Alien Romance Box Set: Eblian Mates Complete Series (Books 1 - 3): A Sci-fi Alien Warrior Invasion Abduction Romance

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Alien Romance Box Set: Eblian Mates Complete Series (Books 1 - 3): A Sci-fi Alien Warrior Invasion Abduction Romance Page 3

by Ruth Anne Scott

To her surprise, he didn’t grab his controller device. He lunged at her and grabbed her by the back of the neck and shoved her out of the room. “Get back to the regeneration chamber. We have to hide you before they find us.”

  Natalie cried out, but he didn’t stop. He pushed her down the hall. “What’s going on? I don’t understand....”

  He gave her one last shove into the chamber before he stopped and faced her. “You don’t understand. We took you from Earth to train you and display you in the pleasure arenas. But your species is highly contraband. You aren’t technologically advanced enough, and Galactic regulations restrict contact with your species. If they find us with you......”

  “Who?” she asked. “If who finds you?”

  “The Surveyors,” he replied. “They search the galaxy for illegal species. If they find you or your friends, they’ll....”

  Natalie broke free from his grip and rounded on him. “So my friends are still on this ship. Tell me where they are. Why won’t you let me see them?”

  He didn’t answer. He caught hold of her and pushed her toward her regeneration bed. “I told you before. You won’t see them again. Now get in and don’t cause any trouble, or we’ll have to dump you.”

  “Dump me!” Natalie gasped. “You mean....?”

  He nodded. “We can’t get caught with you. If you do anything to attract the Surveyors’ attention, we’ll dump you into space and fly away.”

  She froze, and in that moment, he activated his handheld device. She floated into the air and into her regeneration bed. The blissful bed pulled her down into fantasy and rest. She didn’t even think about the Surveyors until the vapors parted and she emerged from the regeneration envelope.

  How long had she been gone this time? Her feet touched the ground, but when she looked around, she found she wasn’t in the chamber anymore. High walls of glistening marble and the refracting prisms of a million tiny shards of mirrored glass surrounded her. Even the floor shimmered, and she gazed down into a depth of rainbow light below her feet.

  The three aliens stood in a row nearby. They watched her with the same inquisitive expression. “Where are we?”

  Fo stepped forward. “We’re in the reception hall of an interplanetary gathering hall. Representatives of every species in the galaxy meet here for recreation and spectacle. You will attend and entertain them.”

  Natalie stiffened. “Entertain them? How?”

  “The way we’ve been preparing you to do,” he replied. “Your preparation is complete, and you’ve proved yourself a very valuable asset. You will entertain the guests, and I will receive a handsome reward for bringing in such a rare and captivating prize. None of the others have a prize of your species, and certainly none as well trained and responsive as you are. You have surpassed all our expectations. The others will be furious with envy.”

  Natalie’s head shot up. “So you’ll provide entertainment by using me in front of them. I understand perfectly.”

  “Not just me,” he corrected her. “The others will pay incredible prices to enjoy you as well.”

  “The....others?” she croaked.

  “Of course,” he replied. “That’s what you’re here for. We make our living offering you to the highest bidder. Whoever will pay can enjoy you the same way we do. You understood that already, so don’t act surprised now.”

  “I understood about you and your crew using me,” she replied. “I didn’t know you would sell me to others. How do you know they won’t harm me, or kill me?”

  “They won’t,” he told her. “These events follow the same pattern as your preparation sessions. That’s why we run the sessions the way we do, to prepare you for these events.”

  “Yeah, but I thought...” she began.

  Fo cut her off with a wave of his hand. “You are here to entertain the company. That is all you need to know.”

  Natalie opened her mouth to say something, but the expression on her face changed her mind. “What happened to the Surveyors?”

  He cocked his head to one side. “We got away from them, and they don’t know about this place. We’re perfectly safe.”

  Fo waved his hand toward one side of the room, and she knew enough by now to follow him. He didn’t need his controller anymore. A wall slid aside for them, and Natalie stepped into an even more massive hall. The ceiling stretched away out of sight overhead, and crowds of people lined the walls.

