Book Read Free


Page 22

by Tessa Teevan

  Andi leans over to whisper in my ear. “Now I get why Branson was so quick to drag you away from the rehearsal dinner last night.”

  Tearing my eyes away from him, I turn to her just in time to see her eyes light up, and a slow, grin spreads over my face, giving me away. She snickers and I blush even harder, just shaking my head.

  I’m lost in the memories of the night before when the music begins and the room turns collectively to watch as the bridesmaids enter. A hush falls over the room when the pianist changes the music and the vision of Charlie and her father fills the doorway. She looks radiant, absolutely astonishing—the very vision of a woman in love. Everyone’s eyes are locked in on her, but I shift my gaze forward to Knox.

  There’s something about watching a groom as he stands at the altar, watching the woman of his dreams walk towards him. Knox’s gaze is fierce, his jaw tense, and his eyes give him away. They’re full of love, awe, and anticipation.

  I take a moment to look at Branson and catch him staring at me intently. For a split second, I allow myself to believe that his expression mirrors his brother’s, and I wonder if that’s how he’d look if I were the one in the dress walking towards him. He gives me a wink then shifts his attention to the minister, who begins to perform the ceremony.

  It passes in a blur, and before I know it, it’s time for the vows. Knox swallows hard and clears his throat. He looks down at Charlie, whose eyes are already glistening, and leans forward.

  “Couldn’t we have just done Vegas?”

  She laughs, shaking her head.

  “I know I tried to get you to go to Vegas, and that was only because, the moment you agreed to be my wife, I didn’t want to wait another second to be where I am right now—standing here, pledging my love for you. And then your dad said he’d kick my ass, so I waited eight long, tortuous months for this day. But now that we’re here, I couldn’t imagine a better way to start our lives as one than with all of our family and friends watching us.

  “Charlie, for the longest time, there was darkness surrounding me—until you showed up on my doorstep, shining light into my life. Before you, I was afraid to love, but you broke down my barriers and you gave me the strength to overcome all my fears. Your beauty, your love, your heart—every single thing about you inspires me to be the best man I can be.”

  A lone tear trickles down her cheek, but her smile is still radiant as she leans closer to him. “Umm, Rugged, isn’t that the Army?” she asks, her eyes dancing with amusement.

  “Woman,” he growls, trying not to laugh. “I’m trying to remember my vows here. And now I’ve lost my train of thought.” He pauses, shaking his head at her, his gaze still full of affection. “From now until forever, I vow to love you deeply, honor you above all else, be your constant source of comfort, and remain forever faithful. I will laugh with you, cry with you, and spend the rest of my life cherishing you. There will be times when I fight with you, but I will always, always fight for you. With every single beat of my heart, Charlotte Rose, I will love you. In good times and in bad, with all I have to give and all that I am, in the only way I know how—completely and forever. You are my life, you are my love, and you always have been and always will be my forever sweetheart.”

  Knox’s hands come up to cup Charlie’s cheeks and he uses his thumbs to wipe away her tears. The look of pure love and joy on her face has my own tears forming, and I’m thankful when Andi hands me a tissue. Charlie rises up on her tiptoes and gives Knox a soft kiss on the lips before taking a hold of his hands, ready for her turn.

  “Knox, standing here in front all these people, pledging my undying love for you, makes me think you knew what you were talking about when you suggested Vegas.”

  He grins down at her, and the congregation laughs, loving their role reversal.

  “You came into my life at a time when I’d all but given up on love. What I didn’t know was that every painful moment, every broken heart, every disappointment was leading me to you. There are so many layers to you, and every single day, I discover something new to love about you. You’re stubborn, bullheaded, completely headstrong, and you drive you me absolutely crazy. You’re also sweet even when you’re not trying to be, you constantly challenge me to be a better woman, and every minute of every day, you show me just how much you love me.

  “From the moment I met you, I was drawn to you, and as much as we both tried to fight this attraction, our hearts knew something we just couldn’t see. But it wasn’t long before I knew you were it for me. I’ve been waiting my entire life for you, and sometimes I feel the need to pinch myself to make sure this isn’t all a dream. Because it feels like it is. It’s my dream come true.

