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Alaskan Tigers Box Set 1

Page 40

by Marissa Dobson

  He wasn’t sure what to say to her, and he didn’t have to because his Aunt Bev stormed up the deck heading straight for them, anger pouring off her in waves. She rushed toward them, screaming. “You bitch! You killed my baby!”

  He jumped to his feet, and not thinking of the consequences of touching Kallie, he reached for her and pulled her behind him. “Aunt Bev, she’s not responsible.” He wanted to be reasonable and respectable to the woman who was like a second mother to him and his siblings.

  She rushed toward them, her claws drawn as she reached around Thorben. Determination filled her eyes, to see Kallie pay.

  “You’d protect the woman who killed two of your family members?” Rage was thick in her voice.

  “Stop!” Thorben hollered. “I won’t let you harm her. You don’t know what happened.”

  “I didn’t—” Kallie’s words were lost in Bev’s screams.

  “Don’t deny it, bitch. He was with Travis.”

  Taber and his father stepped out of the house, each grabbing one of Bev’s arms and dragging her away from Thorben and Kallie. Taber turned his aunt around to face him. “Aunt Bev, we don’t know if John was with Travis or if he was killed.”

  “How dare you protect your cousin’s killer?” She glared at Taber and then her brother. “I can’t believe you allowed your sons to bring her here. She got your son and nephew killed, Devon.”

  “Damn it, Bev, you don’t know what you’re talking about. Come inside and I’ll tell you what happened.” Devon looked to his sons as he opened the door for Bev. “Taber why don’t you three go to your cabin next door. Get some rest and we’ll deal with everything in the morning.”

  Thorben stood, legs braced and arms flexed, still protecting Kallie until Bev went into the house. Only then did he relax his muscles. “Let’s go next door. Dad and Aunt Bev need privacy.”

  “What is she talking about? Who’s John? Was he at the cabins?” She stepped around Thorben and stared at Taber.

  “Come here.” Taber held out his hand and as soon as she was in reach, he slid an arm around her waist and dragged her against his body. Ignoring Thorben, he guided her down the steps.

  Thorben followed.

  Taber hugged Kallie close. “John is our cousin. He left with Travis shortly after I called home. They haven’t seen him since. I spoke to Raja and sent him a picture of John to determine if he was there. Raja said he didn’t see anyone matching John’s description. They’re still checking.”

  “If he was there, then it was his choice. Aunt Bev should never have come after you.” Thorben walked next to Kallie, longing to touch her.

  “Her son might be dead. No one can imagine what she’s going through, and we have no right to judge her. She’s hurting and lashed out at me because she feels I’m responsible. Most people would do the same in her position.”

  “Kal, you have more compassion and understanding for people than anyone I’ve ever known.” Taber kissed the top of her head. “I’m going to grab our bags. We’ll spend the night and decide what to do tomorrow. Adam and Korbin are already set up in one of the other cabins.”

  Taber’s lips on Kallie flared Thorben’s irritation. How do I stand by and watch him embrace my mate? A moment after the question passed his thoughts, a sense of calm found him. It didn’t matter she was Taber’s mate or that he had already claimed her. Kallie was now Thorben’s mate as well.

  “If anything happens to her while I’m gone, I’ll hold you personally responsible.” Taber scowled at Thorben as he headed toward the helicopter.

  “She’ll be safe with me.” Thorben nodded and turned to Kallie. “Let’s go inside. It’s too cold out here for you. I’ll get a fire started.”

  He climbed the steps two at a time with Kallie lagging just behind. Thoughts of laying her down in front of the fire and claiming her filled his mind, tightened his muscles, and hardened his shaft.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Kallie stood behind the sofa watching Thorben stroke the fire until it was raging and heating the coolness of the cabin. She wasn’t sure what to say or how to make the situation easier for any of them. Taber seemed to be cold, his embrace contained a chill she hadn’t known before, while Thorben acted as if she had the plague whenever she reached toward him.

