Mortal Sins: Sex, Crime, and the Era of Catholic Scandal
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Baars, Conrad
Babini, Giacomo
Baker, Michael
Baltimore Sun
Baron, Martin
Barton, Patti
Bass, Ellen
Becker, Franklyn
Belleville Diocese
Belli, Melvin
Benedict XVI, Pope (Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger)
in Anderson’s lawsuit
elected Pope
homosexuality and
Legionaries of Christ and
Maciel and
Murphy and
sexual abuse cases and
world outside Church as viewed by
Benkert, Marianne
Bennett, Robert S.
Berg, Amy
Bergman, Kevin
Berlin, Fred
Bernardin, Joseph Cardinal
abuse victims and
Cook’s accusation against
Cook’s meeting with
death of
gay rights and
O’Connor and
openness to opposing views
panels and board of overseers named by
VOCALink-Up convention and
Bernet, Joan
Bernstein, Carl
Berry, Ariel
Berry, Jason
Anderson and
background of
on Benedict XVI
Bernardin case and
Blaine and
“Chalice” and
Donohue on
Earl Long in Purgatory
on John Paul II
Lead Us Not Into Temptation
Maciel case and
Mouton-Doyle-Peterson report and
Quinn and
Render Unto Rome
on television programs
Up From the Cradle of Jazz
at VOCALink-up conference
Vows of Silence
documentary based on
“Why I Am Still a Catholic”
Berry, Simonette
Bersaglieri corps
betrayal blindness
Bettencourt, D. J.
Bevilacqua, Anthony Cardinal
Beyond Belief (O’Gorman)
Birmingham, Joseph
birth control
authority of
child sex abuse complaints and
and “ad limina” visits to Pope
dilemma experienced by bishops in
Doyle’s report and
encouragement of Church-based resolutions
in Ireland, insurance policies purchased by
national bishops’ conferences and
Notre Dame conference and
protection of abusive clergymen
and requirements to notify police
sin framework and
conferences of
corporations overseen by
Doyle’s report on
housekeeper syndrome and
John Paul’s meetings with
liability avoided by
national conferences of
pastoral letter of
Pope’s authority over
promotions to
as responsible for conduct of priests
selection of
sexual problems in
SNAP’s meeting with
Bissey, Rene
Blackowiak, Mark
Blackowiak v. Kemp
Blaine, Barbara
Berry and
Mahony and
marriage of
Miller and
at National Conference of Catholic Bishops
O’Neil and
Porter and
at press conference
SNAP (Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests) group of
in Belgium
bishops’ meeting with
Dallas conference of
Blaire, Stephen
Blinder, Martin
Boff, Leonardo
Boland, Brendan
Bolger, Robert
Book of Gomorrah, The (Damien)
Bosse, Bob
Boston, Mass.
Boston Globe
Spotlight Team of
Boston Phoenix
Boucher, Raymond
divorce of
gunshot wound of
Kwong and
Bradley, Ed
Brady, Sean
Bridgeport, Conn.
Brown, Tod
Buckley, William F.
Budzinski, Arthur
Burge, Kathleen
Bush, George W.
