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[In Distress 01.0] In Distress

Page 10

by Caethes Faron

  “That’s unacceptable.”

  “Sorry for the inconvenience, but it’s the way it is.”

  “I said no. The Zed belongs to me. He doesn’t go anywhere without my permission.”

  “Technically he’s leased to you by the Department of Genetic Integrity, same as every Zed. The DGI wants him back. He’ll be returned to you when we’re finished.”

  Carson moved in front of Will. As soon as Rufus saw, he did the same, completely blocking Will from view. He wouldn’t be able to read Stanton’s lips, so he was left with Malcolm’s side of the conversation. The others followed suit, forming a protective semi-circle around Will, pushing him back against the wall.

  “If you so much as lay a hand on my Zed, I’ll not only have your job, I’ll ruin you.”

  “I don’t know who you think you are, Malcolm, but you don’t have that kind of authority here. Now, I’d hate to have to hurt the others, so why don’t you tell them to step aside?”

  Stanton advanced, the annoyance on his face doing nothing to mask the pleasure in his eyes at the prospect of experimenting on Will. The wall seemed to push against Will, pushing him forward. It took a moment for Will to gather that it was because he was backing against it, seeking any escape from the Alpha.

  Malcolm stepped in front of his Zeds, blocking Stanton’s path. “If you want him, you’re going to have to physically remove me first. That’s not something I think you want to do.”

  Kaleana touched his arm from behind him. “Think, Malcolm.” It was said so low under her breath that Will wasn’t entirely sure he’d heard her correctly.

  Stanton came face to face with Malcolm. His nostrils flared, and his face flushed. The man had a temper, but it wasn’t a match for Malcolm’s calculated coldness. A warm peace settled in Will’s chest despite the frigid stance of his Alpha. He knew, without a doubt, that Malcolm wouldn’t let anything happen to him. The surety overwhelmed him. For the first time, he understood the way the others felt about this man.

  “Step aside, Malcolm.”

  “Don’t make me call Nicodemus. If you force me to disturb him, I won’t rest until I’ve destroyed you. I doubt I’ll have to try hard. Nic is usually ensconced in bed with one of his lovely Zeds right about now, if I know him, enjoying a little pre-dinner fun.”

  Stanton’s eyes danced from side to side, as if trying to discern how serious Malcolm was. Will couldn’t breathe. His lungs were on fire. Any minute, he’d snap, yell, scream, anything to end the wait and bring air back into his chest.

  “Fine. Have it your way, but you can bet I’m going to report this. I hope he’s worth it.” Stanton huffed and went back to his tab.

  The group collectively exhaled. The cool air that rushed into Will’s lungs burned. It was the most welcome sensation in the world. Malcolm opened the door, and they followed him out. Will didn’t know whether they were actually walking faster than they had on the way down or if his weak knees made it seem that way. When they finally stood back in their room, his mind had barely caught up when Malcolm spoke.


  Everyone turned to look at him. Tony moved behind him, gently nudging him forward. As soon as he was near enough, Malcolm reached out and pulled Will toward him. He lifted Will’s head until their eyes met. There was a flash of something behind the pale coolness—a spark of fear, if Will had to guess, but that seemed too improbable.

  “Are you all right?”

  Will swallowed, but no amount of spit could moisten his throat. He couldn’t speak, but he needed that icy stare to move off of him. He swallowed again, but still there were no words, so he nodded. Malcolm held his eyes for a moment longer then released him.

  “Let’s go. We’re driving home tonight.” He glided out the door, leaving the rest of them scrambling to catch up.

  Rufus caught Will and pulled him to his side, hauling him behind Malcolm in a protective embrace. Will’s feet barely touched the ground on the way to the car.

  “Will’s next to me.” Malcolm didn’t look at any of them as he got behind the wheel. He had the car turned on before anyone else was even inside.

