Book Read Free

Opposites Attract

Page 13

by Cat Johnson

  “No, I don’t want to leave. I mean we’re here to help Troy and Amy celebrate and there’s no reason we can’t be friends…”

  “Sure. Friends.” Maddie swallowed her disappointment and forced a smile as her plans for hot meaningless sex went down the drain. “Let’s go on in.”

  “Great.” Antonio treated her to one of his brilliant smiles that made her warm inside. He led her in by the arm. As he opened the door for her, he pointed to the poster in the entrance. “Look, there’s a band here tonight. That should be fun.”

  “Yeah,” she agreed half-heartedly. He had no idea.

  The maitre’ de came to get them and when they finally all got seated at a long table against one wall, Troy leaned over to Antonio. “Everything all right?”

  “Fine.” Antonio sure as hell wasn’t going to elaborate. Every eye at the table seemed trained on him and Maddie. In addition, his meddling friends had managed to seat Maddie right next to him. He supposed he was dealing with matchmaking masterminds here, so nothing should surprise him anymore.

  The food finally arrived and gave everyone something to do with their mouths besides make small talk. Since it was a family style restaurant, the meal came on giant platters that everyone picked from. Antonio felt like he was back at his mother’s table. With the table laden with dishes and his belly rapidly filling, he even managed to relax a bit.

  Over dinner Brad, Alyssa and Maria told them all about how they met. There was plenty of discussion, not to mention laughing at the descriptions of Brad ghostwriting the sex scenes in Maria’s romance novel. That story was only topped by Troy’s tale about Amy taking him to a gay bar to rescue Henri when he locked himself in the bathroom there.

  Antonio smiled when he saw Maddie laugh so hard she had to dab at her eyes with her napkin.

  “Please, no more. I can’t take it.” She rose from her chair. “I have to go to the ladies’ room and see what damage I’ve done to my mascara.”

  Like clockwork Amy and Alyssa rose in unison and they all went off together, leaving Brad, Troy, Antonio and Maria at the table.

  Maria looked around at the men surrounding her, then pushed her chair back. “I guess I’m supposed to go too.”

  She winked at them on her way to the back of the restaurant. Laughing, Antonio pushed his own chair back from the table in an attempt to relieve the pressure overeating had caused. He considered unbuttoning his pants, but restrained himself. He wasn’t at home he had to remember, but he was feeling more comfortable than he thought possible amid this strange gathering of people.

  “This was actually fun. I was a little worried,” Brad admitted.

  Troy laughed. “You’re not the only one.”

  “You’re both lucky Maddie is cool with this whole thing and didn’t get mad at all of you.” Antonio frowned at the two. They shouldn’t get away with their interfering so easily just because things had worked out so far.

  Brad was watching the band set up the last of their equipment on the small stage in the corner. “Yeah, but there’s still time for her to get mad. The night’s not over yet.”

  Antonio didn’t have a chance to ask what Brad meant, because he was too busy watching her.

  She’d come out of the restroom and received hugs from all three members of the band before they pulled her up on stage with them. In spite of her obvious protests, one guy thrust a microphone into her hand as the keyboard player began speaking into his own mike.

  “Good evening, everyone. We are Once Blue. We’ll be your entertainment tonight. We’re very happy to welcome an old friend of ours as guest vocalist for our first number. Please put your hands together and welcome Maddie Morgan.”

  Maddie acknowledged the applause like a pro, tested her mike, and then turned to speak to the band. The first strains of music filled the restaurant followed by the beautiful sound of Maddie’s voice.

  She belted out a sultry 1930’s love song like she was born singing it as Antonio sat openmouthed. He stared at her through the entire performance. It wasn’t until she finished and walked off stage that he found his voice.

  He turned to Brad. “What the hell just happened?”

  Brad laughed at his reaction. “Pretty great, huh? She used to sing with them on weekends during law school. She gave it up when she got married. I knew they were playing here tonight and I was hoping she’d maybe get back into it again. They’re very interested in her coming back to the band…if she doesn’t kill me first.”


