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Ruthless Control

Page 16

by L. V. Lane

  “Can I see the goods?” Marco asked. He was tall and lean for an Alpha, hair graying at his temples, and had bright blue eyes that missed nothing. He was a cold bastard, and he traded in skin.

  I nudged my head at Jordan, who made quick work of cutting her clothing away. Her eyes pleaded with me, but I couldn’t give a fuck.

  Her body contorted as she tried to escape Jordan’s knife, hoarse, frantic screams behind the gag. He was lethal and precise with a knife, so the nicks her body received were deliberate. Thin rivulets of blood trickled over her once flawless skin.

  Kais and Kade stood to my left, expressions grave—Kais wanted to peel her skin off. I had soon discovered he was a sadistic fuck.

  “How much do you want?” Marco asked.

  “Nothing,” I replied, taking another heady shot of nicotine. Madelyn didn’t like me smoking in the apartment, and her tiny ass owned me!

  My sweet little pet still had trouble sleeping after what this Beta did. I’d told her today that I was dealing with it, and that she wouldn’t need to worry anymore. Her eyes were solemn as she’d stared at me in the early morning light, naked, and well fucked. She didn’t ask what I was going to do, and I wouldn’t have told her anyway.

  She knew me, though, so I figured she had some idea.

  “Consider it a gift,” I added, making the most of the cigar.

  Marco’s smile was sly. “Gift? Lucian Banner does not give out gifts.”

  I chuckled. “Think of it as a transaction with mutual benefits. She has been trained as a pet…and she wronged me. I need to know she’ll be with a new master who will treat her appropriately for her crime.”

  “How bad was this crime?” he asked, stroking his long fingers over his smooth chin.

  I took a drag from my cigar, and held it in my lungs for a beat, before letting it out slowly. I thought about what would’ve happened had I not gotten to my precious pet on time. Thought about the baby that was now starting to show. I was as obsessed with the gentle swell of her waist as I was with the woman carrying my child.

  “The worst kind,” I said. “Make sure the bitch pays.”

  His eyes lit, and his smile was broad and sinister. “My pleasure. I have the perfect master in mind.”

  “Yeah?” I gave him a speculative look.

  “I didn’t get a reputation as The Breaker for nothing.” He chuckled and patted my shoulder. “By the time I’m done, she won’t remember she had any other life—she won’t even remember her name.”

  “Fucking perfect,” I said, tossing my cigar butt to the floor. “She’s all yours.”

  “I’m gifted,” Madelyn said as she adjusted the sleek black collar at her throat. “Are you sure I won’t need to be deployed for the war?”

  I stepped up behind her, and taking the zipper from her fingers, tugged it the last few inches. “You’re mated and pregnant, Pet. And the only way the military is going to have you is over my cold, dead body.” She shivered under my hand, where it was resting on her shoulder.

  “I wish you wouldn’t say things like that.”

  I smirked and pressed a kiss to her temple. She liked me saying things like that just fine. She got off on me saying shit like that. The abduction had left a legacy on her sweet soul, and sometimes the only thing that would quiet her mounting stress was a good, deep, fucking, while I told her in blunt terms how I would destroy any man or woman who dared threaten her.

  Her eyes rolled because she was sensing the nefarious direction of my thoughts through the bond and her gift. I eyed the full length of her body enclosed in the very classy sky-blue dress. I preferred her naked, but it wasn’t always practical, and tonight, we were going to a charity ball hosted by the viral research program, and I wanted her covered up. My hand splayed over the gentle swell where a new life was growing, and I purred.

  Her countenance softened, which was for the best because if she gave me any of her sass, she was going to be on her hands and knees, and the results would be sure to ruin her dress. Her tiny hand rested over mine, and for a moment, nothing else existed but the potency of that connection.

  “Time to go, love.”

  I took her hand, and we left, taking a skycar to the event.

  The grand ballroom was suffused in soft, sparkling light that reflected off the highly polished floors. High windows along the far side of the room, showcased the city of Chimera. Outside, a wide veranda was open to the warm summer heat, and more guests mingled there. Black suits and brilliant ballgowns clashed in pockets, while waitstaff—wearing far more clothes than might be found in my club—offered canapés and drinks.

  The distant sound of a jazz band and the dulcet tone of a singer lent further ambiance to the event.

  We didn’t go out often, but Black, Sherwin, and their little Omega, Lilly, were going to be here, along with Eloise and her Alpha, Logan.

  Logan and Eloise were already there, and no sooner had we joined them than the elevator opened to admit Ethan, Ryker, and Lilly…who was looking flushed.

  Eloise was a psychic, like Madelyn, and she was helping her—unofficially—to learn to deal with her gift. They had met several times over the last month and had soon become friends.

  I nodded at the other Alphas, Ethan Black, and Ryker Sherwin, as they approached. Not far away, the three little Omegas were hugging like they hadn’t seen each other in a year. They were talking about the baby, and I could feel Madelyn’s joy through the bond.

  “Lilly was looking—flushed—when she got out of the lift?” I said casually, still eyeing the women, as we all were. There was enough security here to stop a riot, but we were all possessive pricks, so it couldn’t be helped.

  “We’re going to force her into heat tonight,” Ethan said. The intense, brooding fucker didn’t so much as crack a smile. Ryker did…pure feral. Logan chuckled.

