the pan and scooped up some of the concoction she had made onto a plate. "See?" Holding it out, she giggled before she spoke, "It’s got some cheese and meat. That’s healthy."

  "And grease." Zak shook his head and pushed it away from him, a slightly sickened look painting his features.

  "Mmmm." She took a very small bite, using her fingers. "Want some?" She held the dish out to him, but he pushed it away.

  "No." Zak leaned up against the counter, crossing his arms over his chest as he watched Addison eat. "So, you’re Master Vallore’s wife."

  Addison choked on her food, setting the plate on the counter and coughing. Zak leered at her reaction and didn’t move to help her.

  "How long have you been with him?"

  Addison’s face was red as she took a drink of water. "Two years."

  "All that time and he didn’t make you a hunter?"

  Addison spoke into her cup, her voice muffled as she looked at him with annoyed eyes, "I didn’t want to be a hunter."


  "The Master tried to starve me a couple times to make me do it, but…" She put down her glass, holding it in both her hands as a sad, distant look crept into her eyes. "It didn’t work." She looked back up at Zak in fear, "So, what are you going to do to me now that you know who I am?"

  "I’m not sure yet. Now that you’re human, I’ll just keep you here with me. Just don’t do anything to make me change my mind."

  "I won’t," Addison smiled. "Thank you for all you’ve done for me." Linking her arm in his, she leaned her head on his shoulder, her dependent nature showing through. "I’m free now, right?"

  Zak stared down at Addison, a leery look in his eyes. He had no idea what he was doing. She was his worst enemy’s weakness, and he should be torturing her and mailing her body parts to Christian in the mail, instead of taking pity on her. With those thoughts running through his mind, Zak reached for the knife concealed in his pants, but stopped when Addison looked up at him. She had seen what he was doing but pretended like she hadn’t.

  "I need you to help me." Addison moved her position and wrapped her arms around his waist. She was using her great charms of seduction on Zak, the only power she held over him at the moment. She knew she had to save herself, even cheat on the husband she loved more than her own life. "How can I ever repay you for what you did for me?"

  Addison’s hands moved up his chest, that sexy look in her eyes that drove Christian mad working its charms on Zak. The vampire’s power of seduction was strong in her and she was well aware of the amazing power Christian had given her over humans. She hung her arms from Zak’s neck as she stood on her tiptoes. Her eyes paused on his lips, her own partially open and slightly pouted.

  "You saved me. You took away the hunger that made me a monster." Her doe eyes slowly made their way up to Zak’s, a breathless voice escaping her lips, an innocence in it that ignited shivers down Zak’s back, "Don’t make me go back to him." Addison took advantage of her power over him, pulling his face closer to hers, their noses almost touching. "I want to stay with you."

  Zak was trying with all his might to resist her. She had never let him this close to her, and now that she was laying the charm on thick, it was extremely hard. He wanted her more than he had ever wanted any woman, and the minimal attention she had shown him only fueled that need, the pent up desire driving him mad.

  Her expressive eyes landed on his, her lips hovering so close he could sense their shape. Addison ran her hands down his chest in the small space between their bodies. They paused when she reached his stomach, Addison slipping them inside his loose T-shirt and rubbing roughly on his tight abs, her touch driving him mad.

  "Zak—please." Addison’s words were breathless and soft, her long butterfly lashes making a striking black outline around her light eyes. "Save me. Help me be good." She slid her hand into his jeans, the tightness plastering her palm against his skin. She leaned close to his ear, whispering in a seductive tone that made him shiver, "I love you."

  Her eyes flew back to his, her breath hot against his skin. She grabbed one of his hands in her free hand, licking the top of her teeth and feeling her own fangs that had returned when she had woken up that morning. She slowly ran it up her stomach and cupped it over her bra, the soft fabric lying between his fingers and the breast he longed to touch.

  Addison’s fingers curled around the hard on in his pants, and he could no longer resist her. He retracted his hand and wrapped his arms around her waist as he kissed her, his roughness showing how much he had been holding back.

  He put his hands around her thighs, lifting her up and wrapping her legs around his hips. Addison had broken him, the pleasure of the feat making her more passionate in her kisses. It was sweet revenge against this hunter who vowed to kill her Master. She was going to win, she was going to take him and leave him broken hearted and defeated, a weak body for her Christian to destroy.

  Zak took her to the only place his head could think of, bumping into many things on his way to the bedroom. He tossed her on the bed, and Addison giggled as he kissed her neck. She let her hands play in his hair for a few seconds before leaning close to him and nuzzling his neck.

