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The Vampyre's Slave

Page 1

by Marion Webb-De Sisto

  Table of Contents


  Title Page




  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Author Biography

  End Credits


  World of Kurbridor 5

  Marion Webb-De Sisto

  She’s a slave to the vampyre’s needs.

  As a young girl, Elyse has some of her life-force essence taken by Brenwul—a vampyre. He makes her believe what happened was only a dream. Sometime later, he’s cursed by a witch and becomes mean and dark.

  Years later, she’s abducted by Brenwul in order to be his essence slave, which means he can take her essence whenever he chooses. Now she knows he’s not just a dream character from her childhood. Elyse is afraid, but makes friends with one of Brenwul’s helpers. When the vampyre discovers this, jealousy prompts him to punish both of them, and she presumes he’ll drain their life-force essence. Brenwul uses his power to make Elyse want to have sex with him. This happens, and she loves his dominant vampyre nature.

  Will the curse ever be broken? Is Elyse genuinely attracted to Brenwul? And is it possible for a cursed vampyre to also be a hero?

  Reader Advisory: This Paranormal Romance introduces the reader to a cursed hero, someone from his past, and a dose of sexy vampyre punishment.


  World of Kurbridor 5

  Marion Webb-De Sisto




  Worldof Kurbridor 5

  Copyright © May 2016 Marion Webb-De Sisto

  ISBN: 978-1-910899-86-1

  Cover Art by Poppy Designs


  No part of this literary work may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without the written permission of the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is purely coincidental.


  This book is dedicated to the memory of two close friends, Nancy and Carol.


  Elyse trod gently over the grass trying to avoid trampling the daisies that dotted the greenness. She picked a handful of them, and then skipped over to the shade offered by a large aspen tree. After sitting down, she began to create a daisy chain. Grandma would be mad if she knew her charge had slipped away from her, but she was asleep, and Elyse planned to be back before she awoke. They’d come to this stretch of fields and wooded area for a picnic after which Elyse watched her grandmother relax into the folding chair that always accompanied them on trips to the countryside.

  Grandma could be strict at times, yet she’d taken on the responsibility of raising her granddaughter when her own daughter had decided she wanted to take off with the latest boyfriend. That was eight years ago, and in another three months’ time, Elyse would enter her teenage years. She felt excited about growing older, but enjoyed herself at times as a child.

  The chain grew longer as she inserted each new daisy into the slit she’d made in the previous stalk. After measuring it around her neck, Elyse decided it was long enough and carefully knotted the final stalk around the flower head of the first daisy. She placed the white and green necklace on herself and thought about gathering more daisies for a second chain. If her grandmother discovered she’d wandered away, a little gift might lessen her annoyance. Elyse was about to get up when she realized someone was standing in front of her.

  He was tall and well-built even though he wasn’t yet a man. His jeans looked worn, and his boots were scraped. In contrast, his pale green shirt was immaculate and definitely expensive. He wore it unbuttoned as though it were a jacket. She strained to look up at his face in the bright sunlight and discovered a pair of green eyes staring at her. His hair was even more unusual. It was white-blond, long and appeared to be tied back.

  “Hi. You startled me. I didn’t know anyone else was here.”

  For a few moments, he didn’t answer. His stare was even more intense, and Elyse began to feel concerned. She knew her peers weren’t overly friendly, but they tended to ignore rather than frightened her. Yet this youth seemed different.

  Finally, he said, “You’re a redhead. That means people shun you because that color hair is considered unlucky and the bringer of misfortune.”

  “I know, but I don’t think it’s true. I try to do nice things for my schoolmates and other people.” Elyse paused, and then patted the ground beside her. “Do you want to sit down? I’m making daisy chains. You can make one, too. If you don’t know how to join the daisies, I’ll show you.”

  He stooped down and brought his face close to hers. “Do you think I’m here to make daisy chains? Don’t you know what I am?”

  “You’re a boy—sorry, I mean a teenager. If you don’t want to make a chain, that’s fine. I was just trying to be friendly.”

  “You don’t know what I am, and that’s most unwise of you. Right now you should be running away instead of sitting here.”

  Elyse tried to move back from him, but the trunk of the tree prevented her. “Who are you?”

  “I’m Brenwul, and I’m a vampyre.” He sported an evil grin. “What’s your name?”

  “It’s Elyse. Vampyres feed on people’s life-force essence, but you won’t want mine because it’s probably unlucky and wouldn’t feel good.” She hoped that would deter any vampyre cravings he might have.

  Brenwul laughed. “You’ll have to do better than that. I couldn’t care less what humans think about red hair. I’m ready to feed, and you’re the only meal that’s handy.” He grabbed her wrists with one hand and anchored her arms above her head against the tree trunk. His other hand now lay on her chest.

  Elyse tried to struggle as she experienced the sensation of life being drawn from her body. It didn’t hurt, yet felt odd. She opened her mouth to scream, but his hand moved from her chest and covered her mouth.

