[In Distress 01.0] In Distress

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[In Distress 01.0] In Distress Page 22

by Caethes Faron

  A bit of curiosity flitted across Will’s eyes, but he complied. Malcolm took hold of his leg and began to massage. “Tell me if I hurt you.”

  Will nodded, his heavy eyelids drooping even further. It soon became apparent that he was too far gone in that mystical place between sleep and wakefulness to really say anything. Occasionally, he groaned softly in pleasure. Malcolm adjusted his pressure and position to maximize those little sounds. Instead of saying anything when it hurt, Will simply flinched away. Malcolm changed his approach and tried to get at the sore muscle some other way.

  Thoughts of the day intruded unbidden into the peaceful moment. Will was too tired to provide distracting conversation, but Malcolm was wide awake. Instead of fighting off his mind’s need to go over the business of the day, he indulged it. Better to think about it now in this tranquil setting.

  This morning, the meeting with his upper-level management had gone well, but it had been tiring and not at all interesting. Business was flourishing. Nothing new. He would always prosper as long as the Geneticists kept their stranglehold on power.

  After that had been a security briefing with Trent. That had been more interesting but also stressful. Security was everything. Every person, every item, every bit of information that traveled through the gates of his compound had to be accounted for and controlled. New Betas were being hired to meet the production demand. It was always a stressful time overseeing the interviews, the background checks, the tests they subjected each potential employee to. So far, their process had been one hundred percent successful. Malcolm had never experienced a security breach.

  However, each time they had to hire, the pressure built. That perfect streak could only hold for so long. And the consequences of a breach rose every year. Contracting out to a supplier tempted him on a nearly daily basis, but it wouldn’t be worth it. He could handle the stress if it meant retaining his exclusivity with the Geneticists. Those contracts were paramount to his success.

  Business swirled in his head until the alarm on his Glass Tab dinged. Malcolm patted Will on the leg. “Wake up, Will. It’s time for dinner.”

  “Hmm?” Will stretched, but his eyes stayed closed.

  “It’s time to eat. We’ve got ten minutes to take a quick shower and put on some fresh clothes.”

  Will shook his head. “No, you go ahead. I’ll stay here.”

  Malcolm chuckled. “That’s not how it works. Don’t make me tickle you.” Malcolm slid his fingernail down Will’s foot. His leg retreated faster than lightning.

  “I’m up.”

  “That’s what I thought.” Malcolm followed Will, feeling more content and at peace than he could remember. If only the stresses of work weren’t waiting for him in the morning.



  “Do you ever think about what life would be like if we weren’t Zeds?” Nick’s question struck a chord with Will. He used to think about it a lot but not so much now that he was happy.

  They’d been in the middle of a virtual game tournament when another bulletin from the State Broadcasting Service had interrupted them. More rioting, more death, more warnings against Spark of Life activity. It had decidedly dampened the mood.

  “Sure. I think we all do. Why do you ask, dear?” Tony turned in his cushion so he sat facing Nick in the front row of recliners. The rest of the boys shifted, forming something of a circle so they could all see each other and Rufus could read their lips.

  Nick shrugged. “I guess all these bulletins have got me thinking. I mean, life’s great, but sometimes I wish I was a Beta so I could do something.”

  “And what would you do?”

  “I don’t know. Fight for change. I look at us, and it’s pure luck that we’re here. Things could have been so much worse for all of us. And it’s not even my hand, you know? I mean, if I were a Beta, it could have been reattached, but I really don’t care about that, not anymore. I just have all this energy, and I wish I had something more to put it toward. With everything going on in the world, it just seems trivial to be here playing games and goofing off.”

  “Oh, let me shed a tear for the poor Zed who’s not required to work and can spend all his days in leisure.” Carson’s acerbic tone bit.

  “Come now, Carson,” Tony said, playing the peacemaker as always. “You had an outlet for your youthful energy. You’ve told me you miss your time as a fisherman, putting in a hard day’s work, seeing the fruits of your labor.”

