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A Spark Of Magic: Chosen Saga Book One

Page 11

by J. L. Clayton

  Whispering Jace said, “Say you want me, Fox.” I watched as Jace closed his eyes, and then he continued to speak. “I need to hear it. Please! Just tell me you want me to kiss you right now.” Jace opened his eyes, and all I could see was a burning need. He pushed himself just a little away from me saying, “I know you want me. Please, don’t you see how I feel for you? I need you, Fox. Oh God, feel how I need and want you.” Jace brushed his hips against mine and oh hello, yes I could feel his need alright. Gulp. “Just say it! Just say yes.”

  I groaned. “Jace, my body feels like it’s on fire, I need . . .?” I all but moaned as I said my next words. Mind you, this is the first guy to ever press anything against me. So I was a little hot.

  “Yes, what’d you need,” Jace murmured seductively.

  “I need. . . I need . . .? No stop, OK. Just stop it, Jace.”

  Just like that I could breathe again. I really didn’t want to breathe. It felt too good. Sighing, Jace put his forehead to mine and brushed a soft kiss on my nose. Jace pushed his body a foot away from mine, and the heat that was pouring over my body from his touch was gone, like it had been severed. That feeling of passion I felt was gone. It was like I had lost a piece of myself. The incredible animal instinct feeling I’d never felt before was now lost and that’s when I knew. I wanted him so bad. God, help me, but he was right. I did want him. Grrr! I shook myself. Finally, I was back to myself, and for some reason, I was mad. I could not believe he did that to me. Jace promised me he would not try that on me again. Whatever that was! So, yeah, now I was annoyed. I know. I’m weird!

  “What just happened, Jace? What did you do to me? You said that you wouldn’t pull a stunt like that, you promised me!”

  Jace looked panic stricken. He said hastily, “Calm down, Charlie!”

  “No, I won’t calm down.” I pushed him. “You lied to me, Jace; you told me that you wouldn’t try to kiss me. However, you did try, so you lied to me.” Uh, that’s what he promised. Funny, how I can forget things when Jace’s body was hard against mine. It seemed all coherent thought just zipped right out of my head.

  “No, I didn’t.” He looked strained. “I did nothing you didn’t want. Yes, I told you I wouldn’t kiss you, but I didn’t tell you that I wouldn’t try and get you to say that you wanted me to kiss you.” Jace was smug and calm again. His hot grin was back. “So, I kept my word.”

  Jerk, what a freaking jerk. Yes, so he was right, I admit. I also wanted him to kiss me, but that was beside the point. Glaring, I said, “Whatever, if you won’t tell me what you’re doing to me, then that’s fine. But don’t think I’m still coming to your house. You got that?”

  I poked my finger into his chest. Jace’s smile faded. I turned away without looking to see the hurt on his face as I stalked out of the school. Yeah, I know. I was a hypocrite. My morals were misplaced. I was the lust dog here, all but putty in Jace’s hand, blah, blah, blah. And I was still mad: mad that someone could make me feel like that, and mad at myself for wanting it. I just needed to go home and think about everything. Try and figure out what was wrong with me. Try and wipe that defeated look in Jace’s eyes out of my head. How could Jace do that to me? The feelings were so strange, like he had some kind of power over me. Plus, with my luck, Tru had probably already left by now. I’d have to call Mom to come and get me. Peachy!

  “Hey, C, you ready to go home?”

  Thank the Gods, he was still there, but where were P-J, Dee, and Zitkala?

  “Hi, Tru, sorry I’m late. So where are your friends?”

  “Technically they’re your friends now. Anyway, they told me to tell you bye, but they didn’t want to stick around waiting. Needless to say, they hitched a ride with someone else.”

  “Sorry. I was getting my stuff.” Woo! I was getting good at lying. But I wasn’t about to tell him what was really going on. Tru could not know that I almost jumped Jace in the school hallway twice today. Cause, you know . . . like that would go over so well. Ha, right?

  “It’s not a problem. So you ready?”

  What a nice guy. “Yes, please, take me to my leader.”

  Tru chuckled. That was just what I was going for. Thirty minutes later, we pulled into my driveway. I was relieved that we were there. The whole drive home, Tru hardly said a word, so I was starting to think he didn’t like me anymore.

