Book Read Free

Clearing the Web

Page 22

by Cary J Lenehan

  “Can you also let’em know t’at t’ey be grandparents now an’t’at Aneurin is doing well an’ll grow up wealthy. I wrote note for t’em, but you, bein’ a priest an a adding some words to t’at will make it more real for t’em.” I was hoping he would do that.

  Our Princess flies us high over the forests. It is odd seeing from above the hamlets along the roads to Erave Town and Kharlsbane and come down out of the east to Evilhalt in the early afternoon. Stefan told us to bring the carpet to the gatehouse and seek permission to enter, rather than just land in the town.

  It is a wise precaution, as we were seen approaching some time before, and the town is already getting into a state of defence. Seeing that we are all armed, we might not have been given a chance to explain ourselves if we had just disembarked into the centre of town.

  “Just like home,” said Bianca. We move, at horseback height, into the town. “You have to talk to the gate before going in and then fly low. We might as well have walked across, but at least this way we do not get wet feet.”

  I really do want to see Father Anastasias, but Theodora has insisted that our first call should be on the Baron, Siglevi the Short. “We are not just wanderers now. I am a Princess, well I was a Princess before, but you know what I mean and, and, even when we came here first most of us saw the Baron almost as soon as we arrived.”

  It is just as well we came straight here through the gawkers in the streets. By the time the gates are closed behind us and the next set opened, and we get to his office, the Father is already with the Baron, waiting with Gregory of Brickshield. Stefan mentioned him, he is the militia commander.

  I guess that it is up to me to do the introductions…but where do I start? There is so much to explain. Eventually, it was sorted out and the rulers of two villages were introduced. From the expression on Theodora’s face, I think that she was expecting a little more formality in this. I suppose that, if I am going to keep doing this sort of thing, I should find out how it works. How do I do that?

  “So, you t’ink t’at t’ese bandits were not just band of rogues, but had someone a behind them?” asked Siglevi.

  “Oh, we don’t just think that, we know it,” replied Theodora. “What we don’t know is how large a network is behind them, and what they intended to do in the long term. Father Christopher would like to see if they have one of their communication figures here. Mind you, even if he doesn’t find one, it doesn’t mean that they have no-one here. I believe that you will need to be vigilant on seeing if your priests, any of your priests of any religion at all, get a feel of evil off anyone, even from off people that you know well.”

  “And just who put you in charge of all this?” asked Siglevi. “What gives you the right to give orders to me? We are not in Darkreach.”

  “Nor is Mousehole,” replied Theodora. “I don’t speak for Darkreach and no longer regard myself as a part of it. We have not even talked with them about it. I speak only for my village and am not trying to give you orders. I am sorry if I sounded that way. We tend to get wrapped up in this problem and focus on it; it is often all we think about.

  “If you want to know more about the bandits, feel free to ask Tabitha or Danelis. They lived as slaves under the bandits for many years. They can tell you how the village was visited by people from all over the Land, and what was done to the women there. I am just giving a suggestion.”

  I can see now when she thinks of something. Her eyes get a glint. “After all, I am sure that you would hate to find your trade disrupted by them again. They have done it once. Maybe they can find a way to do it again.” That comment obviously struck home from the looks that are being exchanged among those from Evilhalt.

  Father Anastasias agrees we need to search. I thought he would. It is partly his responsibility that we went out as we did. We will not be with the others tonight. He is taking Bianca and I home, while the rest go to The Slain Enemy. Bianca wants to join them there while I talk with Father Anastasias. We don’t have a bathhouse built at Mousehole yet and, for a girl who had not really washed all over until she had come here; she has told me that she misses the experience. I will look after the children…once we have seen Stefan’s parents.

  At least they are relieved to find out that he is alive and well and more than a little surprised to discover that he now has a child. It is a pity that I have to tactfully skirt around the question of marriage. I need to work on that when we get back home.


  That night those at the inn had to field requests to perform at the tavern, but this time it was largely left to Danelis and Tabitha to play music. Neither of them can do more, and although they do play with flute, recorder and shawm, it is not up to what we used to do. Theodora won’t do anything, so I should sing a few songs before going back to my husband. I guess that we are, to all intents and purposes, just re-visiting the area and we certainly do not need the money.

  At least the notion of a valley full of beautiful women is starting to get around. It wasn’t hard to point out the women to Stefan’s friends, who still remember me and, apparently, my husband and their priest had a very public discussion, or so I was told. No-one needs to get up and announce it, but after all, aren’t two of the women just here playing? One is even like the Cat that was here a year before, but with different hair and without the teeth that alarmed so many of the local men.


  35th Quinque

  In the morning Christopher, with permission of the Baron, used the Church to test his detection miracle. At least we can find no evidence of the Masters within Evilhalt. Now we get to go around all the hamlets. Of course, my husband does services as we go, but their own priests come around fairly regularly this close to town, so it is left to me to give an excuse to visit by asking about eligible males that are free in the area while the two unmarried women stay coyly in the background.


