Alien Romance Box Set: Eblian Mates Complete Series (Books 1 - 3): A Sci-fi Alien Warrior Invasion Abduction Romance

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Alien Romance Box Set: Eblian Mates Complete Series (Books 1 - 3): A Sci-fi Alien Warrior Invasion Abduction Romance Page 2

by Ruth Anne Scott

  A quivering electricity shivered through her body, and her every cell burst into life. Every nerve jangled with pulsating power, and she could barely contain her excitement to get up and rush headlong into her bright new future.

  But she couldn’t get up just yet. The waves of energy didn’t stop, and the surge of pleasure and excitement expanded into her limbs and into every organ. They changed again, and now she understood them for what they were. She tingled with sexual desire, and her innards cried out for fulfillment from somewhere, anywhere. She hungered not for food or drink but for bodily satisfaction, and her desire peaked just short of spontaneous orgasm.

  She had no idea how long she remained in that secret hollow, but the passage of time didn’t torture her the way it did in the holding cell. Every moment sent her into another spiral of ecstasy and release such as she never thought possible on Earth or anywhere else. She could stay in that soft hollow for the rest of her life and never get tired of it.

  Chapter 3

  The rapture came to an end eventually, though, as Natalie knew it would. The downy vapors parted, and she drifted out into the blinking lights of the alien chamber. The air changed, but not the temperature. Pleasant warmth of the bed surrounded her when she drifted up toward the ceiling and then set down on her feet in the exact spot she left.

  The compelling force didn’t hold her still this time. Her body pulsed with renewed energy, and the charge of sexual hunger rippled through her sinews. She moved her body freely and looked around the chamber. The aliens gazed at her with their inscrutable expression.

  “You are welcome here, Earthling Natalie,” the leader said.

  Natalie stared in surprise to hear him talk. His mouth never moved. The sound came from somewhere behind her, but she never doubted that it came from him.

  “You are welcome to the space craft NCQ585,” he went on. ““I am Fo. I am the leader of this space craft, and these two beings are my crew. This is Te and this is Ee.”

  Natalie’s eyes widened. “Those are strange names.”

  “Strange to you,” he replied. “To us, they are normal.”

  Natalie looked around again. “Where are my friends?”

  He waved his hand. “They have been taken to other chambers to complete their preparation. You will not see them again.”

  Natalie swallowed hard. A thousand questions flooded her mind, but before she could respond, he went on. “You must be wondering all about us and why we took you from your home world.”

  “You never talked before,” Natalie said. “How can I understand you now?”

  He inclined his head ever so slightly toward the opening from which she just emerged. “This regeneration bed implanted a translator so we can communicate with you. It also enhanced your cellular matrix to better suit our needs.”

  “Your needs?” Natalie snapped. “What about my needs?”

  “Your needs, too,” he replied. “The regeneration bed made you stronger, more durable, and more responsive.”

  His last words sent a streak of fire through her genitals. More responsive—to what? But she didn’t have to ask that question. She already knew the answer.

  “The regeneration bed provides you with everything your body needs to maintain itself,” the alien went on. “You no longer need to eat food or drink water, and you no longer need to eliminate your body’s wastes. The bed does all that for you. We will return you to the bed every day to maintain your physical well-being.”

  “And what about the rest of the time?” she asked. “You still haven’t explained why you took us from our home world.”

  He didn’t exactly smile, but his expression softened. “We have certain needs which only your species can fulfill. We took you to fulfill those needs.”

  “And what are those needs?” she asked. “I suppose you want to experiment on us and study our species.”

  He shook his head. “No, we won’t experiment on you. We use your species as instruments of pleasure. We cannot receive the same stimulation from other species, so we take you. We have to make certain modifications to your physiology to make you ideally suited to our purposes, but after we do that, we cannot find any other species so well suited. That is why we took you from your home world.”

  “Instruments of pleasure?” Natalie repeated. “Do you mean you use us for sex?”

