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Page 12

by Jennifer Foor

  Shalan plopped down on the bed just as her phone began to ring on the nightstand. She reached over and looked at the number, rolling her eyes, before placing it back down. “Leave it to him to screw up my mood.”

  “Who? Your ex?”


  I grabbed the phone and answered the call before she could say anything. It was none of my business, but I knew from experience that the relationship was over. She was fragile, and would probably take him back as soon as she got home. Feeling somewhat protective of my new friend, I decided to take matters into my own hands.

  While she struggled to take the phone from me, I started to talk.


  “Who the fuck is this?”

  “The name’s Noah, not that it’s any of your business. You lost the right to ask when you fucked Shalan’s friend.”

  “Screw you. You don’t know shit. Put her on the phone, before this gets ugly.”

  She was still trying to get the phone from me. I rolled my eyes and put him on speaker, thinking she’d say something, but she didn’t.

  “Give me one reason why she would want to hear a single word out of your mouth.”

  “You tell that bitch to get on the phone or I’ll make sure she goes to jail for what she’s done.”

  Shalan started to cry. My patience was wearing thin before, but hearing his threats sent me over the edge. “Listen here. You’re goin’ to lose this number if you know what’s good for you. Shalan didn’t do nothin’ that you didn’t deserve. If you press charges against her, you best watch your back from now until eternity, because if I fuckin’ find you, you’ll wish you were never born.”

  “Give me a break. Are you for real? I will –.”

  I hung up before he could say anything else. Shalan fell down on the bed and began to cry harder. It made me regret doing it. “I’m sorry. I just couldn’t let you listen to anything that dick had to say. You deserve better.” I sat down beside her and looked toward the other bed. “You’re too good for someone like him. Hell, you’re too good for me, even.”

  I turned to look in her direction and saw that she was looking right at me. “Don’t say that. You’ve done nothing but be nice to me since we met. I wouldn’t even be in this hotel room if it wasn’t for you. No matter what you’ve done in the past doesn’t matter to me. You’re a good man, Noah. You’re so lucky. You come from a good family and you have so much to be thankful for. I’ve got nothing to show for. I’m all alone, and somehow this gig is the most important thing in my life. How pathetic is that? I’m not crying because of him. I’m crying because there’s nothing left for me to live for.”

  I wiped her tears and refused to allow her to belittle herself. “Don’t even say that. Look at me, Shalan.” I waited for her to do as I told her. “Don’t ever say that again. If I hadn’t met you, I’d be well into Canada right now, refusing to speak to my family still. I didn’t just bring you along for company. I suppose I did it because I wanted to protect you, even when I knew nothin’ about you. Now I don’t know much about women, but I know myself. I wouldn’t do that, if I didn’t think you were special. Now, dry those eyes and stop feelin’ sorry for yourself. You and I are going to get out on that stage tonight and make sure everyone there sees what I see when I look into those eyes, and when I hear that voice of yours.”

  Through her tears she smiled and reached her hand over to put it on top of mine. “Thank you.”

  “I mean it about those tears. Don’t let me see them again. You’re too damn pretty to be upset.”

  She put her head back down on the pillow, constantly sniffling while she calmed down. I started to pull my hand away and get up, but she grabbed it and pulled me back down on the bed. “Don’t go.”

  I knew what I was doing. It had become apparent when I’d saved her, brought her with me, took her around town, and then protected her. I liked Shalan and I wanted to be close to her. I didn’t leave my life behind to start up some relationship. Sex was expected, but this was something else. I climbed under the covers with her and wrapped my arm around her body, pulling her onto my chest. As much as I wanted to lean forward and kiss her, I knew it wasn’t the right place or time. She needed a friend and so did I. Everything else was going to have to wait.


  When I woke up and realized that we’d both fallen asleep, I turned and checked the window to make sure it was still light outside. If we’d slept through our gig, Shalan would have freaked out. Feeling like I had time to relax, I turned my attention to the beautiful woman asleep against my chest. A couple of days was all we’d known each other, but I knew more about her than I had my last two girlfriends.