  “Make yourself at home. Do you want a blanket? The house should warm up soon.”

  “We can’t go on like this. We need to talk. Sit down.” When he stood by the fireplace, unmoving, she smiled. “Please, Thorben.”

  Sinking onto the sofa, she pulled her legs under her and waited for him to sit. He chose the chair next to the sofa. She turned to face him. “As I tried to tell you earlier, I never expected this. It’s like being tossed in the middle of the ocean and not knowing how to swim. Being trapped between Taber’s emotions and yours has the waves slamming into me, and I’m already barely keeping my head above water. I realize neither of you are doing this on purpose, nor is it out of spite, but it doesn’t make it any less difficult for me.”

  “I know you have a lot to deal with, that’s why I wanted to keep my distance. You need time to adjust and when you have a clear head we’ll figure this out.” Thorben leaned back in the chair, the firelight highlighting his strong face.

  Frustration ate at Kallie. “There’s nothing to figure out. Your mother has experience with this and says there’s nothing we can do. In order to make us work, you and Taber need to work out whatever is going on because this war between you two is becoming unbearable for me.”

  “I don’t want to make things any more difficult for you.”

  “It’s not going to happen overnight and it’s not going to be easy.” She laughed. “To think only days ago I rejected mating because he was a bear…now I’m to be mated to two bears.”

  “You have something against bears?”

  “Not exactly. I knew a girl whose parents were different species. She had a hard time controlling her shifts. She’d shift to both animals. I don’t want that for my child.”

  “That’s a very rare condition.”

  “So I’ve been told, but I’m not sure I’m willing to risk it. She was teased to a point she nearly took her life.” She hugged her legs to her chest.

  “Your clan has their own school which would allow our children to have the support of other shifters.”

  She didn’t want to leave her clan’s compound and Taber already said he’d stay with her. Would Thorben join them?

  The door opened. Taber walked in, their bags in his hand.

  “I feel your anxiety.” Thorben leaned forward, taking her hand in his. “Is it the thought of having children?”

  She shook her head and tapped the sofa. “Taber come join us. I need to know why you two can’t get along.”

  Taber sat next to her, just far enough away to not touch. “Kal, I think we have more important things to deal with. My brother and I can work out our issues later. You have to decide if you’ll accept him and if you do, will he move to your clan. Or we can see if there’s a new development that can remove a twin mating.”

  “I talked to Mark and he said there was nothing to stop us from mating, so what makes you think there’ll be something to stop your twin?” When Taber remained silent, she continued. “I already told Thorben we’ll make this work, but the tension between you is horrible. It’s hard to be in the same room with both of you. I’m tired, and you don’t need me to work out your issues. While I rest, you two talk.” She yawned and rose from the sofa. “Thorben, I know this might be unfair to you, but Taber and I are returning to my clan. There’s a cabin for us and if you wish, you’re more than willing to join us. Not that I see much of a choice with the mating longing, but I wanted to give you the option. My clan is where I feel safe and with people out there trying to kill me, safety is priority.”

  “That’s what I don’t understand, why are they after you?”

  “Taber will explain. I’m going to bed.” She walked around the sofa and paused, not knowing where to go

  Taber understood her hesitation and pointed. “Straight down the hall, the bedroom at the end.”

  Following his direction, she moseyed down the hall. She hoped they could work out their problems by morning. Otherwise Adam and Korbin could take her back to the compound and the brothers could stay here. She was done with their flood of emotions, and having to watch for enemies.

  Thorben rose from the chair and moved to the fireplace. He glanced at pictures lining the mantel. All the pictures were of the family, most of them dated back to when him and Taber were closer than any bear cubs could be, with their protective mother hovering over them until she knew they could make it on their own. The problems started when she stepped back and their father guided them into manhood.

