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Alaskan Tigers Box Set 1

Page 65

by Marissa Dobson

  His fingers teased the sensitive numb before sliding a finger inside her core, stealing all logical thought. She fumbled with his belt, no longer able to handle the simple task as her desire began to overtake her. Closing her eyes, she enjoyed the sensations, while he planted sweet kisses along the curve of her neck. She wanted him more than she wanted her next breath.

  With a nip to her neck, he moved down her body with his eyes locked on hers. His fingers working her into a state of frenzy. With every touch and tease, her body demanded more of him. Nudging her legs further apart, he slid to his knees in front of her, cupping her hips and kissing along her thighs before replacing his hand with his mouth. Tiny nips and gentle licks flicked over her sweet spot, nearly propelling her over the edge. Digging her nails into his back, she cried out for him as her ecstasy neared. “Felix!”

  With one last flick of the tongue, he pulled away from her. “Not yet mate. I want to be inside you first.”

  Using his shirt, she pulled him back up the length of her body. “What are you waiting for?”

  “You’re so demanding, love.” Rising from his knees, he finished loosening his jeans, freeing his erection.

  Reaching out, she wrapped her hand around his shaft, feeling the hardness of it. His pulse beat through it and into her hand. Teasing her hand along the length of it until she reached the tip, she leaned closer wanting to take him in her mouth to taste his pre-cum and desire for her.

  “No, I won’t last.”

  “Just a little. I want to feel you in my mouth.” She pushed forward, drawing her tongue along the tip. His fingers dug into her hair, as she slid her mouth around him. Her throat tensed with the gag reflex, almost forcing him out of her mouth. She waited, tasting the saltiness of him and letting herself get used to the feel of him before working her mouth up and down the length of him. He was too long to fit completely in her mouth, so to make up for it, she wrapped her hand around the base and slid her hand up and down the rest of his shaft as she worked her mouth around him.

  Playful she dragged her tongue along the length of him before taking him back into her mouth. He arched into her, sliding deeper in her mouth, his hand still deep in her hair, making it impossible for her to move away unless she was willing to lose hair.

  He pulled back, vacating her mouth and leaving her feel empty. “Stand up.”

  She stood, careful to avoid any sharp rocks or branches with her bare feet. Before she could question why he wanted her to stand, he lifted her against his chest and pushed her against the tree she had been leaning against before. Gently he lowered her, sliding her onto his shaft until he filled her completely.

  “Wrap your legs around me but not too tight.” The tension in him made his voice deep and raspy.

  She did as he asked and also wrapped her arms around his neck, bringing her lips to hover above his. “I need you,” she begged.

  He gripped her hips and used the space between them to slide almost completely out of her before slamming home again. His manhood filled her completely, and with each stroke the tempo intensified another level as they found the rhythm they needed to keep their balance. Their hips slammed together, driving her closer and closer to her release. She dug her nails into his back. Their thrusts grew deeper and faster, moving with the precision of lovers who knew the special places of their mate. Their bodies rocked back and forth, tension stretching her tight as she fought for her release.

  She arched her body into his, and screamed his name as her release coursed through her. He pumped twice more and growled her name as he released his seed into her.

  She went limp in his embrace, resting her head in the nook of his shoulder as she tried to find the breath she had lost. Her heart was beating with such intensity she thought it would fly out of her chest. “Oh, Felix,” she whispered as he squeezed her tightly against him.

  “Harmony, never doubt I love you.”

  The way he said it made her fear that things were coming that would tear them apart, but she chose to hold onto the moment. She was going to enjoy the embrace of her mate until the next issue rose to bite her in the ass. “I love you, too,” she whispered, still struggling to regain her breath.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Dusk was falling around the compound when they finally made it back from the creek. Harmony’s legs were weak, and her body was exhausted. If it wasn’t for Felix’s arm around her waist, she wasn’t sure she would have had the strength to make it back. All she wanted to do was crawl into bed and forget about the day. She had some major decisions to make, the biggest one being what she wanted to do about the clan. Was she willing to commit herself and once again be under an Alpha that held her life in his hands? Could she trust Ty wouldn’t trade her to further the clan’s agenda?

