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The Sultan of Monte Cristo: First Sequel to The Count of Monte Cristo

Page 5

by Holy Ghost Writer

MEANWHILE, THOUGH SHE IS NOW FAR FROM DANTES’ MIND, MERCEDES MAKES an intriguing discovery. She finds a hiding place where Dantes’ father, Louis, had secreted a letter. She cannot believe her eyes as she reads:

  “The Year of our Lord, July 16, 1815

  “Edmond, my dear Son,

  “I wanted to tell you in person, but my dreams last night revealed that my death will precede your return. You may have noticed, by the time you receive this unbelievable missive, that you have a very unique destiny. You may have also forgotten the bedtime stories your mother, Virginia Magdalene, told you before she passed on when you were seven. You probably thought those were only fairy tales, if you do remember them at all. The stories were actually the history of your mother’s family, dating back to the time of Christ Jesus. I myself did not realize until after her death that the stories were not fiction. With this message, you will find my research and the family trees of the Merovingian Dynasty, as well as of the Royal House of David — both parts of your mother’s family tree. Your direct line from the Frankish kings is not what amazed me so much; rather, what has unnerved me so completely is that the same Mary Magdalene from the Bible arrived right here on the beaches of Marseilles. Growing up, we were raised on the legend of Magdalene’s arrival. When I met your mother, I half seriously asked if she was related. At first, I thought she was joking when she casually said, ‘Yes.’ Not thinking that was anything to be proud of, due to the Catholic Church falsely painting her as a prostitute, I asked who your mother’s forefather was. She replied, ‘That is the gravest of mysteries, a family secret. If I tell you, I'll have to become a black widow.’ I realized this was a dark secret, assuming she might not even know her forefather’s identity, in light of Mary Magdalene’s so-called history of prostitution. I didn’t push further, because I realized it could be an embarrassing revelation.

  “After your mother’s passing, I had some strange visits from men claiming to belong to various orders of knighthood, such as Malta, Templar and Melchizedek, claiming that they were charged with protecting you, but I assured them I would take good care of you.

  “Your mother didn’t realize that I sometimes overheard the strange stories she repeated to you on stormy nights. On her deathbed, she requested that when you reached twenty-one years of age, you would be told, quote, ‘the stories that captivated you as a child were not fairy tales, but my family’s real histories. Your forefather was, and is, the greatest central figure in history,’ unquote. I leave you this truth with my blessing, as your sole legacy. You will face what seem to be insurmountable obstacles in life, yet be of good cheer, and take to heart these words, ‘He who overcomes and continues in my (your forefather’s) works will I give power over the nations; and he shall rule them, even as I overcame and am set at the right hand of my father, God.’ This verse may also inspire you: ‘Thou art a priest forever, after the order of Melchizedec, the king of peace and righteousness.’

  “Your mother also said, and this was most mysterious to me, ‘If you are unable to resurrect from antiquity the Ancient Royal House of David, fear not, you will help pave the way; and if not you, one of your offspring or relatives from my family will do so, as the Branch of David.’

  “Edmond, your dear mother went on to tell me that she only lived for you. I can tell you that I only lived for her and for you; and now that we will not see each other again in this world, there is no reason for me to linger; so I will now say farewell, my true and dearest Son. Be strong to the end, as your mother and I will be waiting to welcome you on the other side with a warm embrace.

  “Yours faithfully and devotedly,


  Mercedes reads the strange letter several times in the weeks after she discovers it, and it awakens in her feelings she had thought were dead. Though she has long struggled to push romantic thoughts of Edmond Dantes from her mind, the letter reminds her what an amazing man he truly is — more amazing, apparently, than even she has ever realized. Now that she has started her life over, the feelings of possibility and youth have returned to her. Life seems vibrant. Spinning hemp, the pastime which occupies some of her daylight hours, brings back thoughts and feelings of the days of her youth when she was singularly in love with Edmond. The eerie missive rekindles that fire that was smoldering, nearly extinguished, like an old dream that could hardly be recalled, coming back to life.