  “I know our issues won’t be resolved overnight. My actions over the last few years have driven a wedge between us and no words I say will undo it. I’m sorry for the shit I pulled in the past. I’ve done things you and the family haven’t approved of, but I’ve always been there when the family needed me. I never meant for things to get this bad. One day I woke up and realized I screwed up. Only time and my actions will prove I’ve changed. Unless you give me a chance, we’ll always be in this same spot.” Thorben turn to his brother. “I probably don’t deserve a second chance and I wouldn’t ask, but our war is tearing Kallie apart.”

  “There’s no reason to tell me what my mate is going through. I know what she feels.”

  Fire splinted in the fireplace, but in Taber’s eyes too. “There you go again, Taber, she’s not just your mate. I don’t want to fight with you. We have to figure out a way to live together.”

  “She hasn’t accepted you yet, Thorben. I barely got her to accept me because I’m a bear.”

  “She will, she said as much tonight. No matter how much we deny it, we don’t seem to have a choice. Have you ever heard of someone being able to get away from their mate except through death?” Would his brother consider that an option?

  “No, and get that confused look off your face. I’m not thinking of fighting you to the death for Kallie.” Taber slammed his hand against the cushion.

  “How did you know I thought you might?”

  “Because if I were in your shoes I’d think the same. No matter our problems, we’re brothers and we already lost one tonight. I won’t lose another. Kallie would suffer too. We’ve seen what happens to a mate left behind. I won’t risk her.” Taber rose, stretching his long legs. He met his brother’s gaze. “I’ll do my best to keep the past in the past not only for Kallie’s sake, but because I miss you. We’re a good pair, and that’s what Kallie needs. If we’re going to keep her safe, she needs us to be the brothers we once were.”

  Thorben nodded. “I won’t let you down.”

  “Good because if you do you’ll be risking our mate.”

  Thorben knew nothing would change their fate. They were destined.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Kallie woke to the sweet smell of bacon and her stomach growled. She rolled onto her back to check if anyone had come to her bed last night, but the other pillow was untouched. She slipped out of bed, ignoring her duffle bag at the bottom of the bed, and padded barefoot to the kitchen, wearing the same clothes she had on the day before.

  She expected to sense the wave of emotions from the brothers again, but instead she found them cooking, and an awareness of longing from them. “Something smells good.”

  “Good morning.” They said in unison, as they glanced away from the stove and counter.

  Realization hit her. She was mated to twins. They looked almost identical, with just small physical differences, such as Thorben’s dimples were deeper than his brother’s, and his hair a little darker. Taber was the more outspoken and outgoing of the two, while Thorben tended to be reserved.

  She longed to go to them, to wrap her arms around them, but unwilling to stir their animosity, she denied herself the pleasure. She sat at the bar and watched them cook. Men cooking, I could get used to this. “It seems as though you’ve worked things out.”

  “When a woman orders her mates to do something, it’s our duty to comply.” Taber teased, placing a plate of eggs and bacon on the bar in front of her. “We’ve come to an understanding.”

  “That would be?” She grabbed a piece of bacon and took a bite.

  “We’ll deal with this mating like adults. When Mom taught us to share, we thought she meant just our toys. We never expected to share a woman, but we will. We’ll rotate nights, so we each have time with you. Most important, you’ll have us both to protect you.” Taber smiled, dishing two more plates of breakfast.

  “Are you sure?” Her question held caution.

  “There are no others for us, Kallie.” His hand cupped the side of her face, his palm so large it covered her cheek. “You’re all we want. If you’ll have us, we’ll give you everything your heart desires. You’ll be protected and cherished. We just want you.” Taber leaned close, pressing his lips to hers.

  Thorben leaned against the counter, eating. “He filled me in last night. I have some connections that might be able to help. John called, he’s alive. Thaddeus, the next oldest after us, has gone to fetch him. Taber and I have decided we have to leave before they return. John’s a liability, and we won’t risk you.”

  “What about Travis’ funeral?” She added a dash of pepper to her eggs.

