Book Read Free

Clearing the Web

Page 41

by Cary J Lenehan

  Harald Pitt: Miner at Mousehole. He marries Lakshmi and their son is George.

  Hildric Marchant: An agent of the Masters in the independent villages of the north, he is based in Northrode near Greensin and acting as a trader.

  Hrolfr Strongarm: Dwarven Baron of Oldike in the South-West Mountains.

  Hrothnog: The immortal God-King of Darkreach and great-great grandfather of Theodora. He is now married to Fãtima.

  Hulagu: A young Khitan tribesman with ten toes. His tribe and totem is the Dire Wolf. He becomes a part of Mousehole. His daughters are Khãtun (with Kãhina) and Bũrãn (with Anahita).

  Ironfist: Dwarven Baron of Defcor in the Northern Mountains.

  Iyãd ibn Walĩd: Imam of the main mosque in Ardlark.

  Jeremiah Cephalas: The son of Ruth and Theodule and identical twin of Joshua.

  Job Sword-of-God, Brother: Second Disciple and head of the Flails of God.

  Johann Beman: Murdered father of Maria.

  Joshua Cephalas: Son of Ruth and Theodule and identical twin of Jeremiah.

  Kãhina of the Pack Hunters: Hulagu’s köle and mother of Khãtun of the Dire Wolves.

  Khãtun of the Dire Wolves: Daughter of Kãhina of the Pack Hunters and Hulagu.

  Karas: Part-Kharl guard for Carausius, a Darkreach trader in spices etc.

  Kũrsũl: Cousin of Hulagu.

  Lãdi: From the Caliphate, she is the chief cook at Mousehole and very skilled.

  Lakshmi: Former Havenite, she has converted and is now Orthodox and married to Harald Pitt. Their son is George. She is the apothecary and midwife for Mousehole.

  Leonas of Goldentide: He is Captain of the militia of Erave Town.

  Loudon Felders: Older brother of Barton. They sold Maria to the Brotherhood slavers.

  Loukia Akritina: Wife of Basil’s brother.

  Loukia Tzetzina: Cooper and cabinet maker from Mistledross. She lost her family in an earthquake and has moved to Mousehole.

  Lucinda Beman: Murdered mother of Maria.

  Make me to know my transgressions: A young woman from the Brotherhood brought as a slave to restock Mousehole.

  Maria Beman: A kidnapped woman from near Greensin, daughter of Johann Beman, brought to Mousehole by slavers after it was freed.

  Maryam bint Sulieman: Owner of the ‘The Grey Doe’, an inn in Ardlark that caters only to well-to-do women of any race.

  Masters, the: Animated skeletons of the old Dwarven Druids with the ability to use magic as air-mages. They may now longer exist, or there may be more somewhere.

  Matthias: A slaver from the Brotherhood, brother of Amos, executed at Mousehole.

  Melissa Mason: Daughter of Goditha and Parminder.

  Mellitus: Insakharl customs officer at Mouthgard.

  Micah: A man in the Brotherhood in charge of taxation. He finds people who owe taxes who may sell the women in their household as slaves.

  Michael: Praetor or leader in the Basilica Anthropoi.

  Naeve Milker: Former Freegate dairymaid who now runs the herds of Mousehole. She can become catatonic under stress. She becomes an apprentice mage and marries Giles. Her daughter is Peggy Farmer.

  Nikephorus Cheilas: He was an upper servant (Praetor koubikoularios) in the Palace at Darkreach, he is now married to Valeria and father to her child.

  Nokaj: Grandfather of Hulagu, senior shaman to his tuman.

  Norbert Black: He is skilled as a blacksmith, weapons smith and armourer. In Mousehole he marries both Fortunata and Sajãh. His sons are Valentine (with Fortunata) and Bishal (with Sajãh).

  Olympias Akritina: Basil’s sister, a junior officer in the navy in charge of a small fast scout and messenger boat.

  Ordu: Hetman or leader of Hulagu’s tuman.

  Panterius, Strategos (General): In charge of the Darkreach Antikataskopeía.

  Parminder: Assistant cook and sometimes dressmaker at Mousehole, she marries Goditha and is sister to Gurinder. She becomes an apprentice mage and is a xeno-telepath. Her daughter is Melissa Mason.

  Peggy Farmer: Daughter of Giles and Naeve.