  “Your species reproduces sexually,” he explained, “and from that, you receive a certain degree of physical pleasure. Our species, and the other species we interact with, function differently. But for your limited understanding of your purpose here, you may find the use of sexual terminology most effective. We operate a service which provides instruments of pleasure to various groups through out this galaxy and beyond. We take specimens of your kind and prepare them to serve our clients in the pleasure arenas. You will do the same thing.”

  Natalie’s head swam. “Are you telling me you took us from Earth to use as sex slaves, or sex toys, or whatever you want to call it?”

  Fo closed his eyes and bowed his head. “Whatever you want to call it.”

  Natalie blinked. The shock started to wear off, that same sizzle of excitement and desire rushed in to take its place. Could it really be so bad? If the regeneration bed made her feel this way, maybe the plans these aliens had for her would be....well, pleasant.

  Fo waved his hand again. “If you are ready, we can begin the rest of your preparation.”

  Natalie hesitated. “And what if I’m not ready? What if I decide I don’t want to be your instrument of pleasure?”

  He raised his device and pointed it at her, but he didn’t push the button. “We can do it the other way if you prefer.”

  Natalie shuddered. So she had no choice after all. As pleasant as it could be, she would never have the freedom to say no. He gestured to the other side of the chamber, and she fell in step next to him. He led her back to the entrance and into the hall of doors, but he didn’t take her back to the holding cell.

  She couldn’t remember now how far down that hall the holding cell was, but they must have gone beyond it. Fo conducted her into another room, and this was a cold steel box with harsh fluorescent light. For the first time since she came out of the regeneration bed, Natalie realized she was still naked. The bed’s energy made her body feel natural and comfortable without clothing.

  But this room chilled her. She wrapped her arms around her to keep warm, and her excitement died. Fo cocked his head at her and punched some buttons on his device. A blast of warm air shot into the room, and goosebumps tickled her skin.

  He left her standing in the middle of the room and pressed a spot on the bare blank wall. A panel flipped over, and a display of lights and controls appeared. He studied the display and operated the controls, and more panels and devices appeared all around the room. Natalie couldn’t keep up with the changes around her, but when he moved away from the control panel, various furniture she didn’t understand stood in every corner of the room and even hung from the ceiling.

  Fo turned to her with a satisfied sigh. “Now we will begin.”

  He fiddled with his handheld device again, and another surge of overpowering passion and desire swept through Natalie’s body. She could have fallen to the floor in the throes of ecstasy, but somehow she remained standing. It wasn’t the device’s strange force holding her up, either. She stared at Fo in a tumult of emotion. Raging desire, stunned surprise, and confusion fought for domination of her mind. Should she be stricken with terror that he did this to her against her will, or should she throw herself into this pleasure with all the ravenous hunger of her tingling body?

  Before she could answer, Te and Ee approached her on either side and took her by both hands. They led her to a low bench and spread her arms out at her sides. Natalie stared straight in front of her. She couldn’t resist the overwhelming urge to give herself over to this experience, to ride the waves of passion and elation to their inevitable conclusion.

  Why should she care what they did to her?
No one on Earth would ever find out. She would dissolve in a puddle of orgasm and let them use her body as they wished. She no longer felt the cold. She no longer felt the horror of being a sex object on an alien space craft. Nothing mattered but the thrill of sexual gratification.

  Te and Ee stepped back and let go of her arms, but she understood to keep them outstretched, away from her body. Out of nowhere, a metallic strap wrapped itself around her thighs and belly, leaving her buttocks and genitals exposed. It sucked against her skin like a magnet, but she didn’t have time to wonder how it worked. Another strapped itself around her rib cage and up between her breasts, but it left her breasts swaying free in the air.

  With the straps in place, Te and Ee took her hands again and bent her over the bench. Her breasts touched the solid surface, and another tidal wave of energy burst through her loins. She couldn’t contain all this power. Her body would explode at any second.