  After Maddie finished singing she talked for another minute with the guys. It was good to catch up with them, even if she was mad at Brad for springing this on her. That was uppermost in her mind as she walked back to the table to deal with her meddling brother. She sat quickly, embarrassed as Troy rose from his seat, clapped and yelled, “Bravo!”

  Maddie could feel her cheeks getting hot. The only problem with being a natural blond was that when you blushed, you really blushed.

  “Stop, please.” She brushed his praise away then turned on her brother. “There, I sang. Are you happy your evil plan worked?”

  “Yes, very happy.” Brad leaned over and hugged her hard. “Love you, sis.”

  She couldn’t stay mad and gave in with a sigh. “Love you too.”

  “I saw you talking with the guys. So?”

  “Brad, don’t push.”

  The bandleader had asked if she wanted to come back and sing with them and as crazy as it sounded for a lawyer to moonlight as a lounge singer, Maddie was considering it. Though she’d be damned if she admitted that to him now. Brad nodded like he was respecting her privacy, but at the same time smiled as though he’d won the battle. She hated when he won.

  On the other side of her, Antonio leaned over close. “You were amazing.”

  “Thanks.” Judging by the heat in her face, she was blushing even more.

  She hated the thought of how red her cheeks must be but she liked the idea of Antonio thinking she was amazing. And the looks he’d given her the whole time she’d been on stage singing was definitely far from friend-like. She was glad she wore her favorite little black dress for the occasion. It was one of the few things that made her feel sexy since her divorce.

  In an effort to divert the attention from herself, she glanced around the table. “The rest of the girls aren’t back from the bathroom yet?”

  Troy frowned. “No. That’s strange. What could they be doing in there?”

  “They were fixing their makeup in the mirror and chatting when I left.” Maddie glanced toward the back of the restaurant. “Should I go check on them?”

  As if in answer to the question, Maria appeared.

  “I don’t want to alarm anyone, but we may have an issue. Alyssa is in the ladies’ room turning absolutely green. Amy stayed with her. Brad, I think you better take her home. But the question is,” she glanced down at the platters of food they had all shared and placed a hand on her stomach, “is the problem with Alyssa or with the meal?”

  As Brad jumped to his feet Maddie glanced down at the remaining food and certainly hoped it was Alyssa’s stomach.

  “Don’t worry, I’m sure it’s not the food.” He took a step toward the bathrooms then stopped and turned back, obviously just realizing he’d picked Maddie up so she didn’t have her car to get home. He hissed in a breath through his teeth, “Ugh. Maddie…”

  She held up a hand. “Go ahead and get Alyssa home. Don’t worry about me, I’ll get a ride.” And she had an excellent idea who might be able to drive her home.

  Looking relieved, Brad said goodbye and took off toward the bathrooms.

  Moments after Brad’s departure, Amy returned to the table, cell phone in hand. “Now I have bad news.” She looked at Troy. “Henri just called. He has a flat tire and doesn’t know how to change it. He asked if you’d come do it.”

  Troy rolled his eyes. “Doesn’t he belong to an auto club?”

  “No, he doesn’t believe in them. He says they’re part of an internatio
nal corporate conspiracy against gays and old people or something like that.”

  Maddie started to laugh and covered it with a cough.

  Troy sighed. “Where is he?”

  Amy winced. “Um, Love Potion #9.”

  At the mention of the infamous gay club, Maddie could barely control herself and Antonio did laugh out loud.

  When Troy sent him a killer look, Antonio held up his hands in defense. “Sorry, man but it’s funny.”

  With the scrape of metal against wood, Troy pushed his chair back and gave in. “Okay. Maria, are you up for this trip? If not, I’m sure the comedian over here can drop you off at home.” Troy hooked a thumb in Antonio’s direction.