  Ploughman, Giles: Chief farmer at Mousehole, he is married to Naeve and his daughter is Peggy.

  Rabi’ah: A poor spinner and weaver from Ardlark. Her drunken father sold her into slavery. She is sent by her Imam to Mousehole.

  Rani Rai: A former Havenite Battle Mage and now co-Princess of Mousehole. She has broken caste and is married to Theodora and has adopted Fear.

  Repent of this thy wickedness: A 6 year old slave brought from the Brotherhood to help restock Mousehole. She is adopted by Eleanor and Robin.

  Robin Fletcher: Fletcher and bowyer for Mousehole. He is married to Eleanor and they have adopted Aelfgifu, Gemma and Repent and have a daughter Bianca.

  Rosa Palamas: Daughter of Bianca and Christopher, twin sister to Francesco.

  Roxanna: A 9 year old adopted daughter of Sajãh, Norbert and Fortunata.

  Ruhayma: A 10 year old adopted daughter of Sajãh, Norbert and Fortunata.

  Ruth: Former Freehold merchant and now teacher of the village children in Mousehole. She is married to Father Theodule and their identical twin sons are Joshua and Jeremiah.

  Saidah: A young girl who works at ‘The Grey Doe’, an inn in Ardlark, now nine years old.

  Sajãh: From the Caliphate, she is the Seneschal of Mousehole under the Princesses. She is second wife of Norbert Black. Adopted mother of Roxanna and Ruhayma and mother of Bishal.

  Salimah al Sabah: Theodora’s alias when she is not being herself.

  Shilpa: Former Havenite trader and now assistant smith in Mousehole. She takes Vishal as her partner.

  Siglevi the Short: Baron of Evilhalt.

  Simon of Richfield: A traveller and chronicler from before The Burning and even from before the Schism of the Church. He wrote a book called ‘My Travels Over the Land and Beyond’.

  Smasher Kharlsbane, Duke: ruler of Kharlsbane and the Northern Dwarves.

  Snorri Trueheart: Dwarven Count and the ruler of Copperlevy in the Hills in the Northern Plains.

  Sparetha: Mother of Hulagu, master horsewoman and trainer, fletcher, very skilled archer. Her mother is ‘from the east’ (actually the west) and was a thrall.

  Stefan: A young soldier from Evilhalt. He is now in charge of the militia of Mousehole and lives with Bryony. Their son is Aneurin ap Stefan. He is also a leatherworker and has an inherited magical sword called Smiter.

  Stefano of Erave Town: Son of Leonas, student at the school.

  Stronghand: A Dwarf and Mayor of Diamondroot.

  Svein: A man of Wolfneck and ‘suitor’ to Astrid. He is an ugly (very Kharlish appearance), violent drunkard and around 40 years old. Owns a ship and is a rival of Astrid’s father. He is the Northern agent for the Masters.

  Tabitha: Born in a farming hamlet near Erave Town, she now lives in Mousehole as an assistant carpenter and cook. She has one green eye and one blue one. Cats like her.

  Thamar Lydina: The Magister Cubicularius, or chief servant, of the rooms reserved for special guests in the Palace at Ardlark.

  The Vengeance of the Lord is Mine Quester: Brotherhood scout and Inquisitor from the Flails of God who comes to Mousehole to spy on it.

  Theodora do Hrothnog: Great-great-granddaughter of Hrothnog. She is not entirely human, a mage and, at 120 years, is far older than the late teens that she appears to have. She is now Princess of Mousehole with her husband, Rani and their adopted daughter Fear.

  Theodora Cephalou: Wife of Carausius.

  Theodora Lígo: Daughter of Carausius.

  Theodorus Daphopates, Father: The Orthodox priest stationed at Deathguard Tower.

  Theodule, Brother: A former monk and now assistant to Father Christopher at Mousehole. He marries Ruth and their identical twin sons are Joshua and Jeremiah.

>   Thord: A shorter and broad humanoid of the species locally known as a Dwarf. He comes from Kharlsbane in the Northern Mountains, but is now Mousehole’s Ambassador to the Dwarves. He rides a sheep called Hillstrider.

  Thorfinn Deepdelver: Dwarven Duke and ruler of the Hills in the Northern Plains.

  Thorgrim Baldursson: New Mayor of Dwarvenholme. He is tall and broad with grey hair and beard.

