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A Spark Of Magic: Chosen Saga Book One

Page 26

by J. L. Clayton

  Tru shrugged. “Yeah, I know. And maybe you’re right, but I am just following the rules,” he told me.

  “So, you’re really a wolf? For real?”


  “How do you guys keep it from the women?”

  “It’s hard, but it has been done this long! So I guess it’s working.”

  “Yeah, but why tell your mom the story. You know, because of that story she thinks she is the protector of the stone and—”

  Tru cut in. “Actually, there is only one protector and that’s the Chief of our tribe. Right now my grandfather is the protector.” He coughed. “Soon I’ll be. I am the next in line.” He grinned. “And my mom is only keeping the stone safe.” He sighed. “Most of the story she told you is true, but um—everyone being the stone’s protector is not true—she just assumed that everyone was. And everyone becoming wolves . . . yeah, so not true. However, Isha thought it was for the best to tell everyone part of the story, and he only told his warriors the whole truth.”

  Wow, Tru would be the head of a tribe and he was a freaking wolf. Way out there. Wild! In addition to that, he was lying to his mother and sister, plus all the other women. That was so wrong.

  “So, you’re a wolf and you protect the stone from the Traveler?” I asked.

  “Yes.” He frowned. “How are you taking all of this?”

  “Oh, I don’t know. I’m kinda freaked, I guess. I thought you were, what with your eyes changing, the howling and the purring . . . plus all that hair.” Tru chuckled. “So will you go all hairy on a full moon or what?”

  Tru shook his head, smiling. “We’re not werewolves, so the moon doesn’t factor in. We are in reality wolf shifters. Basically we can shift on the spot. Well, I can now that I went through the ritual, but not before. However, we do have strong urges and needs. When I first saw you and then I smelled your scent, I knew deep down on a primal level that I had to have you as mine.”

  “Oh, so the wolf in you likes me?” I didn’t know how I felt about that. Did Tru pick me or did his wolf?

  “C, the wolf in me is me. It just increased my desires a little more. I am aggressive even more so now that my wolf is in play.”

  I thought about what he was saying, and I totally understood. Tru could get volatile, not with me—but his steering wheel did feel his wrath—and that time he yelled in is truck. There had been several other occasions I’d seen Tru mad or upset. I guess that whole time it was his wolf side trying to come through. I guess I understood. I just didn’t know if I was happy with it.

  “So do you want to see me change?”

  I looked at him in shock with my mouth hanging open and shook my head vehemently. “I’ll pass, but thinks for asking. Maybe, um next time . . . like when I’m used to the idea.”




  “Do you have to be sixteen when you obtain your wolf . . . ? Uh, err, thing?”

  Tru laughed. “No, just when the Chief thinks we’re ready.”

  “Oh,” I say. “OK.”

  “So, are you cool with this?” I swallowed but nodded. “Thank God. I was sweating bullets.” I laughed. “C, so what did you want to tell me earlier? I have been dying to know.”

  I didn’t know if I should tell him now—what with the whole wolf thing and him picking me because of my scent—can I just say that was kinda gross and very strange. Yet looking into Tru’s eyes I knew it was right—even if he might start sniffing me.

  “Well, seeing as we are practically girlfriend-boyfriend, I thought we should make it official.”

  “Really?” Tru asked. “And Jace?” He let out a low growl.

  What can I say? I love a guy with a low growl, plus if I said the wrong, thing the claws might come out, and I didn’t want that. “Um, he doesn’t know yet. I just decided it today. I will tell him, don’t worry. So is my fur-ball happy? And do you want it to be official?”

  He smiled and hugged me. “Hell, yeah, on both.” Tru kissed me hard.

  After saying goodbye to Tru, I felt a little melancholy. I know. I’m one screwed-up girl, love me or hate me but that’s just me.