  Maria jumped up from her seat. “Are you kidding? I wouldn’t miss this for the world. I haven’t been to Love Potion in years. Is Jon Jon still tending bar topless and bare-assed?”

  Amy and Maria walked ahead comparing notes on this apparently half-nude Jon Jon character while Troy asked Antonio, “Can you make sure Maddie gets home?”

  “Safe and sound,” Antonio promised.

  Troy leaned over Antonio and spoke directly to Maddie. “You okay with Antonio dropping you off?”

  She nodded as her pulse sped at the thought of a little time alone with him. Maybe it might be just what she needed to insure he didn’t think of her as a friend. But if she and Antonio did get together, that would mean Brad’s interfering had worked again and she didn’t think she could handle that twice in one night.

  Troy patted Antonio on the shoulder. “The bill is all taken care of for the night, so stay and enjoy yourself. I’ll see you at the firehouse, Antonio. Night, Maddie.”

  After Troy, Maria and Amy had left to go rescue Henri, Antonio leaned back and glanced at Maddie. She was a beauty, even more so when she was looking as relaxed as she was now. He liked that she’d finally let loose. It was a far cry from the Maddie he’d met last night taking refuge in Troy’s bedroom.

  He laid an arm on the back of her chair. “So, it looks like it’s just you and me, kid. Do you think this was all part of their evil plan or a tragic series of coincidences?”

  She shook her head. “I don’t know. But if I find out Alyssa faked being ill and got us all worried for nothing, she’s going to wish she really was sick.”

  “I kind of believe the Henri story. You can’t make that stuff up.” Antonio looked over his shoulder at the band, then back to Maddie. “So, you can tell me. No pressure. Are you going to start singing again?”

  “Yeah. I think I might. It was fun. And I didn’t realize how much I missed it until I was up on stage. I guess that’s what Brad wanted and I so hate when he’s right.”

  Antonio laughed and was about to ask Maddie if she wanted anything from the waitress when she slid down in her seat and shielded her eyes with one hand. “Oh no.”


  “My ex and his girlfriend.”

  “Where?” He spun in his chair and searched the room.

  “Oh, for God’s sake, don’t look,” she hissed.

  Too late. Antonio had already spotted her ex and his new flame. He knew the minute he saw them. The guy, in his late thirties, looked… Well, he looked like the kind of idiot who would be dumb enough to cheat on Maddie. And the girl, a good fifteen years younger than him, looked like a cheap, bleached-blonde imitation of Maddie with breast implants. The physical resemblance was kind of there, but none of the class or depth. Where Maddie had the long lean body and grace of a runway model, the clone looked more like a pole dancer. What the hell had her husband been thinking?

  He pursed his lips then made a decision. He grabbed Maddie’s hand. “Come on. Dance with me.”

  “No, I can’t face them.” She tugged her hand back.

  “You won’t be facing them. You’ll be facing me.” Antonio smiled his encouragement and stood. He extended his hand again. “Trust me.”

  For a moment she stayed perfectly still, then finally she gave him her hand and let him lead her to the dance floor.

  With one hand around her waist and the other holding hers, Antonio steered Maddie around the dance floor to the sound of the music. He was happy to see that her ass of an ex not only noticed them, but also had the decency to look disturbed by it. Antonio pulled her closer in response. She didn’t protest. He laid his head against her curls and breathed in the unique scent that was Maddie. Finding he had no problem forgetting about the reason for their dance, he just enjoyed having Maddie in his arms.

  It felt right. In fact, it felt way too good and he wanted more.

  Tina flashed through his mind along with guilt that he guessed should be expected after so many years of marriage. He’d talk to her tomorrow, no matter what other plans she had. They both had to accept that their marriage was over except for the paperwork. That detail he’d remedy as soon as possible.

  He and Maddie didn’t speak a word on the dance floor. His emotions, not to mention libido, were in such turmoil he probably couldn’t have made conversation even if he tried. When the song ended, he managed to ask, “You holding up?”