  Thorkil: An outlaw from Wolfneck in Dharmal’s brigands. He was killed in the attack on the bandit village. He was a paedophile.

  Togotak: Father of Hulagu, master horseman, married to Sparetha. He is a better rider than her.

  Toğrül dol Glavan: Senior Sergeant of the Border Regiment of Darkreach, in charge at Forest Watch.

  Tosti: Father of Astrid and Father Thorstein.

  Umm: Slave of the bandits from a poor farming family in the Caliphate, she is now a spinner and weaver in Mousehole and helps in the kitchen. She is now the senior wife of Atã ibn Rãfi.

  Valeria: A 17 year old from Deeryas on the south coast, she is now the servant of Rani and Theodora and has married Nikephorus.

  Verily I Rejoice in the Lord Tiller: A former Brotherhood slave and, now an assistant cook and apprentice mage in Mousehole. She can ‘smell’ magic and has married Aziz. Their sons are Saglamruh (Strong Spirit) and Sunmak (Gift).

  Yumn: Orphan carpet maker from Ardlark who became a prostitute to raise a dowry or get enough for a loom. She is sent by her Imam to Mousehole. She becomes junior wife to Tãriq.

  Zafirah: A poor spinner and weaver from Ardlark who sells herself into slavery to pay the family debts. She is sent by her Imam to Mousehole. She becomes junior wife to Atã.

  Zampea: Drungarius (or Commodore) of Olympias Akritas’ original flotilla.


  Anne, Saint: Christian Patron Saint of those who right the undead and protect against evil, also of those who return from the dead.

  Andrew, Saint: Christian Saint, Feast Day 30th November, patron of fishermen.

  Antdrudge: A town in the north of Darkreach.

  Antikataskopeía: A part of the Darkreach Army who are also police. Sometimes they are in uniform and sometimes they are not. The term may be translated as ‘secret police’, but they are responsible for looking for subversion, spies and treason as much as normal criminals.

  Ardlark: capital of Darkreach.

  Asvayujau: Hindu Goddess of good luck, joy and fortune.

  Betterberries: One of many magical herbs, if picked at the right time each Betterberry will have a tiny amount of healing power. You can eat a lot of them.

  Brinkhold: A town in the south of Darkreach.

  Brotherhood: A semi-Christian nation in the north-west of The Land.

  Calendar: There are twelve months to the year. In order: Primus, Secundus, Tertius, Quattro, Quinque, Sixtus, September, October, November, December, Undecim, and Duodecimus.

  Choli: The blouse top worn by Havenite women under a sari; it usually has short sleeves and buttons at the front leaving a bare midriff.

  Cokhane: A flying bloodsucking beast found underground.

  Cosmas, Saint: Always associated with Saint Damien as the Orthodox Christian patrons of healing. Their images are always dressed like men of the Caliphate and they have medical tools around them. Their Feast Day is 7th Duodecimus.

  Darkreach: The Empire to the east of the mountains that is ruled by Hrothnog.

  Deafcor: A Dwarven town.

  Deathguard Tower: A Darkreach fortification guarding an ancient burial field.

  Deathshrew: A small, but very dangerous underground predator.

  Dharma: A Hindu concept, the shape or destiny laid out for us.

  Dhatr: Hindu God of health and magic.

  Diamondroot: A Dwarven town.

  Ergüül: Khitan for a patrol or smallest unit.

  Flashfever: A disease that occurs within an hour of infection. The victim develops a severe fever and, without intervention, dies in a few hours.

  Francis, Saint: Christian Saint, Feast Day 4th October, patron of animals.

  Freehold: A Kingdom in the west of The Land.

  Ganesh: Hindu God, known as the Remover of Obstacles, he is the son of Shiva & Parvati, elephant headed and rides a mouse, God of knowledge & divination.

  Ger: Khitan for a tent or yurt.

  Gotar: Any fibre that is made from the fleece of goats.

  Granther, the: A term used by the Darkreach Imperial family to refer to Hrothnog.

  Grey Doe: A tavern in Ardark run by Maryam bint Suliman which was important as a means of allowing Theodora to escape Darkreach.

  Haven: A Kingdom in south of the Land.

  Healbush: A leafy herb found in the mountains. A potion made from it has minor curative effects and tastes very spicy.

  John the Baptist, Saint: Orthodox Saint, his Feast Day in 29th Sixtus and he is the patron of pilgrims and others who travel for the faith.

