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Alaskan Tigers Box Set 1

Page 33

by Marissa Dobson

  “Here you are.” Mark clicked another button.

  A male voice crackled through the recording. “They’ve moved approximately twenty yards down the mountainside. We overheard that they’re waiting for orders.”

  Kallie’s voice was next. “I’ve located them, but they’re semi-hidden from the camera. I can’t get a good lock on them. Orders for what? Team one can you see what they’re doing?”

  Her voice held a hint of panic, but after seeing Mark’s blank expression, Taber knew he was the only one to pick up on it. He continued to listen to the recording.

  “We’ve got a read on them. They seem to be practicing hand-to-hand combat. No official data on what orders, but I would speculate they’re planning an attack. Do you have a lock on the other threats?”

  “All other threats accounted for—” Kallie’s words were cut off by the guard.

  “One of my men overheard they’re waiting for Pierce’s signal. Have you located him? Is he here?” The guard’s voice was anxious. Taber suspected the guard was scanning the mountainside for the leader of the rogues.

  “Negative. There’s been no indication he’s been here. I’ll alert the Elders. Keep us advised of the situation on your end.”

  Mark turned the communication off. “That’s the complete recording.” He turned to Taber. “Do you think Pierce is here?”

  “No, he’s not stupid enough to risk being found. Attacking the compound is a death sentence and even with his beast controlling him, he knows he doesn’t have a chance. He’ll risk his followers, but not himself.” Taber glanced at the monitors. “Do you have the locations of the threats? Of the closest one?”

  Mark stood and waved a hand at the map on the wall. “The pins represent each of the known threats and their last recorded location. The guards report hourly unless there’s movement. This is the closest one.” He pointed to the red pin. The location was halfway up the mountainside, but they would have to go around to attack, otherwise with the steep jagged drop not even a shifter would survive.

  “Okay. Ty and Raja are going to be busy, so if there’s any movement or any other information coming in I want to know. If they’re preparing to attack then obviously alert the Elders as well.”

  Taber’s earbud clicked to life with Ty’s voice. “A group of us are heading to section four.”

  “I’m on my way as well,” Taber replied and then turned back to Mark. “I want you and Kallie both on duty watching this situation until we’re finished in section four. If there’s even the slightest change, notify me immediately.”

  “Understood. I’ll have one of the ground guards find Kallie.”

  “Very well.” Taber walked to the door in two short strides. He needed to hurry. They were working on borrowed time, and had to get whatever information they could from Victor to dispel the threat.

  Outside he found Kallie leaning against the rail, her earlier pink cheeks now a pale white. “Kallie.” There were so many things he wanted to say, but it wasn’t the right time. “Mark needs you inside.”

  The breeze blew her wild curls. For a moment she appeared angelic. Taber wanted to wrap her in his arms and keep her safe from whatever the coming hours might hold. Regardless of her troubled past, he could never see her as anything but innocent, and innocents needed to be protected.

  Kallie released a sigh when Taber left. His spicy male aroma mixed with subtle traces of honey, was as a constant reminder that fate had paired her with a bear. She inhaled another deep breath of fresh air and exhaled, releasing the memories of the past.

  Chapter Seven

  Taber met the other guards outside the cabin where Victor was being held. “We set then?” He checked the tranquilizer gun to make sure it was loaded with the right dose to exterminate Victor.

  “Once Raja gets here. He’s waiting for Conner to send the video.” Ty turned to address everyone, his arm tightly around his mate’s waist. “Remember, Felix, Adam, Taber, Raja, and I will go in with Tabitha. Shadow and Styx, you’re in charge of protecting Bethany. Get her out of here if there’s any danger. Galen, you leave with Bethany if there are any issues. With the first hint of danger, I want the rest of you to storm the room. Victor’s life will end today.”

  “Just give me time to get what I need before you kill him,” Tabitha said.

  Raja ran toward them and skidded to a halt, his breathing heavy. “It’s been sent. Let’s get this done.”

  “Taber you go first, your bulk is more intimidating.” Ty turned to Jinx. “You’re in charge of the other guards. Remember Tabitha needs to get the information, but if the danger is too great, you know what to do.”