  On closer examination, however, she noticed they weren’t people. None of them looked like Fo and his crew. Some were short, waddling creatures like something out of a wax museum back on Earth. Others resembled giant squid with multiple limbs whipping around their heads. Slanted eyes stared out at her, and the mutter of conversation murmured through the room.

  Fo led Natalie through the crowd. The company parted to let them pass, and the conversation died. On the opposite side of the room, Fo stopped next to a set of steps leading up onto a marble platform. He gestured toward it to indicate that she should ascend, and he followed her up.

  She gazed out at the crowd. From up here, she could pretend they were human. Would they feel the same stimulating desire at seeing her titillated and penetrated? Would she excite them with her submission? Something caught her attention from behind and she glanced over her shoulder. Fo stood behind her. How well she understood that expression on his face. She became acutely aware of her own nakedness.

  Did these aliens see her as a biological curiosity? Did they find her beautiful or sexy at all, or was this some kind of scientific symposium where they could study the human sexual response?

  Out of nowhere, the magnetic straps locked around her thighs and chest, and the lips of her vagina unfurled with wet abandon. Her mouth pouted open, and her nostrils flared. Fo stood right behind her. She recognized the grating noise of his breath. He would be on her in a moment. Her blood sang in her veins, and her pulse throbbed in her head and between her legs.

  God, how she ached for it! What was she doing wasting her life on Earth, when she could be experiencing this kind of pleasure? Why did she hold herself back from men who wanted her? She should have thrown herself at them and spiked herself on their throbbing cocks whenever she had the chance. She wouldn’t make that mistake again.

  And here she was, in front of a crowd of aliens who would watch her cream all over Fo’s smoking gun. She never would have learned this lesson if she had a choice. It took Fo and his crew taking her prisoner and modifying her in their regeneration bed to realize she wanted it all along. She wanted it bad and she wanted it hard.

  He didn’t take her right there and then, though she would have begged him to do it if he told her to. She would grovel at his feet and lick his boots if he told her to. He hooked one hand under her thigh and pulled it out and away from her body so her dripping slit opened to the crowd.

  Silence hung over the hall. Natalie’s panting changed to soft mews of agonizing desire. When would he fill her up with his being and end this long burning hunger? He didn’t hurry, though. He slipped his hand down between her legs and up around her vulva from behind. He displayed her labia with his fingers and twanged her clitoris. Her mews turned to squeaks, and finally to a continuous whine of torturous desire. He knew how to string her along. Their sessions on board the ship taught him as much as they did her. He knew how to handle her to get the effect he wanted.

  Something touched her from behind, and he spread her vaginal lips wide. In front of the whole company, he drove a metal bullet deep into her gaping cavern. Natalie cried out in surprise, but Fo didn’t pay any attention. He went back to flicking at her clitoris with his finger. Now, with that object inside her, every touch sent a quiver of excitement through her.

  Dozens of eyes burrowed into her from the audience. From the far back corner, a growl echoed above the heads. Another voice answered it, and before Natalie knew what was happening, dozens of voices called out from the crowd. “Bend her over, Captain.”

  “She’s a beauty, isn’t she? I wouldn’t mind a
lick of that one.”

  “She’s an Earthling. Just wait until she starts screaming. There’s nothing better than that.”

  “I had one once. It was like juicy candy. I’ve never seen one since. They’re the rarest species in the galaxy.”

  “Just don’t get caught with one. The penalty is life in the silica mines.”

  “Don’t hold back, Captain. Give her the full treatment.”

  “What’s he doing playing with it? We came here to see some real hardcore, not this cocktail party stuff.”

  Fo ignored the taunts and comments, but Natalie couldn’t escape the scrutiny. Every being in this hall watched Fo drive her to the limit of her sexual endurance. They wanted to see him use her and dominate her and make her scream. Just the thought of them watching her submit to him gave her an unexpected thrill. She could give them the same thrill back by spinning out of control. She could show them what a real human sexual release looked like.