  “Rugged, you are the great love of my life, my best friend, my soul mate. From today and every day after, I promise to love you with my whole heart, to live and laugh with you, and to stand by your side. I will spend my life respecting you, honoring you, being faithful to you, and sharing my life with you. Today, I give you all of me, mind, body, and soul. I will follow anywhere you lead, hand in hand, heart in heart. Whatever the future holds, I will always be here. From now until forever, I will always be yours.”

  The vows are beautiful, and I try to dry my tears without smearing my makeup, unsure if they’re tears of joy or sorrow. Not wanting to analyze my emotions, I turn my attention back to the happy couple. The rest of the ceremony goes off without a hitch, and the church erupts with hoots and hollers when Knox pulls Charlie into his arms, giving her a slow, long, deep kiss that has nearly every woman not related to him swooning. Except for me. Instead, I turn my eyes to the man at his right, wondering what our wedding day would look like if this weren’t just a temporary arrangement.

  All of a sudden, my throat goes dry and it feels as if the room temperature has increased significantly.

  Even though I try to keep it at bay, unexpected sorrow flows through me. Not sorrow for the wedding I’ve missed. No, it’s for the one I’ll never get the chance to have. Tears threaten to form, and I have to lower my head and squeeze my eyes shut as I try to catch my bearings.

  I want this.

  The white dress. The groom who looks at me as if I’m his whole world. The promise of everlasting love and devotion.

  And it hurts my heart to know that I probably won’t ever see that day. At least not with the man I want.

  “Baby, you okay?”

  I hear his soft whisper and open my eyes to see Branson crouching down in front of me, concern etched on his features. I look around, feeling embarrassed, but see that the wedding party has already departed and the rows are emptying.

  I swallow hard and muster up a smile, giving him a small nod. “Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just weddings. They always get to me,” I explain. “Now get up. You shouldn’t be down on your knee.”

  His hand comes up to my thigh and he squeezes reassuringly before rising and pulling me up with him. He leans down, placing a quick kiss on my lips before peppering light kisses up my jawline until his lips meet my ear. “Just imagine what you’ll be like at ours,” he says in a low growl, catching me off guard. He stands up straight, a sexy, devilish gleam filling his eyes. “Gotta run, baby. I’ll see you at the reception.”

  “Okay…” I respond, trailing off as I watch him move down the aisle, where he joins his family and the happy couple.

  A throat clears beside me, and I turn to see Andi looking at me, grinning like an idiot. “Looks like you better start planning. I don’t think he’s going to let you wait much longer before he has you at that altar.”

  If only.

  WHILE THE wedding party poses for photos, Andi and I head back to the Wellington estate, where the reception is being held, just to check in last minute with the wedding planner and the caterer.

  Everything’s going according to plan, and the caterer shoos us out of the kitchen, telling us that we’ll just be in the way if we stick around. She and I take the opportunity to escape to the backyard, where the band is setting up. We hit up th
e open bar on the far side of the yard, sipping cocktails as she gives me the down-and-dirty details of how she and Cohen came together. I knew the overall story, but apparently, two drinks are enough for her to tell me everything—from the first night they met to everything in between. It’s completely endearing, and I’m engrossed with her story when she pauses, her eyes lighting up at something behind me. My interest is piqued, so I turn around. It’s just in time to see the groomsmen walk into the backyard. Assuming she’s looking at Cohen, I glance back at her.

  “Geez, you must have it bad. You just saw him an hour ago,” I tease.

  She gives me a funny look then points past me. “Not Cohen, although he does look pretty damn hot in his tux. I’m talking about that,” she says, nodding towards the house.

  When I turn this time, I see him. My eyes zone in on Branson, and he’s not alone.

  “Have you ever seen anything sexier?” Andi gushes, and I shake my head wordlessly, shamelessly staring at him.

  There stands my man, all six foot one of him, looking sexy as hell in his tuxedo and his slightly messy hair, with an obnoxiously gorgeous smile aimed down at a beautiful baby boy cradled in his arms. It’s heartwarming, panty melting, and I have the urge to pull out my phone to take a picture. Branson’s completely oblivious to the world around him, concentrating on the baby and the grip he’s holding on his index finger. He looks completely at ease, and even more than that, it looks so natural. Like he’s meant to be a father.