  Taber took the lead. He nodded for the guards to step into the adjoining room where the rest of the team waited. He checked the chains securing Victor to the chair. After he’d broken the last chain, the guards added another chain to the collar around his neck, preventing him from shifting. It was attached to the wall and wouldn’t stop him if he broke through the other chains, but it would slow him down long enough to get the Elders and their mates out of harm’s way.

  In the room Tabitha drank the vial while Taber double checked the chains. Felix and Adam fanned around Victor, leaving Ty and Tabitha in the middle between Taber, Felix, and Adam. Ty held his mate’s hand as if afraid to let her go. He brought her hand to his lips and gently kissed her knuckles. “Be safe, but quick, my love.”

  “You worry too much.” She nodded, an indication she was ready to get started. Slipping her hand from Ty’s, she approached the sedated Victor. His sedation wouldn’t block her from finding the information they needed, and it was safer with him unable to resist her. Taber knew her trust laid with the men protecting her. He valued the courage she shown as she neared the prisoner. She placed two fingers on each side of Victor’s temple, obviously seeking connection to his thoughts and memories. A small light tipped her fingers as a connection flared to life. Victor stirred under her fingertips.

  Taber held his breath. The sedation wouldn’t last long. Tabitha had to make the most of the time she had. She closed her eyes and her body stilled with concentration. The room knew of her need for justice for her parents and Bethany’s family. Though she probably wanted Victor’s death to be painful, Taber was impressed with the focused she put into every move she made, reinforcing her courage.

  “Tell me about Pierce.” She inquired.

  With her eyes closed, Tabitha spoke almost as if in a trance, describing what she saw. “Victor is in a room, packing. He must be preparing for his trip to San Francisco. It’s dark, but there are city lights shining through the curtains. Pierce’s rage is nearly out of control as he paces the room, screaming.”

  “Go to San Francisco, visit with your family, while I do all the hard work. Find Robin, prepare to take down those ignorant tigers, and kill that bitch.” Tabitha’s voice was rough and filled with hatred as she spoke Pierce’s words, almost as if she was possessed.

  Taber knew Pierce wanted nothing more than to kill her before she could unite the tiger shifters.

  Her voice changed to a calm tone. “You need to find Robin before someone else does. We know she left Virginia, traveling to Ohio, go follow her trail while her scent is still fresh. Stop bitching, you know I had this family thing long before you fucked up and killed that family in Virginia.”

  Tabitha paused and inhaled a deep breath. When she spoke, her voice was her own. “We have to find Robin before they do. Pierce’s anger over her slipping from under the cover of darkness is great. There’s an evil in his eyes that tells me he’d rather torture her before killing her. He’s enjoying the kills, and will kill again soon. He has to…” She stopped suddenly. “Wait, there’s something else.”

  The room was an eerie silence.

  “Tabitha, what are you seeing?” Ty probed.

  “It’s an email from his father.” Tabitha’s eyes rolled under her eyelids. “Bratva’s members are already in the states, lying in wait. New York…there’s a group there. He’s th
inking of Boston too, but his thoughts are too scattered, I can’t figure out why. But Boston is important somehow. Victor never joined with Pierce because he was rogue, nor did he share his beliefs. He joined to find others for the Bratva, and he had. During his time with Pierce, he converted numerous members to his beliefs.” Her arms began to shake as if the connection was draining her.

  “It’s not surprising Victor deceived Pierce the entire time. Rogues never seem to possess a sense of loyalty beyond themselves. Typically, it was that trait that prevented them from forming successful groups.” Taber stated.

  Tabitha continued. “Pierce is losing control of his followers. They were looking more and more to Victor. He never wanted to control the rogues, and Pierce’s usefulness was running thin. Victor Senior was coming to the states to force his son to take full control over the rest of the rogues and eliminate Pierce. Victor was trying to do his father proud, to live up to his expectation, but no matter what he did it never seemed to be enough for his father.”

