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Dragon Blaze (Dragons of Perralt Book 3)

Page 7

by Sher Dillard

  His heart lurched. Had he hurt her last night? Did she regret their time together? What was it about this woman that could make him worry and fret so much?

  Every troubled breath she took, every frown, or heavy sigh pulled at the beast inside of him. Demanding that he fix any problem, solve any concern.

  “Is everything all right?” he asked, his eyes probing to see the truth in her answer.

  She smiled weakly and nodded, “Yes, everything is fine.”

  Shrugging his shoulders, he focused on the road.

  An awkward silence began to build between them. Why did it have to be like this? he wondered. Last night had been special, yet this morning she seemed a million miles away. As if it had never happened at all.

  “Juliet and Joseph were very nice,” Rachel said. He could tell that she was trying to break the awkwardness building between them.

  “Yes, they are,” he said. “They liked you very much, as well.”

  She smiled. “Little Thaddaeus is a pure joy. Juliet is very lucky.”

  Thad nodded in agreement, as a tightness began to cinch down on his chest.

  “Do you hope to have children someday?”

  The smile on Rachel’s face disappeared for a moment. “I had never really thought I would marry. My father’s library only attracted old men and pampered boys.”

  Thad laughed. “You didn’t answer the question.”

  Rachel laughed lightly. “Yes, deep down, I do want children.”

  He nodded, “Are you worried that you might be with child now? We didn’t take any precautions.”

  Rachel’s cheeks blushed deep crimson at the mention of the previous night. She shook her head, obviously refusing to look at him. “No, it isn’t the right time of the month for me. Besides, there are herbs I can take to prevent that from happening.”

  Thad sighed internally.

  They continued on the road for several more minutes, each of them lost in their own thoughts. Finally, Thad couldn’t wait anymore. “Do you regret last night?” he asked, as he held his breath waiting for an answer.

  “What? No!” Rachel said, as if the idea was preposterous.

  “Then, may I ask why you are sitting all the way over there, instead of next to me? I promise I won’t bite.”

  She looked at him with a shocked expression.

  “I didn’t know what to expect,” she said. “The proper protocols in a situation like this are foreign to me.”

  Thad threw his head back and barked a deep, hearty laugh. “Oh, Sweetness, there are no protocols after a night like last night. I am relatively confident that no other couple in the world has ever experienced something so special.”

  She looked back at him with a shocked expression. Her eyes bigger than saucers and her lips open in disbelief.

  Shaking his head, he reached out and pulled her next to him.

  “There, that is better,” he said, as he flicked the reigns again to keep the horses moving.

  Her leg rested next to his. Her sweet lavender scent wafted over him with a blanket of bliss. Yes, the world was right again.

  “Does anyone ever call you Thaddaeus?” she asked.

  Where did that come from? he wondered as his brow creased in confusion.

  “Juliet calls the baby Little Thaddaeus. I wondered if anyone ever called you Thaddaeus.”

  He sighed. “Just my brothers,” he said, “and only because they know how much I hate it.”

  “Why? It is a proud, strong name. Little Thaddaeus will be honored to know that he is named after such a man as you. Juliet told me what you did for them.”

  Now, it was his turn to feel his cheeks grow warm with embarrassment. If she only knew the truth, she wouldn’t say that. He should have told her. She deserved to know the truth before he took her last night. The shame and regret at his weakness made his stomach clench up into a tight ball.

  He had tried to tell her, but in all honesty, he hadn’t tried very hard. The fear of how she would react had made his effort half-hearted.

  And now, it was too late. There would never again be a first time. Never again a chance for full honesty before decisions were made.

  She was staring up at him, studying him with those wise eyes of hers that could see into his very being. Careful, Thad, or she’ll have all your secrets on the ground before her, poking and prodding until she fully understood you.

  The thought sent a chill down his spine.

  “How many brothers do you have?” she asked. “You already know that I am an only child.”

  “Two brothers, one sister,” he said. “I was the youngest. They baby of the family.”

  She laughed. “It is hard to imagine you being the smallest anything.”

  “You haven’t met my brothers.”

  “Were they mean?” she asked with a serious frown.

  “No, not really. Believe me, I soon learned to give as good as I got. That is the one thing about brothers. You learn early to take care of yourself.”

  She nodded soberly. “I sometimes wish I had brothers and sisters. So, what of your parents? Why did you leave home?”

  Thad’s brow creased with concern. This was getting too personal and too close to revealing things he didn’t want her to know. “So, tell me, Miss Hopson, what is your favorite book?”

  She smiled, obviously very much aware that he was changing the subject.

  He waited to see if she was going to let her probing go for now.

  At last, she told him about an obscure little book of poetry by a monk from Pinewood Monastery. About how well it captured the human condition.

  He smiled and nodded in agreement. She seemed surprised when he told her that he had read it, and even more astonished when he was able to quote one of the poems.

  She looked at him for a long moment, shaking her head.

  “What?” he asked.

  “Nothing,” she said. “It is just that you never cease to surprise me.”

  He laughed, “What? You expected a big, dumb warrior? A man who only thinks of weapons and women.”