  “Girl, I don’t know about you, but if that were my man, I’d be throwing those birth control pills away weeks before the honeymoon. He’s going to be one sexy-as-sin father.”

  Somehow, I tear my gaze away from him and give her a mocking glare and a playful shove. “Andi Kane, go find your own Wellington to procreate with. That one’s mine.”

  She laughs and moves away just as Branson makes his way over to me, baby in tow. He leans down and gives me a kiss on the cheek, the baby taking the opportunity to wrap his little fingers around my hair. Laughing, I tickle under his chin as I use my other hand to pry my hair loose.

  “Hey, little guy,” I murmur, and he grins up at me, melting my heart in an instant. Looking up at Branson, I raise an eyebrow. “Want to introduce me to your little buddy here?”

  Branson repositions and lifts the baby high in the air before bringing him down and placing him on his hip. “Babe, this little guy is Jacob, my godson. Jacob,” he says to the infant, picking up his hand and making a waving gesture, “this pretty lady is my fiancée, Ari. Now, little man, I know you’re a ladies’ man and all, but this one’s off-limits.”

  Laughing, I can’t help but find the whole exchange endearing. “Ahh, so this is the infamous Jacob. I was hoping I’d get a chance to meet him tonight.” Leaning in closer to Jacob, I whisper stealthily, “Don’t tell him this, but I think you’re pretty darn cute.”

  Branson turns, shielding me from the baby. “Hey! I heard that!”

  “So did I, and she has a point. He’s definitely cuter than you are.” A pretty blonde, who I recognize as Lucy, Charlie’s maid of honor, walks up, patting Branson on the arm as he hands her son over. She holds out a hand to me, and I take it, appreciating her warm smile. “Hi, I’m Lucy. I wanted to meet you last night, but this little guy’s daddy got called into work and I had to take off before the rehearsal dinner.”

  “Hi, Lucy. I’m Ariana, but you can call me Ari if you want. It’s so nice to meet you. You have quite the handsome little guy here,” I gush, my biological clock winding up and getting ready to tick.

  “Thank you. He’s a handful, that’s for sure, but we love the heck out of him. And this guy here,” she says, patting Branson affectionately on the arm again. “We couldn’t have done it without him.”

  I’m taken aback at her words, unsure of what she means. Sure, Branson’s mentioned his godson, but he’s never gone into detail on how it came to be. And since I was content with being vague about Benjamin, I never wanted to push him to share. Lucy must sense my confusion, and she wraps an arm around my shoulders, turning me slightly.

  “He didn’t tell you, did he?” she asks astutely.

  I shake my head and watch as Branson places his hands in his pockets, looking uncomfortable.

  “See the bench just to the left of the stage? Don’t sit there. At Knox and Charlie’s engagement party, I was resting, pretending the pains in my uterus were actually from gas, when, in reality, I was in labor. This guy,” she says, gesturing to Branson, “helped keep me calm through my contractions. That bench? I was sitting there, excruciating pain in my abdomen, and Branson came up and held my hand, not even caring when my water broke all over his suit. I will never be able to thank him enough. It was a no-brainer to make him Jacob’s godfather. Although I’m seriously considering revoking that card from him since he kept you a secret.”

  I laugh, knowing all too well what she means. “Trust me. I’ve learned he’s full of mysteries, so don’t feel bad. He told me he had a godson, but he left out all those details. He doesn’t seem to like the recognition, and I think that’s part of why he wanted to keep our engagement a secret, at least through Knox’s wedding.” The lies are becoming increasingly easier to tell, and if I’m not careful, I’m going to start believing them myself.

  Lucy laughs. “That he doesn’t. I had to practically force him into accepting the godfather role. He didn’t think he deserved it, but even Kale was grateful someone else’s hand was nearly broken that day.” Her eyes twinkle as she lovingly looks down at her son and then back up at me.

  “Okay, ladies. I am standing right here. Either you stop talking about me or I’m taking the little guy and getting us both far away from you two.”