  Will collapsed in his seat, relieved at no longer having to support his weight on legs that felt useless. Malcolm sped out of the parking garage, barely missing other vehicles and pedestrians as he tore through the streets. Will didn’t commence breathing normally until they were out of the city and on the open road. The other car following them was the only vehicle in sight. Malcolm kept stealing glances at Will. Never for long, and every time he did, he tightened his grip on the steering wheel. Will imagined those hands tightening around Stanton’s neck. He had never felt so safe in his life. He suddenly viewed Malcolm so differently that it was hard to believe he was the same man. Malcolm was dangerous, Will hadn’t been wrong about that, but the danger was never directed toward those who belonged to him. He didn’t thrive on exercising his power against those already under his control like other Alphas. He was an entirely different creature.

  Will wanted to say something, to express his gratitude. There had been no reason for Malcolm to defy Stanton. If anything, it had given him an easy opportunity to be rid of a troublesome Zed. Each time the memory replayed in his mind, Will was overcome with a warmth he’d never felt toward an Alpha. He’d finally gotten a glimpse of the man beneath the chilled exterior and seen what the others had been trying to show him. Every time Will opened his mouth to verbalize some of the thoughts running through his mind, Malcolm’s gaze silenced him. Nothing in Malcolm’s demeanor forbade Will to speak, but he couldn’t find the words under such scrutiny. Malcolm focused back on the road and tightened his grip. By the time they were halfway home, Will feared he’d break the wheel clean off.

  On the way home.

  It was a strange feeling. The compound was his home, the first one he’d ever had. Everywhere else he’d lived had just been the place he occupied. If Will had been lent to a cruel friend of Vincent’s for a night of sexual humiliation, he felt relief at seeing his Alpha’s home, even though Vincent didn’t treat him much better. The knowledge of how life operated, of what to expect, made his Alpha’s home comfortable, but Will had never had the deep sense of belonging that filled him when he thought of Malcolm’s compound. It wasn’t just his Alpha’s home; it was his home. And he couldn’t wait to get back to it.

  Dinner was silent. Kaleana had called Marcy to let her know to expect them. It was later than usual, but the warm tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches went a long way toward restoring a sense of calm. Somehow, Marcy always knew what food to serve for the occasion. The gentle tinkling of spoons tapping bowls was the only sound in the room. At first, it had been uncomfortable, but once Will allowed himself to relax into the quiet, it became like a thick blanket covering him, keeping him safe. As he relaxed, he wanted to thank everyone for their support. He wanted to thank Malcolm and not just for his interference at Eval but for his interference in Will’s life. The creamy soup slid down his throat, and Will knew that he shouldn’t be eating it. He shouldn’t have even been alive for this Eval. Malcolm hadn’t only saved him from what would have probably been quite a torturous ordeal at the hands of the Geneticists. He’d saved him from certain death. The acceptance of that fact humbled Will more than any of the humiliations meted out to him throughout his life.

  The silence was too thick and comfortable to break, so he said nothing, aware of his own cowardice.

  “I think we’ll skip the lounge tonight. We’ve all had a long day. I want everyone in bed.” Malcolm stood and watched them all leave. Will was the last to pass through the door. He felt Malcolm’s appraisal, knew he had his attention, but when he looked into his eyes, Will saw only the firmness of the order Malcolm had given. He could do nothing but obey.

  The silence continued into the hallway, up the stairs, and into his room. Will shucked off his clothes and threw them at the wall, taking a little satisfaction in watching them tumble to the ground. He never wanted to see them again. It was a w
arm night, but Will found himself reaching for his flannel pajamas. He hadn’t had cause to wear them yet, but he craved the warmth of soft fabric against his skin, covering him from Stanton’s cruel gaze that had followed him into his room.

  He curled into a ball beneath the sheets with the comforter covering his head instead of lying folded at the foot of the bed. Tears flowed, running down his face, dripping off the tip of his nose, wetting the cotton sheet. He didn’t know why he cried. Anger, fear, relief, anxiety. And maybe even a little love.



  “How ya doin’?” Carson was waiting for Will as soon as he emerged from his room for breakfast.

  “I’m good.”

  “Really? That was the nastiest Eval I’ve ever seen. Ain’t no shame in admittin’ you were scared.”

  “Oh, I was, but there’s no reason to be now. Malcolm’s not going to let anything happen.”