  Mercedes notices her reflection in the mirror, as she walks back to her spindle. Is she imaging a bright twinkle in her eyes? Does the hemp-oil tincture she concocted really make her skin look smooth and supple? One day, as she walks along the sunny beaches of Marseilles, she notices her skin has regained its glow and her body is toned with golden hues; but is that the only reason she appears so young and stunningly beautiful as she admires her reflection in the mirror the following afternoon? “No,” she reflects. “A curse has been lifted from me. I’m still in my forties, but can my true love forgive me? Is it too late? Has he found another? It seems he wants me as a part of his life, to place me in Marseilles, in his father’s apartment, to flood my mind with our past together. I don't think his purpose is to punish me, since I am slowly healing.”

  Her hopes that Dantes might one day return to her gives Mercedes new ambition. Part of her time was spent studying a large collection of chemistry and botanical books found in pere Dantes library. Experimenting with the various properties of the hemp plant, Mercedes is the first to produce soap, milk, and cheese made of its seeds. She also notices the skin lotion she has created gives off a lovely fragrance. “Why not make a business out of this?” she thinks. “I cannot live off of Edmond’s generosity forever, and perhaps if he sees I am a woman who can take care of herself, an independent lady, he may love me again.”

  Mercedes sets out for Monsieur Maximillien Morrel’s little house on the Rue Meslay, but she only finds his sister Julie and Julie’s husband, Emmanuel, at home working in their small garden. As Mercedes approaches, Emmanuel says, “Look, Julie, Countess Madame Morcerf has graced us with her presence. What have we done to deserve this honor?”

  “Please, Monsieur, I no longer wish to be addressed as ‘Countess,’ and my son, Albert, and I have restored my maiden name, Herrera. Please call me Mercedes,” Mercedes says, having heard the title Emmanuel bestowed upon her.

  “Very well. Greetings, Mercedes. We are pleased to receive you. We’ve heard nothing but good spoken of you and your noble son, Albert,” says Julie. “Please come inside, and we will offer you what we have.”

  Over Turkish coffee and hamantasch pastries infused with poppy seeds and cherries, Mercedes enthusiastically relays how she has developed oil, soap, milk and cheese from hemp seeds, offering her hosts samples as evidence.

  “Do you think there will be a demand for these products?” asks Mercedes. “I am eager to hear what you think of them, but I must admit, I came here with other motives. I wish to find the man who has been most important to me and has, indeed, saved me from poverty and a life of shame. Can you assist me in getting a message to the Count of Monte Cristo, as I realize that Maximillien is a close friend?”

  Julie says, “The Count of Monte Cristo is our best friend and our cherished savior, as well. Please give us the message and we will relay it to him.”

  Mercedes replies, “Kindly inform Monsieur Le Comte that Mercedes Herrera requests an audience with his Excellency to reveal his father, Louis Dantes’ last words. I wish to deliver the letter in person, either in Monsieur Dantes’ old apartment or here. Though, if need be, I will travel to the ends of the earth to deliver the missive personally, wherever that mysterious man may reside.”

  “We will do what we can to make sure Monsieur Le Comte gets the message as quickly as possible,” Julie promises. “I’m sure he will be eager to hear his father’s final message.”

  As she guides Mercedes through the garden and to the gate, Mercedes comments, “Your garden is lovely — so filled with beauty and color.”

  “You may plant your hemp seeds here, if you lik
e,” says Emmanuel. “We have two hectare in the backyard, and I would be pleased to take over the planting and harvesting on your behalf.”

  “Would you?” Mercedes replies. “I’ve been hoping to expand, and take my products perhaps even to Paris. Shall we make it a partnership?”

  “It is settled!” declares Julie. “Let us shake hands to seal our oath.”

  The three shake hands, then spontaneously hug, realizing their common bond in the Count of Monte Cristo.

  Book II Count V:



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