  Chapter Eight

  Taber watched Tabitha, unable to do anything but guard her. His tension rose as Victor stirred. He hoped they’d be able to get the job done before he surfaced from the drugs. Tabitha’s body shook. She was beginning to falter with the connection taking too much from her. He was about to suggest they end the process, until Kallie’s voice filled his ear.

  “Taber, you there?” He sensed dread in her tone.

  “Go ahead, Kallie,” he whispered, but didn’t take his eyes off Victor and Tabitha.

  “They’re moving. They’re coming straight for us. There’s two teams. Ten threats. Shall I alert the guards?”

  “Shit. Hold on.” He turned to Ty, whispering to avoid disturbing Tabitha’s concentration. “We’ve got to finish this now, they’re coming.”

  “Tell Kallie to put out a call for all guards to report to their stations.” Ty turned to Tabitha. “Tabitha, if you can hear me, we need you to end this. Danger is upon us. We have to get you to safety. Give me a signal if you understand.”

  Tabitha’s eyes rolled, but nodded at Ty.

  Taber shot Kallie a quick message. “Kallie, you and Mark stay put and lock the door. Don’t come out, no matter what happens.”

  “Understood. Mark says we have ten minutes at most before they’re on our doorstep.”

  Taber turned back to Ty. “We have less than ten minutes, we need to get the women to safety.”

  Tabitha broke the connection, standing on shaky legs as she reached for Ty. “They’re his…they’re coming for their leader.”

  Ty wrapped his arm around her waist. “What? Pierce isn’t here.”

  “No, Victor’s men. They’ve been under his charge the last few months. Pierce is losing control. Those are Victor’s men in the hills.” She leaned against Ty, weakened from the connection.

  “Felix and Adam, get Tabitha and Bethany to the main compound. Shadow and Styx will go with you, and the other guards will meet you there.” Ty kissed the top of Tabitha’s forehead as Bethany entered the room. “Bethany, try your healing abilities on Tabby, help her regain her strength quickly so you guys can get to safety.”

  “You’ve got to go,” Taber ordered. Victor’s demise was approaching and even though Taber was ending Victor’s life as humane as they could with the tranquilizer gun, the women didn’t need to be present. “Go and see the women to safety. I’ll terminate this problem.”

  “The guards will keep them safe. We’ll stay and deal with whoever dares to attack our home.” Raja took the gun from Taber’s hand, as Felix rushed the women out of the room.

  Victor’s eyes fluttered open, finally surfacing from the drugs. Hatred, kindling like fire, heated his eyes as he strained against the chains. “They’re coming for me. You’ll never see tomorrow.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong. The few supporters you have will easily be disposed of, but it’s you who won’t see tomorrow.” Raja raised the gun and shot Victor in the chest. His body shook as the lethal dosage took effect. His breathing grew ragged, and then he collapsed.

  Taber stared at a lifeless Victor, and breathed a sigh of relief. Victor would never harm another. Their world would now be a little safer.

  “Small victory for us, but Pierce is still out there, and we still have the rogues to deal with.” Raja let the empty gun fall to the floor and stepped to the door. “Let’s go kick some ass.”

  Kallie watched the men climb down the mountainside. She could do nothing to stop them, but keep the guards apprised of the rogues’ progress. She slipped the small capsule that she kept around her neck between her fingers, enjoying its soothing coolness. It was the one insurance she had that she’d never again endure the same torture she had before. She’d never again be someone’s pet, with no will of her own. She would die before that happened.

  Today might be the day she had no other alternative than to use the capsule to take her own life, to end it all, but she prayed not. She reached into her desk drawer, grabbing the gun she stored there. I won’t go down alone.

  Chapter Nine

  Taber and the Elders had just stepped out of the cabin when Kallie’s voice crackled in his ear piece.

  “They’re here.”

  He knew, from the way the guards around them were bracing for action, that she used the open communication so everyone with earbuds heard her warning. “I’d advise you, go to your mates.” Taber said. “You’re Elders, you need to be protected as well.”

  “That’s not how we operate. When our clan is in trouble, we stand to defend it. Our women and children will be protected by all able male bodies—” Ty’s words were cut off by gunshots at the main gate.