  “Aye, a hard day’s work that didn’t pay.”

  Tony glared at him.

  Carson sighed. “You’re right, but I’m too old for that now. Besides, after that I was sold to the mine. You won’t hear me complainin’ about where life has landed me. Who’d have thought I’d end up in an Alpha’s house after starting out as a laborer? I don’t care if Malcolm wants me sittin’ on my ass twiddlin’ my thumbs for the rest of time.”

  “Well, not everyone takes to loafing as well as you do.” Tony’s light comment stirred chuckles from the group. “I can understand where you’re coming from, Nick. Some of my happiest years were spent taking care of my last Alpha’s children. I was there when they brought home Brigitte and then Adam. Those two kids had me wrapped around their little fingers. They were as dear to me as if they were my own. I’ve never felt such a strong sense of purpose as when I was raising them. The love I felt—” Tony’s voice caught. His warm brown eyes were swimming in tears. He sniffed and wiped them away. “Anyway, I try to find that same sense here with the garden and taking care of all of you, but it’s not the same.”

  Sitting next to Tony, Stu leaned in and rubbed his back, trying to provide some comfort. Will had heard the story before. After Tony’s stroke, the children had rejected him, spurred by their parents who taught them to scorn physical deformities.

  Tony gave Stu a smile and patted his knee. “Thank you, dear, but I’m fine. Or I would be if someone else would just start talking.”

  Rufus nodded. “There’s something about feeling useful and needed. I appreciated my last Alpha teaching me English, not just because it showed he cared, but because it meant I could help him with his business. Now all I can do is work on the cars. I like it, but it doesn’t make me feel needed.”

  Will was just beginning to understand what it was like to be needed. Before he’d met Malcolm, his life had mainly been focused on survival. His childhood Alpha, Lewis, hadn’t been too bad, but the ones who came after were. At least Lewis’s parents had taken their responsibility as Alphas seriously enough to have Will go to school with him. Technically, all Alphas who owned Zed children were supposed to ensure their education, but many didn’t.

  “Hey, we need you to keep making those cars faster. Will hasn’t even had a chance to race yet.” Nick smiled at Will.

  “That sounds like fun. Why haven’t we?” It seemed they’d dragged him off to do everything else there was to do on their side of the compound.

  “M-M-Malcolm won’t l-l-let us without him there.”

  Rufus shook his head. “We have to wait until I’m done with some modifications anyway. They’re in no condition to race right now.”

  “See, like I said, we need you, Rufus.” Nick smiled.

  The soft dinging of Syrus’s tab filled the air. “There’s the alarm. Time for us to head down to lunch.”

  Tony took Syrus’s arm to help him out of the room. Will knew, as they all did, that Syrus was more than capable of navigating the house on his own. He suspected Syrus just liked to stay close to everyone, in touch with each of them. He had a way of getting whoever walked him to confide in him. It was his way of keeping on top of the mood of the house. Right now, Tony was the one who needed him, so he’d been the one to take his arm.

  On the way to the kitchen, Will lagged behind, not wanting to talk. He loved the time he spent with the boys, but they were right: there was more to life than idling away their time. The satisfaction he felt at being needed by Malcolm was incomparable. He was discovering a whole n
ew side of life. Perhaps, now that his life was no longer plagued with fear and anxiety, he’d achieve that sense of purpose.



  Malcolm hadn’t anticipated how different it would feel coming from Will. The belt hit the crease right below his buttocks, spreading fire in its wake. Will didn’t bring the leather down again right away, giving the fire time to burn to a deep glow that sent even more blood into his already aching cock.

  Of course, the physical sensation was much the same. Will and Kaleana had differences in technique, but that wasn’t what struck him the most. With Kaleana, there was absolute trust and love to be sure, but she’d been with him forever. She had known him before he became the man he was today. Part of him always believed that the reason she still loved him was because she held to the knowledge of who he’d been before.

