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The SEAL's Second Chance Baby

Page 14

by Laura Marie Altom

  Wallace held up his hands. “I’m just man enough to say what needs saying—that girl adores you, and so do her kids. Ever since Tucker passed—God bless his precious soul—you’ve been a shell of the man you used to be. But ever since you woke up in the hospital to find Effie by your side, you’ve been a changed man. It’s like you’ve found a new reason to live, and I don’t mind telling you that if she gets away, you’ll have no one but yourself to blame.”

  “Duly noted.” Marsh completed the trip to Mabel’s, where they’d be having lunch, and couldn’t help but wonder if his crazy old coot of a grandfather might be onto something. But then sanity kicked in. He’d already had a family and lost them. No way was he ready to open himself up to that brand of vulnerability again. He was already in far too deep with Effie. What happened in the truck had been a huge mistake—not because he hadn’t wanted to be with her, but because now that he had, he wanted to again.

  She was far too good of a woman for him to use for sex—not that he would ever use any woman for purely that purpose—although he’d known plenty of guys who would. To Marsh, sleeping with a woman had always been the natural extension of a commitment. As for the fact that he and Effie had only been on one formal date before hopping into the proverbial sack, what did that mean?

  They clearly had the hots for each other, but that didn’t make a relationship or any sort of meaningful, lasting bond. If anything, it meant the opposite. But he genuinely did want to be with her, and not just in her bedroom. He found himself thinking about her during all hours of his nights and days. He wondered if Colt and Remington were behaving at school, or if Cassidy had learned any new tricks. She’d be walking soon, which meant Mabel’s house would need a whole new level of baby proofing. After the wedding, he’d offer Effie a hand with making the home extra safe—she needed an air conditioner, too.

  “You’re awfully quiet,” Wallace said once Marsh turned onto their dirt road.

  “Yep.” Marsh refused to look at the spot where he’d pulled over to have his way with Effie.

  “Admit it—you’re at least considering my idea, aren’t you?”

  “No. Of course not. A gal like Effie deserves far better than me.”

  Wallace snorted. “What’s wrong with you? You’re an honest, hardworking man—”

  “Who let his son die.”

  “Stop. I never want to hear that kind of crazy talk come out of you again. What happened to Tucker was a horrible, tragic accident. It could have just as easily happened at home with him slipping in the bathtub. If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the years, it’s that sometimes bad things happen to good people. Ain’t no rhyme or reason to it. Just the way it goes. Think about what it does for a man’s character to see how he rises above calamity. That’s what makes a man a man.”

  “Like the way you never came after Grandma?” Marsh stopped the truck in the middle of the desolate road. “Or how you let my mom grow up with only phone calls for a dad?”

  Wallace’s jaw hardened. “If you weren’t my blood, I’d smack you clear to next Sunday. I tried every way under the sun to earn your grandma’s trust, but she wasn’t having it.”

  “Every way except for going to her.”

  “Who said I didn’t? I spent months on her uppity Virginia breeding farm, kowtowing to her every whim. After a while, a man gets the hint that he’s not wanted, so I packed my bags and came back here, where I pined for her till the day she died. Well, I’m tired of being alone, and since the good Lord has seen fit to still have life in my body, I figure why not spend what time I have left with a woman who actually enjoys my company?”

  “Sorry...” Marsh rested his forehead against the wheel.

  “You should be, but I’ll forgive you on account of the fact that you’ve been a walking wound ever since losing your son.”

  “I’m done with this topic.” Marsh fisted his hands on his knees.

  “Why? Because his memory hurts? Of course it does. But if you’d for one second consider how good it might feel to become a father all over again to Effie’s two boys and her baby girl, your life might actually have a happy ending.”

  “Please, hush.” His head hurt so bad there was ringing in his ears. “I know you mean well, but I don’t want to hear another thing about me substituting someone else’s children for my own.”

  “But that’s the thing—if you and Effie married, her kids would become yours. Don’t you see? It’s the perfect plan.”