  Not committing to the clan would cause tension not only between Felix and her but also between him and the Elders. Her happiness hinged on finding a way to balance the clan and her sanity.

  “Harmony,” Robin called to her as they stepped out of the trees.

  Felix must have felt her body tense at the presence of the man with Robin, because he ran his fingers down her side, teasing along her hipbone. “That’s Tex. He’s new to the clan. No sudden movements—he’s still a little spookable.”

  Robin and Tex closed the distance, meeting them halfway. The dark circles that were under Robin’s eyes days before were fading, and for the first time since Harmony arrived, she seemed to be at peace. The dimming of the connection between them once Harmony mated seemed to have helped ease the tension in Robin.

  “We were just about to grab some coffee. Would you like to join us?” Robin asked nodding to Tex.

  “Umm.” Harmony didn’t want to but couldn’t think of a polite way to bow out.

  “Come on. I got hung up at the meeting but wanted to talk with you.”

  “Go ahead,” Felix urged. “I need to check in on some stuff, and then I’ll meet you back at your place in a bit.”

  She took a deep breath and tried not to give in to her irritation that the clan was once again coming between her and her mate. Resentment would only make things that much more strained. Trying to cherish each moment with him that she had, she let it go and turned back to Robin. “Okay,” she nodded.

  “Tex is new to the clan as well. He’s from Texas,” Robin explained leading them toward the dining hall.

  With a raised eyebrow, she took in the man next to her. He was the average cowboy, his tight jeans, black cowboy boots, and white cowboy hat firmly in place. “Texas? Wow, what brought you to Alaska?”


  “Go ahead.” Robin nodded, leaving Harmony confused.

  “When Adam went to rescue Robin in Texas, I was wounded by a rogue, and they had no choice but to bring me back with them to their healers. Long story short, I couldn’t go back to my clan. Avery was using the members in ways no Alpha ever should.” Holding open the door, he allowed her to enter the building before continuing. “I arrived about the same time you did, and it’s been the best thing in my life. The Alaskan Tigers have given me a new start in life, and it can give you the same if you’re willing to embrace it.”

  “Embrace it? You mean commit myself to Ty?” Harmony couldn’t keep the surprise out of her voice. Did Robin or Felix encourage him to approach the subject with her? Adding more pressure to her wouldn’t help her make the decision, if anything, it might hinder her more. She didn’t want to be pressured.

  He paused, glancing toward her as if truly taking her in. “If that’s what you’d like, the decision has to be your own. I wasn’t aware you weren’t committed. I only mentioned it because I’m aware of the threat against you. I have faith the clan will eliminate Henry and keep you safe.”

  “I hope so.” If they didn’t, it wasn’t just her life on the line.

  “Let’s not talk about any of that,” Robin said wearily, “We’re supposed to be having a friendly coffee break. We’re not to discuss the shit of the past, the uncertain future, and mo
st certainly not the threats that are hanging over our heads.”

  Tex tipped his head toward Robin. “Ignore her. She’s just exhausted after hearing of my past. She’s hoping for something stronger than just coffee after hearing what Avery did to those under him.”

  Robin let out a deep sigh. “Since mating with Adam, I’ve been working on finishing my last psychology class for my license but have already started providing counseling to the clan and shifters in need. There was no one to help shifters through things in the past—they couldn’t go to a human without exposing us—now I’m helping to fill that role.”

  “That’s great, Robin. It’s something we don’t have, but I know we could use. Maybe you can get others to consider that profession for other clans. I know some Alphas have paid to put a member through school to be a doctor or lawyer, giving the clan the professional experience with the shifter knowledge.” Maybe if she had someone to speak with all those years ago, she wouldn’t have let things get so bad with her former Alpha.