  Another strike, this one higher. His cock ground into the sheet. He lay completely flat on the bed, his head on his pillow, arms resting above him, simply enjoying the sensation.

  Will, on the other hand, came to Malcolm without any previous knowledge. Any action or feeling he showed was based solely on who Malcolm was now. That knowledge was powerful, liberating.

  Two more stripes, back-to-back in almost the same spot. The sharp sting would take longer to dissipate, but the pleasure would be stronger. Will’s cool hand on the hot welt startled him enough to jump a little.

  “Don’t want you coming too quickly.” Will rubbed, taking away the sting, the pain that would have become so sweet given just a few more seconds.


  Will pulled back and applied another strike, immediately following it with a lick of his tongue that brought out goose bumps. “I wouldn’t antagonize the one holding the belt.”

  “Please, just keep going.”

  “And to think, you wanted to go to bed.”

  After dinner, Malcolm hadn’t wanted Will to feel obligated. When Malcolm had told him so when Will asked for his belt, he had simply gone into the closet and retrieved the thick strap himself.

  “I’ve never claimed intelligence.”

  “Oh you’re plenty smart, just selfless to an almost morbid degree. It’s as if you’ve become selfish in your selflessness.”

  “You’ll have to explain that one to me sometime.”

  The strap hit three times in quick succession. Malcolm hissed and kicked his legs as he waited for the sting to subside. The bed shifted as the belt landed next to him. Will’s face came into view. His hand brushed Malcolm’s hair back from his forehead. “I’d like to finish inside you, if you don’t mind.”

  All Malcolm could do was nod. He moved to tuck his knees underneath him, but Will tugged on his ankle, prompting him to the edge of the bed. Of course, it’d probably be more difficult for Will to balance on his knees with his leg the way it was. His control would be better standing.

  “Get on your back.”

  When Malcolm rolled over, he saw Will lubing his cock. That was not what excited him though. The blatant hunger in Will’s usually bright eyes curled something inside him. When he was ready, Will lifted one of Malcolm’s legs onto his shoulder and slowly eased his cock inside.


  Will slapped his thigh. “No. I’m not going to risk tearing you because lust clouds your judgment.”


  Shit. Will withdrew completely with another slap to his thigh.

  “You may be in charge here, but I’m responsible for your safety.” A wicked gleam entered Will’s eyes. “You’ll have to ask nicely for it now.”

  Malcolm’s jaw dropped. “You little shit.”

  Will laughed. Good. Malcolm had meant it in humor.



  “Enter me.”


  Malcolm sighed and clenched his fists. Then he felt Will’s cock brush against his entrance. At least this way he’d get to experience the pleasurable discomfort of him entering again. He looked into Will’s eyes and was startled to see that had been his plan all along. Malcolm smiled. “You’re devious behind that innocent exterior.”

  Will smirked. “Whatever gets the job done. Now do you want me inside you or not?”

  “Yes. As quickly as is safely possible.”

  The smirk turned into a laugh. “Better.” Will began again. His slow entry didn’t last too long. As soon as he got past the ring of muscle, he slid gently home. Malcolm couldn’t help groaning at the fullness.

  Will began to move, hitting Malcolm’s prostate at regular intervals. The pleasure formed a haze over Malcolm’s mind. He needed something to cut through it, to bring him to the edge.

  Will’s hand struck the welts he’d made earlier. The sting sprang to the front of his mind, bringing focus to his pleasure, leading the way to an orgasm Malcolm thought just might kill him.

  “Ah, yes. Harder.”

  Will obliged, slapping, thrusting, and then pulling Malcolm’s thigh to him in a fierce grip as he came.

  Malcolm swam in a pool of pleasurable sensations that were about to consume him. Will grabbed his cock, working it as he raked his nails across Malcolm’s welts. Everything coiled inside him. The world shrunk to a single point of pain-pleasure and then exploded.