  “Right.” All Marsh saw was that his grandfather’s grand new romance had messed with his head. “Look, I’m happy for you and Mabel—really, I am. But man to man, back off on your matchmaking routine. I’ll be first to admit that Effie’s a great gal, but the two of us as a couple just isn’t going to happen.”

  To prove it, Marsh dropped his grandfather at Mabel’s front door, then left. He needed time alone—for what, he wasn’t sure. All he knew was that talk of marriage made him antsy, and he needed an escape.

  * * *

  “GRANDMA, STOP.” EFFIE SLAMMED the rolling pin she’d been using for biscuit dough on the counter. “For the last time, Marsh and I aren’t even a couple, so why in the world do you keep bringing up this ridiculous double wedding idea?”

  “Because neither of us is getting any younger, and I don’t want you ending up old and alone like me.”

  “But you’re getting married in a few weeks. Your own logic doesn’t even make sense.”

  “There you go again with your sassy mouth.” Mabel took milk from the fridge.

  Cassidy went wild on her walker, pressing the noisiest buttons as fast as her chubby little hands could move.

  Effie sighed.

  “Mom!” Remington banged his way through the kitchen’s screen door. “Colt found another scorpion and put it in a shoe box!”

  Looked as if it was going to be one of those days...

  “Where is it?” she asked Colt after a brief march across the yard.

  “Snitch!” Colt called to his brother. Thank goodness he at least handed over the box.

  Effie cautiously lifted the lid to find one of the biggest scorpions she’d seen in a while. Ew. Of course she could dispense of the creature on her own, but how nice would it be if Marsh were around to do it for her?

  The thought had been as quick as it was unexpected. Was Mabel’s constant needling starting to get in her head?

  “Can I at least throw it over the fence?” Colt asked.

  “Why didn’t you do that in the first place? Why in the world would you want to keep a dangerous animal?”

  “I didn’t. I just wanted to show Mr. Marsh. Then I was gonna let him go.”

  “Oh.” Effie held her hand over her heart. See? This was precisely the reason why she’d been avoiding forming any real attachment to her handsome neighbor. The last thing she wanted was for her boys or Cassidy to look forward to Marsh being in their lives, only to have him one day vanish like their father. “Well, he’ll be here for lunch any minute, so I guess let’s put the box on the front porch, and as soon as he gets here, show him the scorpion, then let it go.”

  “Okay! Thanks, Mom!” Colt raced to the front of the house with his brother hot on his heels.

  Effie had just returned to biscuit duty when Marsh’s familiar black pickup turned in to the drive. A rowdy bunch of butterflies took flight in her belly. Would she and Marsh manage to grab a few moments alone? If so, would he kiss her? Was it wrong that she hoped he would?

  Half groaning, half giggling, she straightened her hair and apron, then dashed to see him. The biscuits could wait. She needed to know if he was as excited to see her as she was to see him.

  Effie rounded the corner of the house only to get a bitter reality check. Wallace stood chatting with the boys, but Marsh drove off. Where’s he going?

  Mabel crossed the porch
to meet Wallace for a smooch. She held smiley Cassidy in her arms.

  Jealousy stabbed every stupid butterfly in Effie’s belly. She should have known better than to get her hopes up.

  “Where’s Marsh going?” Mabel asked.

  “He’s in a mood.”

  “I wanted to show him my scorpion.” Tears shone in Colt’s big brown eyes. “Is he coming back?”

  “Don’t know, little buddy. But you can sure show me.”

  “Okay.” He didn’t look half as excited to show Wallace as he had been to show Marsh.

  Effie wasn’t sure what to think about this development. Marsh had seemed fine at church. They’d shared smiles, and as usual, he’d been great with the kids. Was he sick? If not, how could his mood have changed on a dime? Was it thoughts of spending the afternoon with her that made him turn his truck around?

  That realization made her sick.