  The sweet, heavenly aroma of rich coffee filled the room as they poured it into their mugs. Each made their coffee to their tastes, Harmony adding a splash of vanilla creamer until it was a warm brown. The dining hall was empty, giving them their choice of seats as they moved away from the coffee bar.

  They slid into one of the round booths, giving them a view of the room. “It will only work in some clans, but I do hope I can help make changes in the shifter world where psychology is concerned. Shifters need someone they can talk to just as much as humans, and there’s nothing wrong with that.”

  “What do you mean ‘only in some clans’?” Harmony took the seat next to Robin as Tex took the other side, placing Robin in the middle of the booth.

  “It will only work if the shifter in question who has sought help can receive it without the Alpha demanding to know everything. A counselor would have to report to the Alpha if they felt the patient or someone else’s life was in jeopardy, but other secrets would be kept between the counselor and client or there would never be any progress.” Robin looked to Tex before taking a sip of her coffee.

  “She’s right. Even if she had been in Texas, I could have never gone to her. Patient’s privacy was never part of Avery’s language. No matter what was said or to whom, Avery wanted to know. I was doomed to suffer silently under Avery’s hand until Robin and Adam came along.” He laid his hand over Robin’s arm. “I’ll never be able to repay you for picking Royalwood to hide out. If I hadn’t been at the airstrip guarding Adam’s helicopter against Pierce’s rogues, I’d have still been left to that fate. I have no doubt that in the end he’d have killed me.”

  Robin smiled, the bond between them unmistakable. “To have to suffer one day under the hands of an abusive or controlling Alpha is too much, but to think of a lifetime under one is unspeakable. I’ll do what I can to make the shifter world a better one.”

  “Unfortunately,” Harmony replied, “you don’t know the Alpha’s true ways until it’s too late and you’ve committed yourself to themn.” She flipped her hair over her shoulder out of her way before bringing the hot cup of coffee to her lips.

  “You’re thinking Ty’s hiding his true nature from you?” Robin asked incredulously. “Then explain why you feel the loyalty that Felix has to Ty and the clan? Why no matter who you ask in the clan they don’t have a negative word to say about him? Why would Jinx and the West Virginia Tigers—or Taber, Thorben and the rest of the Kodiak Bears—follow Ty’s lead? Surely another Alpha would recognize if Ty were hiding something and wouldn’t follow him blindly. Everyone couldn’t be in on the conspiracy to hide Ty’s ‘true nature’ from you.” Robin’s words were harsh but added some perceptive to the situation.

  Tex leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table. His hands were wrapped around the coffee mug in front of him, watching Harmony as if trying to understand her logic. “If Ty was as you think he is, he wouldn’t care that Avery is abusing his people, but he does. He’s working to do something about it. The clan was after Pierce for years trying to take him down, and they continued the search even when Pierce left them alone. Ty’s trying to make it a safe world not only for tigers but for all shifters.”

  “It all sounds logical enough and I feel Felix’s commitment to the clan, but I can’t put my past experiences out of my mind. Robin, I don’t expect you to understand. You’re human and never had to deal with this until you mated, so you don’t realize what some shifters are like. But you, Tex—I would expect you to understand. How can you commit yourself to Ty when you’ve spent years under Avery?”

  “Robin and the other clan members helped me see the light. The Elders were willing to take me in and stand up against Avery to protect me. Even now they are still fighting for me, since I hold too many of his secrets for Avery to let me go without a fight.” Tex’s gaze narrowed down at her, letting her know he believed she was being naïve.

  “I might have never had any experiences with shifters or Alphas before, but it’s not hard to comprehend. More importantly, I’ve seen Ty’s and the Elders’ commitment to the clan and to keeping shifters as a whole safe. I’m tired of defending the people I care about to you. You may doubt them, but I’ve had enough of it. When you’re ready to open your eyes to the opportunity you have before you then let me know. Otherwise, I’m done.” Robin rose, taking her coffee with her as she did, and left Harmony staring after her.