  “You’re finally comin’ to realize that, eh? Good. If you need to talk, there’s a houseful of ears waitin’ at the ready. We didn’t want to overwhelm you this mornin’.”

  Now that Carson mentioned it, Will did find the lack of other people in the hallway odd. The other five huddled outside the dining room, waiting for them.

  “How are you feeling, Will?” Tony was the first to speak as Will and Carson approached. Will’d been a little surprised that it hadn’t been Tony to greet him at his door.

  “I’m good.” Will nodded and smiled—anything to make the worry leave Tony’s eyes. Besides, he really didn’t want to be bombarded with questions.

  “See, I told you all he’d be fine. Will’s made of tougher stuff than you think.” Nick smiled in his direction.

  As soon as he made it all the way to the group, Rufus patted Will on the back, and Stu hugged him. The fierceness of Stu’s embrace was startling. Will wrapped his arms around him, feeling his demand to be reassured that all was right. As much as Stu liked to sequester himself away, he had a deep need for everything to be in its place. He’d probably been the most shaken up of all of them.

  “Really, I’m fine, Stu.” Will whispered in his ear. Stu nodded and stepped back. In his eyes, Will saw the fear that something like that would happen to him someday. “Hey, do you really think Malcolm would’ve let anything happen?”

  “N-n-n-no, but he’s b-b-b-been d-different.”

  “Only ’cause he knew I needed some space, Stu.” It wasn’t a lie. Will had come to the realization during the night. It might not have been Malcolm’s only reason for staying away, but Will knew in his gut that he’d thought it best for Will for him to keep his distance. He was quickly learning that Malcolm didn’t do anything unless he thought it was in the best interest of his family.

  “You sound better, lad. I take it yesterday shook some things loose in that head of yours.”

  “I think you’re right, Syrus.”

  “Good. It’s best you learn I’m always right. It’ll make things much easier in the future.”

  Will couldn’t help chuckling as he walked into the dining room. A chuckle, coming from him, less than twenty-four hours after one of the most terrifying days of his life. He wouldn’t have believed it.

  “Kaleana, is Malcolm joining us?”

  Will didn’t see Kaleana until he heard Tony’s question. She sat as primly as ever in her spot, but it was strange to see her there without Malcolm sitting next to her.

  “No, unfortunately. There’s business that needs his attention. He’s concerned about all of you and asked that I spend the morning with you while he’s working. There’s nowhere he’d rather be than with all of you after yesterday.”

  Everyone automatically glanced at Will. Great. Now he was back to being the freak in a house full of them. He ignored them and took his seat. It was over. He was safe. There was no reason to make something of it.

  “Well we’re happy to have you. Did leaving early cause problems?” Tony seemed to be the only one interested in talking as the pancakes and eggs were served.

  Will watched Kaleana to see if she was going to lie to them. Of course there were problems. Everyone stayed overnight to receive their results the next day. Everyone.

  “It’s nothing Malcolm can’t handle. You know he’d never do anything that put you at risk. It’s just requiring a bit of time to smooth everything over.”

  “Does Malcolm really know Nicodemus? Is that who he has to smooth things over with?” Nick wasn’t the only one interested in the answers to those questions. It would have been impossible for anyone to miss the way Malcolm had spoken about the Chairman of the Board of Geneticists the previous day. Will hadn’t thought about it much, but now that imminent danger no longer threatened, he shared Nick’s curiosity.

  “Yes, Malcolm knows Nicodemus. I don’t know if he’s planning to call him today or not. I doubt it’s something he’d bother him with.”

  Simply hearing Nicodemus’s name bandied about so casually sent a shiver down Will’s spine. That foul man represented everything that was wrong with the world. Will didn’t like to think about Malcolm having any dealings with him. If Malcolm had followed through with his threat to call him, Will didn’t doubt that Nicodemus would have sided with Stanton. The man had no heart. Malcolm must have been putting faith in Nicodemus’s belief in Zeds as the property of their Alphas. Either that or Malcolm had a favor due him. Neither thought was pleasant.