  Fo stopped playing with her clitoris and took her by the elbow. She stumbled after him with the bullet still inside her. He guided her to a table on the other end of the platform and pushed her down on it. She laid her bare breasts against its icy surface and stuck her bare butt into the air.

  He sighed with satisfaction at the sight of it. His voice boomed over the crowd. “You see? This Earthling specimen has received the necessary education to satisfy the most particular desires. You see how she turns up her opening to receive her treatment? She knows what to expect and she enjoys it. Watch.”

  He turned to her. “Tell the distinguished guests what you’d like them to do to you.”

  Natalie panted, and her chest heaved against the table. “I live to serve you, Master.”

  Fo delivered a sharp slap to her trembling ass. “Not me! Address them. Tell them what you’d like them to do to you.”

  Natalie gazed out at the crowd.

  “Beg for it, slave,” someone hooted. “You know you want it.”

  Natalie tried to close her eyes against the inevitable, but her own desire betrayed her. Her mouth fell open, and she almost devoured the table.

  Fo pursed his lips, and his hand fell again. The smack rang off the far wall and echoed back. Natalie couldn’t stand it any longer. She screamed in excitement. “Oh, God!”

  “Watch this, distinguished guests. She likes it every way she can get it.” Fo pulled another object from inside his robe. He nudged the object into her ass, and Natalie groaned out loud. How long would she have to lie there before he gave her what she really wanted? How long would he tease her before he brought her to her longed-for fulfillment?

  He put his fingers between her legs again and dabbled with her clitoris. Natalie closed her eyes and arched her back. The first trickle of orgasm already lapped at her being. In another moment, she would soar away from here into the heavens. Then what? Would another guest take over where Fo left off? What lay in store for her in this hall of curiosities?

  Fo took a step toward her, and Natalie recognized the movement of his arm before he flung his robe aside. She breathed a sigh of relief. Her end was near. But before he could open his robe, a figure launched himself out of the audience and vaulted onto the platform. He pushed Fo aside and threw himself on top of Natalie. He clamped his fist around her neck and held her down on the table.

  She cried out, but she couldn’t extricate herself from him in time. Fo staggered backwards, but when he caught his footing, he stood back and let the stranger do what he wanted. With lightning speed, the stranger pulled the plug out of Natalie’s cunt and drove some part of his body into the gaping hole. Natalie screamed again, but she didn’t have time to recover. The stranger beat against her ass with his body, driving his massive appendage deep into her guts. She twisted and struggled, but his size alone brought her to a quick climax.

  Every stroke of his piston landed hard on the bullet buried deep inside her ass, and his rhythmic strokes knocked her clitoris against the table. Before she knew what was happening, she closed her eyes and spurted hot juice along his ramrod shaft. At the same moment, the stranger let loose a jet of scorching fire into her body. She laid her cheek on the table and let herself drift away into a sea of orgasmic dreams.

  Chapter 5

  The stranger disappeared out of Natalie’s awareness, and Fo stepped forward again. He caught her by the arm and stood her up in front of the crowd. “You see how tasty and responsive she is. Who’ll be the first to bid on her? Do I hear five hundred? Yes, five hundred to the Corellian over there. Do I hear eight hundred? Eight hundred it is to the Syllic in the back. What about a thousand? A thousand to the Eqel right here in front. How about two thousand? Two thousand for a chance to experience this detectible Earthling female. Two thousand over there. Who’ll bid three thousand? You can do whatever you want with her and she’ll love it. Three thousand for a once in a lifetime opportunity.”

  On and on it went. Natalie teetered on her feet. The stranger who pushed Fo out of the way was a lot bigger than Fo and his crew, and her vagina ached from the pounding he gave her. Could she take another? Who would win the bidding and take her next? She did her best to pull herself together. If she collapsed or failed, who knew what Fo would do with her. He might abandon her to someone else. At least she knew what to expect from him. At least he put her into the regeneration bed after every session to heal and rest before he took her again. The next alien who came along might not be so accommodating.

  The bidding kept rising until the hall erupted in shouts and tussles. Natalie lost track of the price the aliens offered for a chance to take her, but at last, Fo pointed across the hall and called, “Eighty thousand to the Trunklian with the golden mane.”