  Tex rose, letting Robin out of the booth before turning back to Harmony. “It would seem that you’ve pissed Robin off.” Tex took a long drink of his coffee. “I’ve never seen her lose her patience.”

  “She just doesn’t understand.” She pushed her coffee off to the side, no longer interested in it.

  “No, Harmony, I think it’s you who doesn’t understand.” He drained his coffee and met her gaze as he stood. “I have to say: I agree with Robin. You’re mated to one of the top Elder guards, which means you have certain responsibilities.”

  Tex left her, leaving her alone with her thoughts. To say she was shocked by the outcome would be an understatement. She sat there unable to believe that everyone was against her. Was she really on the wrong side of things? Was she letting her prejudices of her previous Alpha get in the way of what was happening here? Maybe she was, but she wasn’t sure how to move past it.

  Felix entered the world of the geeks seeking Connor and the newest information on the clan’s missions, especially Henry. In the time he spent making love to Harmony by the creek, did Henry make his way to them? Did he travel by plane or car? If by plane, he would already be here, but by car they had another few hours before he’d be close enough to be an immediate threat.

  Computers were set up at a number of stations throughout the room, most of them having more than one computer monitor hooked up to make multitasking easier. A small coffee station sat in the corner, looking well-used with a number of mugs and energy drinks scattered throughout. Connor and Lukas were the main geeks of the compound, but sometimes Robin or the Elders would assist.

  Connor looked up from the laptop in front of him. “Hey, Felix, I thought you’d be off using your ways of persuasion to convince your mate to join the clan. I could use her skills in here.”

  “I’m doing what I can, but it seems my tigress is hardheaded.” He strolled across the room until he came to Connor’s area where he plopped down in the chair beside the desk. “Update me. What have you found since the meeting? Henry’s status?”

  “He took the plane, which landed an hour ago, and picked up a rental car fifteen minutes ago. I just alerted Ty to this. I believe he’s planning to put a team together to try to intercept him before he makes it this far. He was going to contact you once things were gearing up, figuring you’d want to be a part of the team.” Connor grabbed the coffee from the table and leaned back. “Avery’s threatening to go to war over Tex. We’ve got to take care of the situation with Henry so we can deal with the Texas Tigers. We’re too small of a clan to be divided up on missions.”
  For a wolf shifter, Connor was greatly in tune with the needs of the clan. The Alaskan Tigers had opened their home and hearts to him, giving him a safe haven after his narrow escape from Pierce’s control. He had proven himself loyal to the clan time and time again, always going above and beyond the call of duty.

  “I’ll get with Ty. With luck on our side, we’ll take Henry out of the equation by this time tomorrow and can focus on Avery. I noticed that Tex has adjusted well to the clan. He’ll be a great addition to the fight.” With new determination, Felix rose to find Ty. “Don’t forget Randolph and the rogues Pierce left behind. Once they get their legs under them again, it’s possible they’ll cause havoc for us.”

  “I’m aware and have been keeping an eye on their activities as best I can.”

  In search of Ty, Felix strolled out the door with his thoughts turning back to his mate. How difficult would things be in his clan if she refused to commit herself to Ty? It would obviously mean there would be much tension and many secrets between him and his mate, because he wouldn’t be able to share any details of the clan’s activities with her until it was public knowledge for the whole clan. Not to mention the issue of living arrangements. He couldn’t stay in her apartment because it was too far from his duties, and she couldn’t join him in the main building. There was no way she’d be allowed to his quarters once the second floor was complete, making matters even worse. Mating was supposed to be the happiest time in a shifters life. Instead, for Felix, it was turning out to be confusing and problematic.

  “Felix, I was coming to find you.” Ty’s voice traveled down the hall toward Felix, pulling him from his thoughts with a jerk.

  “Harmony’s having coffee with Robin and Tex, so I was catching up on things. I stopped by and talked to Connor. He brought me up to speed. When are we heading out? If you haven’t appointed someone else, I’d like to command the team.”


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