  I was back in my room ready to crash—fade away into a blissful sleep—that’s when the dream happened. I got up out of bed and looked down. Oh, great. I was wearing the dress I had on the night of the dance. I swallowed, hoping I was not going to relive that horrifying night one more time. I stepped out onto my balcony. A trickle of a memory flooded back. Oh, I’d been in this dream before. I shivered. As if my shiver conjured him up, he sighed in utter happiness. It was a low, sexy sigh.

  It was pleasurable, but also utterly terrible. His sigh echoed through the limbs of the trees until it wafted almost visible in the air around me. It was thick, and it seemed to be telling me that everything was okay. I could have whatever I wanted if I would only just reach out and touch it. I found myself doing just that. I reached out to touch that warmth and reassuring sigh. I could have it in the palms of my hands, and never let go. I could hold it and love it as it would surely love me in return. I snapped back to reality and pulled my hand in immediately. I cradled it to my chest in utter despair. I didn’t want him to see how much I wanted to touch that mystical air around me. It was just a trick. I couldn’t let him get the upper hand. I peered out trying to see him. Yet all I saw was trees, shadows, and a dark starless sky.

  “Hello. Who’s out there?” As if I didn’t know, yeah right! I knew all too well who was out there. I just didn’t want him to be out there.

  “My Love, it is I.” His voice was deep and beautiful. It seemed to brush against my body, sending heat through my skin, causing the little hairs on my arms to stand up from the sound of seduction. I for one did not want to be here with someone I couldn’t see.

  “Huh, yeah . . . who is—um—I exactly?” I was so glad that my dream voice didn’t betray me. I didn’t want him to hear the fear and panic coursing through my veins, urging me to scream. My fear and panic were so thick you could have rolled them up into a ball. I was trying for a more nonchalant sarcastic tone and hoping it would work. “Oh, wait,” I snapped my fingers in an ah-ha-I-figured-it-out way. “I know who you are. I made you up. God, I keep doing that. So sorry, Prince Charming, now you can go save some other damsel in distress. As you can see, I’m fine.” I did a little spin showing just how fine I was. It was ridiculous to say the least, but I was not thinking right and I was afraid.

  “Why do you pretend you do not know me, Love? I am not this Prince Charming. I am more. You know this. You know me. Your body and soul knows me. There is no Prince Charming here. There is only I.”

  My heart was beating like crazy. It was so obvious he knew I was reaching for anything but the truth. He laughed. It sent a jolt of heat over my body. I shuttered visibly from how it undid me. He must have noticed that, too, because his laughter grew more seductive, more inviting.

  The sound caressed me in places that no one could ever touch. It felt too good, but it also scared me. His laughter was so wonderful, deep, sexy, and beautiful. I just wanted to lie down at his feet and listen. I wanted to tell him that I would do anything as long as he was happy. But the sane part of my mind knew that was wrong. I was starting to get frightened. What if he drew me into a state of no return . . . what would I do then? Would I be lost forever? Would I be bound only by his will if I didn’t fight? I shook my head. I would not let that happen.

  “Do not be scared. You called me here first, remember? I did not know why at the time, but now I do. So now I come to thee willingly. Soon I will know your power, and soon you will be mine.” I heard a faint smile in his voice.

  “No,” I shook my head. “You’ve lost your mind if you think I’ll ever be yours. I don’t even know you and—what power? I have no power.” I was panicking and my voice had gone all shrilly. “Plus, dude, I haven’t even seen what you look like. You’re probably some old man as far as I know! And I don’t do old. Sorry, guy, you have the wrong girl.”<
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  He laughed again, but this time it was just a laugh, no seduction involved. Thank God.

  “Love, you are so young. Unfortunately, it seems no one has told you about your powers. How can your guardians keep this from thee? I will have to do something about this tragedy. It is most unfortunate. It makes thee weak, but I can feel the power within you. I have seen the power within you. I even pulled some of that very power out of you. And soon you and I shall know how great your magic is. And then you shall be mine.”

  I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat. What did he mean? I was shaking all over. I stepped back, going for the glass door. I didn’t want to be here talking to this guy. He was crazy. This was just a nightmare, nothing more, just my imagination.