Calabrese, Daniel
Los Angeles
Cambridge University
Campbell, Timothy
Cannon, Carl
canon law
canon lawyer conferences
Cantalamessa, Raniero
Cardinal Secrets
Carlson, Arne
Carlson, Barbara
Carlson, Robert
Carroll, Matthew
Casey, Eamon
Casey, William
Catholic Church
as adjunct to government
American population of
in Austria
bureaucracy in
canon law system of
caste system in
charitable immunity law and
communication system in
country status of
decision-making in
decline of public respect for
dioceses in
corporations within
liability policies of
as responsible for conduct of priests
evaporation of respect for
and exception from law
First Amendment protection of
governmental power in Italy
guilt and
Holy See
John V. Doe v. Holy See
U.S. relations with
influence of
in Ireland
decline of
in Latin America
liberalizing movement in
lines of authority in
moral authority of
movement from rigid hierarchy to more democratic model
mystery and secrecy in
obedience in
organization of
parishes in
shutdown of
political power of
psychology and psychiatry rejected by
revenues and assets of
school integration and
sex as viewed by
Vatican II and
sexual secrecy in
social services provided by
for poor people
special position of
structure and institutions of
teachings of
and unification of Italy
viewed unfavorably among Catholics
vulnerability to lawsuits
women in
see also Vatican
Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights
Catholic Priest in the United States, The: Psychological Investigations (Kennedy and Heckler)
emotional deprivation in
Greeley’s surveys of
loyalty of
opinion polls and data on
unfavorable opinion of Church among
Catholic sex abuse cases:
abatement in public furor over
abuse of power in
arrests and prosecutions in
in Austria
backlash against claimants of
Bernardin and, see Bernardin, Joseph Cardinal
bishops’ handling of
and “ad limina” visits to Poper />
dilemma experienced by bishops in
Doyle’s report and
encouragement of Church-based resolutions
in Ireland
national bishops’ conferences and
Notre Dame conference and
protection of abusive clergymen
and requirements to notify police
sin framework and
Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People and
Church’s aggressive tactics in
Church’s awareness of
Church’s blaming of parents in
Church’s claim of decline in
Church’s handling of
and Church’s reliance on mental health experts
Church structure as hindrance in dealing with
clergymen in
Adamson, Thomas, see Adamson, Thomas
Baker, Michael
Becker, Franklyn
Birmingham, Joseph
Bissey, Rene
Calabrese, Daniel
canon law system and
clerical culture and
conspiracy of silence around
Effinger, William
Endal, George
Erickson, Ryan
Feeney, John Patrick
files on
Fortune, Sean
Gauthe, Gilbert, see Gauthe, Gilbert
Geoghan, John
Groer, Hans Hermann
Hanley, James
Harris, Michael (“Father Hollywood”)
Igubita, Kelvin
Kos, Rudolph “Rudy”
Lundowski, Joseph
Maciel Degollado, Marcial
Mayer, Robert
Murphy, Lawrence
number of
O’Grady, Oliver
Payne, Ivan
Poole, James E.
Porter, James, see Porter, James R.
psychological immaturity in
Ritter, Bruce
Ronan, Andrew
secret archive dossiers on
Shanley, Paul
Smyth, Brendan
Symons, Joseph Keith
treatment of
Warren, Chet
Whiteley, John
Widera, Siegfried
Williams, J. Kendrick
confidential files and
confidentiality agreements in
convictions and imprisonments in
corroborating evidence of
cover-ups of
delayed discovery of injury laws and
depositions by Church lawyers in
Donohue on
in Europe
extent of
false claims of
Cook’s accusation against Bernardin
financial liability faced by Church for
First Amendment protections and
fractured perspectives on
in Germany
as global crisis
homosexuality as factor in
in Ireland
Jenkins on
John Paul II and
lack of information on
media coverage of, see media
“monk’s disease” and
at Mount Cashel
Notre Dame conference and
O’Keefe case
Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI) and
release of documents on
and requirements to notify police
and responsibility of dioceses and bishops for priests’ conduct
settlements in
punitive damage awards
as sin vs. crime
social ills linked to
suicides connected to
statutes of limitation and
fraud and
law changed on
television programs and, see television
terms used in
Vatican perspective on
Vatican’s resolution of
victims in
age of
Aguilar Mendez, Joaquin
Blaine, Barbara, see Blaine, Barbara
Boland, Brendan
Bolger, Robert
Budzinski, Arthur
connection between abuse and later difficulties denied in
DiMaria, Ryan
“Doe, John,” see Doe, John
effects of abuse on
Fesselmann, Wilfried
Fitzpatrick, Frank
Gastal, Scott
growing assertiveness of
guilt and self-hatred in
Horne, Olan
Howard brothers
investigation of
Kitobo, Benjamin
Kohut, Terrance
Lemberger, Jay
Linneman, Charles
Lyman, Gregory, see Lyman, Gregory
Madden, Andrew
memory and, see memory
Merryfield, Todd and Troy
Mike, Rachel
Milla, Rita
Morris, Ed
O’Gorman, Colm
Patterson, Eric
Peterson, Megan
Robertson, James C.