  A giant shouldered his way through the crowd and dropped a heavy bag into Fo’s outstretched hand. Fo didn’t even smile. He never did. But Natalie couldn’t fail to recognize the satisfaction in his eyes. He stepped off the platform and left Natalie alone with the winning bidder.

  A shaggy mane of yellow hair surrounding his flat face. His shoulders burst out of his uniform, and great meathooks of hands hung from his arms. Natalie caught her breath at the sight of him. Surely she couldn’t accommodate whatever organ of intercourse he possessed. Her body would be ruined, and with the prices Fo was getting for her, this gathering would likely go on and on for a long time until everyone who wanted a turn with her got one.

  The Trunklian scanned her with his eyes, and he growled under his breath. The deep rumble vibrated into her bones, and her thighs groaned apart. What was he doing to her with that sound? It had the same effect on her body Fo’s device did. It dialed her nervous system to a pitch of passion and desire so she couldn’t stop herself from responding.

  He circled her, and Natalie closed her eyes and fought to breath. He circled closer around the back of her and his hot breath fanned the back of her neck. Her chest rose and fell, and her breasts swayed with the effort of breathing. He circled back around in front of her and fixed her with his golden eyes. Natalie hardly dared return his gaze, but something uncanny held her in his sway.

  All of a sudden, he dropped to his knees in front of her and buried his face between her legs. His rough tongue slipped between her shivering thighs and sought out the hot wet slit within. Natalie’s knees sagged, but he caught her around her thighs, and his powerful arms held her up. He pried her thighs apart, and his tongue lapped the juice dripping out of her burning hole.

  Hoots and screams echoed from the audience. In the distance, Natalie heard Fo shouting back at them. Someone came up onto the platform from the audience and passed something to Fo. Then another came up behind her and seized her with an iron grip. The Trunklian held onto her legs, but Natalie couldn’t stop the person behind her from tipping her forward. A mighty piston of hot flesh plowed between her butt cheeks and forced its way into her dark crypt.

  Another set of hands seized her breasts, and a mouth clamped around her nipple. She moaned in agony and shoved her breast into that devouring maw. Strong fingers
pinched her other nipple, and something she couldn’t recognize entered her mouth. She closed her eyes and lost herself in a sea of bodies. They consumed her and filled her and emptied themselves into her and made her scream in passionate ecstasy. She couldn’t keep track of how many took her or even what they did to her. She vanished into them and let them have her.

  She orgasmed again and again until she couldn’t tell which part of her body achieved the orgasm. She no longer receded into a sensual resting period between orgasms. She simply remained in a constant state of peak physical pleasure. How long the gathering lasted, or how many people Fo sold her to, she never knew.

  She woke up once again in her regeneration bed. Was it the same bed on board Fo’s ship? Or was there another bed at the gathering hall? When did she lose consciousness?

  In the peace and stillness of the bed, an image emerged in her mind of her life back on Earth. Her parents would be worrying about where she was. Maybe they and her friends’ families would search for them. They would grieve and fear the worst. They would never know the truth and would never believe it if they found out.

  Where were her friends? Were they being dragged to these gatherings and sold to the highest bidder, too? How long would she stay with Fo and his crew before they decided to sell her for good? How long could she perform at these events before her body gave out? Maybe the regeneration bed reversed aging, too, and she would continue this way forever.

  One gathering, one event, one party blended into the next until she couldn’t tell one from the next. Each one passed the same way, with Fo or one of his crew showing off with Natalie before they opened the bidding to the audience. They always got a lot of bids, high ones, too. They must have been raking it in.

  Fo dropped hints about her friends still being on the ship, but she never saw them again. Maybe he lied to keep her passive. She never questioned him anyway. She was enjoying herself too much. Every event brought her to new heights of pleasure and adventure. Every alien who paid for a chance to experiment with her brought some new anatomical peculiarity to enhance her enjoyment. Even these aliens watching Fo and his friends use her, then auction her off to others, sparked her excitement so she couldn’t wait for the next alien to take her.


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