  10th September

  After two weeks, the area has been searched. There are still more small hamlets springing up on the roads north, but thankfully Theodora has decided they are too far from the town for anyone there to be useful in spying out what goes on now, and too new to have been useful beforehand.

  It was also realised that a diagram could even be hidden in the forests somewhere, but, from what they had been told, all of them were in towns or villages, so they were hoping it would stay that way.


  At least, since I started being a mage, I understand now why you often have to wait for people to recover. I used to just get impatient. Now our Christian priest is ready, we can leave the khanatai gazar, walled places, of Tulaan golyn nevtrekh, Evilhalt. It is a nice early start.

  Now to find where my family should be after the Festival of the Dragon. As they travelled west, well above bowshot, they saw many scattered groups of Khitan,

  None are mine. That is where my sister was ambushed, even if she cannot recognise it, and there is where we met. At least she says she recognises this one from the way the trees go up the valley and the ovoo on the hill above. We should think about an ovoo in our valley when we get back.

  Towards the middle of the afternoon, a group came into view that was a little larger than most of the others they had seen. Moving towards a rise with another ovoo, which had the start of a small creek springing from beneath it, a clump of over fifty wagons were at the centre of spreading herds of cattle, sheep and goats. Two of the wagons had ger, or circular tents, set up on them, their bases much larger than the wagons beneath and each drawn by many oxen.

  This is the group we seek. Even my sister’s husband is able to see the Üstei akh düü, the fur siblings, that bound about, even if he cannot tell them from the ones that attacked him and Astrid. He does need to get out into the wild more.

  Our descent is causing some sensation among the tribe as we come down some distance ahead of the first rider on a knoll on the route.
It is important that we make no attempt to conceal our landing. Already an ergüül of scouts is moving in our direction.

  As they approached Hulagu waited before shouting with joy when they came close enough. I certainly know their ras-khan at least. He leapt forward. “Kũrsũl, my cousin.”

  He has put his bow back into its quiver and leapt out of his saddle with the horse still moving…show off. “We thought that you were dead. We would have held your rites within a month. Now you are back here. Have you traded your horse for a carpet? Why do you travel with those of the khanatai gazar? Have you left the tents behind?”

  “Stop, please, you have too many questions. What is more, they are ones that I should answer before my parents and my hetman, Ordu, before I can tell the one who runs their errands. I will tell all tonight. I have news, important news, is all I will say.”

  “Can you find out if Ordu wishes us to meet him now, or if we should fly on to the campsite? I speak for all here to behave.” Kũrsũl nodded and remounted. His horse had been caught by Bianca. As he mounts, he is looking curiously at my sister, dressed like a maikhand emegai with two babies in slings, as we carry our children, but who openly wears an ornate crucifix around her neck.

  He gives me a glance, and rides off quickly, while the other scouts moved past us and ahead into the plains. Hulagu kept his grin inside himself. I know what you are thinking. and you are wrong.

  It was not long before Kũrsũl was back. “Follow me. Ordu will see you in his tent now with our grandfather. The city ones can follow on their carpet while you talk.” Hulagu nodded and explained what was about to happen. “Bianca, you will come with me to see the hetman.” Christopher looks alarmed. “Do not worry. She will be safe. We have accepted her as a part of our little tribe at Mousehole, but I need to have her, and her children, accepted here as well.”

  They were led back through the tuman. So many curious looks as we pass between them. Hulagu had Theodora keep the carpet to the same height as the people on horses. “My sister, when we go in, please remember not to touch or tread on the doorsill of the tent. Do not even touch the frame of the door. I have told you this before, but never forget it.”

  We are at the su-khan’s ger and the Üstei akh düü surround us and I see so many people that I know. I have missed my family.

  Hulagu directed Theodora to come alongside a ladder leading up to the doorway. He stepped across to the ladder and climbed up to a small platform before stepping into the tent. He then signalled Bianca to do the same, before pointing Theodora to where she should keep the carpet. Now she has to control herself and stay just there.


  I go into a dark and jolting tent. Apart from the feeling of movement, looking inside it is hard to believe that this is on a wagon, but my feet and balance tell me that this is the case. I nearly lost my balance onto the frame but managed to recover. It is an insult to touch it, one so severe that I would be killed.

  Entering the gloom, she looked around. I see several people. One man is seated on a saddle and another sits on a cushion beside him. He looks like a far older Hulagu. The walls are hidden behind carpets and tapestries and light comes only from a dimly glowing image of the sun hanging from the top of the structure. It gives a light like a grey day, comfortable on the eyes, but bright enough to let you see everything, now my eyes are adjusting after the brightness outside.

  The seated people, male and female, are all older. They are the seniors of the group. They all wear weapons but, if I remember my lessons, their embroidered jackets and headpieces show that they are not in a martial frame.

