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Coming Fury, Volume 1

Page 64

by Bruce Catton

  Richard L. Campbell Letters, Mississippi State Department of Archives and History.

  Anna Ella Carroll Papers, Maryland Historical Society.

  Charleston, S.C., Board of Health, Daily Meteorological Observations, National Archives.

  Chase Collections, the Historical Society of Pennsylvania.

  Col. W. H. Chase Papers, Palmer Collection, Western Reserve Historical Society.

  Col. A. R. Chisholm, Journal of Events before and during the bombardment of Fort Sumter, Palmer Collection, Western Reserve Historical Society.

  Civil War Letters, Barker Texas History Center, University of Texas.

  Civil War Papers, Missouri Historical Society, St. Louis, Mo.

  C. C. Clay Papers, Duke University Library.

  Sherrard Clemens Letters, Western Reserve Historical Society.

  T. R. R. Cobb Letters, the Historical Society of Pennsylvania.

  Diary kept by William T. Coggeshall as military secretary to Governor Dennison; Illinois State Historical Library, Springfield, Ill., Gift of Mrs. Foreman M. Lebold.

  Comments of Gen. Jacob D. Cox on “McClellan’s Own Story,” from Cox’s copy of the McClellan Book in the Oberlin College Library, Oberlin, Ohio.

  Letterbook of the Commission Appointed for the Manufacture and Purchase of Arms and Munitions of War; for the Virginia State Legislature; Huntington Library.

  Confederate Papers, Barker Texas History Center, University of Texas.

  Jay Cooke Collection, The Historical Society of Pennsylvania.

  Abel H. Crawford Letters, Tennessee State Library and Archives.

  Samuel W. Crawford Papers, A. Conger Goodyear Collection, Yale University Library.

  Letters of John Crittenden, Barker Texas History Center, University of Texas.

  Caleb Cushing Correspondence, Nevins’ Notes.

  Mary Lee Custis Letters, Virginia State Historical Society.

  Charles A. Dana Papers, Duke University Library.

  Richard Henry Dana and Family Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society.

  C. C. Danley Letters, J. N. Heiskell Collection, Little Rock, Ark.

  David Davis Papers, Illinois State Historical Library.

  Jefferson Davis Papers, Duke University Library.

  Jefferson Davis Papers, Palmer Collection, Western Reserve Historical Society.

  Jefferson Davis Postwar Manuscripts, Confederate Memorial Hall, New Orleans, La.

  Jefferson Davis Letter, Rosenbach Foundation, Philadelphia, Pa.

  Jefferson Davis Letter, Nevins’ Notes.

  Jefferson Davis Letter, the Historical Society of Pennsylvania.

  Davis and Beauregard; A. Conger Goodyear Collection, Yale University Library.

  Eugene Delano Notes, Nevins’ Notes.

  Wilmot Gibbes DeSaussure, Order Book; Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina.

  Stephen A. Douglas Papers, Chicago Historical Society.

  Stephen A. Douglas Papers, Illinois State Historical Society.

  Stephen A. Douglas Letter, Elsie O. and Philip D. Sang Collection.

  Charles D. Drake mss. autobiography, Missouri Historical Society, St. Louis.

  Paul Pecquet Du Bellet, typed mss., The Diplomacy of the Confederate Cabinet of Richmond and its Agents Abroad, being memorandum notes taken in Paris during the Rebellion of the Southern States from 1861 to 1865; Library of Congress.

  Thomas Haines Dudley Papers, Huntington Library.

  W. T. Duganne, mss. The Story of the Confederate Navy.

  James B. Eads Papers, Missouri Historical Society.

  Eldridge Collection, Huntington Library.

  Ellsworth Papers, Chicago Historical Society.

  Ralph Waldo Emerson mss. remarks, Sumner Autographs, Houghton Library, Harvard University.

  David C. Williams Papers, the Clara Bertha Eno Collection, Arkansas History Commission, Little Rock, Ark.

  Letters of Chesley D. Evans, 1860-1861, Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina.

  Edward Everett Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston.

  Ewing Family Papers, Library of Congress.

  Letters of A. B. Fairfax, Barker Texas History Center, University of Texas.

  James Fenton Recollections, Western Reserve Historical Society.

  Recollections of C. D. Fishburne, Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina.