  “Thank you for the ride, Tru. Um, it’s fine if you don’t want to pick me up tomorrow. I understand.”

  “Hold up, C. Why do you think that?”

  I sighed. “You’ll probably think I’m stupid.”

  “No I won’t, tell me.”

  “It’s just . . . well, I felt like you didn’t want me here,” I shrugged.


  “Oh, I mean it felt like you didn’t want to really give me a ride home,” I clarified.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you feel that way,” he frowned. “I only want you to feel good when you’re around me.”

  My mouth dropped open. Did he just say what I think he said? And how precisely did he mean it? Tru paused and got a funny look on his face.

  “Um, yeah, I just replayed what I said in my head, and it kinda sounded dirty to my ears.” I laughed. “C . . . uh . . . I was quiet because umm, I wanted to do something. So yeah, I was working up the nerve.”

  “OK well—”

  Before I could ask what he wanted to do, Tru leaned in and gently put one finger to my lips, hushing me. Tru brushed my hair out of my eyes with intensity on his face. Surprisingly, he grabbed my wrist with one of his hands, pulling me across the seat. My eyes went wide with shock. Tru’s lips curved up into that cute-crooked grin. He leaned in and brushed his lips over mine once then twice in a soft touch. I was so stunned I let him do it. And, yeah, so I also wanted to know what it would be like to kiss Tru. Sue me. Then, hello, he kissed me in a full-on-open-mouth kiss. A jolt of heat burst in a place that I didn’t expect just then making me tense. Tru must have felt it because he slowly withdrew from my lips. He scratched his head in confusion, looking a little embarrassed for kissing me. I can only guess that he thought I didn’t want to kiss him. But, boy, was he wrong.

  Tru rubbed his forehead with the back of his hand, furling his eyebrows. “Sorry, um, did I—um did I do something wrong. I really am sorry, dudette. Don’t be mad.”

  I smiled. I liked when he called me dudette. I was also kinda out of breath, so when my words came out, it was in a soft whisper, but seeing as he was almost on top of me . . . I was sure he heard me.

  “No, Tru, I just did not expect that. I’m not mad. I, well I liked it a lot.”

  After I told him that I like the kiss, it was on. He pulled my body closer against his, looking into my eyes with hunger. I shivered. Tru grinned and slowly parted my lips with his mouth. He moved gently at first, slow soft kisses, and then the world opened up and swallowed me whole. My arms went up around his neck, and I kissed him back. In that moment, time truly stood still. My second kiss ever. Wow! Heaven, I was in heaven. Nothing could get better than this. However, heaven faded and hell crashed in. I couldn’t shake Jace out of my thoughts. I was a little perplexed by the way I’d been lately as well. It wasn’t like me to go from one guy to the next, or maybe it was. Besides, I know you’ve heard this like a million times, but I’d never had one boyfriend, let alone two.

  I knew, deep down that I could not commit my whole heart into this kiss. Not until I found out what was up with me, and not until I could get Jace out of my mind. I pulled away from the kiss. My heart finally slowed down and I could breathe. I never dreamed I would feel something as wonderful as Tru’s lip’s, well except for Jace’s lips. I had to stop thinking about Jace.

  “Well, umm-umm,” Tru smiled.

  “Yes?” I laughed.

  “Wow that was . . . that was more than I thought it would be. Your lips are so soft and the taste of you is too good for words.”

  I blushed, and my blush deepened when I realized I still felt Tru’s breath
on my lips. It felt like tinny fingertips gently grazing over my entire body just then, sending a tantalizing-sensation between my legs. I looked into Tru’s eyes, and as if he knew how I felt, his eyes took on a bright glow of passion. I could see myself clearly in the pool of green and gold specks. I was lost. However, I wasn’t lost for too long. Mom, the buzz kill, interrupted us.

  “Charlize, Leyland, Fox, get your butt out of that truck this instant, young lady.”

  Oh boy, when Mom calls me by my whole name, she means business. But I didn’t understand why she was getting all bent out of shape. I looked at Tru’s body—oh yeah, I realized we were still locked together body-to-body— the only thing separating us was the clothes on our backs. Gingerly I removed myself from Tru’s warm arms, looking abashed.