  Hulagu is approaching the seated people. “I greet you Ordu, and say that I have finished my wanderjahr, and am now a full member of the tribes. I greet you grandfather, and bring you news of my quest.” He is waving at me. “This is Bianca of the Horse. She was born a Latin. I speak for her deeds and she may be spoken to. Those of the tents where I now live have accepted her among us, and she has walked the fires. Her husband is outside on the carpet, but he is not one of us. Their children will be raised in the way of the plains.”

  The two men are looking at me with curiosity. “You speak of her husband,” asked Ordu, the one on the saddle, “are the children yours or his?”

  “They are his. I do now have children, but they are with my köle. That is one of the matters I need to speak to you about. Now, however, I need to know if you will accept Bianca on my word.”

  “Is this woman fit to be one of the tribes?” asked the other. He must be Nokaj, Hulagu’s grandfather and shamen of the tuman. “Why do you name her to be of the Horse? There is no clan of the Horse now. There once was such a clan, but it died in the great battle at the start of this age. Do you claim her to be from that time? What is more, she is a Latin, not of the tents at all.”

  “Grandfather, it is a long story and you had a major part in it. With your permission, we will tell it to you.”

  Ordu indicated for them to sit and Hulagu began the tale.

  “So,” Nokaj addressed Bianca, “my grandson has adopted you as his sister.”

  “Yes, grandfather.”

  “It is your desire to be accepted into the tents?” he continued.

  “Yes, grandfather.”

  “Do your köle accept her as your sister then?” he asked Hulagu.

  “They do, they teach her the ways of the women, and they teach her the dances of the tribes,” he replied. “We all teach her the customs and the histories and the stories. She was also accepted as such by the Pack-hunters on our journey east,” he added.

  “It is too late then to do the tests of adulthood here. They must be done when she returns to your valley with its secret grazing,” said Nokaj. “For us, there will be one judgement. We will see how the Üstei akh düü react to her and her children.” Ordu nodded,

  Bianca had a twinge of doubt then. What if the great beasts did not accept us? Would my children be safe? Nokaj and Ordu and all of the others are looking closely at me. I must show nothing. “So, let it be.” She rose and turned on her heel and headed out of the door. This time I time my transit of the door better so that I cannot be thrown against the frame.


  It seems to be forever that Hulagu and Bianca are inside the tent-on-wheels as it lurches over the plains. I am getting nervous as the tribe mills around us. Danelis can speak Khitan and is trying to quietly let us know what she hears. At least it is mainly just speculation about why we are here and not much use. Several males are speculating what we women would be like as köle, either assuming that none of us can speak Khitan, or not caring and trying to gauge our reaction, which I am proud to say is just a blank stare in return, but that is the only thing of interest. Eventually Bianca appeared at the door, followed by Hulagu and then two older Khitan men.

  Bianca climbed down the ladder and Theodora went to move to get her. Why is Hulagu waving me away urgently? Bianca has reached the ground and is putting her hands out to the wolves, many of which stand as tall or taller than her, as the ger on wheels lurches onward. The wolves gather around her, and she allows them to smell her and the babies.

  Father Christopher is unsure what he should do, but he is holding still at present. She gives him a look and he subsides a bit.

  She has taken Rosa out of her sling and held her onto the back of one of the smaller wolves, which is trying to turn around and see what is happening. Another huge wolf has come up as this was being done and licked the baby, who gurgles happily in response. Bianca replaced her in her sling and did the same with Francesco, only this time on the larger wolf. It is some sort of test. It has to be.

  The whole time she had to keep walking to stay up with the cart. When she had replaced him in his sling, she moved ahead and stood looking up at the cart. She has put out a hand and started scratching the nearest wolf behind the ears. The wolf reacts with pleasure. She said something to one of the me
n. “It was ‘Do I pass then, grandfather?’ I think,” said Danelis.

  “Keep translating”

  One of the men nodded and Danelis continued, “Go then, granddaughter and greet your parents.” He turned to Hulagu. “Take her and introduce your sister to the rest of her family.” Hulagu grinned, and, without using the ladder, leapt from the cart to the ground and rushed to start doing this. That is all right. We will just sit here, ignored, on the carpet.

  That night there was a feast. We are fed, but no-one speaks to us. Both Bianca and Hulagu have come to us several times to see if we are all right, but apart from that we may as well not have been there.

  Hulagu said: “The tuman is accepting Bianca as my sister. It is important that this happen without interruption. They now know of what we are doing. and word will be sent to the Pack-hunters and the Axe-beaks, as well as spread to those clans that can marry my köle. Tonight though, is for Bianca’s gaining of a family…not to replace you Father, but to replace those that she lost seventeen years ago.”


  During the night Nokaj sat them both down where the others could hear what was said. He does not acknowledge the presence of the rest of the Mice, but he makes it easy for them. Danelis is repeating everything he says.

  “The fog is still in place over the future,” he said. “There are small areas we cannot see into that move around the Land. Only one is fixed and it is a new one in some respects. It is a much larger place than ever it was before, and nothing at all can be seen of it either in this world, or from the Spirit World. Apart from in Darkreach, it is the largest area that has ever been seen that cannot be looked into.”


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