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Blame It on the Champagne

Page 11

by Nina Harrington

  Saskia stopped breathing and tried to speak, but ended up opening her mouth and closing it several times.

  ‘Yeah—’ he laughed ‘—that’s right. I was engaged for a grand total of three days. Apparently my lovely Amy forgot to mention that in her opinion life as an adrenalin junkie was fine for single girls but the moment we walked down the aisle after the wedding, that was it. Forget the sports. Forget the old life. Forget all the reasons why we fell for one another in the first place.’

  ‘I take it that this town was not close to any mountain regions.’

  ‘Oh, Amy had that all sorted out. There was a climbing wall in the local school gym and cycling. Lots of cycling in this truly flat part of the Midwest. Great schools for the kids, though! And so close to Mom and Dad.’

  Saskia exhaled slowly and whispered, ‘Oh dear.’

  ‘It got worse. I was crazy enough to agree to go and visit my future in-laws the day after we got engaged and, within half an hour of arriving at their mansion, it became pretty obvious that my lovely Amy had no clue about who I was and where my spirit lay. The crunch came when her dad offered me a nice secure nine-to-five job in his office supplies company over dinner that evening. I politely declined and made it clear that Amy and I would be moving very soon to California for my new career in the Burgess family wine trade.’

  ‘How did that little bombshell go down?’

  ‘Amy started crying and screaming about how selfish I was. The sisters started crying. Her mother started crying. And the father looked as though he was about to cry. I left when her aunt and uncle started to cry. Eighteen months later, Amy married a great bloke who was truly excited about a career in office supplies. In fact, I got a Christmas card from them last year, with a delightful photograph of the happy family and their two chubby toddlers.’

  ‘She didn’t know you,’ Saskia whispered with her eyes downcast.

  ‘And I didn’t know her. She told me that she wanted to share my life as a professional sportsman but, when it came down to it, Amy wanted what her parents had. A quiet, steady life in a quiet town, with me working a steady day job. And I couldn’t give that to her. We both dodged a bullet that would have killed us one way or another.’

  Rick sighed long and low. ‘Engaged for three days. That has to be a record.’

  A peal of laughter rang out from the patio and Rick smiled and gestured towards the dining table. ‘But these two? They’ve grown up together in the same small town since junior school. They know how the other person ticks and are building a life together and a future based on what they both want in their hearts. I believe in them and think they’ll stick it out. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have invested in a tiny vineyard like this.’

  ‘This is their home. They love it.’

  He blinked and shook his head. ‘I couldn’t do it. Stay in one place every day of every year and be content doing so. Not for me.’

  ‘Why? What is so wrong with staying in one place and learning to love it? I love London and I love my home. I couldn’t think of living anywhere else.’

  Her voice tailed away. She thought wistfully of her old garden and all the work waiting for her when she got back. Even in this stunningly pretty vineyard, surrounded by people she would love to get to know better, she couldn’t wait to get back and start in her settled life with her friends.

  Rick turned round so that his whole body was facing her when he replied, those blue-grey eyes sparkling with excitement and passion with every word he spoke. In the light from the kitchen, the sun-bleached front of his hair contrasted with his tan to give him the air of a man who spent his days in the fresh air and sunshine.

  ‘Have you never wanted to travel, Saskia? To see the world in all its glory? To watch the dawn come up over the Andes or climb up to Everest base camp and sleep on the glacier? You can hear the ice creaking underneath your tent as it slips away further down the mountain day by day. You can’t replace that. The excitement. The buzz I get from paragliding or mountaineering. There’s nothing like it. Nothing. I need that in my life, even if I have to break the rules here and there to make it happen.’

  Saskia could see the pulse in his neck race as he talked about the life he led and just the way he spoke was enthralling.

  He meant it. He would never settle down in one place. And in some ways she felt sorry for him. But envious at the same. She had never known that feeling of being free to do whatever she wanted and take off at a moment’s notice.