  “No, no, little one, don’t scream. Your essence is delicious, and I’m going to take all of it.” His eyes pierced into hers, and she sat still. Brenwul released her hands and with two fingers lowered her eyelids. He whispered, “You’re asleep. This is just a dream.”

  As Elyse drifted into sleep, she was vaguely aware of pressure on her chest.

  “Elyse! Elyse! Where are you?”

  Is Grandma in my dream? The heavy sensation on her chest was replaced by someone tapping her face.

  “Wake up, Elyse. You mustn’t wander off and fall asleep. A wild animal might attack you.”

  She opened her eyes, and there was Grandma kneeling beside her. It took a moment or two for Elyse to focus her mind on anything. I fell asleep? Yes, and then I had a horrible dream about a vampyre. Oh, it seemed so real, and I feel odd as though it did happen.

  “Don’t ever go away from me again when we’re on a picnic. Something bad could happen to you.” She stood up and waited for Elyse to do the same. When she didn’t, her grandmother said, “Are you still half asleep? Come on, we need to pack up and go home.”

  “I’m coming, Grandma. I just had a dreadful dream, and I’m feeling weird. I dreamed a vampyre was stealing my life-force essence.”

  “Well, let’s be grateful it was only a dream. Maybe you’re getting sick. Once we’re home, you can lay down for the rest of t
he day.” She helped Elyse stand up, then put her arm around her granddaughter’s waist, and they slowly walked back to where their picnic items were spread out on a cloth on the grass.

  Chapter One

  As the years went by on the world of Kurbridor, and Elyse grew into adulthood, she almost forgot about the dream she’d had while sitting under an aspen tree. It was only when she’d hear about an essence slaves’ gathering taking place that the dream memory would rise up in her mind. It was odd because dreams usually vanished completely, yet she could remember every detail she’d noticed about Brenwul. His eyes, his hair, and even his clothes were imprinted in her memory. But he was only a dream character, he didn’t really exist. Or did he? That question plagued her at times.

  The gatherings happened whenever the local vampyres needed new victims to become their essence slaves. Both young women and men were seized and presented to the vampyres in order for them to make their choices. The humans, who collected the possible slaves, were known as helpers. Yet they never entertained the idea of forcing Elyse into a gathering because everyone knew a redhead brought bad luck. Her life-force essence would most likely triple the adverse effect, so vampyres wouldn’t want to take a chance on consuming the nature of a redhead. This meant she’d never been abducted and taken to a gathering. Her red hair might be a curse to the well-being of others, but she considered it a true blessing for her own health.

  When she was nineteen, Elyse was sent away to a cookery school in a nearby large city because she’d shown a keen interest in the various pickles and sauces her grandmother made. These tasty items were sold each week at the town’s market and Elyse had helped manage the stall, selling the many jars of deliciousness. Over the years, her grandmother saved the cash she’d earned, and it paid for three years of cookery know-how at the school. On graduation, Elyse secured the job of assistant chef at a popular restaurant and saved her earnings in the hope of one day opening her own little food store.

  There were plenty of vampyres living in the big city, but gatherings never took place there. Elyse presumed this was because the lifestyle of many humans and shifters meant they were frequently in the company of vampyres and, therefore, there was always an excess of life-force essence for the taking. The gossip in the restaurant’s kitchen implied that many were curious about nature-taking, and some became addicted to it, particularly when it was accompanied by sex. According to one of the waiters, vampyre love-making was better than human, shifter, or even demon sex.

  Elyse had no idea if his opinion was correct, but she did have a brief relationship with the young man who managed the variety store next to the restaurant. It quickly ended since he felt she was too inexperienced for him. However, she didn’t consider him a loss because he was only interested in his own sexual satisfaction.

  Her life continued on until she received word that her grandmother had died. Elyse was allowed a one-week absence from her job and she hired a transporter to take her from the city to the town where she grew up. Most of her savings went on the price of the burial service, and her grandmother’s home, being the property of a mejin, would soon be rented out again. She only kept her grandmother’s jewelry—a silver ring and bracelet—and the jars of pickles and sauces that were ready for sale. The cash disk machine would also be needed for the sale of the jars, so she took that, too.

  Elyse spent a portion of the remaining cash in her machine on a night’s lodging at a small hotel, and she headed for the marketplace with the jars the following morning. She would sell them on her grandmother’s stall and give any that were left over to the people managing the other stalls. Then she’d return to her life in the city.

  The day passed with some customers and stall owners asking where her grandmother was. When she explained, condolences and kind words were offered. The pickles and sauces sold, and toward the end of the day, there was only one jar remaining. Elyse was anxious to get back to the city, and she was about to give that last sauce to a nearby market seller when a loud commotion attracted her attention. One man was dragging a young woman away from her stall, and an elderly man was trying to pull her out of his grasp.