  A low groan rumbled out of her throat. Was that her voice making that feral noise? She didn’t know she could express such primal, carnal passion. And once it started, it didn’t stop, but escalated into a full, guttural howl of hunger and longing. Te and Ee stepped back, but Natalie didn’t move. She remained glued to that bench, bent over for the world to see.

  Fo came up behind her, and she looked back over her shoulder at him. His eyes flashed, and his mouth opened. For the first time, she saw teeth inside his mouth, exposed in a wolfish snarl. “What do you want? Say what you want.”

  Natalie couldn’t hold herself back. She moaned and whined. “Give it to me. You know what I want. Give it to me now before I die.”

  He stood back. “I will do nothing until you tell me what you want. This is what you must learn to be of any use to us or our clients. You may lie there in agony until you die. Nothing will happen until you learn to say what you want.”

  “But you know what I want,” Natalie howled. “Don’t torture me any more. Give it to me now.”

  He took another step toward her, but he didn’t touch her. With one motion, he swept his robe aside and she saw his body underneath. He looked like a muscular humanoid, flat white skin stretched over his limbs underneath the robe, and no nipples stuck out on his chest. And instead of a regular penis between his legs, there were three long extensions coming out his body. Three cocks slithered and danced in the air toward Natalie’s raised backside.

  “Is this what you want?” he hissed.

  She had no idea what those things would do to her. Maybe they would electrocute her like an eel. Maybe they would split her in half and kill her. She didn’t care. She had to have it. She had to have something to satisfy this maddening desire for release. “Yes!” she screamed. “I want it. Give it to me now. I can’t stand it anymore.”

  “Say it,” he commanded. “Say you want it.”

  “Fuck me!” she shrieked. “Fuck me hard. I want it hard. Stick it in and fuck me!”

  He took the last step toward her and his body came in contact with her buttocks. She would collapse in agony if he waited another minute. His body crushed her against the bench, and Te and Ee held her down with firm hands so she couldn’t thrash herself free from his weight.

  In a flash, the three tentacles slithered into her. One burrowed into her smoking vagina, and she gasped at the size of it. It must adjust its size to fit the opening. She never imagined it could expand to such a thickness. It split her in half and rocketed her into orbit. The second tentacle formed a sharp barb and dove into her anus, and the third sucked against her clitoris.

  Natalie froze in shock, but she didn’t have time to collect her wits before Fo slammed his body against her hips. He slammed her against the bench in a steady rhythm. The thick rod jabbing into her guts burned the inner walls of her cunt, but the pencil stuck in her ass remained perfectly still.

  The mouth sucking at her clitoris vibrated in unison with her nervous energy, and another hidden tongue touched her quivering flesh. Natalie bucked against the bench and back into Fo, but she couldn’t really move with three people holding her down. They weren’t really even people, though, were they? They were alien, something unknown to her, and yet she couldn’t resist their dominant handling.

  “Is this what you want?” Fo pounded her ass harder and deeper. “Can you feel that? Is that what you want?”

  Natalie screamed in ecstasy. “Yes! Yes! Give it to me! Oh, God, fuck me hard. God, I want it hard. Give me your hard cock. I want it! God, yes!”

  She panted for breath between thrusts, and with every blow, she wound higher and higher into space. In another moment, she would leave the stratosphere and explode into the ether.

  “Oh, you’re a bad girl, aren’t you?” Fo growled. “You like it bad, don’t you? You like to bend over and take it hard, don’t you? Say you do.”

  “I’m so bad,” she shrieked. “I can’t stand it. Punish me. Spank me! Spank me! I’m a bad girl and I need to be punished.”

  He complied, and his hand came down flat on her jiggling butt cheek. “Bad girl! You bad girl! I’ll punish you for this.”

  At the same time, his rigid member drove deep into her depths, and his hips slapped against her ass. Natalie yelped louder and louder with every slap. She’d never begged for anything in her life, especially not a spanking. What was she doing, humiliating herself like this? But she never wanted anything so much. She wanted him to take her, to use her, to drive her to the point of insanity with his alien body. She would have alien orgasms with his weird adjustable cocks.

