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The Two Vampires: Books 1-5 (The Complete Series!)

Page 4

by M. D. Bowden

  Sarah ate until she was full. Daniel had already finished, they both took the last sips of their drinks, exchanged a glance and prepared to leave.

  When Sarah was standing Daniel turned to face her, he was standing very close. He touched her jaw with those cool fingers and lifted her chin so her eyes met his. ‘You know, you don’t have to do this Sarah.’

  ‘Do what?’ she asked, confused.

  ‘Look for Jo. The police are looking for him already, you could relax at home.’

  ‘No. I want to; if I go home I will just feel restless, and angry.’


  ‘It doesn’t matter, we should go,’ she said, looking away.

  Sarah led the way outside, and breathed in the cool air. She buttoned up her coat and pulled up her hood, the temperature had decreased while they were inside. She still had that uneasy feeling, like she was being watched.

  ‘Sarah, it’s OK, why do you feel angry with Jo?’

  She didn’t want to tell him, it would seem like an excuse for her behavior. But he raised her chin so her eyes met his again. The intensity of his gaze did something to her; it made her open up inside and the truth poured out.

  ‘He had an affair when I’d just had Bea. I don’t trust him. I’m angry at him for leaving us now. I can’t help thinking he’s just left us without even bothering to leave a letter.’

  She breathed out, that was what she thought, but how did he make her confide? What was it about him? He continued to look in her eyes but now it looked as though he was thinking things through.

  ‘Sarah, that may be a possibility, but I just have this feeling that’s not the case. I’m sorry to say this, but I think something might have happened to him.’

  Daniel released his hold on her and stepped back, letting her process what he’d said.

  ‘Why do you think that?’

  ‘Well, two reasons. One is - why would anyone leave you Sarah? You’re beautiful,’ and he gave her a wicked grin, her response to which was to blush red and avert her gaze. ‘And two,’ he said becoming more serious. ‘I’ve heard of other people going missing. Here. Recently. I’m worried something is going on.’ This time Daniel looked away, his expression reflecting the angst in his words.

  ‘How do you know other people have gone missing?’ Sarah said accusingly, she didn’t know why she said it like this, it just came out that way.

  ‘I’ve read reports, there have been articles in the local paper. People talk.’

  ‘Really? I have to admit I rarely read the paper. Or talk to anyone,’ she looked at him, but he smiled a little, not seemingly surprised by this.

  ‘Well, as a newcomer to this town I have fresh interest in discovering how things work around here,’ and he raised his eyebrows at her.

  Sarah laughed, despite the seriousness of the situation she couldn’t stay somber long - not around Daniel, with his quirky smile, charm and melting gaze.


  Sebastian resumed his form of bat and flew towards town. He didn’t usually go out in the daytime but it had started to rain and the sky was dark. It would only take him minutes to get there as he was a fast flyer. It felt exhilarating flying as a bat. It was definitely his favorite animal form, but he could also turn into a cat and a wolf.

  He would have liked to stay with Jo, keeping an eye on him to make sure he coped with his new situation. However, he desperately wanted to see what Daniel was up to before taking Jo into town tonight.

  It was typical that Daniel had tracked him this far. How he did it Sebastian didn’t know, but he tended to follow Sebastian and make things hard for him. Once Sebastian reached the outskirts of town he flew into an alley and returned to his own tall self.

  He was wearing all black to blend into the shadows, but this wasn’t much help in the daytime. However, town was quiet and he was able to quickly pass into the center, keeping his eyes peeled for any sign of Daniel. He figured he would be out talking to people, rather than staying alone and sleeping like any normal vampire would during the daytime.

  He was probably investigating Sebastian. He rolled his eyes at the thought. Daniel wasn’t a serious risk, but he could be a pain. He did have a habit of interfering. And Sebastian didn’t want Daniel to get in the way this time, not with his plans for this town.

  Then he spotted him, he was walking some way ahead with a girl who looked familiar. Sebastian ducked into a doorway and watched from a distance as they entered a bar. He waited patiently and it wasn’t long until they reappeared and walked towards another one.