  “And you told her this?” I asked. I wasn’t one to question another Alphas approach, but from what I’d heard about the little doctor he shared with Ryker, I thought telling her upfront to be either foolhardy, ballsy, or both.

  “Hell yeah!” Ryker answered for him, not remotely fazed when Ethan sent a scowl his way. Then again, Ryker Sherwin was missing a few screws…

  “I guess you’re going to be out of action for a while, then,” I said, taking a glass from a presented tray. “Been quiet around here with Jordan and Kade off sorting their shit out.”

  “Did you find Abby?” Ryker asked, still smirking. I’d forgotten the little therapist Jordan and Kade were hung up on was also Ryker’s therapist. In Ryker’s case, I thought the need for a therapist was genuine. Jordan and Kade, not so much.

  I nodded. “I did. They left last week…but that’s another story.”


  CONTROLLER: THE EMPIRE uses Alpha soldiers to train and control Omega Dynamics when they are needed to join the war.

  Copper virus: DNA altering virus. The virus may enhance characteristics already present in an infected individual.

  Dynamic: If the Copper virus hosts, it changes the individual into a dynamic. There are twelve viral induced dynamics, Alpha through to Mu, and Omega. Each dynamic offers different physical and physiological benefits: intelligence, strength, memory, natural leaders or followers, or heightened skills such as mathematics or art.

  Healer: Healers are a common Omega type who are able to heal physical and mental trauma through physical or psychic contact.

  Singular: Singulars are rare Omegas with unique traits known as singularities. Predominantly psychic abilities, although other physical or physiological changes may occur.

  Theta: Thetas are hyper-intelligent dynamics who are often driven toward the accumulation of wealth, prestige, or both.

  Gamma: Gammas share many psychological characteristics with an Omega, but they do not experience heat, and are unaffected by pheromones.

  Alphas: Alphas are aggressive and territorial. They experience a rut and can knot when in the presence of an Omega in heat. Many, but not all, retai
n a permanent knot after bonding.

  Delta: Deltas are aggressive and territorial, like Alphas, but differ in certain physical and physiological characteristics. The most notable difference being that they have a hook instead of a knot. Unaffected by Omega heat, the hook is always present.

  Empire: Governing council of the United Planet System

  Non-dynamic: If the Copper virus does not host, the individual remains unaltered, also known as a non-dynamic.

  Uncorrupted: A faction formed by those who fled the Empire during the first mass viral awakening. Many non-dynamics follow their cause and flee the Empire.


  I love a happily ever after, although sometimes the journey to get there can be rough on my poor characters.

  An unashamed fan of the alpha, the antihero, and the throwback in all his guises and wherever he may lurk.

  I’m a new author, learning as I go and appreciate feedback of all kinds.

  Drop me a message and let me know what you think.

  Where to find me…




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  Predictive: A science fiction thriller


  Hailed in some circles as the next stage of human evolution and the devils work in others, few disputed that a predictive could make the difference in the ever-escalating stakes of the war.

  There is just one problem…they are going to lose anyway, and Aterra’s security council is unwilling to accept this dire news.

  Burdened with the knowledge her civilization is doomed to fall, Eva’s prediction lies ignored. While secret plans of escape to a distant planet far from the Federations reach are brought forward, the war reaches its zenith, and Eva will find herself embroiled in a desperate battle for control of the Ila system.

  With political tensions mounting, Eva’s predictive capability might be Aterra’s only hope to slow the Federation’s destructive tide and save ILA’s besieged mining colony where her brother fights to survive.

  Landon is the one they send in to manage a crisis. Insurgent troubles are rife in the empire’s administrative heart, they’ve just thwarted a terrorist attack, and the ever troubled Ila system is a step away from collapse. Unofficially, they call them death planet operations...because people have a tendency to die.

  Tasked with bringing Ila back from the brink, the situation deteriorates further. The nearby moon base where cutting edge research was taking place has just been destroyed, and the mining planet is under Federation attack. They should be evacuating, but the military command is being cagey and changing protocol on the fly.

  And that’s when the predictive turns up with her commands and demands and her haughty air of entitlement. Her brother has been a member of Landon’s team for a decade, so he knows the kind of mental trauma Eva leaves in her wake. But she breaks terrorists with a few well-chosen words and has military command wrapped around her finger, so she might be useful in this particular crisis...

  Taking Control: An Alpha and Omega dark science fiction romance

  (The Controllers Book One)

  There is a war, and people with skills are deployed when and where it suits the cause. Even Omegas.

  Where necessary, they are allocated protection.

  A Controller.

  And they are told to submit fully to the Controller. That it is recommended.

  But the war brings many changes. Omegas must be protected at all costs and what was once a recommendation might soon become a mandate.

  Eloise is an Omega, and with her first deployment imminent she has already decided that she won’t submit to full control—not while the law still protects her.

  But they haven’t allocated her to an ordinary Controller, they’ve let the best of them fight for the right. And nothing is going to stop the one who comes out on top from claiming his prize.

  Complete Control: An Alpha and Omega dark science fiction romance

  (The Controllers Book Two)

  There is a war, cities are falling, and prisoners are being taken.

  With her city in ruins, Anna is on the run. Enemy comb the streets and she knows what awaits her if they find her—death if she is lucky, imprisonment if she is not.

  Cornered, and out of hope, she is rescued…by an Alpha.

  She has just been revealed as an Omega.

  Law changes are coming.

  And her new fate might be worse.




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