  I think getting away from the ranch had given me some space to live for myself instead of what everyone else expected out of me. I had time to take in new things, especially when it was a woman as gorgeous as Shalan.

  Her life had been so filled with pain, and I’d never be able to understand how being kind to someone would spark what was happening between us. Maybe it was the fact that our mother’s had both suffered from cancer. Perhaps I felt sorry because mine lived while her mother didn’t. Maybe I felt connected to her because my birth mother had also died. It was even possible that I felt so sorry for her that treating her kind was the least I could do.

  All I knew was that I wanted her to feel safe, even if it were a temporary thing. She didn’t need to worry about where she was going to rest her head, or if she’d had enough money to get something to eat. Her hardships could be ignored while she was with me and it was certainly my pleasure to do it. The more time I spent with Shalan, the less I thought about my problems at home, and how they were still going to be waiting for me when I got back.

  Then of course there was that urge to have her. There was no denying how attracted I was to her, but it was more than that. While we’d been together I’d gotten so caught up in her that I’d forgotten about everything else. Sure, it was still on my mind, but not like it should have been. While my parents thought I was out learning a lesson, I was in the city, fooling around with a woman that I’d just met.

  To make matters worse, I couldn’t remember feeling so free and alive. Sure, she was running from something, and maybe I was too, but together we were good.

  Shalan stirred and looked over at me. “How long were we asleep?”

  “I don’t know. It’s still light out.”

  She nestled herself closer to me and closed her eyes again. “Good, because I’m not ready to get up.”

  She felt so good in my arms, like she was supposed to fit like she did. It had started out as support, but the longer I held her, the more it was beginning to feel like something other than a shoulder to cry on. I actually wanted to hold her, to feel her close to me.

  I leaned forward, brushing my lips over hers. Maybe I should have kept things on a friend level, but I couldn’t help want what I’d never had. I couldn’t look at those lips and not want to kiss them more than a peck. I let my mouth linger over hers, waiting for some kind of response before I could continue.

  First I saw those eyes, and then I watched her inching her way toward me. This kiss wasn’t slow. I simply needed to ravage her lips and experience what I’d been thinking about for too long. I don’t know whose tongue did what first, because it happened so quickly. While our mouths satiated the immediate need, it left me with a response less easily managed. My hunger for her increased, and as she moved her body ever so slowly over top of mine, it was obvious that only one thing could fulfill me. I felt her knee rising between my legs. Her hands held still on both of my shoulders, while her leg rubbed against my dick, which happened to be growing at a rapid rate.

  While I was fully aware of what was taking place with other parts of my body, my attention went back to kissing Shalan. While debauched, it gave me an idea of how amazing it would be to have her completely. Both of my hands wrapped around her back, slowly making their way to her ass. I cupped both cheeks and pulled her body forward. Sh
e backed away and sat up, giving me the impression that she was ready to take things to the next level. Without hesitation, I reached for her shirt in order to lift it over her head. I was ready to get the party started and spend the rest of the afternoon naked in bed, showing her how I’d been right about everything I’d said.

  Then she froze. She took her hands and put them over mine, blocking me from moving further. “Noah, wait. We shouldn’t.” She shook her head. “I mean, we can’t do this.”

  I sighed. “Yeah, you keep sayin’ that. I’m just not real sure it’s what you really want.”

  She leaned forward, kissing me gently on the lips. “How about we practice for a little while?”

  A smile formed in the corner of my lips and I didn’t fight it. I reached around and held onto her waist. “I’ve got a better idea of what we can practice, darlin’.”

  I saw her smile, briefly, before she hopped off of me, distancing herself from my touch. “Be serious. Don’t you want to do a good job tonight?”