  “Effie, hon,” Mabel said, “why don’t you hop in your fancy new car and run after him?”

  “No.” She’d never been the sort of woman to chase a man, and she sure wouldn’t start now. If Marsh didn’t want her, so be it. They’d shared one hot night, and apparently he’d found it lacking, or—

  Her stomach clenched to hear a revved engine, then she saw him pulling into the drive in a plume of dust.

  “Marsh!” Colt ran toward the truck.

  Remington followed. “Look what we found!”

  “I found him,” Colt argued.

  Marsh emerged from the truck to greet both boys, then locked stares with her. His intensity stole what precious little remained of her breath.

  “Look what’s in the box!” Colt said. “I was real sad when I thought you weren’t coming, but then you did, so I’m happy!” He dived in for a hug, but in the process dropped the box. The scorpion plopped out at Marsh’s boot-covered feet.

  “Mr. Marsh, watch out!” Colt cried. “Don’t die if he bites you.”

  “I’ll do my best.” Marsh wore cowboy boots, as did the boys, so even though the nasty critter looked ready to strike, Marsh could have easily stomped it. Instead, he calmly picked up the box, then scooped the scorpion back in. “There we go. Now, what does your mama want you to do with him?”

  “We throw ’em over the back fence,” Remington said.

  “Sounds good. Let’s get it done.” He shared another look with Effie before charging off with the laughing boys.

  “Looks like somebody missed your mommy enough to turn around.” Mabel gave Cassidy a jiggle.

  “Grandma, please. Give it a rest.” Unsure what to do about her racing heart, Effie took the baby and entered the house. It was far too warm outside—not that it was much better inside. Just one look at Marsh made her feel all hot and sweaty and flushed.

  She walked straight her room and turned on the box fan perched in the open window.

  Cassidy giggled in the sudden breeze.

  “Feels better, doesn’t it, sweetie?”

  Her daughter cooed.

  “I love you. Why does Mr. Marsh make me feel young enough to be your high school sitter instead of your mom?”

  “I’d like the answer to that.”

  She glanced over her shoulder to find Marsh filling the open door. She gulped, holding Cassidy tighter.

  “It’s hotter than you know what in here.” He removed his hat to fan himself. “You ladies mind sharing your breeze?”

  “Where were you?” Effie blurted after making room.

  He sighed. “Needed time to think.”

  “’Bout what?” Her heart hammered.

  “I think you know.” He stepped forward, easing his hand under the fall of her hair. He brushed his thumb over her lower lip, and she closed her eyes, leaning in to his touch, yearning for more, fearing it wouldn’t come.

  Her breath hitched. “I—I really don’t.”

  “What happened last night—I know we agreed it was no big deal. Just physical. But for me it was more. And I need to know—”

  “It was for me, too.” She bridged the gap between them, shifting the baby farther back on her hip to allow space to press her lips to his. “But I’m scared. I’m not ready for anything serious, but part of me feels like we’re sort of accidentally already there.”

  “Ditto.” He laughed. “So what are we going to do about it?”

  “Who says we have to do anything?” She looked down, then up. “Except maybe share more of these...” Kissing him again felt like the most natural thing in the world, as if there’d never been any man for her other than him. Which was confusing, yet at the same time liberating. She needed a fresh start—she deserved one. How could something that felt so right between her and Marsh be wrong?

  “Lord...” Even when they’d paused for air, he still held her. “I never expected this. To feel...”

  “I know. Me, too.” He looked as perplexed by the emotions swirling between them as she felt. “But that’s okay. We have all the time in the world to figure out what we want to do.”

  “True. But here’s the thing. On the way over, Gramps and I got into it. He thinks I should marry you, and I—”

  “Oh, no.” She stepped back. “Grandma’s been giving me the same grief. I’m so sorry.”

  “What do you have to apologize for? It’s not your idea.”

  “I know, but I’m not some damsel in distress, waiting for a prince to charge in on his white stallion.”

