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Mayan Lover

Page 9

by Wendy S. Hales

  “Oh, gods!” Arka exclaimed.

  A single star appeared high in the heavens. Then the tail of the comet became visible, stretching in a long cone shape behind the hot missile barreling toward them at a speed that terrified her.

  Were they too late? The comet drew closer, filling the blackened sky with its fury. Please please please, she chanted in her mind. Maggie, Martha, Enrique, Arthur Hanson … even Carol joined a parade of faces in her mind. The closer it came, the harder her heart pounded in her chest. Her gaze was captivated by the horrific celestial event.

  The immense size registered, and the scientist in her knew it was easily triple every impact crater known to man. Loud and imposing, the sound of its travel reached through the dim with an evil, high-decibel hiss. Gwen clutched the crystal in her hands tighter, resisting the urge to cover her ears with her palms. She braced her feet when the light of the comet illuminated the earth’s atmosphere, making the earth’s halo visible.

  Blinding, short, rapid blasts of white and flame-filled lasers peppered the heavens in machine-gun style as the sun and moon started blasting the comet from either side of the sky, yet the comet seemed undeterred from its path of destruction, unfazed by the powerful blasts of light it absorbed greedily.

  WHOOSH. All the air left her lungs as the ball of deadly fire inexplicably imploded on itself. Her hair lifted straight into the air with the force of suction from the implosion. The up-draft reversed with an-ear shattering BOOM to blast down hot air, nearly driving Gwen to her knees. The ground trembled beneath her feet. The hemisphere bloomed in a fireworks display of heated shrapnel. Red-hot particles spiraled off in every direction. Several entered the earth’s atmosphere with a bright flare and spiraled in a lazy ribbon of black smoke to earth.

  Under the glittery residual light, Gwen looked at Arka. His expression reflected the stunned awe she felt. As if nothing had happened, the moon and sun lit up bright and clear in the heavens, and the shadows of darkness retreated from their light. The last of the day’s warm rays created a spectacular sunset masterpiece. Its beauty held her spellbound. She smiled a slow smile as immeasurable gratitude consumed her.

  The air shimmered and Gwen gasped as Ixchel appeared, hand in hand with an absolutely gorgeous hunk of man. The resemblance between Arka and Kinich was amazing. Her mother wasn’t lying … the Sun God was hot. “I told you.” Ixchel voice tinkled with a chuckle as she placed a kiss to Kinich’s cheek.

  Before she could comment, Ixchel snatched the amethyst skull from Gwen’s hand and tossed it over her shoulder dismissively. Kinich smirked at his wife and took Arka's, dropping it to the ground without Ixchel’s dramatics. Arka's eyes widened. “They aren't fragile, my son,” Kinich responded to Arka's mortified expression. He put his arm over Arka’s shoulder and led him a few yards away.

  “The Goddess of the Universe has refused your sacrifice.” From beneath Ixchel’s gown, she withdrew a skull of milky white quartz crystal. In the corner of her vision, Gwen saw Kinich likewise withdrew a skull of solid amber. “Your and Arka’s godhood is ratified and blessed, my light.” Ixchel held the skull out reverently in both hands to Gwen. “I expect you to visit me often.”

  Gwen took the offering, but the Moon Goddess's sentiment confused her. “What are you saying?”

  The skull levitated from her hands to her heart, and Gwen instinctively grasped it. Her eyes fluttered shut. A surge of energy flooded her system, circulating between her heart and the skull. Every cell in her body fired and tingled with renewed life. A sense of wholeness overcame her as a single tear slid down her cheek. The weight of the skull surrendered to her grasp like a sigh of happiness.

  Gwen opened her eyes. She felt … normal again. Aware now that her “normal” included the essence of the Moon Goddess. “Mother … I am the Goddess of Moonlight.”

  Ixchel stroked her hand down Gwen's hair. “‘Mother’ … I’ve dreamed of hearing that endearment from you for millions of years.” She smiled. “This skull is a gift from the universe. It holds your power, Goddess of Moonlight. Through the skull you may use your light to guard the earth at your discretion during your human life. And to visit me.”