  This quickly made him uncomfortable, and Zak pull
ed her away, making her kiss his lips instead. With her arms now wrapped around his neck, her artful fingers unhooked his necklace, the intensity in her kisses making Zak unaware of what she was doing.

  Dropping the necklace to the floor in a concealed hand, Addison’s nervous eyes opened wide, her crossed eyes staring at his closed lids. His need to have her had clouded his judgment, giving her the upper hand.

  Addison grabbed his shoulders and guided him into a position under her. He quickly pulled her shirt over her head and tossed it aside. She leaned close to his ear, breathing into it heavily as she felt around under the pillows for a pair of handcuffs she had hidden there. She had threaded them through the metal rod on the brass bed earlier that morning.

  She removed his shirt and flung it away. Zak went for her bra, but Addison quickly avoided the action. Instead, she grabbed his wrists, slowly pulling them over his head as she kissed him for a distraction. In a swift motion, she snapped on the shackles and jumped off him when she felt him move.

  "Damn it, Addison!" Zak yanked on his restraints, his great strength making the bed rise from the floor slightly before slamming back down again. "Untie me right now!"

  "No." Addison quickly slipped on her pants, which were still lying on the floor from the night before. A huge grin split her face. "You deserved it."

  "This isn’t funny. Take these off!"

  "No." She was hiding her fangs with her tongue, making sure he didn’t see them. "You’re a naughty boy. Keeping handcuffs in your dresser drawer. What do you do with those anyway?"

  Zak closed his eyes as he cursed under his breath, "Aww fuck!"

  "You shouldn’t have pulled a knife on me." Addison giggled as she put on her shirt. "A girl has to protect herself, you know." She held his phone in the air, playfully shaking it back and forth. "And I’m taking this because you stole mine." She reached down and grabbed his necklace, smiling as she gazed at the pendant hanging on the end of it. She then stuck it securely in her front jean pocket.

  "Get back here right now!" Zak’s face was twisted in anger as she turned on the stereo so it would cover up his shouts. "You bloodsucking bitch!"

  "Hey." Putting her hands on her hips, she gave him a dirty look. "Calling me names isn’t going to get you anywhere. I was going to stay with you, but you had to go and pull that knife on me. You’re just like the vampires. I can’t trust you."

  "Ah!" Screaming as loud as he could, Zak’s face was bright red as he pulled at the handcuffs, which didn’t budge. "Let me go right now! You can trust me. I promise—just let me loose."

  "You’re lying. If I let you go right now, you’d kill me."

  Huffing in anger, Zak glared at her, "I’m not lying. I’ll help you. Just untie me. Come on, Addison! Let me go now!"

  "No." Addison shook her head, "You don’t want to help me. I shouldn’t have trusted you. Bye Zak." Addison left the room, leaving Zak tied to the bed.

  She looked at herself in the mirror before going outside, sticking in her false teeth. She was quite proud of the innocent girl image that she had portrayed to him.

  She left Zak’s apartment, walking quickly down the hallway. Some of the guys chuckled as she walked by, assuming by her disheveled appearance that she had spent the night with Zak. It was easier than she thought to escape the hunter’s compound, and she giggled in delight as she walked out onto the street.

  She quickly dialed Christian’s number, waiting for him to pick up. Holding her hand up, she hailed a taxi that was passing by. She told the driver to take her to the mall, wanting to go to a busy place she knew Zak and the others would have a hard time chasing her.

  She called Christian several more times, but he didn’t answer. Rolling her eyes, she exited the taxi when they reached the shopping center. She walked inside and went straight to a bathroom near the pizza shop, trying to call Darien instead. His was the only other phone number she had memorized.

  Biting one of her fingernails, Addison tapped her foot nervously as she waited for him to pick up. It rang several times before going to voicemail. Before she had time to try again, a call came in to Zak’s phone. Addison ignored it and waited until it stopped ringing before trying to call Darien again.

  Getting scared when she heard a knock at the bathroom door, Addison looked toward it. It was a single stall, and someone was pounding to get in. She jumped when she heard the thumping get louder, the use of excessive force making it sound like a man. After several rings, Darien’s voicemail clicked on, a generic message playing.

  Speaking quickly after she heard the beep, Addison’s stress was very apparent in her voice. "This is Addison. Call me back as soon as you can. I’m in a lot of trouble and need—" She let out a small yelp when she heard something hard hit against the bottom of the door, the metal banging as someone dented it. "Help me."

  Addison quickly hung up and looked around the room. There were no windows, but there was a small door that led to a stockroom. Her cell vibrated, and Addison glanced down at it, quickly answering when she saw Darien’s number.