  Jude, Saint: Christian Saint, Feast Day 17th Undecim. He is the patron of those who are desperate and have only a forlorn hope of success.

  Kartikeya: Hindu God of Battles.

  Khanatai gazar: Khitan phrase for ‘walled places’, the fixed settlements.

  Khitan: A group of tribes inhabiting the plains.

  Khmel: Any cloth or fibre made from camels.

  Khünd Chono: Khitan phrase for a Dire Wolf and also a clan name.

  Köle: A Khitan word meaning something between ‘prisoner’ and ‘slave’.

  Kron: The name given to the sun of Vhast.

  Lacrima Christi: Greek phrase and expletive for ‘Christ’s tears’.

  Lamia: A form of demon that is a nagin, a snake demon. It takes the appearance of a snake up to fifty metres long with the body and head of a six-armed giantess. It can use a variety of weapons and is a fearsome opponent.

  Luke, Saint: Christian Saint, Feast Day 18th October, patron saint of physicians.

  Magister Cubicularius: Greek for Head Servant. A department head.

  Mahr: Arabic word. It means something like ‘dowry’, but both sides are expected to bring something.

  Maikhand emegai: Khitan phrase for a Khitan woman, literally ‘woman of the tents’.

  Maskirovka: A Darkspeech word, in the Wolfneck dialect, meaning a tactic of deception.

  Masters, the: A group of undead mages who have control over Dwarvenholme.

  Melchior, Caspar and Balthasar Saints: Orthodox Saints, Their Feast Day on Twelfth Night (25th Secundus) is also known as the Feast of the Magi. They are patrons of the giving of gifts and of righteous prophesy.

  Moonshadows: A carnivore that feeds off the electrical energy of their victims. They are hard to detect and each attack they make will take away a function, thought, hearing, sight until death occurs.

  Night Moths: A carrion-eating moth that have a strong contact poison and can also be a vector for flashfever. They will wait for a victim to die and then will settle down and wait for it to rot to the right consistency.

  North Hole: A Dwarven town.

  Our Lady: Mary, for the Christians the Mother of God and the Patron Saint of Mothers. Feast Day 12th November.

  Ovoo: A Khitan shrine, mainly used by travellers, but also in other ceremonies.

  Pain: A town in the north of Darkreach.

  Pavitra Phāṭaka: Capital of Haven and often called Sacred Gate.

  Praetor koubikoularios: Greek for an upper servant, a section head.

  Prthivi: Hindu Goddess of the element of Earth and the planet itself.

  Pusan: Hindu God of herdsmen, but more importantly of roads, paths and travellers.

  Ras-khan: The leader of a Khitan ergüül or patrol.

  Ratri: Hindu goddess of love, carnal desire, lust, passion and sexual pleasure. She is the female counterpart and chi
ef consort of Kamadeva.

  Sh-hone: A cloth made from a form of kelp.

  Slain Enemy, The: A tavern in Evilhalt.

  Sleepwell: A rare tree found in the southern forest. Its leaves can be made into a potion that will give the imbiber’s body the equivalent effects to a night’s sleep without penalty. It can cause addiction.

  Spilk: A form of silk made from the webs of certain spiders. It has some magical correspondences.

  Su-khan: The leader of a tuman, a Khitan sub-tribe.

  Tagma: A Darkreach Army unit of around 14,400 troops.

  Talker: A magical device that lets people talk to each other at a distance.

  Talent: For the Independent villages, this is a gold coin that weighs 20g and is worth 2,000 follis.

  Tulaan golyn nevtrekh: Khitan name for Evilhalt. ‘Battle River Crossing’

  Üstei akh düü: Khitan phrase. It is the term for the totem animals of a tribe.

  Vitalis, Saint: Christian Saint, Feast Day 24th Undecim, he is the patron of merchants and traders.

  Walla: Any cloth made form the wool of llamas, alpaca and similar animals.

  War Tigers: A strange mammalian carnivore with a metallic exterior and eyes that are a type of gem. They are found underground and in some ruins.

  Winifred, Saint: A Christian saint, Feast Day 19th Primus, she is one of the patrons of healing, particularly of those hurt in combat.

  Zaan: The Khitan Clan of the Elephant.

  More details of many of the towns, plants and animals of Vhast can be found through the author’s website or Patreon postings along with many short stories set in the world of Vhast.




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