  I said, “Tru I have to go. My mom is in an uproar. I will see you later, and I’ll try to call you sometime tonight.”

  “Yeah,” Tru rubbed the back of his neck. “And we do need to talk about this.”

  Oh darn, I know exactly what that meant. He wanted to know if this put us in girlfriend/boyfriend status, but I didn’t know. I was confused.

  “Fine, we will, I promise.” I turned away from Tru’s truck and started walking toward Mom. The closer I got, the more embarrassed I felt. Oh God, did my mom just see me like almost on top of Tru?

  “Charlie, what in the world do you think you’re doing with that boy?”

  “Mom, I thought I asked you not to call him that, and FYI, the boy’s name is Tru.”

  “And I remember that I told you I would stop calling him that boy when he properly introduces himself to me and your father,” Mom said in a low, harsh voice. “Pray tell, dear, what do you think your father will say about this, Charlie?”

  Clearly my mom was pissed. But if I could play the puppy-dog –innocent look on her, maybe it would be OK. Hey, it had worked before . . . or maybe not. Yikes, Mom was scowling big time now. Darn, the look was not going to work this time. Well, I guess it was a good thing that I’d just found out I had a new skill, all thanks to my parents. And it was time to put said skill to use. Time to lie and hope that Mom didn’t see all that happened. Hope she just saw the part where we were hugging. Fingers crossed.

  “Mom, I’m sorry it was just a hug. He was saying goodbye to me, that’s all.”

  Please, oh please, oh please. Let me be right about this one.

  She sighed. “Clearly, dear, I cannot get mad over a hug. However, tell that boy he needs to come in and meet your family. Was he raised in a barn? Does he not have any manners? Come to think about it…” Mom put one long finger on her chin tapping away, like she was thinking hard. “Some farm animals do have manners in their own way, but that boy is showing none. This is a warning, Charlie.” Mom scowled as I just stood there listening. “I will not let my daughter fraternize with the likes of an ill-mannered boy such as him.”

  Every time she said that “boy,” I pictured her throwing quotations in the air. Mom was too infuriating for words.

  I exhaled. “O-kay Mom, got it. Now I’m hungry, and I want to take a shower if that’s OK with you . . . drill sergeant,” I joked, throwing my hand up in a salute then headed in the house.

  Mom just smiled and muttered under her breath, “That’s more like it. I’ll have you in top form before your father comes home.”

  Phew. Now giggling at Mom, I went into the kitchen for some food, grabbing a bag of chips and a sandwich. I ate, then headed up to my room for a shower. I love my bathroom. It has a huge round-tub on one end of the room and a stand-up shower with two showerheads at the other end. A girl’s dream! Marble tile blanketed the floor and walls swirling along in various colors, like an endless vortex. The bathroom had a sea shell sink, and right above that was a vanity mirror.

  Plus, we can’t forget the porcelain God; you know the one that you occasionally get on your knees to pray to when you’re not in tip-top shape. Nonetheless, my bathroom was wonderful. After a very hot, very long, and pleasurable shower, I felt good. Crossing the room I opened my white dresser drawers that had cute little girly crowns on the dresser handles. Yeah, Mom picked it out. Not me, thank you very much. I guess I was still her princess—and the reason behind her madness, who knew. Maybe it was to remind me that I was still her little girl.

  I pulled out my sports bra, a black tank top, my favorite stretchy, hot-pink slacks, and pink underwear. After putting them, on I sat down on the bed with my feet tucked under me. I started putting my hair up in a ponytail. I sat there and wondered why I was dressing to go work out.

  Chapter Fourteen

  He Could Be a Sex God

  I reached into my backpack for the only item I brought home with me: one yellow folder with Tru’s phone number in it. I did all my work in study hall. Go me! So, no homework that night meant plenty of time to indulge myself in carnal activities: Tru. Can it get better than that? Doubtful! Dialing the number, I grew anxious, but on the fourth ring, I calmed down when the answering machine picked up.

  Tru’s beautiful voice piped in, “This is Tru. You know what to do.”