  From the corner of her vision she saw Kinich and Arka speaking together a few yards away. The amber skull passed from the Sun God to the man she loved and floated to his chest. Arka’s head lifted, his body shook, and a soft warm glow accentuated his deeply tanned skin. His chin slowly lowered and he lifted the amber skull to his forehead, whispering something to it.

  Arka dropped to one knee, bowing before Kinich as he'd done to her many times. Gwen finally understood the position. It wasn’t about simply worship, but honor and love too. She followed Arka's lead and knelt to Ixchel. Tears of love filled her mother’s eyes.

  “You honor me, daughter. Soon you will stand at my side. Until then ...” Ixchel placed her hand to Gwen's bowed head. A feather light kiss brushed her cheek. “Enjoy your humanity.” Gwen slowly raised her face. Ixchel was gone. A glance toward Arka revealed that he knelt before empty air as well. The amethyst and crystal skulls had disappeared.

  Gwen rose and went to Arka. “Strip,” she whispered in his ear. “I need you. I need to feel alive, my god. I need to feel your primal, virile flesh against mine … hot and hard inside me.” She left her other need unspoken.

  With an impassioned growl he rose to his feet, handed his skull to her, and dropped his shorts with the quirked-lip grin that sent a clench of anticipation to her womb. Moisture flooded her core. She kicked off her shorts and panties. She could feel his eyes on her ass when she bent to set both her and his skulls on the ground, then averted the skulls’ faces before yanking her shirt off. Arka’s hand gripped her hip and breast as they sank to the ground.

  His lips crushed down on hers with the perfect amount of pressure, ending with the exact amount of sting when he bit her bottom lip. Gwen pushed him to his back and straddled him. He chuckled a groan. His hand moved to the back of her head for another kiss, but Gwen had other things in mind. She slid down his body. “What are you doing?” He pushed up to his elbows.

  She ran her tongue from the base of him to the tip. He groaned with pleasure. “Don’t pretend you’ve never had a blow job before.”

  His eyes narrowed with curiosity. “You’re going to blow into my manhood?”

  Gwen grinned and took him deep into her mouth. His rich, decadent taste was better than fine, aged malt liquor. Swirling her tongue, she lifted to the bulbous head, teasing it before plunging him deep again. “Oh, gods,” he grit out as she tortured him a few more strokes.

  She lifted and held his gaze as she turned to present him with her backside. Did she dare ask him for what she wanted? Needed? He rose to his knees behind her. Smack. His palm came down on her ass, sending a flood of moisture to her core. She moaned with ecstasy. He pushed through her folds with a single hard thrust, instantly spiraling her to the edge of sensory abyss. Her muscles contracted around him. His hips slapped against her backside with a frantic rhythm. Her climax, so close, remained just out of reach. She cried out in frustration. Arka’s fingers went to her bundle of nerves with fervor, and she crested with a scream.

  He groaned long, tensed, and twitched deep inside her. Gwen floated as ripples of pleasure raced through her. He’d known. Without asking, he’d known. “I love you so much.” A single tear of happiness escaped down her cheek.

  “And I love you, my goddess,” he whispered against her ear.

  Thank you for reading Mayan Lover

  Excerpts from other works by Wendy S. Hales

  The Enlightened Species Series

  Available Now

  Immortal Becoming, The Enlightened Species Book One

  Jess jogged out to the parking lot, not surprised to see him leaning against her Jeep. He was taller than she had realized at about six foot three, with long, lean, well-defined muscles beneath his jeans and T-shirt. In the waning sunlight, his hair appeared darker, with auburn highlights. What captured her attentio
n was the deep forest-green of his eyes, the color darkened the closer she came. A kaleidoscope of brown specks clustered in the center.

  She studied him. He gave her a cocky grin. She was pretty sure he was reading every thought in her head, and yes, she thought he was even sexier up close, the bastard. It didn’t change the fact that he knew her name, what she drove, probably her weight and favorite color, all without her telling him, and she still didn’t even know his name.