  She yearned to tell him about the exotic places her parents had dragged her to as a child, then leaving her in a hotel room with some stranger while they went out to a nightclub or beach party. That her mother had made sunbathing next to a pool into an art form while her academic daughter was left in the shade alone to read books. Neither of her parents ever had the slightest interest in the culture of the country they were visiting. Just the opposite. They went out of their way to keep things as English as possible.

  She had learnt the hard way what being a tourist was like.

  That was not her life—but it was his.

  ‘You’re not a great fan of staying in one place and making a stable home, are you, Rick?’

  ‘Sure I am. I love my chalet. Let’s just say that rules have their place but I have learned from personal experience that people who follow the rules often don’t have a clue what they’re missing out on in life until it is too late. I don’t intend to let the rules get in the way of what I want to achieve.’

  ‘And what about promises?’

  ‘Ah. Now that, Gorgeous, is a very different matter. I make a promise. I keep it. No negotiation. No compromise. Done deal.’

  ‘As simple as that? No second thoughts?’ She smiled.

  ‘No. Never. I have learnt to trust my instincts and go with my gut, no matter how risky it might look. If I make a mistake like I did with the lovely Amy, then I accept it with a good heart and move on.’

  Saskia took a sharp breath before asking, ‘Does that apply to the London wine store? Is that one of your risky ventures?’

  ‘Not at all. I only take risks with my own skin and my own money. Not other people’s. Promises, remember?’

  Then Rick froze and his gaze scanned her face, his eyebrows crushed together, and Saskia felt that the air between them seemed to crackle with electricity before he tipped her chin up and looked at her straight in the eyes.

  ‘Wait a minute. You said that this was a vanity project back in London. Is that what is holding you back? You think that I have spent two years making false promises to families like this one because of some arrogant whim to show that I can pull this off until the next tantalising opportunity turns up? Oh, Saskia. Just when I thought we were starting to work like a team. Sorry to burst your little bubble, but I have never been so determined to see something through in my life. I will create that store with you or without you. And I am in it for the long-term. Does that answer your question? Excellent. Because now it’s over to you. The waiting time is over, Saskia. What is it going to be? Are you in or are you out? I am not having this discussion again.’

  And before she could even think about an answer, he raised one hand and smiled across at the groom, who was gesturing for them to join them, and without a single glance he strode off.

  She watched him back-slapping the young men gathered around the drinks table in the warm dusky glow as the women fluttered around like butterflies in their pretty summer dresses and heels.

  He wanted her decision. No. He had demanded it.

  Rick was a risk-taker. That was not going to change. It was what made him who he was and she had to respect that. Entrepreneurial. Adventurous and driven. Those traits were a fundamental part of his nature, which he had put to good use with his mentoring scheme and it was obvious to her that it would attract exciting new winemakers.

  Rick knew what he wanted and was not going to change for anyone.

  And she admired him for that, more than she could say. How many times had she gone the extra mile and ha
d to change her plans to accommodate a so called pal or client and they had not shown the slightest gratitude? She had always been the one other people expected to change. Not the other way around. Anything to avoid upsetting people or letting them down.

  If she agreed to buy wine from him then she would have to accommodate his attitude to taking risky decisions, which frankly bewildered her.

  And maybe that would not be such a bad thing? She had been independent for so long. Perhaps it was time to shake things up?

  Saskia was still thinking through Rick’s question when Nicole strolled up to her in her long white lace wedding dress. She wound her arm around Saskia’s shoulder and gave her such a loving hug that Saskia felt like crying all over again.

  ‘Come and join the rest of us,’ Nicole said with a smile. ‘I’m so pleased that Rick brought you here today. It’s so exciting to meet one of the buyers who will help us bring our wine to the world.’

  ‘I’ve had a wonderful time and you have made me feel very welcome. Thank you, Nicole.’

  ‘I’m glad. You know, twelve months ago we were unsure whether we would be able to invest in the new cellar equipment we needed. Then Rick came along out of the blue and suddenly everything seems possible. The mentoring programme, technology and the best advice we could ever want; it seems like a miracle.’