  Letters of G. V. Fox, the A. Conger Goodyear Collection, Yale.

  W. B. Franklin Papers, Library of Congress.

  Joseph Gillespie Papers, Chicago Historical Society.

  Gilpin Papers, Bancroft Library, University of California.

  Political Associates of Abraham Lincoln, the A. Conger Goodyear Collection, Historical Manuscripts Division, Yale.

  Thomas J. Goree Papers, Louisiana State University Department of Archives, Baton Rouge, La.

  Robert N. Gourdin Papers, Duke University Library.

  U. S. Grant Papers, Huntington Library.

  U. S. Grant Letters, Rosenbach Foundation, Philadelphia.

  Justice Horace Gray Papers, Library of Congress.

  William Granville Gray Letters, Valentine Museum, Richmond.

  Rose O’Neal Greenhow Papers, Manuscript Department, Duke University Library.

  Diary of John Berkley Grimball, South Carolina Historical Society, Charleston, S.C.

  Groner Collection, Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina.

  George Harrington Papers, Missouri Historical Society.

  A. C. Haskell Papers, Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina.

  Frank A. Haskell Papers, State Historical Society of Wisconsin.

  O. M. Hatch Papers, Illinois State Historical Library.

  Gary W. Hazleton, mss. Abraham Lincoln, Edward S. Bragg Papers, Palmer Collection, Western Reserve Historical Society.

  Samuel Heintzelman Diary, Library of Congress.

  Anson G. Henry Papers, Illinois State Historical Library.

  Governor Hicks Papers, Maryland Historical Society.

  John Lyon Hill Diary, Virginia State Historical Society.

  Joseph Holt Letter, A. Conger Goodyear Collection, Yale University Library.

  Jed Hotchkiss Papers, Library of Congress.

  R. M. T. Hunter Papers, Alderman Library, University of Virginia.

  Irregular Books, 1861-1865; Registers of Letters Received, Record Group 107, Inventory 38; National Archives, War Records, Old Army.

  Joseph E. Johnston Papers, Duke University Library.

  Joseph E. Johnston Papers, Huntington Library.

  Journal Magnolia Plantation, Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina.

  Albert Kautz, mss., Bancroft Library.

  J. M. Keller Papers, Arkansas History Commission.

  Diary of Francis Milton Kennedy, Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina.

  William Keyser Papers, Maryland Historical Society, Baltimore.

  Horatio King Papers, Library of Congress.

  Langhorne Family Papers, Virginia State Historical Society.

  Lanphier Papers, Illinois State Historical Library.

  Mary Custis Lee, Letter, Rosenbach Foundation.

  Lee Headquarters Papers, Virginia State Historical Society.

  R. E. Lee Papers, Duke University Library.

  R. E. Lee Letters, Huntington Library.

  Lee Family Papers, Brock Collection, Huntington Library.

  R. E. Lee Papers, Library of Congress.

  R. E. Lee Letters, Maryland Historical Society, Baltimore.

  R. E. Lee Letters, Palmer Collection, Western Reserve Historical Society.

  Civil War Journal, the Stephen Dill Lee Papers, Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina.

  Francis Lieber Collection, Huntington Library.

  The Lincoln Collection, Chicago Historical Society.

  Robert Todd Lincoln Papers, Library of Congress; microfilm at
the Chicago Historical Society.

  T. S. C. Lowe, Aeronautic Report, National Archives.

  George B. McClellan Papers, Library of Congress.

  John A. McClernand Papers, Illinois State Historical Library.

  McCook Family Papers, Library of Congress.

  Hugh MacRae Letters, Duke University Library.

  John McRae Letterbooks, State Historical Library of Wisconsin.

  Thomas F. Madigan Collection, Nevins’ Notes.

  S. R. Mallory Diary, Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina.

  Betty Herndon Maury Diary, Library of Congress.

  Matthew Fontaine Maury Papers, Library of Congress.

  Christopher G. Memminger Letters, Rosenbach Foundation.

  Christopher G. Memminger Papers, Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina.

  Meteorological Registers, Naval Observatory, Washington; Weather Bureau Records, Agriculture and General Branch, National Resources Division, National Archives.

  William Porcher Miles Letters, New York Public Library.

  William Porcher Miles Papers, Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina.

  William Porcher Miles Letter, A. Conger Goodyear Collection, Yale University Library.