  So I was right, thought Sebastian, he must be investigating me. That may mean he’s out tonight, I will have to be careful to keep Jo close.

  He watched the couple enter another bar and this time they stayed inside. He won’t have found out anything yet, I haven’t even been to these bars, he thought. The bars would be a fun way to introduce Jo to hunting, but when Sebastian was alone he liked to surprise people who were out, or coax them into alleys or the woods. He could use the power of his mind to influence a person to change their plans, take an unplanned route, even without making eye contact. It was the advantage of having taken so many lives, each life he took increased his power in a way merely drinking human blood could not.

  Sebastian left his doorway to investigate the bar Daniel was spending so long in. He walked up and leant against the wall by the window. The curtains were drawn so no-one from inside would notice him. He peered through the tiny gap, focusing through the darkness.

  He could see the young woman who had been accompanying Daniel sitting alone in a booth. She looked very pretty with her flowing long blond hair and silky skin, then Sebastian realized with a jolt who she was. It was Jo’s wife. What was she doing with Daniel? Ah, they must be looking for Jo.

  So, Daniel must suspect Sebastian’s involvement in Jo’s disappearance. He probably will be expecting to find us here tonight.

  He watched as Daniel returned and sat down next to, what was her name? Oh yes, Sarah. He had seen her in Jo’s mind. In fact they looked quite cozy in that booth together. I bet she doesn’t even suspect what Daniel is though.

  This could be interesting, he smirked, then, making sure no-one was near, he took flight as a bat and swooped up to hang on a gutter, high above the building overlooking the bar. Daniel is unlikely to notice me up here, he thought, and does it really matter if he does? No, it would irk him as he wouldn’t be able to do anything about it in front of his woman.

  Chapter 4

  Sarah turned to walk back towards her house, Daniel following close beside her, making her feel safe. It was raining lightly but persistently, so they walked quickly. She watched as Daniel glanced about, like he was looking for something, or someone, but he didn’t give anything away.

  She thought that if they popped back to hers before heading out for a drive she would have another opportunity to check if Jo had returned home. She didn’t know what to say to Daniel, so she kept quiet, wondering where this day was going to take them. Would they find any clues to Jo’s disappearance? God, they’d probably get back to her house and he would be there now. That would be awkward. She was going to be so angry with him if he came home. And if he didn’t? If he was dead? Abducted? What then, how would she feel? Thinking about it she felt confused. She would be devastated - Jo had been in her life for so long. And she loved him. But things were difficult and she hadn’t forgiven him.

  Part of her would be relieved. She would be screwed, but she would be free. She wouldn’t have to make up her mind about Jo anymore, about whether they should stay together. But he would be dead, and she pushed the thought away as it was too horrible to contemplate. Nobody she knew had ever died, except grandparents, things like that didn’t happen around here. Not to her. Things just carried on. But maybe she needed to make a decision.

  If Jo was back he’d better have a bloody good explanation of where he’d been. Something terrible would have had to have happened to him, for her to take him back. If he’s jus
t been gone, out of choice, for all this time then that will be it. So great, that means I’ve lost him already, doesn’t it? He’s either dead, and I’ve lost him tragically, or he’s run off and betrayed me, and Megan and Bea - either way I’ve lost him. They’ve lost him. They’re not going to have a father anymore, certainly not one who lives with them.

  Sarah felt her anger building, she felt like hitting something, or running and screaming. Suddenly her chest hit something, Daniel’s arm. He whipped her round to face him, ‘Sarah, what are you doing?’ he said angrily.

  ‘What?’ She saw his face soften, but she was in such a daze.

  ‘You were just about to step out in front of that car.’

  ‘What car?’ But anger turned to tears, her emotions weren’t going to stay in, she had lost Jo. She couldn’t scream, so she cried. Then Daniel was holding her and stroking her hair, and she bawled onto his shoulder, her face against the soft leather of his jacket. Sarah wanted to hug him, to hit him, to kiss him angrily. She felt all over the place.

  But Daniel just held her, there, by the side of the road, tolerating the concerned glances from strangers.