  He sighed disappointingly. “Why, Love? Why must thou insist on calling me nightmare or imagination?” He said it dramatically, in that dark, sinful tone. “To thee. . . I would only be a wonderful dream. To thee . . . I would be whatever thou liked. It hurts me to think you see me as this monster. I am not that when I am with you. I am only yours.” This guy seemed to jump back and forth, speaking form the past and the present time.

  “Stop that!” I shouted. “Stop reading my mind.”

  “As you wish. One cannot be too invasive, can one?”

  “Huh? Yeah, uh whatever. Look I am ready to wake up now.”

  “So soon? Verily well, my Love. You’re wish, is my command. You will wake up, but remember. . .” He paused and his voice took on a dark sinister sound that held me in place.

  It rolled over my body just like all the feelings I had been having recently were ball into one big stroke. I shuttered. It sent cold chills up and down my spine. Was he the one doing that all along? Was my dream guy the one causing me to feel that dark feeling? Bringing me out of my thoughts, he said, “I will have thee. You are now mine.” I shivered and turned to open the door, but before I could, he said one last parting gift. “Oh yes, might I add that I love the dress. It looks very exquisite on you.”

  Just like that he was gone, and I was left gasping in my bed. Sweat covered my sheets, and my head pounded. I didn’t want to go back to sleep, not now . . . maybe not ever. So he could see what I looked like in it? If he was real, that is. He could just be my imagination. He was like my own personal dream invader. Invading my dreams whenever he felt like it! I thought he was gone. I thought my life was back to being a normal, complicated life—well as normal as it could be when your dating a wolf shifter and Max still out to get me—plus the thing between Jace and me. But still, this freaking sucked. I was effin’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ tired of it, too.

  Chapter Thirty-Five


  He had invaded her dream yet again. Crispin was not willing to sit on the sidelines anymore, nor was he content in watching her from a distance. He had to hear her voice. He had to see her up close and smell her sweet aroma. So he did just that. He came to her as only the form of his voice, but within that voice he could smell her. Feel her. Breathe her scent and touch her. It was just like he was there standing beside her—watching her breathe and hearing her heart rate speed up. Crispin could smell the sickly sweet scent of her fear combined with the need churning within. He even went as far as to comfort her, telling her that he did not mean to frighten her. Yet that was a lie. He told her that he would be whatever she wanted, and in reality Crispin was saying such things to get the girl to want him such as he wanted her.

  He sat there looking out at his people. He clenched his fists tightly in anger at himself for his unwillingness to take her. Crispin glared as one of his loyal servants knelt before him. Crispin raised an eyebrow and waved his hand for the servant to speak. He thought anything that could take his mind off her would be a welcome blessing.

  With a shaky voice the young man told why he was there.

  ‘My Lord, I have found a traitor among us.’

  Crispin studied the man. He looked to be in his early 20s. He had a crooked nose, broad shoulders, and wavy cropped blond hair with dark gray eyes. Crispin liked his looks, and thought that he would reward the man with a gift for bringing this to his attention.

  “I see.” Crispin smiled breathtakingly as he touched the man lightly on the head. “And where might this traitor be?” Crispin let his power wash over the man, already rewarding him with the touch of his Lord’s magic—and that in its own way was an honor all to itself.

  The man arose to fetch the traitor. Seconds later, he brought a beautiful woman into the room. She had long black hair and bright-green eyes that were wide with fear. Her body was lush and ripe—good enough for some entertainment—good enough to at least keep his mind for a moment off of the girl: Charlize. Crispin called all of his people in to witness the traitor’s demise. The young man pushed the woman to her knees in front of Crispin. He looked down at her coldly, as she began to cry.

  “What is your name, child?” He asked.

  “V—Violet,” she sobbed.

  He brushed his hands through her hair, and she flinched. That pleased him.