  ‘It’s a miracle to me how Jean Baptiste and Rick can jump off a cliff with a parachute strapped to their back. I was terrified this morning. Are you not scared?’

  ‘Yes.’ Nicole shrugged. ‘But that’s who he is. And I love him for having that strength and courage to live his dream. We are so different, but together we seem to balance each other out. We make a good team.’

  Then Nicole tilted her head to one side with slightly raised eyebrows. ‘I think you might know what that feels like.’

  Saskia exhaled slowly and they both turned and looked towards Rick, who was on his hands and knees in his lovely suit playing hide and seek with the children under the table. ‘I’m beginning to,’ she replied in a low voice. ‘But it might take me a while to get used to him.’

  ‘Stick with it,’ Nicole said and hugged Saskia one last time before stepping back. ‘It has taken me six months to persuade Jean Baptiste to take one week away just before the harvest so we can have a honeymoon.’

  ‘Congratulations. Where you going?’

  Nicole blinked. ‘We fly to Napa Valley tomorrow morning for a week-long international wine festival on the beach. All courtesy of Burgess Wine. Didn’t Rick tell you?’

  ‘No,’ Saskia replied with a gentle smile. ‘He never said a word.’


  Must-Do list

  Be sure to catch up with Kate about any new phone calls about bookings. Only had a few texts today—most unlike her. Probably out having too much fun.

  Email Amber about the new idea for the wedding arch—it could look gorgeous in January with the right flowers.

  Type up all of my notes on the outdoor wedding and place settings. Floral china is so pretty. But has to be top quality.

  ‘Of course Amber was delighted about my brilliant idea for the new wedding arch on my patio. Nicole and Jean Baptiste’s wedding was so wonderful today—thanks to Rick for persuading me to go in the first place. Not that I would admit that, of course. I had to pretend that it was a networking meeting with two of his producers, but their wine is amazing.’

  Saskia wiggled her shoulders back and forth and giggled like a five-year-old. ‘It’s been years since I have been so excited about changing my wine list and adapting my recipes to match. Oh, Kate, I really think that this could be the boost I needed to take Elwood House to the next level. It is going to be so magical that I can hardly wait to get started. Even if it does mean taking the risk and buying wine from Rick.’

  ‘Magical. Oh yes. Absolutely,’ Kate murmured.

  ‘Do you remember that chocolate cake I made for your engagement party? The one you made me promise to make for your wedding? I might have found the perfect dessert wine to match it. We’re off to visit the vineyard tomorrow in Alsace so I will be sure to bring a few bottles back for you to try.’

  ‘Oh, great cake. Lovely.’

  ‘You sound very absent-minded tonight.’ Saskia laughed. ‘Is work getting you stressed out again? Because, if it is, I can recommend some fabulous hotels in the Chamonix area.’

  ‘Work. Oh no. No...’ Kate replied as though she was finding the words hard to find.

  Saskia paused. She knew Kate Lovat far too well—something was clearly bothering her but she wasn’t talking. And that was not like Kate at all. Shutting her up was more the usual problem.

  ‘Did I mention that Rick Burgess is prancing up and down on my bedroom carpet right at this very minute wearing nothing but a smile and that wonderful silk dressing gown you gave me as a surprise present? He looks quite charming in it. And that shade of cerise goes so well with his tattoos.’

  ‘That’s lovely... What? He’s doing what? And where are these tattoos?’

  ‘Um...I thought that would wake you up. Come on. What’s going on? Tell me and get it over with. You know that I won’t let you put the phone down until you do. Out with it, Lovat. What’s bothering you?’

  There was a loud sigh at the other end of the phone. ‘Bully. I told Amber that you would want to know but we didn’t want you to worry and spoil your trip.’

  Saskia sat up straight against her bed head. Worry? Spoil her trip? Alarm bells started sounding loud and clear inside her head.