  “You can stop shielding me or whatever you are doing now,” she grumbled, knowing she should feel grateful for his help. Instead she felt uncomfortable with him having so much knowledge about her. She hated that he was aware of her weakness when it came to psychic overload.

  “I haven’t been shielding you for awhile now.” He shrugged, following her around to the driver’s side of her car, holding out his hand for her keys. She blinked up at him.

  “You are not driving my Jeep! Where do you think you are going with me anyway?” She tossed her bag into the back seat “What do you mean you aren’t shielding me? I would be in agony if you weren’t.” Turning to face him, she shot one question after another at him. A dam of curiosity burst through her. Pointing her finger at his chest, she interrogated him. “What did you do to make it better? Can you teach me how? Why did you call Jerika your protégé?” Hands on her hips, she had backed him several steps away from the door of the Jeep. “What is a protégé? Why are you watching her? How come the officers let you be there at all?” She hoped that last bit didn’t sound quite so jealous and petty to him as it did to her. Jerika was none of her business.

  “Whoa, damn female. The deal was I shield your psyche, and you answer a few questions. What the hell?” Holding up both hands defensively, he was laughing at her again, a deep, sexy sound. Her first reaction was to purr and rub up against him like a cat. She felt the blush rising up her neck to redden her face.

  “Sorry. Sorry, I know … I just, wow. Today was such a great day. I don’t hurt, at all. I can’t remember not being in some sort of psychic pain. At least … not since my mom. I guess I’m just excited.” She chewed her bottom lip, thinking. Was excited too forward a term? ”Could you at least tell me your name?”

  “If I can drive?” He was grinning at her again.

  She was so sick of being his private little joke, his arrogant attitude instantly spiraled her to pissed-off. Grateful to feel something empowering rather than the awkwardness he seemed to bring out of her, she pounced. “You seriously expect me to hand over my keys and get into the car with you? Without even knowing your name? Really?”

  His grin only widened. “You, Beauty, can definitely take care of yourself. Don’t even pretend to be afraid of me. I’ve watched you kick ass all day.” There was admiration underlying the amusement in his gaze.

  “Not being afraid of you does not mean being stupid. If you don’t want to tell me your name, then we can stand right here … safely and in front of a police academy. While you ask me whatever it is you seem to think you want to know.” Still irritated at him, she retraced the few steps back to the side of the Jeep. “Of course, if you really aren’t shielding me, then maybe the deal is off anyway.” Spinning her keys to make loud snapping sounds into her palm, she pretended to consider whether she should leave.

  “I really was beginning to like being called Bleacher Boy.” He sighed. “My name is Shanley Einar. You and I both know that we are not going to be able to speak freely here.” He held his hand out for her keys again. “You already knew my name the same way I knew yours. Call me Shane.”

  When he said his name, she realized she already knew it. She had known it from the minute he spoke to her. The keys slipped from her hand into his, and she pivoted to walk back around the Jeep, taking a seat on the passenger side. Shane stood at the open driver’s door, holding her hard-won keys. He stared at her a few moments, then climbed into the driver’s seat, adjusting it to fit his long legs.

  “Where to?” he asked, starting the motor.

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  Shadow Revealed, The Enlightened Species Book Two

  “You will return to me.” It had been so long since Zakel had pushed against her mind that Umbrae hadn't realized how lax she'd become in guarding against him. He was close, very close. That thought didn't terrify her; if anything she felt anticipation. Irsu had never explained why the warriors didn't kill him the day they rescued her. She'd punched a wall when she'd told Umbrae he'd escaped. Not wanting to incite her friend further, she'd never pushed for more information.

  She saw Irsu walking from the direction of a house. Her friend’s lack of smile and intensity was telling. “Zakel is near.” She spoke before her friend had the chance.

  Irsu gave her a subtle nod. “We have been observing him since he arrived in Mesa a few days ago. Someone tipped him off to your arrival. He sits in the bluff behind me just outside the weave.”

  “Watching for me?” Umbrae verified.

  “We believe so.” Irsu confirmed. “He is watching us now.”