  “Could we go?” She sounded a little breathless.

  “Of course.” He dropped his hands from her waist. Maybe he’d gone too far holding her so close.


  He stopped and turned back toward her, leaning closer to hear since she’d spoken so softly. “Yeah?”

  “Thanks.” Maddie put a hand on his cheek and then as he stood motionless, she kissed him full on the mouth right there in the middle of the dance floor.

  Heart pounding, he swallowed hard when she broke the kiss.

  Maybe he hadn’t gone too far after all. Or maybe this was a show for her ex. A crazy mix of thoughts swirled through his head as his body wanted nothing more than to lean into Maddie again.

  In the midst of the internal commotion, Antonio managed to choke out one word. “Anytime.”

  Now all he had to do was remember how to drive.

  Chapter 4

  He’d kissed her on the freaking head!

  Antonio still couldn’t believe it. He’d driven Maddie home from the restaurant, walked her to her door, kissed her on the forehead of all places, then left her standing there in the open doorway.

  He glanced in the rearview mirror of his SUV to make sure both kids were still properly strapped and belted in and fought the urge to beat his own head against the steering wheel at the memory of how last night had ended.

  But through the frustration he realized there was nothing else he could have done. Although Maddie had made the first move by kissing him in the restaurant and even though his wife had chosen to stop sharing his home or his bed months ago, he still wasn’t free to hop into Maddie’s bed or even into her life. Not yet, anyway.

  Antonio pulled up in front of the home he used to share with his wife. Tina came out of the house to help him get the kids out of the car. He felt his stomach begin to twist in knots. He reminded himself that it was Tina who’d started this whole separation process last summer when she suddenly decided she needed space, whatever the hell that meant. That was when he offered to stay with his parents for a while.

  Of course that had been when he assumed this whole thing was temporary, that she’d come to her senses in a few days and tell him it was just PMS or something. He realized now there’d been clues all along he’d missed.

  Tina had seemed suddenly unhappy with her life. She began over-filling her days with book clubs, part-time classes, volunteer work, new friends. She started insisting he quit his job when he was only eight years away from putting in his twenty years and getting full pension. She picked fights and complained about his hours when she’d never done so before. Antonio finally did just what she accused him of and started working extra hours because it was easier than coming home.

  And their sex life, which had always been hot, even after the birth of his daughter, had dwindled to a once monthly obligation pretty much since his son was born. He’d thought that was what happene
d when people were married for a while. They settled into a comfortable relationship, kind of like his parents had. But after the separation and especially after meeting Maddie, he realized passion in a relationship was too important to live without it.

  After grabbing the kids’ overnight bag, he followed Tina up the stairs to the house as she led Esme by the hand and balanced Rafe on her hip. He watched her hips sway ahead of him.

  She’d gained some weight when she was pregnant with Rafe. When she couldn’t lose it after he was born, it really got to her. He thought she looked great filled out with a few more curves, but she wasn’t happy with herself anymore. Maybe that was part of the problem too. Who knows?

  He went with her into the kitchen and dropped the overnight bag on the table. When he didn’t make a move to leave, she asked, “Are you staying?”

  “Tina, we need to talk.” He played with the strap on the bag.

  “Okay. I’ll put a video on for the kids in the TV room.” She looked at him with a kind of resolution on her face. She returned a few minutes later. “Do you want coffee?”

  He shook his head. “Can we sit?”

  She sat with her hands clasped on the table in front of her and took a deep breath. “Antonio, if you’re going to ask me if you can move back in, I’m just not ready.”

  “I know. Tina, I think it’s time we went to a lawyer and filed the papers for a divorce. I called my parents’ attorney this morning and got all the information. We can file for a civil divorce and then petition the church for an annulment later. You can stay in the house, I’ll keep paying the bills and support the children, that’s no problem. I just…I’ve got to move on with my life.”


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