  Lucy and I both laugh, and Branson just shakes his head at us before looking down at Jacob, his finger gently touching his sweet, little nose.

  “Women. Don’t even think about ever trying to understand them.”

  Jacob coos and gives Branson an adorable smile as he holds his hands up, squealing when Branson takes him and holds him high up in the air.

  Tick… Tick… Tick…

  My internal biological clock starts ticking off the charts as I watch the grown man and baby boy watch each other with affection. I take a step back, swallowing hard.

  Lucy must notice it, as she leans in and whispers in my ear, “You look like you’re not sure whether to mount him right here or be scared shitless.”

  My eyes not leaving Branson, I respond. “I’m pretty sure it’s the latter.”

  Lucy chuckles and pats my arm reassuringly. “Trust me. I felt the same way when I found out I was pregnant.” She sighs, and I tear my eyes away and look at her, seeing the adoration in her eyes. “But Jacob and his daddy are the best things to ever happen to me. And when I see Branson with him, I know you have nothing to worry about. He’s going to be one hell of a father. You two will make gorgeous babies.”

  I want to agree. Hell, I do agree, and that sends a wave of pure terror through me. Here I am thinking of weddings and babies, dreaming of a future that’s not mine. I need to take a step back. My emotions are heightened from the wedding, and if I’m not careful, I’m going to be laying my heart out on the line to him—something I’m not sure either of us is ready for.

  “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves,” I tell her, plastering on a fake smile. “We still have a lot to do before we even think about starting a family.”

  “I don’t know about that,” she says, turning back to Branson and her son. “Looks to me like he could settle into the role pretty easily. And if I’m any indication, no amount of planning matters when the time is right.”

  Before I can respond, Branson steps closer and holds his arms out to Lucy, Jacob dangling in them, still smiling from his playtime. “I love this little guy, Luce, but he’s all yours now.”

  Lucy takes him, sniffs, and then rolls her eyes at me. “Men. They’re all big, bad, and strong until they get around a dirty diaper. Then they become huge wimp
s. It was nice to meet you, Ariana. We’ll chat later.” With that, she takes Jacob and heads inside, leaving us both to watch after her.

  Branson slides an arm around my waist and pulls me into him, placing a kiss on my temple. “Sorry to keep you waiting. I didn’t think pictures would take that long, but even Charlie, the most down-to-earth bride I’ve ever met, went a little crazy with the photographer. And naturally, my brother had to indulge her.”

  Even though he’s trying to sound annoyed, I hear the affection in his voice and know it wasn’t that much of a hardship. “It’s no big deal, babe. Andi kept me occupied with the long, extended version of her romance with Cohen. And let me tell you, she was detailed.”

  He smiles and we both look across the lawn to where Andi and Cohen are talking to Chris, the lead singer of the band that was hired for the wedding. “Those two are good together. I’m glad they worked their shit out.”

  Giving him a playful grin, I turn and take hold of his tie, looking up at him. “Just so you know—public singing and song dedications are not my style. I hate being the center of attention.”

  “Well, shit,” he mumbles. “Be right back.” I watch as he heads towards where Chris is. He turns his back to me, and all I can see is Chris nodding then looking towards me with a smirk on his face.

  When Branson comes back, a look of mock relief is on his face. “Damn, that was a close one. Thank goodness you let me know before I made a huge grand gesture later.”

  I give him a playful shove, and he lets out a low, sexy laugh. “You’re such an ass,” I tell him, and he laughs even harder. “You were not seriously planning on anything.”

  “Maybe, maybe not. Now you’ll never know. And I may be an ass, but I’m your ass and you love it.” He stills as soon as the words leave his mouth, and before I can respond, he looks over my head and takes my hand. “Come on. There’s someone I want to introduce you to before Knox and Charlie get here.”

  He pulls me along with him, stopping briefly every so often as people greet him. He keeps me close by his side, never hesitating to introduce me as his fiancée—and I almost detect a hint of pride in his voice every time he holds up my left hand to show off the Wellington family ring. Every time ‘fiancée’ rolls off his lips with ease, I feel a jolt rushing through me, a shock to my heart. Each one signifies just one more nail in the coffin around my heart because I know the truth.


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