  “It ain’t like they throw tomatoes. We’ll do fine. It’s cover songs, just like karaoke.” I leaned forward and watched her repositioning her clothes. “You wouldn’t have to do all that if you got back up in this bed with me. I promise that I can make those nerves you’re feelin’ disappear.”

  Shalan rolled her eyes and walked over to the dresser, grabbing the piece of paper that had been delivered to our room, and slipped under the door sometime overnight. It contained the song list that the band played. I watched her reach into her purse and grab a pen. She stuck the cap in her mouth and sat down at the chair without saying a single word to me about what had just happened between us.

  That fast she’d moved on, while my dick, and the lack of action left a bad taste in my mouth, and an excruciating ache in my pants.

  “So it says here that they play the Stones, Marley, Joplin, The Who. I love their taste.”

  I sat up, finally coming to grips with another shut down. “Nothin’ new?”

  “They’ve got new stuff on here, too. I’m just thinking it would be better if we stuck to songs that were familiar. Besides, people like the oldies, especially when I’m singing them.” She giggled and looked over at me, consciously waiting for me to notice that she’d given herself such a compliment.

  I knew better than to ruin the mood by hitting on her again. “You’ve got nice pipes, that’s for sure. I’m just wonderin’ if someone as small as you can keep up with someone like me.”

  “I can keep up. You heard me last night.”

  “I meant on the guitar. Can you play an instrument or are you all vocal?” I was taunting her with my talents, trying to get a rise out of her, just to see the way she shot back at me. I liked it when she got feisty.

  “We have a band already, Noah.”

  “That ain’t what I asked you. Can you play or not?”

  She put down the paper and stood up, walking directly over to where I was sitting. I watched closely as she took her hand and grabbed my chin, forcing me to look into her eyes. “Oh, I can play, Noah. But that’s something I only share with certain people.”

  “You’re full of shit.” More taunting definitely got a rise out of her.

  Her brow arose and she smiled with this evil grin I hadn’t seen before. It was almost vengeful. “If I’m lying then I’ll do whatever you want tonight after the show.”

  “Whatever I want?” I kissed the base of her neck, letting my lips sit there while I spoke. “I can think of a dozen things right now.”

  I heard her gasp, so I kept kissing her there, running my hand over the back of her neck as if I was going to take control. “You heard what I said.”

  I pulled away, leaving her panting for more. “Now, I just hope you can’t play a lick, because you’re not going to want to miss out on the things I want to do to you once this show is finished. You see, I’ve already thought, long and hard about it, and I’ve got a feelin’ so have you.”

  She brought her lips forward and let the plump bottom one drag over my mine. If she thought she could beat me at my own game she had another thing coming. “Maybe I have. That doesn’t mean it’s going to happen. We all have desires, Noah. Not everyone has to act on them.”

  She started to walk away, but my throbbing cock wouldn’t allow me to let her get far. I approached her from behind and pressed her against the wall on the other side of the bed. Her face turned to the side as I cupped both of her breasts and held my hands there. I wasn’t being forceful enough to hurt her, just to show her that I wasn’t playing games. I was going to fuck her, and it was going to happen sooner than later.

  My lips touched her ear while I spoke. “When you’re up there singing your heart out tonight, I want you to close your eyes and picture me between those petite thighs of yours, suckin’ on that pussy. You think about me savorin’ that sweet spot while you’re beggin’ me for more. Every time you turn around and look at me, I want to see that fire in your eyes, because you know it’s goin’ to happen later on. Stop fightin’ it, Shalan. That heat between your legs is for me. It’s only a matter of time before I get it.”

  I flipped her around so she was facing me. Her eyes, filled with both fear and excitement, glistened as the sunset came through the window. “Like I said, if I can’t play.”

  I laughed and walked away, leaving her standing there vulnerable.

  I tugged off my shirt, kicked off my jeans, and removed my boxers before I walked in the bathroom to take a shower. Shalan, who could only see the back of me, said nothing in response. If she wanted to keep playing hard to get, I was going to make her suffer.