  “That’s a relief.” He exhaled, then shot her a sexy grin that flip-flopped her tummy. “All I have is a chestnut and an old black Ford.”

  “At least it’s not a Chevy.” She winked.

  He rewarded her humor with another kiss. “Here’s the thing. As crazy as it sounds, maybe we should make things more official? You and your boys could use a man around the house, and I sure could use a few decent meals.”

  “What about love?” Her pulse charged off at a gallop. She didn’t love him, did she? How could she be sure? She’d loved Moody heart and soul, but look how that turned out. Maybe love was overrated? Old-fashioned? Maybe the excited rush between her legs was more than enough reason to agree to spend the rest of her nights with this man?

  He shrugged. “It’ll come. Hell, maybe I’m halfway there? All I know is that after church, when I drove away from you instead of toward you, it brought on awful indigestion. Both of our grandparents wasted a lot of time. I don’t want to reach their age and wonder what happened to my life. Since the day you saved me from that snakebite, I’ve seen you as my own personal angel. Nothing would make me happier than for us to move in together, and you be my steady girl.”

  His steady girl? As in girlfriend? Not bride? Effie’s heart sank. Silly rabbit, of course he doesn’t want to permanently hitch himself to you. Moody hadn’t. Why would Marsh?

  “What’s wrong? You look pale. If I’m moving too fast, say the word.”

  Moving too fast? She was the one who’d assumed he was proposing marriage after having only known her a few weeks. If anything, she was the one moving them along at lightning speed. Considering her misgivings about them sharing anything at all, she should be happy about this turn of events. But the truth of the matter was that she felt as if one of those biscuits she was supposed to have been making had lodged in the back of her throat. She didn’t want to be Marsh’s girlfriend. She wanted to be his lover and best friend and so much more. But how did she tell him that when even she wasn’t sure? And where did her boys and Cassidy fit into this awkward mix? As the mother of three impressionable young children, she wasn’t the ideal candidate for shacking up.

  “I’m sorry. Shit. I misread this whole situation. Forget I said anything.”

  “Marsh, here’s the deal. I obviously like you—a lot. But it’s not just my feelings I have to consider. Please don’t think I’m pressuring you, but I
can’t have you moving in here without some sort of permanent commitment. I’d hardly consider myself to be a saint, but...”

  “No need to explain. I understand.”

  Do you? Can you read between the lines to see that in another life, I would give anything in the world to be your girlfriend, but that now, I need and deserve more?

  “We should probably get back outside. There’s no telling what trouble Colt’s got into.” He turned to leave the room.

  “Aw, Marsh, wait.”

  “No. I’m good.” His backward wave had her worrying her lower lip. At the moment, she was anything but good.

  “Cass,” she whispered to the baby, “what have I done?”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Marsh worked through the afternoon on autopilot.

  He suffered through lunch while sandwiched between the two boys to whom he wanted to be a father. He stood alongside his grandfather, washing dishes while listening to an endless round of upcoming wedding plans. He even changed Cassidy’s diaper when Effie’s hands were literally tied up with helping her grandmother make rice bag wedding favors.

  Initially, his speech to Effie had rocked right along. She’d sure seemed into him when they’d kissed. So what had happened to change her tune?

  By “permanent commitment,” he assumed she meant no more fooling around before marriage, but he wasn’t ready for that huge of a step. He didn’t know when he would be—if ever. So where did that leave them?

  Marsh had been ready to leave for a good hour, but his grandfather was now engrossed in a Dallas Cowboys game. So here he sat, bouncing Cassidy on his knee while the women played wedding. How different would the day have played out had he done something crazy like asking Effie to marry him? Would he then be looking to this baby girl’s future? Knowing he’d be along for the ride?

  “Mr. Marsh?” Remington asked.

  “That’s me.”

  “Colt wants to know if you want to come ride bikes.”

  “I would love to,” Marsh said, thrilled for the opportunity to escape. “Since your mom’s busy, what should I do with your sister?”


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