  "Darien!" Addison recoiled when she heard something slam against the door again. "Ah!"

  "Addison!" Christian’s voice was on the other line, Addison crying when she heard it. "Where are you?"

  "I’m in the mall…" She panted in fear when she heard someone jiggle the handle furiously. "Bathroom. The one by Jones Pizza. Christian, I’m scared. I want to go home."

  "It’ll be okay, Addison, I’ll come for you right now." Christian’s voice was calm and cool, the familiar tone making her a little less afraid.

  "But Christian—" Addison began to cry, "You can’t. I stole Zak’s medallion, and if you come near me, you’ll get hurt. I—" Addison jumped when she heard the lock click, her eyes widening when she watched the thick bolt snap to the other side. "Oh shit."

  Running toward the storage room, Addison opened the door and went inside. Cupping her hand around her mouth and the receiver, Addison whispered as she peered nervously at the bathroom door through a small crack. "They just unlocked the bathroom door and I’m hiding in the storage closet. What do I do now?"

  "Just stay quiet." Anger was seeping into Christian’s calm voice. "Where’s the medallion?" Giving an annoyed sigh, he let out a giant huff of air, "Don’t let it anywhere near your skin, it—"

  The door to the storage room flung open, Addison belting out a loud yell as she gazed at the figure standing in front of her in horror. He was holding an axe, an evil grin on his face as he stared her down. She wasn’t sure who or what he was, so she assumed he was just a hunter.

  "Ah!" Addison screamed into the phone, wrapping her fingers around it tightly. She shoved open the door behind her that led to the men’s bathroom and ran inside.

  There was a man in there sitting on the toilet, who cried out when he saw her run past him and out the other door. His voice was quickly silenced by the sight of the group that followed her out from the storage room.

  * * * *

  "Christian I’m scared." Addison’s hand shook as she nervously scanned the mall. She had lost the hunters in the crowd, but her scared eyes glanced around quickly to see if they were going to jump out at her.

  "It’ll be okay. Just listen to me and do exactly what I say."

  "Okay." Sniffling, Addison walked quickly onto the bus, taking a seat toward the middle. Her whole body was quivering, her fear making it feel like jelly.

  "Go to the church and put holy water on the medallion. That will destroy it."

  "I’m scared, Christian." Addison held the phone tightly to her ear, her teeth chattering. "I need you."

  "Don’t be afraid. I’ll meet you at St. Martins after you destroy the medallion. Can you be brave for me until then, my love?"

  "Yes." Addison nodded her head, pulling a piece of hair away from her face that had stuck to her lips.

  "Forget about the hunters for now and focus on getting to St. Martin’s Cathedral. I’ll see you soon."

  Addison hung up the phone and exited at
the next bus stop. St. Martin’s was only a few blocks away, and she could walk there. She scaled the stairs leading to the giant church, her feet moving quickly.

  Racing inside, the large doors slammed behind her and Addison was startled by the loud noise. It was silent and dark in the cathedral, the only light coming in through the stained glass windows and from some large chandeliers above her head.

  "Father?" There was a figure standing up on the altar near a basin of holy water. She ran up to him, smiling because she finally had found someone to help her.

  "Come here, my child." Father James held his arms out to her. "We must hurry before the hunters come. Give me the medallion."

  Addison jogged up the aisle and stood next to him. She quickly removed Zak's necklace from her pocket, making sure not to touch the medallion that hung on its end.

  He took it from her and quickly tossed it into the holy water. The water bubbled and hissed as it slowly began to eat away at the metal. He let out a sigh of relief, putting a hand to his chest as he looked down at the now silent, clear water. "It is finally done." He turned to her and placed a calm hand on her shoulder, "Thank you, my child."

  "You're welcome." She nodded and attempted to smile, but her fear wouldn't let her share his happiness. She was concerned about the hunters finding her before Christian.

  As she walked away from him, Addison quickly dialed Darien’s number. She paced back and forth as she waited for him to answer. She was so caught up in her phone call that she didn’t notice Father James had disappeared.

  Then, Addison’s gaze turned toward a hunter running down the aisle toward her. Her shaky hands grabbed a large candlestick near her. Swinging it swiftly, she hit him in the chest, making him fall to the ground.

  She tried to hit him again when he stood up, but he was stronger than her. He ripped the candlestick from her hand and tossed it to the ground, the makeshift weapon hitting the tile floor with a loud bang that echoed throughout the large room.

  He grabbed her shoulders and was about to stab her, but someone grabbed him from behind. Addison jumped away from him quickly, her body slamming up against the altar as she watched Christian kill the hunter.


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