  What must he think of me? He’s only known me a couple of days, and I’m such a mess, she thought. But he didn’t seem to mind and she felt looked after. Her tears started to subside and she breathed Daniel in. His delicious woody scent, like he’d been near a bonfire, she inched her head into his neck, and had an uncharacteristic urge to bite him, it almost made her laugh. He leant back against her, then she released him and started to walk towards home again. He didn’t take his arm off her though, he let it drop to her waist and continued to hold her close as they walked.

  When they reached her drive Daniel released her, Sarah felt like he did so reluctantly and she didn’t want him to. She could have just stayed there and blended with him, never letting go. But she walked on ahead and popped back into her house. It was quiet, Jo had not returned. She checked the answer machine. There were four messages - one from her parents letting her know the kids were fine and asking if she’d heard anything, two from Jo’s parents and one from his sister. They were all obviously concerned, but Sarah didn’t feel like dealing with talking to them now. She picked up her phone and tried Jo a couple of times. His phone was no-longer ringing though, it just went straight to answer phone. She left two messages, not concealing her anger and distress at his absence. But she was quick, she longed to return to Daniel. She freshened up and drank some water before leaving the house.

  As she walked back towards her car, Daniel was there, leaning against her bonnet - looking gorgeous with a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth. Her drive was lined with trees, so her car was not overlooked by other houses. The sun crept out from behind a cloud, shining dappled light through the drizzle. Daniel squinted towards her, looking smoldering. His hair looked damp and messy, and drips ran down the side of his face from the rain. Sarah was feeling reckless - the situation with Jo, alone without her kids. She walked right up to Daniel and he stood. They were so close and she looked into his eyes. He stared back, looking right into her soul, and Sarah felt like she could see his. It seemed like she was looking into the stars, like his soul went on forever and she was melting into him. Daniel wrapped his arms around her, she felt tingles race all over her body and he pulled her right up against him. His body was firm and he felt so good, he pulled her hips against his and she was drawn closer. Her lips met his with force, and with her hands she pulled at him tightly - so his heart was as close as it could be to hers, melting in together, like one. He kissed her, opening her mouth and forcing in his tongue - it was exquisite and she felt like she was going to explode. Then he released her and they breathed hard, foreheads pressed together, absorbing each other. She wanted him so badly, but she didn’t speak and neither did he. They just breathed, energy coursing through her body, completely lost to her surroundings.

  From a nearby tree Sebastian watched their display of passion with delight. He hadn’t expected this but he could definitely use it to his advantage. It could be fun to torment Jo, to make sure he had no desire to return to his former life. And he could have fun in other ways; he could expose Daniel, and watch to see how Sarah would react. Would she hate him? It would be fun to see Daniel tormented. He couldn’t believe he was acting like this, and with a human! It was so unlikely. Hmm, but this Sarah was quite stunning, Sebastian could see why Daniel was so smitten. In fact, he was taking quite an advantage, she was obviously hurting. And she lived in another world. Maybe Sebastian could turn her, if he could get her alone. He suspected Daniel would protect her now. He must suspect the danger in his situation.

  Hmm, if he could just exert a little power, maybe Daniel wouldn’t even notice, he could plant an idea in Sarah’s mind. A location to visit.

  Sebastian flew off, from tree to tree, back towards Jo and their night of hunting.

  Jo awoke to find a bat hanging upside down, right in front of his face. The bat was staring at him intensely with those large dark eyes. They looked like they stretched to infinity. Sebastian. The bat looked amused and transformed back into a man. A man who perched next to him on his branch. From the light shining through the leaves Jo guessed it was mid-afternoon. He felt hungry, his throat dry, parched.

  He breathed in deeply, taking in nearby smells. He could hear Sebastian’s blood pounding through his veins but it didn’t hold the same appeal as that delicious girl’s blood. Sebastian’s heart beat was slower, inhuman, and his blood wasn’t as fragrant. He listened to sounds of the forest. He could hear birds in the trees and small mammals scuttling in the leaf litter. But he couldn’t hear any people. He wanted to hunt.

  ‘Not yet,’ said Sebastian, seeming to read his thoughts. ‘We need to wait until late before we head into town, until the bars are buzzing and crowded, until people are intoxicated and won’t notice us.’