  “I think we’ve had enough talk on the subject. The past is past. We’re all fine. We’re home, so we know nothin’ is gonna happen to us. How about we get on with breakfast instead of sulkin’ like a bunch of old hens?” An edge of irritation colored Carson’s tone.

  They all went back to eating.

  “Will, may I speak to you for a moment?”


  Kaleana led the way to the sunroom. “Have a seat.” She gestured toward an overstuffed, floral print sofa. It was every bit as soft as it looked. The entire room had a feminine décor that softened Kaleana’s appearance.

  “Malcolm’s worried about you, as am I. I know you’ve said you’re fine, but I also know you don’t want to worry the others.”

  “I’m not lying, Kaleana. I really am fine.”

  “Really? Because I wouldn’t be after that.”

  “I’m not saying it didn’t scare me. It did, even more than when my leg was crushed. At least that was an accident. But nothing happened. Malcolm wouldn’t let it. I needed to know that.”

  “Ah, so the fear’s chased away the anger or at least steered it away from Malcolm and onto those who’ve earned it?”

  “The Alphas have earned it. I didn’t know until yesterday that he’s not like the others. I’m willing to admit that maybe this isn’t one elaborate farce that will end in some cruel, sadistic twist.”

  “Plenty of Alphas are territorial. I fail to see how this convinces you of anything other than Malcolm’s intense possessiveness.”

  “If he were cruel, he’d have handed me over to Stanton under the condition that he be allowed to watch.” Will had known Alphas who would have done exactly that. Vincent had been friends with some of them.

  Kaleana shuddered. “You’re right. I’m glad, for your sake, you’ve come to this realization. I hate to think that you’d be looking over your shoulder, waiting for the game to be called. Hopefully, you’ll be able to relax more fully into your life here.”

  “I thought he hated me. Maybe he does. But I’d rather be hated by him than loved by any other Alpha I’ve known.”

  “He doesn’t hate you, Will. Far from it. If anything, it’s the exact opposite. He doesn’t do feelings well. We’re the only family he has, and I think that scares him sometimes.”

  “I have a hard time imagining anything scares him.”

  Kaleana smirked. “There’s a lot you don’t know.”

  “And who does? Do you know him, Kaleana, or are you as in the dark as the rest of us?”

  “I’ve been with him a long time.”

n’t exactly answer my question. Was he always like this?”

  “No, not always. If you want to get to know him, you’re more than welcome to. He won’t risk making you uncomfortable by approaching you, not after what happened.”

  “Oh, so he’d be open to an invite for tea and crumpets, then?”

  Kaleana giggled. “No, not exactly. I just want you to know that he’s there for you. You’ve seen the way he is with Stu. After yesterday, you might need to talk to him. If it’ll help, don’t hesitate.”

  “Yeah, well, I’m not Stu.”

  “No, you’re not. You’re a much tougher case.”

  Will bristled. That was precisely the problem. Unlike the others, he hadn’t wanted a home here. He hadn’t wanted to trust and let himself be cared for. He certainly hadn’t wanted to care for others. But he did. Where Stu wanted love, Will had wanted vindication at any price, even his own misery. Being wrong had never felt so good.

  “And, of course, I’m always available too. All you have to do is message me, and Malcolm or I will come. I know it seems like he’s busy, and he is, but he’s never too busy if one of his boys needs him.”

  “Thanks. I’ll keep that in mind.” Will had to admit Malcolm intrigued him. Now that he wasn’t so busy hating him, his mind itched with curiosity.

  “Is there anything you wanted to talk about now? My schedule is clear for the morning.”

  “No, I’m fine. Really. I was scared, but I’m home now.”


  “Actually, there is one thing. Could you let Malcolm know I’m grateful?”

  “He knows.”

  “I don’t think he does, not given our relationship.”

  “You can tell him yourself, you know.”

  “I know. I want to, but every time I try, I just can’t. Please, Kaleana, pass it along. You pass along messages for him all the time.” Will knew it wouldn’t be the same. He needed Malcolm to know, but he didn’t trust himself to do it. Perhaps he would find the words, but until then, he didn’t want Malcolm in doubt about his feelings.


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