  Papers of the Massachusetts Commandery, Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States; Houghton Library, Harvard University.

  Miscellaneous Papers, Huntington Library.

  Miscellaneous Soldiers’ Letters, C.S.A. Archives, Duke University Library.

  Diary of James H. M. Montgomery, Library of Congress.

  Orlando Hurley Moore Papers, Bancroft Library, University of California.

  Samuel F. B. Morse Papers, Library of Congress.

  Allan Nevins, research notes and manuscripts.

  Newhall Family Letters, Boston Public Library.

  Nicholson Collection, Huntington Library.

  John G. Nicolay Papers, Library of Congress.

  Kie Oldham Collection, Arkansas History Commission.

  Williamson Simpson Oldham Memoirs, Barker Texas History Center, University of Texas.

  Ord Papers, Bancroft Library, University of California.

  Patrick Henry O’Rorke Papers, Manhattanville College of the Sacred Heart, Brady Memorial Library, Purchase, N.Y.

  William P. Palmer Civil War Collection, Western Reserve Historical Society, Cleveland, Ohio.

  Payroll of Slaves, Virginia State Library.

  Edward Pendleton, mss., Library of Congress.

  William Nelson Pendleton Papers, Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina.

  Pickens-Bonham Papers, Library of Congress.

  F. W. Pickens Letters, A. Conger Goodyear Collection, Yale University Library.

  F. W. Pickens Papers, Chicago Historical Society.

  F. W. Pickens Papers, Duke University Library.

  Pickett Papers, Library of Congress.

  Franklin Pierce Letter, the Massachusetts Commandery, Military Order of the Loyal Legion, Houghton Library, Harvard University.

  L. M. Pipkin; Four Papers on the Civil War, transcribed by the Historian’s Office, Military Department, State of Louisiana; originals held by Louisiana State Museum Library.

  Leonidas Polk Letters, Palmer Collection, Western Reserve Historical Society.

  David D. Porter Papers, Huntington Library.

  John H. Reagan Papers, Texas State Library, Archives Division, Austin, Tex.

  Register of Officers Arriving in Washington, 1861, National Archives.

  William Culbertson Robinson Papers, Illinois State Historical Library; through courtesy of Ralph Newman.

  W. S. Rosecrans Papers, UCLA Library.

  Thomas L. Rosser Papers, Alderman Library, University of Virginia.

  Diary of Edmund Ruffin, Library of Congress.

  Letters of John F. Sale, Virginia State Library, Richmond, Va.

  Frank A. Sanborn, mss., Chicago Historical Society.

  Winfield Scott Letter, Greer Collection, the Historical Society of Pennsylvania.

  William H. Seward Papers, the Rush Rhees Library, University of Rochester, Rochester, N.Y.

  William H. Seward Papers, Chicago Historical Society.

  William H. Seward Papers, Library of Congress.

  William T. Sherman, Memoirs, personal copy with handwritten notes, Northwestern University Library.

  Diary of Michael Shiner, Library of Congress.

  William Dunlop Simpson Papers, Duke University Library.

  Caleb B. Smith Papers, Huntington Library.

  E. Kirby Smith Papers, Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina Library.

  Letters of Augustine Smythe, South Carolina Historical Society, Charleston, S.C.

  Homer B. Sprague Diary, Library of Congress.

  William McKendree Springer Papers, Chicago Historical Society.

  Edwin M. Stanton Letters, John Hay Library, Brown University.

  Edwin M. Stanton Papers, Library of Congress.

  Hannah C. Stearns Papers, Houghton Library, Harvard University.

  Papers of Alexander Stephens, Manhattanville College of the Sacred Heart, Brady Memorial Library; Purchase, N.Y.

  Diary of William H. Stewart, Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina.

  Franklin Stringfellow Papers, Virginia State Historical Society, Richmond, Va.

  J. E. B. Stuart Papers, Huntington Library.

  Papers of Oscar J. E. Stuart and Family, Mississippi State Department of Archives and History, Jackson, Miss.

  Papers of Charles Sumner, Houghton Library, Harvard University.

  Papers of Charles Sumner, Huntington Library.

  Papers of Gen. Thomas W. Sweeney, Huntington Library.

  Telegram on opening of war from Charleston, Chicago Historical Society.

  Papers of Eli Thayer, Widener Library, Harvard University.