  ‘But I want to hunt now.’

  ‘I could teach you to hunt animals; they can still quench your thirst.’

  ‘Yes, let’s do that. What can we hunt? Bear?’

  ‘Yes, if you like. Deer and wolf are also good. You can eat small mammals too, but they don’t have much blood so it’s best to save those for when you have no other options.’

  Jo wasn’t sure about the idea of animal blood, it didn’t sound as tempting as human. But he was so thirsty. He felt restless and wanted to learn.

  ‘Tomorrow I will teach you animal transformations, but you’re not powerful enough yet. You need more blood.’

  The word blood made Jo’s thirst increase.

  ‘Follow me,’ said Sebastian.

  Jo watched as Sebastian jumped down from the tree, landing lightly. Sebastian quickly transformed into a wolf, sleek and long and grey, but with eyes like a bat, dark and stretching to infinity. Eyes you could get lost in.

  Sebastian shot off, faster than any normal wolf could travel. Jo hesitated for a second. Then he ran, following Sebastian’s trail. It wasn’t difficult, he could sense his movement ahead, and Jo found he was fast. He was racing through the woods, wind blasting against his face and neck. It was cool, and had Jo been human he would have been freezing. But he felt exhilarated, adrenaline pumping in his veins. Every tree Jo passed was in sharp relief, he just had to focus with his mind and he would zip past, narrowly avoiding branches, still keeping Sebastian in sight.

  Sebastian stopped by Jo’s car and transformed back into himself. Jo approached him at a rush and came to a quick halt, skidding on the forest floor and pounding into his old car, denting it lightly. He felt the bonnet, memories of past drives with his family flicking into his mind. Sarah. The thought of her filled him with an intense longing. Feeling his teeth extending, Jo imagined sinking his fangs into her neck and draining the life out of her.

  Jo looked back at Sebastian, he was looking amused and mischievous. But Jo couldn’t care, so absorbed with the new sensations he was experiencing; his desires, his enhanced sensations. In fact, he felt care-free. He didn’t m
ind what happened anymore. He didn’t feel depressed. He didn’t feel torn. He felt full of life. Glory. Like his future was full of excitement and experiences. Blood. Power. He wanted to feed.

  He looked at Sebastian, who was still watching him closely, and Jo waited for him to tell him what to do. He was at his command, eager for instruction.

  ‘Right, you listen. What can you hear?’ said Sebastian.

  Jo concentrated on his surroundings, feeling blood and power travel to his ears as he listened to forest sounds. ‘I hear small animals, nothing big.’

  ‘Concentrate harder, send out power, draw animals to you.’

  Jo tentatively tried this and trickles of power extended out from him.

  ‘Now, when you sense something you want, let your power touch it, then pull.’

  Jo concentrated hard again, sending out more tendrils of power, he felt more animals, one in particular, possibly a few hundred yards away. He could hear a powerful heart pounding so it must be large. He let his power touch the animal, a deer, and did as Sebastian said; he tugged at it with his power.

  He sensed it change its direction and start heading towards him in the forest. It wasn’t under his control, but it was heading into his territory. Hunger coursed through his veins and he darted forwards. The deer came into site and he raced at it. He stopped, for a moment, in front of the deer. It looked right at him, into his eyes, startled. It was a beautiful male with large antlers. Before Jo made his move the deer stepped back, lowered his antlers and rammed Jo right in the chest. Jo staggered back, shocked, he hadn’t expected the deer to fight.

  He looked down and saw the deer had drawn blood, but he could feel himself healing already. He heard Sebastian laughing behind him, goading him on. As the deer turned Jo took pursuit. He watched its powerful muscles contracting as it ran, elegantly avoiding trees and fallen branches. But Jo knew he was faster. He raced after the deer and sprang onto its back, feeling its tough fur beneath his fingers. He grabbed at those antlers that had rammed him, delighting in taking power over this beast that had damaged him, and he yanked the deer’s head firmly to the side. It screeched, the sound echoing through the forest, and Jo lurched forwards, sinking his lengthening fangs into the deer’s neck, piercing its jugular.


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