  “Shh! Stop crying. I need to ask you some questions. Violet, is it? Such a pretty name, very befitting to thee, wouldn’t you say?”

  “Y—yes. Thank you!” She smiled feeling calm as his magic started to take hold of her.

  “Tell me what you have done!” His voice was soft and crooning, lulling her into a false state of reassurance.

  “The elders sent me,” she began in a robotic droning quality. Her eyes were glazed as she gazed up at him. “They told me to watch you. They said you like pretty girls and you barely watch what they do around you.”

  “Really. Hmm? Well, I guess you changed that,” Crispin said sarcastically. He was going to have to take his loyal subjects and clear out any unwanted guests. And he was going to let the young man who brought her to his attention be the leader of this search.

  “Yes,” she said still in his web of magic.

  “And how has that worked out for you?” Crispin asked with ire in his voice.

  “It was going well until now.” A little bit of fear tinged her voice.

  “How long have you been here?” Crispin asked.

  “One week,” was her reply.

  “And did you get anything good that you could show to the elders?” Crispin asked.

  “Yes. Maps and the location of your headquarters. I also attained the location of your kingdom and where you are holding prisoners.”

  Crispin’s eyes closed for a brief second. He shook with outrage. Oh, she was going to suffer. Crispin would not go light on this one.

  “Well, haven’t you been a busy little bee!” Crispin’s sneered. “Tell me, little bee, did you succeed in delivering this information?”

  “No. I was found out before the materials I gathered could be retrieved by Eli.” Her voice shook as Crispin let what she was telling him sink in.

  “Eli!” Crispin spat. “He is nothing but a washed up warlock. He will get his one day. And, trust me, it will be by my hands,” Crispin said it to no one, but himself. “You did well. Now tell me where this damning information is.”

  “It is in my room under the wooden floor. There is a panel that can be easily removed, and there you will find what you are seeking,” she said flatly.

  Crispin nodded to his knights. Three quickly left the room to retrieve the work the girl had attained on him thus far. Crispin thought it was a disappointment that such a clever mind would soon be destroyed. He pulled her to her feet and then beckoned the young man over. The young man quickly came to stand in front of him.

  “Do you think this young woman is lovely?” Crispin asked still keeping a tight grip on the woman’s mind.

  The man hesitated. “Um, yes, my Lord,” the young man said.

  Crispin stood up and ran his hand down Violet’s back. He gripped the back of her dress and ripped it in two. The
dress floated to the ground, leaving her standing there clad only in her undergarments. Crispin raked his eyes over her body pleased at what he saw. Then he turned his gaze on the young man and grinned.

  He asked him, “Do you like what you see?” The young man nodded. “Would you like to make love to her flesh while I watched?” The young man smiled. “I’ll take that as a yes. Good, then have at her as you will.”

  And he did just that. He pulled her down and took what she was not freely offering. He was rough, pinching and biting her—pushing into her over and over—harder and harder. She could not do anything but lay there and take the torture. However, once Crispin could see that the man was almost at his climax, he handed him a small dagger and told him to thrust the blade deep into her chest at the time of his release. The young man faltered for a second, but he nodded. Moments before the blade plunged and release of the young man’s seed, Crispin let go of the woman’s mind. Her scream of utter horror and fright was a sound that no one in the chamber would ever forget.

  Chapter Thirty-Six


  I couldn’t get him—whoever he was—out of my head. My dream invader! I felt drawn to him. That made me scared. Plus that dark sensation I would get every so often seemed to increase. My dream invader—um, that’s what I decided to call him—I was afraid that he would have a cameo appearance when I slept. Hopefully tonight he would not invade my dream. But the crazy thing was that I also hoped I would hear his voice one more time.

  That night, however, I had no nightmares. And now it was finally my birthday. My party! I was ecstatic, nervous, and all that jazz! It wasn’t my birthday yet. My birthday was on April 22, and today was Saturday April 21, 2012, the day before my birthday. But it was my party, the party that my mom basically conned me into throwing. Still it was mine.


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