  Diary of Gilbert Thompson, Library of Congress.

  Robert Toombs Letters, Palmer Collection, Western Reserve Historical Society.

  S. C. Turnbo, mss., History of the 27th Arkansas Confederate Regiment, the J. N. Heiskell Collection, Little Rock, Ark.

  Robert H. Turner, “Recollections of the Virginia Convention of 1861,” Virginia State Historical Society, Richmond, Va.

  Mark Twain Papers, University of California Library.

  E. A. Valentine Letters, Valentine Museum, Richmond, Va.

  Papers of C. S. Venable, Barker Texas History Center, University of Texas.

  Virginia in 1861, unsigned memorandum, Western Reserve Historical Society.

  War letters of C. I. Walker, Barker Texas History Center, University of Texas.

  Cornelius Walker Diary, Confederate Memorial Literary Society, Richmond, Va.

  W. H. Walker, mss., Palmer Collection, Western Reserve Historical Society.

  Wallace-Dickey Papers, Illinois State Historical Library.

  Papers of Gideon Welles, Huntington Library.

  Papers of Gideon Welles, Illinois State Historical Library.

  Papers of Gideon Welles, Library of Congress.

  Gideon Welles, draft of an article, The Collector, Nevins’ Notes.

  Horace White Papers, Illinois State Historical Library.

  Wigfall Papers, University of Texas.

  Charles Copland Wight Diary, Virginia State Historical Society.

  Wilhams-Chesnut-Manning Papers, Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina.

  William B. Wilson, mss., Lincoln File, Huntington Library.

  Robert C. Winthrop Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston.

  Henry A. Wise, Miscellaneous Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society.

  Horatio Woodman Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society.

  John L. Worden Statement, Palmer Collection, Western Reserve Historical Society.

  William L. Yancey Papers, Library of Congress.

  Papers of Richard Yates, Illinois State Historical

  SECTION III: Newspapers

  Extensive use has been made of newspapers covering the period treated in this book. In many cases, quotations have been made from newspaper articles or editorials reprinted in such books as Moore’s Rebellion Record, McMaster’s A History of the People of the United States, Perkins’ Northern Editorials on Secession, Fite’s Presidential Campaign of 1860, Dumond’s Southern Editorials on Secession, etc. In addition, individual copies or microfilms of the following journals were consulted:

  The Arkansas Gazette, Little Rock, Ark.

  Arkansas True Democrat, Little Rock, Ark.

  Berry ville (Va.) Conservator.

  Campaign Plain Dealer and Popular Sovereignty Advocate.

  Charleston Daily Courier.

  Charleston Mercury.

  Chicago Democrat.

  Chicago Tribune.

  Cincinnati Daily Commercial.

  De Bow’s Review.

  Frankfort (Ky.) Commonwealth.

  Harper’s Weekly.

  Lexington (Ky.) Observer and Reporter.

  The Liberator.

  Montgomery (Ala.) Daily Mail.

  Montgomery Daily Post.

  Montgomery Weekly Advertiser.

  Montgomery Weekly Confederation.

  Montgomery Weekly Mail.

  Montgomery Weekly Post.

  Natchez (Miss.) Courier.

  National Intelligencer, Washington, D.C.

  New York Daily Tribune.

  New York Herald.

  New York Leader.

  New York Times.

  New York Times Book Review.

  New York Weekly Tribune.

  The Railsplitter, Cincinnati, Ohio.

  Richmond Dispatch.

  Richmond Enquirer.

  Richmond Examiner.

  Richmond Whig.

  Richmond Whig & Public Advertiser.

  Sacramento Union.

  Southern Literary Messenger.

  Southern Watchman, Athens, Ga.

  Springfield (Mass.) Republican.

  Squatter Sovereign, Havana, Ill.

  Terre Haute (Ind.) Daily Express.

  Washington (Ark.) Telegraph.

  West Virginia Hillbilly.

  Winchester (Va.) Times.

  SECTION IV: Books, Pamphlets, and Periodicals

  Abbott, Martin, The First Shot at Fort Sumter, Civil War History, March 1957.

  A Cycle of Adams Letters 1861-1865, edited by Worthington Chauncey Ford, two vols., Boston, 1920.

  Adams, Charles Francis, Charles Francis Adams by His Son, Boston, 1900.


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