  Umbrae noticed Hans tense beside her. They'd each been given bios on each other before they were partnered together. Hans had never asked her a single question or mentioned what he'd read in hers, a courtesy she had returned. His reaction verified he knew of her blood slave past.

  “Tell me the Survivors Ball invitation was your way of bringing me in on this hunt.” The rage creeping up on her made her voice lower.

  “Oh, the invitation is real, and you are going to the ball.” Irsu’s eyes never wavered. “That was in the works long before Zakel reared his evil head. The Oracles declared you a member of the hunting party this morning. You will get to face him, and if I have my way, you will get to kill him.”

  “The Oracles?” Umbrae had met a few. They were mysterious by calling. The idea of Oracle influence gave her more pause then Zakel. “Why?”

  Irsu grinned for the first time. “Why do they do anything? We're needed in Greenland; there are others who will be joining in.”

  Enlil. The name floated through her mind, and her stomach clenched at the thought. It had to be him. So often she'd wanted to seek him out and tell him of Etana, especially when she started hearing his name whispered amongst the warriors at the end of her training. She'd never found the courage, nor did she ask anyone about him. Enlil was the love of Umbrae's life, though she had yet to meet him.

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  Shadowed Magic, The Enlightened Species Novella (book 2.5)

  Aymee nodded even though he still refused to look at her. “I’ve been attacked. There were four of them. I … I knocked out three but one of them … got away.” She gave the 911 dispatcher her location and snapped the phone closed on the nasal voice asking her more questions. Eros peered at her from the corner of his eye, a streak of silver between long, nearly black lashes. “They’re on their way.” She lifted her hand to cover her breast again.

  Eros stood back from the wall. Finally. If her heels were intact, she might reach his chin, but without them, her eyes met the middle of his chest. Aymee looked down.

  Eros easily stood six five. Bulky thighs filled the slack of his jeans, deep ripples defined his stomach and guided her eyes to his heavy pecs. He handed her the shirt. “Put this on.” Aymee noticed he looked aside while she shrugged into it and did up a few snaps in the middle. Then he met her gaze. His dentes had yet to retract. “I cannot appear human right now, Aymee. I will shadow when the police arrive but know that I am with you.” He started to shimmer.

  Aymee touched his arm before he vanished. “Wait. Why were you hurting? If you need blood, please … take mine.” She’d never offered blood to anyone before. Knew the Volaticus organized the Red Cross to acquire their blood needs and give back to humanity at the same time.

  Eros solidified, looked from her hand on his arm to the upturned wrist of her other arm. He sighed. “I don’t need blood, Aymee. And, I wasn’t hurt." He gently brushed the back of his knuckles over the bruise on her c
heek. "I couldn’t look on your pain and maintain my control at the same time. If I had seen this,” his thumb followed the trail his knuckles had just taken, “I would have torn these men apart limb by limb, fed on their entrails and pissed on their bones.”

  Aymee felt his light touch all the way to her soul. Heat blossomed at the point of contact and radiated through her bloodstream. “That would have been okay with me.” She leaned into his touch only to pull back with a yelp as pain registered.

  Approaching sirens had her looking over her shoulder to see the flash of blue and red getting brighter against the wall. She turned back to Eros, but he was gone. Then she felt the light brush of his knuckles on her cheek again.

  “I can’t explain this,” Aymee took a deep breath and shrugged out of his shirt unconcerned that he could see her breast. She held it out and watched it disappear the second it transferred from her hand to his. Covering herself with her hand again, she turned, lifted her chin and walked awkwardly toward the officers exiting their cruiser at the entrance to the alley.

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  Coming Summer 2012

  Fire’s Touch, The Enlightened Species Book Three

  Caged and used for breeding against her will, Stacy is not about to let anyone get close to her, even if he's sexy as hell and assigned to protect her from those who once held her captive. Conlon, an Elven warrior, finds the object of his latest SOSC mission—and his potential bloodmate—to be more hostile than he expected. Emotionally guarded, with an attitude and tongue sharp enough to make the strong tremble, the bratty vixen is both amusing and surprisingly entrancing to Conlon. He decides cracking her shell to win her love is a challenge he'll accept with passionate enthusiasm.


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