  She smiled and nodded. “Well, yes. You’ve got to admit. You do tend to look the part.”

  Thad shrugged his shoulders and pulled slightly on the left reigns to guide the horses around a curve in the road. It had always been that way, he thought. People assumed things about him because of his size, the scars, the hard look in his eyes. They saw danger, never the man inside.

  “So, what is your favorite book?” Rachel asked him.

  He smiled and told her of the travel log by Sir Rebald of Ghent and his trip through the Twelve Kingdoms.

  They spent the morning talking about books. The ones that raised them to new heights and those that disappointed. The books that led them to new insights and awakened wonders.

  It was a good morning, he thought. One of the best ever. This woman was obviously very intelligent. Able to discern fact from fiction. Able to see the hidden meanings and alternative explanations. She might not be as well read as he was. But, only because he had been exposed to more books. But, she read more deeply, he realized. Studied, and thought about what she read.

  His heart grew with pride that such a woman could find him interesting and worth knowing.

  As the sun reached its zenith, he pulled the horses to the side of the road for a noon rest. As he watered them and gave each a serving of grain, Rachel spread a blanket and prepared the meal Juliet had packed for them.

  Thad joined her on the blanket and leaned back on his elbows as he studied the distant horizon.

  “What are you thinking about?” she asked, as she handed him a piece of ham and a chunk of cheese.

  He laughed. “Do you really want to know?”

  “Of course,” she said, as she took a small bite of her food.

  “I was thinking that I should take you right here, right now. My body is screaming at me to do so. Who needs rest? To hell with food, to hell with water. It is you I need.”

  Rachel choked on her food. As sh
e coughed, trying to clear her throat, her face had instantly become full red as she looked at him in shock.

  “Well, you asked,” he said.

  She paused for a long moment, studying her hands resting in her lap.

  “Why don’t you?” she asked with a whisper, as if afraid of the answer.

  Thad laughed. He hadn’t expected that. This woman did seem to make him laugh a lot.

  “Because, Sweetness, if we started now, we wouldn’t finish until tomorrow morning, and this is a bad place to camp. I will have to reluctantly restrain myself until tonight.”

  Her pout was priceless, he thought. His heart soared with pleasure at the realization that she wanted him as much as he wanted her. She might be shy and unsure of herself. But, deep down, a passion burned inside this woman.

  “Do you really think that – you want me - or are you just saying it to tease me?” she asked.

  “Oh Rachel,” he said, “it is all I think about, every minute, of every day and night since I met you.”

  “Oh,” she said, as if still unable to believe him.

  “Don’t you think about it?” he asked.

  She blushed even more and slowly nodded her head. “Occasionally.”

  He smiled, as he leaned forward to lift her chin so that he could stare into her eyes. “Only occasionally?” he asked with a smirk. “I must work on making it more special.”

  “No, I mean, you were wonderful. It was ... I mean that, yes, I do think of it, of us.”

  He laughed and leaned forward to kiss her gently. “Oh, Sweetness. Don’t feel ashamed. What is between us cannot be matched.”

  “I know, it’s just ...”

  He sighed heavily. “Rachel, we don’t need to talk about it. Relax. In fact, I want you to do me a favor.”

  “What?” she asked hesitantly.

  “Every time the wagon hits a bump I want you to remember what it felt like to have me inside of you. I want you to remember the pleasure and anticipate the next time.”

  “What ...? I couldn’t.”

  He laughed. “It’s too late,” he said. “The thought is in your mind and won’t leave you. I am going to have to ensure we hit every bump and ridge on the road between here and the campsite.

  She stared at him for a long moment as if unable to believe he had said what he had. Then, she squinted and hit him in the shoulder with her fist. “You bastard,” she said with a smile.

  He laughed heartily then moved back away from her. If he didn’t, nothing would stop him from taking her then and there.


  Later that afternoon at the campsite, Thad took the horses to the river for a long drink. His heart raced, and his body grew hard in anticipation. The woman was an enchantress.

  “Hurry up,” he cursed at the horses. They both turned to look at him, then returned to drink. He swore they were both drawing this out on purpose. No horses could need that much water.

  As he waited, he rubbed his lower back. He swore he’d hit every bump in the road. It had been worth it. Every time they’d hit one, he’d glance over at Rachel and catch her blushing redder than a cardinal on the wing.

  Sighing in frustration, he pulled the horses away from the river and staked them on a swath of green grass then turned to return to the camp.

  As he rounded the set of cottonwood trees, his eyes fell upon Rachel’s beautiful rump. She was kneeling, rolling out their bed rolls. She had already started a fire and set a pot of stew to boiling.

  All he could see though was that round, delicious rump, draped in a gray skirt, swaying back and forth as she worked.

  He slid to a halt, unable to move. Trapped with the rapture of what was before him.

  She turned to look over her shoulder, her eyes meeting his. A saucy grin spread across those delectable lips, and a hint of invitation flashed across her eyes as she wiggled her bottom at him.

  His heart lurched. God, where did she learn to do that?

  He swallowed hard and fell to his knees behind her. The beast inside of him had taken control. He didn’t ask, he didn’t wait, he took.