  The water beat down on my face. It was refreshing, but also a reminder of what I could be getting in the next room. I looked down at my rock hard cock and knew I was going to have to take care of the problem myself. It wasn’t like I could ask her for assistance and expect it to get done.

  I took matters into my own hands, literally, and closed my eyes, imagined the way her lips felt to kiss. I pictured them around me, sucking me off so hard. My release came faster than usual, probably because I was so pent up, or more so because the women in the next room was something I was eager to have. The truth was that women didn’t turn me down often, and I wasn’t about to let this one slip away without a fight.

  What kept me motivated was knowing that, given the chance, I’d rock her world, and not just with a song, but with something I was sure she’d never experienced before with her ex. I was prepared to satisfy her first; to give her the best fuck of her life, if and when the time came.

  The only problem with that plan, was the wait.


  She looked gorgeous in the dress.

  I’d purchased it after I took her out for dinner. It was difficult to convince her that she should dress the part. Finally she agreed, but only if I let her pay me back, whenever she could afford it.

  I purposely hid the tag, knowing she never would have let me buy the dress if she knew it was a hundred bucks. It was just a little gesture, probably with less fabric than one of my fifteen dollar shirts. The whole thing was covered in this red shiny shit that I knew would shine from the lights above the stage. As soon as she put it on she began to sparkle.

  Her hair was down for a change, and natural curls covered the ends. Her makeup, on the heavier side, still looked like perfection, contrasting those blue eyes. Now more than ever, I wanted what she hadn’t given me.

  The place was jam-packed with people. Most had a table full of beverages, and seemed to be enjoying the environment. We’d walked in together, and after taking one look at her I knew she was freaking out. “Hey, cut it out. We’ll do fine.”

  She grabbed my hand and continued looking forward. “It’s more crowded than it was yesterday.”

  “Focus on me if you have to, darlin’. I’ll keep you straight.” I squeezed her hand.

  “You’re just trying to get into my pants.”

  When she turned to look at me I smiled. “I really don’t need to try
, Shalan. Lets not kid ourselves. You’re stallin’ the inevitable. After this show tonight I’m goin’ to have you, whether you’re ready to admit it or not.”

  “Keep telling yourself that, cowboy. I’m not as easy as you’re assuming.”

  “You don’t have to be easy to wrestle in the sheets with me. I’ll take you places that you ain’t ever been before.”

  She gave me these big, beady eyes. “Stop it. I need to focus on singing.”

  The band members who had introduced themselves one at time previously, approached us. Shalan put on a professional face and started going over the song choices. I almost laughed at some of the things she’d decided for us to sing together, but noticed that the band thought her selections were spot on. For the most part, I’d sing backup, allowing her to take center stage.

  We started about thirty minutes after meeting them, and the first song was an easy one. The music started to play, but Shalan didn’t budge. She was frozen on the stage, petrified to open her mouth in front of the new crowd of people.

  I got up from the stool and approached her from behind. My hands slipped around her waist and I put my lips up to her ear, mostly so she could hear me over the loud background music playing. “Breathe, woman. You’ve got this.”

  She looked back at me and I shot her a wink. With a smile and a prayer, she started swaying to the beat. Then she sang Joplin, like she’d sung the night before. Her voice, as angelic as the first time I’d heard it, did things to me. Every time I caught her looking my way I made sure to give her a nod. She was doing great, and deep inside that scared persona, she knew she was putting on a perfect performance.

  After that things fell into place. Song after song she loosened up, even at one point getting the crowd to participate. I was in awe over her, suddenly noticing that no woman had ever captivated me the way she was doing.

  After our first set, we all walked outside to cool off. The band members seemed pleased with our performance, but spoke amongst themselves about someone we didn’t know. Shalan, who was standing away from everyone, caught my stare. She smiled as I walked in the direction of where she was standing. “You alright?”


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