Severson, Matthew
Smith, Gary
support groups for, see support groups
Trotter, Travis
Vega, Manuel “Manny”
Catholic Worker houses
Catholic Worker movement
Greeley on
lapses in
“monk’s disease” and
Sipe’s research and
Vatican conference and
views of clergy toward
Center for Constitutional Rights
Central America
Chalice (secret source)
Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People
Chiampou, Ken
Chicago Tribune
child abuse:
in Ireland
satanic ritual abuse (SRA)
Child Molesters, The
child sexual abuse
backlash against claimants of
Blackowiak case
by Catholic clergy, see Catholic sex abuse cases
corroborating evidence of
in different professions or faiths
effects of
extent of
ignorance about
Krauthammer on
mass hysteria and
mass media’s role in public perception of
in McMartin day care case
memory and
Cook’s claims and
delayed discovery of injury laws and
emergence in adulthood
hypnosis and
O’Keefe case and
recovered, in therapy
repression of
suggestive questioning and
numerous victims per abuser
oversensitization to
requirements to notify police about
statute of limitations in
Chopko, Mark
Christian Brothers
Christian Century
Church, see Catholic Church
civil rights cases
Clark, William
celibacy in
Greeley on
lapses in
“monk’s disease” and
Sipe’s research and
Vatican conference and
views of clergy toward
lay members’ roles in relation to
pedophilia in
see also Catholic sex abuse cases
privileges expected by
sex and celibacy as viewed by
see also bishops; priests, priesthood
Cleveland Plain Dealer
Client-Centered Therapy (Rogers)
Clinton, Bill
Clohessy, David
in Mexico
Cloyne Diocese
Cohen, Cynthia
/> Collegeville conference
Collins, Theodore “Ted”
Color Purple, The (Walker)
Comiskey, Brendan
Commission to Inquire Into Child Abuse
Condon, Mark
mandated reporter laws and
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
Connell, Desmond
Consistent Ethic of Life
Constitution, First Amendment of
Cook, Paul
Cook, Steven
Bernardin’s meeting with
Cotter, John
Coughlin, Richard T.
Count Me Out
Courage to Heal, The (Bass and Davis)
Covenant House
Coyne, Mary Jeanne
Cranston, Jerald
Crisis Control Team
Crossan, John Dominic
Curran, Charles
Dalai Lama
Dallas Diocese
Dallas Morning News
Damien, St. Peter
Daly, Helen
Daly, Lee
Davis, Graham “Gray”
Davis, Laura
Deep Throat (secret source)
“Defining Deviancy Up” (Krauthammer)
Deliver Us from Evil
DeMarco, Anthony
Demarest, Sylvia
DiMaria, Ryan
corporations within
liability policies of
as responsible for conduct of priests
discovery process
Doe, Jane G.
Doe, Jane Z.
Doe, John
trial of
compensation award
Dolan, Timothy Cardinal
Dominican House of Studies
Donahue, Phil
Donohue, William
Anderson and
attacks by
Dorris, Barbara
Douglas, Mark
Doyle, Ann Barrett
Doyle, Thomas
as Air Force chaplain
as Air Force substance abuse counselor
Alcoholics Anonymous and
Anderson and
Cannon and
at canon lawyer conference
Demarest and
deposition experience of
drinking of
expertise of
Geoghan case and
in Ireland
Kos case and
Laghi and
Mouton and
O’Brien and
Peterson and
The Problem of Sexual Molestation by Roman Catholic Clergy
report on bishops’ responsibilities
research and testimonies of
resignation of
Sex, Priests, and Secret Codes
Sipe and
in Suing the Pope
on television programs
at VOCALink-Up convention
Drivon, Larry
Vega and
Dunn, Joseph
Dwyer, Robert
Dziwisz, Stanislaw
Earl Long in Purgatory (Berry)
Ebert, Henry
Effinger, William
Egan, Timothy
Egerton, Brooks
Ellison, James
Emery Worldwide
employers, sexual harassment by
Employment Division v. Smith
Humanae Vitae
Endal, George
Enron Corporation
Erickson, Ryan
Escudia, Marta
Fain, Phil