  “Hello, Tru, this is Charlie, in case you‘re wondering.” I paused, feeling like a moron as I stammered. “Anyway, I was just calling you like-like I said I would. You know, when I told you I would in the truck today.” I groaned, but at least this groan was in my head. “Well, I called to tell you that my mom’s a little mad at you. Uh, if you’re coming to pick me up tomorrow, maybe come in and introduce yourself.” There was a lot of uncertainty in my voice, and trying to sound chipper was so not working for me. “If you want to, that is,” I said, continuing my rambling. I finished weakly. “It’s just a suggestion, but, well if you want me to ride to school with you, then you might need or maybe you should introduce yourself. Anyway, it’s a suggestion. Bye.”

  I hung up the phone quickly and scowled at it, as if it was the reason for my idiocy. With a little groan, I looked over at the clock. The green digital light told me it was almost twenty till five. I let out a sigh and slumped down in my bed, laying my huge shaggy pillow under my legs. As I lay there, I started to think about Jace. Oh, Jace. I decided then, that I needed to go talk to him about what he was doing to me to make me feel what I’d been feeling when I was around him. I put my socks and shoes on, then I headed into the living room to ask Mom if she wouldn’t mind giving me a ride to Jace‘s house.

  “Hi, Mom,” I smiled. “Whatcha up to?”

  “Oh, well, Charlie, don’t you look refreshed.” I nodded. “I’m not doing much at all,” she added, “Just sitting here thinking about your Dad.”

  “You miss Daddy when he’s working, don’t you, Mom!” It wasn’t a question, but Mom must have felt the need to answer me.

  “I just worry about him, Charlie, that’s all. Sam works so hard, and I know it’s tiresome on your father.”

  “It’ll be OK, Mom. He’ll be fine.”

  Mom smiled. “Now, tell me what you need? You didn’t just come down here to talk about your father, did you?”

  “No,” I said scratching my head frowning. “But I like talking to you. You’ve always been the one I can come to when I need to talk.”

  I so didn’t say that right. Mom’s eyes went wide. Yeah, that was the wrong thing to say. I must have freaked her out. She probably thought there was something wrong and I needed help.

  “Charlie, Sweetie. Is there something you need to tell me?”

  “Stop looking at me like that. I’m fine. It was just a compliment, nothing more.” Woo.

  “Well, thank the stars, Charlie. You had me worried there for a second, and thank you for the compliment.” I grinned and she grinned back at me. “OK, what is it then?”

  “I need to ask Jace something.” She nodded for me to go on. “I was wondering if you would take me over to his house.”

  “Fine, but let me call Kate first and see if that would be OK with her.”

  I nodded as Mom retrieved the telephone and called Jace’s mother.

s was the conversation I heard: “Hello. (Pause) Yes, hi, Kate. (Pause) Why yes it is. (Pause) Good and you? (Long pause) Well, that’s good to hear. (Pause) Oh right, I was calling to see if Charlie could come over and talk to your darling son? (Pause) Good-good, see you in a bit, bye.” (Click)

  I hate one-sided conversations.

  “Well, what did she say?”

  “Kate said that would be fine. You can come over and Jace will give you a ride back to the house.”

  “Cool,” I smiled. However, I was thinking cool at the moment, but in the scheme of things, this might be a really big mistake. We pulled up to Jace’s house, and I was astonished by its beauty. I had never seen a house quite like this before. In the front of the house was a huge black wrought-iron gate with one bright gray moon in the center. When the gate opened up to allow us entrance, the moon split in half, turning the once-full moon into two extraordinary crescent-shaped moons. We drove past the gate leading us up to a circle-drive. All I could see through the car’s window was a huge white house with lights shining off an enchanting fountain, which sat right in the center of the circle drive.

  Wow, that fountain was something else. I was stunned and now a bit captivated by the way it seemed to pull my eyes back to it every time they would wonder somewhere else. Water trickled down like rain falling off dampened leaves, and lights were lit up around in vivid firework colors. Even though the sun was out, you could still see the vivid colors. The fountain was magnificently big, taking up the whole center of the circle drive. It was such a beautiful fountain. I would guess that people came over to Jace’s house just so they could see the fountain in all its glory. I could have looked at it for hours. The color of the fountain was a faint gray with silver lines etched around in a knot-like pattern. Right in the middle of the fountain was an angelic fairy with four bright stones around the supernatural creature’s head.


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