  “We don’t have funerals as some do. Most of us prefer to be cremated, and instead of a service, we believe in a celebration of life. The family will understand.” Taber’s cell phone rang. He unclipped it from his belt and checked the caller ID. “After breakfast we’ll say goodbye to Mom and the rest of the family. Thorben’s already packed and Adam and Korbin are standing by when we’re ready. It’s Ty, I have to take this.” He walked to the other room, phone to his ear.

  “I know this isn’t easy for you, but we’re trying our best.” Thorben joined her at the bar.

  “I told you last night we’ll make this work.” She took another bite of the eggs before glancing up at him. “Taber said you’ve only been to the compound once, are you going to be okay staying there?”

  “Neither of us care where we are as long as we have you. I agree with Taber, you’re safer there. The compound has guards and security we don’t have here.” He reached across the bar and laid his hand on hers. “We’ll make sure you’re safe, and I know your Elders are working on finding Pierce. I’ll do whatever I can to see he’s taken down as well. Victor Senior or anyone else won’t get their hands on you. I promise.” He kissed the top of her hand, just as Taber rejoined them again.

  She expected to sense jealousy in Taber as she had the night before, but his calmness surprised her. They obviously reached a compromise last night.

  “There’s a development in Russia. Connor worked his computer genius skills and was able to make it sound like Victor told us his father’s plans. The Russian shifters are revolting.” Taber smiled and she could feel his delight. “They also believe they’re only a few days behind finding Robin. Tabitha has requested Adam return to the compound soon. He’ll be sent to find Robin.”

  “That won’t be a problem. Thorben’s agreed to come home with us.” She grabbed the last piece of bacon from her plate and stood. “I’ll take a shower and change. Then we can go see your parents.” She hurried to the bathroom, anxious to feel the hot water pour over her aching muscles. The tension of the last few days buried itself deep and made her stiff. I needed a hot shower, and one of my naked mates. Her tigress paced impatiently inside her, demanding a shift. Soon. She promised.

  Kallie sat on the back porch with Ava, a glass of tea with honey in her hand. These bears have never heard of coffee? Her caffeine deprived brain and the mating heat had her edgy. She tried hard to keep her impatience down as she waited for Ava to get to the reason she pulled her away from the rest of the family. “Why did you ask to see me alone?”

  “Having two fathers and a mother, I was always surrounded by love and
understanding. I wouldn’t have changed a minute of it, and I don’t think my mother would have either. You’ll have to make both of my boys happy. I have faith you can. My boys were raised right. They might have had some differences over the years, but they’re good boys and will treat you right.” She paused taking a sip of her tea. “Growing up, my siblings and I never knew who was our biological father and honestly it never mattered because they were both our Dads. I just didn’t want you worrying about that when the time comes.”

  “I appreciate your concern.” She almost told Ava she wasn’t sure she wanted children, but didn’t want to hurt the woman’s feelings. Even if Ava wanted grandchildren it was Kallie and her men’s choice. “I know I’m taking them away from you right now, but we’ll return to visit soon. It’s just—”

  “Don’t worry child. Taber already updated me on your situation. The boys want you safe, and with your clan is where you need to be.” She sat her mug aside. “Come on, I know the boys are waiting for you.” She took Kallie’s hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. “I want you to know if you need anything I’m always here for you, and if things get out of control with whatever is going on, the family will have your back. You just call and my other boys will be there.”

  “Thank you, Ava.” She followed Ava inside and searched for Taber. He was standing with Thorben and their father in the kitchen. She smiled at them, wanting to run to them, but held back. They seemed to have accepted the joined mating, yet uncertainty still filled her.

  Adam arrived on the porch. “Adam, are we ready?” she asked.

  “Whenever you and the Browns are ready, Korbin and I are.” He leaned in to whisper, but in a room of shifters it was pointless. “I heard what happened with your mating. You okay?” She knew everyone heard him.


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