  His hands grabbed her around the waist and pulled her back next to him. She moaned and wiggled her bottom back and forth across the front of him.

  The world disappeared, and all he could think about was being inside this woman. Feeling her soft warmth cradling him. Thrusting into her until he exploded.

  Now. He must have her now.

  Lifting her dress, he roughly pulled down her small clothes and slipped his hand between her legs.

  She shivered as the fresh air caressed her bare skin.

  Her bottom was perfectly round and pert. Made for him to admire and love.

  His finger found her and began to move back and forth. Her wetness and swollen readiness surprised him. She wanted him as much as he wanted her.

  Grabbing her hips once again, he thrust into her with a fierce push. There was no tenderness in him. The need inside of him was too strong.

  Heaven, soft, warm, glorious heaven.

  Rachel moaned as her head slumped to the bedroll. Her body rocking back onto him.

  Tightly holding both hips, he thrust, again and again. Controlling the rhythm. Pulling her back onto him as he shoved forward. Over and over.

  Rachel groaned with pleasure, “Yes. Harder,” she begged.

  The beast was in charge, the beast was in control. He didn’t think of her needs. All he could think about was slamming into her, over and over, and over.

  She was his.

  “YESSSSS!” she screamed, as she climaxed. Her body gripping him with a tender tightness.

  And still, he thrust.

  The forces building inside of him demanded to be released. Like a mighty landslide that could not be stopped. Yet still, he fought to hold off. He wanted this, needed this. To take.

  At last, he could hold back no longer and exploded into a shower of light and sounds. His release was intense and lasted forever as over and over he shot himself into her.

  The world slowly returned to normal for Thad. The sounds of the distant river. The smell of wood smoke and her lavender. The cool evening breeze. All worked to pull him back to reality.

  Slowly withdrawing from her, he collapsed onto the bedroll. It was as if his muscles had melted into a pool of liquid. He had nothing left. She had sapped every bit of energy from him.

  Moaning sweetly, Rachel wiggled her way into his arms, resting her head on his chest. His arm wrapped around her and pulled her in tight.

  Just as she had taken his energy, she began to return it threefold. He could move a mountain. He could fly to the moon with this woman next to him. He could do it all.

  Chapter Eleven

  Rachel woke in the early morning with Thad holding her in his arms. There was no better place in the world, she thought. The warmth and security of his arms were the center of her universe.

  “Please,” she begged. “Never end.”

  He stirred in his sleep, but continued to breathe deeply. She hadn’t woken him. Sighing, she closed her eyes and fell into a deep dark world, secure in the knowledge that for now at least, he was here. He was hers.

  The following days fell into a familiar pattern. Making sweet love all night under the stars. A morning romp of laughter and pure pleasure. Followed by a long, slow road trip filled with lively conversations. Usually revolving around what he had seen and learned in his travels.

  He told her of Quaster, Ringwald, and the dozen other places he had visited in search of the coin. She sat quietly enraptured as he described the scenery, the people, the customs and beliefs of distant lands.

  She laughed at his funny stories about strange characters and the things they did. Her heart burned with jealousy at all he had experienced.

  As he talked, she listened closely for any hint of a love. Any story about a special someone he had left along his wandering.

  This was Thad after all. It was impossible to imagine him being chaste. There was too much passion burning ins
ide this man. Besides, women would have torn down the city walls to get at him.

  But, nothing, not a hint. She wondered if that meant that he thought of all women as nothing special. Nothing to be considered or remembered.

  A week into their trip and she could wait no longer, her curiosity ate at her with a burning need.

  “So,” she asked, “In all your travels, there was not someone you regretted leaving? Someone special?” She paused for a moment. “Or, perhaps she pines for you at home? That certain someone that waits quietly while you traipse around the world?”

  He laughed and looked at her for a long moment.

  “No,” he said finally, and she felt her insides relax. “Oh, don’t get me wrong, there have been times I have been tempted to stay. Tempted to remain one more day, one more night. But, regrets? No, not really.”

  Rachel smiled to herself as she thought of the dozens of women who had watched him leave. Would she be such a woman? she wondered. Would she be left on the side of the road with a broken heart? Her last sight of him, his broad back as he rode off, slowly disappearing out of site. The thought sent a cold shiver through her entire body.

  He has made no promises, she reminded herself. None except to ensure she reached her destination. In fact, if she thought about it honestly. It would be her leaving him. Once they reached the Kingdom, it would be her leaving the road.

  Her insides turned over as she thought of the coin wrapped in cloth at the bottom of her pack. If she gave him the coin? Would that complete this strange quest of his? Allow him to come to rest in one place? Perhaps with her?

  A warm thrill traveled through her as she thought of them together forever. Was it possible? Could she have a child as sweet as Little Thad?

  A mental picture of a young girl riding her father’s shoulders flashed into her mind. Thad would be such a good father. She could well imagine their daughter wrapping his heart around her little finger.

  Her mind was lost in thought when Thad suddenly yelled at the horses and pulled back on the reins.

  Rachel looked up, they had come around the edge of a hill to find ten men on horseback blocking their path. Her heart fell. No, not now, she thought. Not when everything was going so well.


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