  They ran to the gate, no one shifting yet. For security, they fought in their human forms, and would shift only if necessary, hiding their second nature as much as possible.

  Taber ran past command central, hoping Kallie had taken his advice to stay safe.

  The ground guards defended the main gate as a group of rogues attacked from the other side. “One got through. He broke free before I could detain him.” Lance gave them a quick status update as they neared.

  “Damn it.” Taber frowned. “Kallie, do you have a mark on the threat?”

  “Searching now,” Kallie answered. “Shit! He’s coming straight—” Her words where interrupted by the sound of a loud crash and a door splintering. Her scream filled his ear.

  He turned to the Elders. “He’s at command central.”

  “Ty go with Taber. I’ll help here.” Raja waved for them to leave.

  “Do you think the rogue knew the layout and chose command central for a reason?” Taber ran even steps with Ty.

  “How would they have found out about our layout?” Ty shook his head. “Damn it! It had to be Chris! He betrayed his own clan to assist Pierce when Tabitha first arrived in Alaska. He would have given the rogues the information to attack our compound, in order to save his sister. When we get through this fight, we’ll send a team to Georgia to eliminate him. He won’t get away with risking my mate and this clan again.”

  They slowed as they approached command central. The door lay in pieces on the floor, and a tiger’s roar ripped through the air. Taber rushed past Ty, running full speed toward the entryway, hoping he wasn’t too late to save Kallie.

  Inside, Mark, in tiger form, was lying on the floor bleeding and unconscious. The rogue searched the monitors. Taber attacked, leaping in the air to pounce on the rogue and knock him to the floor. Wrapping a hand around the rogue’s throat, Taber began squeezing the life from him. But the rogue wasn’t shifting. Loosened his grip, he realized the rogue was human. “What do you want?”

  “I was paid to lead the team. To find two women.” The man’s fingers clawed at Taber’s hands around his neck.

  “Who are you?” Ty glared at the man as he bent to check the pulse at Mark’s neck. “And what have you done with the woman that was here?”

  “My name is Kenneth. I was Special Forces until I found out
about your kind. The woman…she took off.” He pointed to the window. “I wouldn’t have hurt her.”

  Ty raised an eyebrow. “Your actions don’t speak very well, considering Mark’s condition.”

  “He attacked me first. I know shifters can heal from gunshot wounds.” He glanced back at Taber. “If you’d let me up, I’ll explain why I’m here and maybe we can work this out. I didn’t want to shoot him or anyone else.”

  “You’re in for a surprise if you think I’m going to let you free. Talk, and then we’ll decide what to do with you.” Taber released the man’s neck, but pushed him over and held both arms behind his back.

  “I told you, I was hired to find two women. Sisters, taken against their will. If you check my jacket pocket there are pictures of these women.”

  Taber reached in and pulled out two photographs. Kallie and Tabitha. “What do you want with them? Who hired you?”

  “Their husbands. They want their wives back.”

  Ty laughed. “Considering one of those women is my mate, I find your story hard to believe.”

  “The other woman is my mate.” Taber’s rage boiled in the pit of his stomach. He tightened his hold on the man’s arms. How dare he threaten what’s mine?

  “These men had marriage licenses,” Kenneth said.

  “Those can be faked.” Ty squatted over the man. “Who hired you?”

  “Pierce and another man. I never met the second guy. He was out of town on business.”

  “You didn’t find it odd that the man was doing business while his wife is missing?” Taber was tired of the games. This man couldn’t be a stupid as he was trying to make them believe. “Why did you take this job?”

  Kenneth’s eyes widened. “Yes, there were a number of questionable things about this job, but Pierce said the other man was trying to make reservations to return, but the flights were booked. I didn’t think to question him. He had men ready, all I had to do was lead them.” The man grimaced at the pain Taber inflicted when he tightened his grip. “Money! I did the job for the money. My sister’s daughter has cancer. They need to pay her hospital bills. I did it for them. This one job allowed me to pay off their bills and cover the rest of her treatments.”


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