  ‘Well, that is very reassuring. Come on, don’t keep me in suspense. You know that I have a vivid imagination. Oh no. There isn’t some bad news about Sheridan Press or your building permits for the new extension to your studio, is there?’

  ‘No. Nothing to do with Amber or me.’ Kate paused. ‘You know we had a big storm last night in London? Lots of wind, gales, that sort of storm. And you know those really tall lime trees that are outside your bedroom window? Well, one of the branches might have crashed into your house and cracked an upstairs window and I am really sorry not to have told you earlier, but Heath organised a glazier and it’s all fixed and as good as new. All done. That’s it. That’s the news. And I can breathe now.’

  Saskia exhaled very slowly before speaking. ‘The branch broke a window?’

  ‘Cracked. Just cracked. No broken glass. All repaired. Nothing to worry about. Really. Heath organised the men who are working at our place to change the glass super-quick. And it wasn’t raining...much. Sorry.’

  Saskia closed her eyes and swallowed down hard. Then pressed her thumb and forefinger tight onto the bridge of her nose.

  ‘There is nothing for you to feel sorry about. From the sound of it, you and Heath saved the day and were total heroes and I owe you one wonderful wedding in exchange. Thanks for being there, Kate. And thank Amber too. I am so grateful that you were there to help me out.’

  ‘No problem. Have to scoot. My boy is back with the take-out dinner. Bye, angel. Have a wonderful trip and see you soon. Bye.’

  * * *

  Rick heard Saskia’s footsteps stomp up and down the wooden floorboards in the other room and frowned.

  He wasn’t used to having overnight guests in his chalet, even pretty ones. This had always been the one place on earth that he called his private home.

  One small spare bedroom. One kitchen diner and a cosy living room with a huge fireplace. Perfect for a young couple or a bachelor.

  And, handily, not so perfect for his parents and their entourage, who preferred to stay at the local five-star hotel in Chamonix with its award-winning restaurant and spa facilities.

  Of course Tom had just laughed and called it ‘Rick’s garden shed’ and organised a high-tech Internet connection to be fitted at huge expense while he was away for a couple of days.

  Chuckling to himself, Rick hunkered down and poked at the log fire which was burning brightly in the grate.

  Saskia Elwood was a definite one-off. In more ways than on

  It had been quite a day and definitely time to relax with a glass of something special.

  He settled down with his feet up on his comfortable fireside sofa, the music system playing a classical piano concerto, and was just reaching for his glass of Merlot when the door to Saskia’s bedroom was flung open and she marched across the living room and stood in front of him, blocking his view of the fire.

  Not that he was complaining because his new view was equally delightful.

  Saskia was wearing a long silky dressing gown tied at the waist with a sash which begged to be tugged away. Her hair was down and messed up around her shoulders and her bare legs ended in toenails painted in the most interesting shade of coral, which probably matched her dress but he had not noticed before now.

  But there was only one place which pulled his gaze and held it there in a fierce magnetic attraction he had rarely felt before.

  His mother used to tell him that the eyes were the window of the soul.

  Damn right. And right now Saskia’s pale blue eyes were telling him that this soul was heading towards a very non-celestial place. Fire. Ice. Cool iceberg-blue. All wrapped in turmoil and anxiety.

  In fact he was not astonished in the least when she lifted her chin and said in a quivering whisper of a voice, ‘I can’t do it, Rick. I just. Cannot. Do it.’

  And then she burst into tears.

  * * *

  Sitting up straight on the sofa with Saskia’s legs over his lap, Rick rubbed some warmth into her frozen bare toes by rubbing them gently between his palms. He had tried blowing on them but it turned out that the girl was a lot more ticklish than she pretended and she had almost wriggled off the sofa.

  ‘How does that feel?’ he asked, smiling across at Saskia, who was cocooned inside a warm fleecy blanket, sipping Rick’s glass of wine. ‘Any better?’

  She replied with a small closed mouth smile. ‘I want you to know that I am not usually such a mess.’


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