  When Malcolm opened his eyes, Will stood looking down at him with a satisfied grin.

  Malcolm shook his head. “No one should be that good at this.”

  Will answered by kissing him with a tenderness that would have seemed at odds with the intensity of a few moments ago if both hadn’t been so permeated with love. “You’re not so bad yourself.” He took the belt back to the closet and went to the bathroom.

  “If you walk out of there with that damn gel, I’m throwing it out the window. I want to hold on to this feeling as long as I can.”

  Will emerged with nothing more than a washcloth. “I know. I’m not cruel.”

  Once they were both cleaned off, they settled under the sheet together. Will held Malcolm to him. The display of protectiveness after every beating Will delivered was endearing. The force of the connection Malcolm felt to Will after a beating was more intense than he would have thought possible. In some ways, it was even more intense than an orgasm, as if the orgasm was simply the path to this intimate feeling.

  “Have you ever had anything other than a belt?”

  Will’s question surprised him. “Yes, but only during my professional encounters. The belt gets the job done, and Kaleana’s comfortable with it. Why?”

  “I want to try some new things. Different things. See if there’s anything else you like.”

  “Bored with me already?”

  “No. But if you think that, then I won’t bother looking around at any more leather-covered paddles or floggers. I noticed one of your books had the binding broken on a page of riding crops, but I suppose that was merely due to a passing interest in getting a horse.”

  Malcolm lost himself in imagining the different sensations on his skin, the delight in discovering the intricacies of each individual bite and kiss of contact. The belt, while enjoyable, was predictable. Fine for satisfying him alone, but quickly appearing bland when put up against the variety Will wanted to explore. “You can get whatever you like.” His voice strained with desire.


  Malcolm cleared his throat. “Yes. Pick out what you want and ask Kaleana to arrange it.”

  “Why don’t you pick something?”

  “I’m sure I’ll like anything you get.”

  “And you’ll tell me if you don’t?”

  “Of course.”

  “All right. This’ll be fun.”

  Malcolm smiled against Will’s chest. He had no idea.



  Could life be any more ideal? For the first time, Will found it in himself to be grateful for the accident that had nearly crippled him because it brought him to Malcolm. With Malcolm, he hadn’t found just a lover. He’d found
a family among the other Zeds.

  Days were split between the library and being dragged around to one thing or another by Nick or Stu. Ever since they’d found out the hot tub had a nice effect on his leg, the pool had become one of the favorite hangouts. Tony always sat next to Will, massaging his leg. At times, Will had to close his eyes to prevent tears of sheer relief from spilling.

  And then there were nights spent either in the lounge or with Malcolm, sometimes both if Malcolm’s schedule permitted it. The package of toys had arrived, and they made their way through each item. Each time he held an implement, it was like holding a key that would unlock different parts of Malcolm, reveal different likes and dislikes, new emotions and sensations. Certain types of pain Malcolm endured more than enjoyed. Others were pleasurable but not enough to bring him near the edge. Will filed each implement and response away in his mind, cataloguing tools to bring about the reactions he wanted.

  “Any special requests tonight?” Will stood in the closet, examining each toy, deciding which to use.

  “The cane.”

  “You hate the cane.”

  “It’s a challenge.”

  “This is sex, Malcolm. It’s not supposed to be challenging.”

  “Try warming me up with the suede flogger first.”

  It was an interesting idea. Malcolm could barely handle the cane cold. He’d made a valiant effort to pretend he could, but Will had seen through it. More than that, he’d seen the self-destructive streak that they’d been able to keep at bay spring forward. The pain the cane elicited was of the punishing, not pleasurable, sort. He should have thrown it away, but Malcolm had convinced him to keep it.

  “It’s not a contest. You could bring me to tears in a few minutes with any of these. It’s all right that there’s one you don’t like.”

  “Please. You’ll know after the first stroke if it didn’t work. Surely it’s worth one potentially hurtful stroke just to see. I like exploring. It’s part of the fun for me.”


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