  All at once, she separated from the scene and rose on the crest of a massive wave. It carried her out of the room into a nebulous void of sheer physical bliss. She no longer felt the parts of Fo’s body sticking into her. She no longer saw or heard or noticed anything. Fo’s driving cock pushed her out of the gravitational envelope of reality, and she burst apart into a blazing shower of twinkling lights.

  Chapter 4

  Natalie woke up in the regeneration bed, and the same delicious pleasure washed her body clean. The memory of her session with Fo left her with content and satisfied. Her old self, the self she left behind on Earth, would have been revolted and despondent that she bent over and opened her body to some alien sex probe.

  But she wasn’t revolted or despondent. She was fulfilled and happy. She never orgasmed like that before. She never even considered begging some man to butt fuck her and spank her and call her a bad girl. If any human man ever told her to beg for what she wanted, she would have walked away and never looked back.

  But she wanted it. She wanted it more than food or sleep or even air to breathe. She couldn’t live without it. When would these aliens take her out of her regeneration bed and give it to her again? When would they stick their body parts into her aching holes again and drive her out of her mind with ecstasy? She couldn’t wait to try it again and again and again.

  In the safety of her regeneration bed, she relived the moment when she looked over her shoulder and locked her eyes on Fo’s snarling face. Did he want her the same way she wanted him? Did he desire her at all, or was she just an instrument to him? Was he just doing his job to prepare her for the other aliens to whom he would pass her on?

  Even the memory of his fixed gaze sent a fresh tingle through her body. She wanted him. She wanted to bend over and shove her quivering flesh onto his intoxicating members. Would his clients be like him? Would they excite her and fulfill her desires the same way he did?

  Not even the thought of her friends could dampen her pleasure. No doubt even Amber would enjoy her experience here once she felt the same excitement and pleasure Natalie did. Who wouldn’t enjoy it? The whole ship was designed to maximize her pleasure and leave her open and ready to receive the creatures who wanted to use her.

  Let them use her! Let them stick her and fuck her and spank her. Let them hammer her into oblivion, as long as she got off in the end. Let her body give them the pleasure they wanted, as long as she got the pleasure she wanted in return. The regeneration bed couldn’t give h
er that satisfaction. It could only whet her appetite and leave her panting for more. Only their alien cocks could give her that.

  In the end, she grew accustomed to a high level of sexual excitement. She spent long hours in the regeneration bed, waiting and dreaming and longing for her next session. The waiting became almost as delicious as the fulfillment itself.

  When they took her out and stood her on her feet in the vaporous chamber, she sighed and took a deep breath. Coming out of the bed meant the beginning of another session of bliss and orgasm. She went willingly to the metal room where her education continued.

  She waited in the middle of the room for Fo to bring out the furniture. What would it be today, the bench again, or the stirrups hanging from the ceiling? Which one of these aliens would take her? Would it be the dominating Fo, or Te?

  Te could hold himself back for hours, driving Natalie into new heights of orgasmic rapture. He enjoyed hearing her describe exactly what she wanted him to do to her, and he kept his body covered until the very last possible moment. He found new uses for the devices in the room. He inserted strange objects into her orifices. He made her lick dripping syrup off a polished wooden rod so he could watch her do what he ordered her to do. He took his pleasure from making her moan and writhe in a ferment of desire before he finished her off.

  But today, it was Ee who approached her in the middle of the room while Fo and Te hung back. Natalie caught her breath at the sight of Ee. He towered over her and stared into her eyes. He opened his mouth to speak, but at that moment, a deafening alarm shattered the stillness. Ee spun around, and Fo rushed to the panel on the wall.

  “What’s going on?” Natalie cried.

  Fo pushed buttons, and the others raced out of the room. “Surveyors.”

  Maybe Natalie didn’t hear him right. “What?”


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