  “Unhand my daughter! There are plenty of others you can take to the gathering.”

  A second man appeared, and he pushed the father away. The two carried the screaming woman out of Elyse’s line of vision. Then, moments later four individuals that Elyse was sure were vampyres began striding up and down the line of stalls, eyeing the customers and the sellers, but not the wares. They were followed by a group of men who, when someone was pointed out by a vampyre, pulled that person from behind or in front of a stall and dragged them away. No vampyre pointed at Elyse. Her hair color was definitely a deterrent.

  She placed the long narrow cord of her small bag around her neck and positioned her left arm through the strap’s circle. This bag contained her cash disk, comb, and a small compact. Next, she put on her coat and buttoned it as there was a chill in the air. Elyse looked at her grandmother’s cash disc machine. It would also need to be taken into the bank so that whatever remained in it could be transferred to her own machine, which she’d left in her city apartment. Not a problem. She’d do it once she was home.

  As Elyse was about to pick up the machine, she became aware of someone staring at her. She looked up, and a small gasp escaped from her lips. There standing a few feet away from the stall was her dream vampyre. He appeared taller, broader, and older, but it looked like him. His green eyes and white-blond hair are so unusual, it must be him. He twiddled the end of his braided hair that rested over his right shoulder and scowled at her.

  But how can it possibly be him? He doesn’t really exist.

  The vampyre beckoned the two men who stood close by and pointed straight at her. They nodded and rushed to her stall. One jumped over the counter, grabbed Elyse, and lifted her up into the arms of the other man. She tried punching his chest, but his companion was back over the counter and pulled her arms behind her. Now she attempted to kick her assailants, yet to no avail. In the blink of an eye, she was carried away from the marketplace and toward a horse-drawn wagon that had a large cage secured in it. Several men and women were huddled inside. The cage door was opened, and she was pushed through the opening onto a dirty hardwood floor. A number of the helpers stood around the wagon, keeping a close eye on the people they’d abducted.

  There was sufficient room for Elyse, so she sat down and tried to make sense of what had just happened. I’m going to be taken to a gathering and could be chosen as an essence slave by a dream character. This is utter madness. Why did I bother selling the remaining jars? I could have gone straight home and be safe now.

  The wagon didn’t move until a couple more people were thrust into the cage. The door was locked, and one of the helpers hopped onto the front seat while the rest walked away. With a shake of the reins and a call from the driver, the two horses began to pull the wagon forward.

  A young woman sitting next to Elyse smiled and suggested, “Don’t worry. It’s not as bad as it looks. I’ve been taken to a gathering before, and they only choose a few people. I guess my essence wasn’t what they wanted, and I’m sure they won’t want a redhead.”

  “That’s what I’m hoping. I’ve never been in such a scary situation before.”

  “I wouldn’t mind being chosen. The vampyres are handsome, and I’ve heard that having sex with them is mind-blowing. As long as the morose one doesn’t pick me, I’ll be happy.”

  “There’s a morose one?”

  “Yes. He’s actually evil and drains his slaves dry. They say he was cursed by a witch whose essence he attempted to take. That’s why he’s so dark and mean tempered. He doesn’t usually have sex with those he chooses, but takes all of their essence. You’d better pray he doesn’t like redheads.” She grinned and added, “I’m just teasing. I’ve been told he rarely chooses anyone and prefers to roam the town’s streets at night and pounce on a victim. If I hadn’t caught a glimpse of him in the marketplace, I would
n’t be talking about that vile, blond-haired vampyre.”

  The four vampyres Elyse had seen in front of the stalls had dark hair.

  “Is his hair white-blond?”

  “That’s right. You must have seen him, too. It’s a pity, because he’s quite the hunk, but has a cursed nature.” They traveled on in silence until the woman informed, “Oh look, this is where the gatherings take place. I’ll try to stand next to you in the line.”

  The wagon halted on the edge of a small common situated near the outskirts- of the town. At least a dozen helpers were waiting for them, and others were standing guard over a line of people. A man attempted to run from the line, but a helper grabbed him and punched his face. He was forced back into position.

  The cage door was unlocked, and the captives were brought out onto the common. They were made to stand at the end of the existing line, and the young woman was next to Elyse.

  “I’m feeling a little excited. Are you?”

  “No! I hate being here.”

  They had to wait for a couple more wagons to bring other people, and then the vampyres began inspecting them.

  Their possible owners walked along the line, one behind the other, placing a hand on the chest of certain men or women and ignoring the rest. Two different ones tested the young woman’s essence and smiled at her.

  “I think I’m going to be chosen this time.” She wiggled her shoulders and drew in a breath.

  Most of the vampyres walked straight past Elyse and the three, who did pause, looked at her hair and shook their heads. Perhaps I’ll be lucky and not get chosen, but if the one who looks like Brenwul is here, he might pick me. Please don’t let that happen.


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