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Dirty Vegas Nights (The Trifecta Book 2)

Page 6

by Logan Chance

  I look down at the top of her blonde head, pressing a kiss to it. Emma tenses against me, giving me the hint it’s time to go. She needs time to get used to leaning on me for help. It won’t happen overnight, but this is a start.

  “If you ever need anything, I’m right next door.”

  “My superhero, right?”

  I laugh a little. “Yeah, you’re safe. I won’t let anything happen to you or Felicity.” Can I tell you how good it makes me feel to have her view me as a protector? It makes my chest puff out with pride.

  Emma glances up, her face strained with what appears like worry. “You don’t need to protect us.”

  “I know, but I want to.”

  She opens her mouth, but I kiss her lightly, stopping her words. With the strength of a real superhero I pull her up off the couch with me. “Go get some sleep. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  It’s almost as if she’s in a daze as she walks me to the door. I can tell she wants to say something, but I can spot the exact moment she must decide against it. I don’t push her for anything.

  “Call me if you need anything. I mean it.” With that, I turn the lock on the door, ensuring it will be locked when I close it and walk out the door. I’ll definitely be her superhero any day of the week.



  I bite my lip as I stare at the closed door. I’m conflicted. Part of me wants to yank the door open, run after him and demand he finish the kiss we started. The other part of me wants to call my realtor and beg her to put my house up for sale to get as far away from him as possible.

  I’ve never told anyone about Felicity’s dad. Even my mother only knows bits and pieces of the story. Why I decided to confide in Axel I’ll probably never understand, but I did, and now I don’t know what to do. He was so upset when I confessed who Felicity’s dad really is. I’m a tiny bit afraid he’ll show up at every club in town trying to find the one I used to work at.

  And it wouldn’t be hard to do.

  Exotic dancers all run in the same circles. I’m sure Axel could find him easily.

  I shrug, it’s too late to take anything back. Axel knows about my past. I can’t bring myself to completely hate that fact. It was nice being able to unload my burdens on someone, although I’ll never admit it.

  After my dad found out he was sick, my mom was a wreck. When she came into my room to tell me what was happening, I could see it in her face. She wasn’t going to be able to handle what needed to be done. It wasn’t her fault. My father was the love of her life, and she had just found out he was dying. I never thought twice about the choices I made to ensure my family stayed together while my dad received the treatment he so desperately needed.

  I like that Axel didn’t appear disgusted at what I did. In fact, he complimented me on doing what I had to do. A smile tugs at my lip. I fight the push of my body as it begs me to head over to his house, demanding his lips.

  The sound of someone coming down the hallway stops me from running over to climbing on top of my neighbor. My mother, wrapped in her ratty pink robe my dad bought her one Christmas, wanders into the kitchen. We’ve all tried in vain to buy her a new robe so she could replace her current holey one, but she refused to wear anything else. Now with Dad gone I wonder if she would request to be buried in it.

  She grabs two mugs from the counter and I follow her into the kitchen. She makes two cups of tea before sitting down on the barstool. I take my mug and hug it to my chest. Even though it’s hot as hell outside, the warmth of the cup is soothing.

  “You seemed to have had an interesting night.” Her eyebrow comes up like she knows everything that’s been going on.

  “It had its moments.”

  “Do you want to talk about it?”

  I smile as I shake my head, thinking about everything I discovered today. “I wouldn’t even know where to start.”

  “Usually the beginning is the best place.”

  “Smartass. Well, let’s see. You know how the girls want to come up with a gimmick to make more money at the club?”

  She nods, but doesn’t interrupt.

  “We kind of thought of a plan we thought might work. There are these male erotic dancers known as the Trifecta.”

  “I’ve heard of them.”

  “Mom.” I can’t believe her.

  “What? I’m not dead.” Her eyes are wide like how dare I question her on this.

  “Anyway, we decided to go check them out tonight. To figure out what makes them so popular, and maybe start our own version of the Trifecta. We’re going to call our act The Triplets.”


  “We were going to see if we could get one or more of the Trifecta to maybe give us some tips on how they marketed themselves in the beginning. You cannot imagine my surprise when they announced the Trifecta and Axel and his brothers strutted out onstage.”

  “Oh my god. Of course they’re the Trifecta.” My mom laughs just as stunned as I am that she hadn’t figured it out. “They’re gorgeous. And I saw the other brother that doesn’t live there come over the other day.”

  I nod, waiting for her to get over her shock.

  “Yeah, well I didn’t figure it out either. When he came on stage I felt so stupid for not putting it together sooner.”

  “Did you ask him if he would help you and the girls come up with an act?”

  “No. I can’t ask him now.”

  “Why not?”

  “Well,” I tap my chin to my bottom lip. “I don’t want him to think I’m using him.”

  My mother smiles, taking a sip of her tea. “I don’t think he’d think that.”

  I’m not so sure. My mother doesn’t know about the kiss, or the lap dance. Axel’s a good man, I’m realizing, and I don’t want him to think I only value him for insights into setting up our own act.

  “I never got around to asking him. Felicity had a nightmare.”

  My mom nods her head. “I heard her screaming. I was going to get up to help you, but heard Axel bang on the front door. I figured you had enough back up.”

  “I did. He was so good with her. He told her they were superheroes and wouldn’t let anyone hurt her. Then he read her a story until she fell asleep.” I shake my head, hopelessly attempting to forget the image of him sitting on my daughter’s floor reading about ballerinas.

  “You like him?”

  “No.” My sputtering kind of gives it away at how bad I’m lying.

  “Yes, you do.”

  “I’m going to bed.”

  My mom gives me a knowing look, but lets me escape down the hallway. I collapse in bed replaying what happened tonight, trying to find something that will make me forget about Axel. Instead my mind keeps replaying the kiss we had on his porch, and what would’ve happened if I wouldn’t have stopped it.

  The next day, Felicity’s outside on her playset, having the time of her life before the heat becomes unbearable. The sound of metal clanging stops Felicity from playing. She runs over to the fence, pressing her face against it and stares between the slats. “Mommy.”

  I’m already walking toward her curious to what the noise is as well. Yes, I’m using Felicity as an excuse to see what’s happening on the other side of the fence, but I don’t care.

  Oh sigh. I definitely did not expect to see the abundant amount of man beauty in front of me. All three of the Trifectas are out in their backyard, lifting bars with huge amounts of weights on each side.

  “Axel,” Felicity screams, getting his attention.

  My face burns, and it has nothing to do with the Vegas heat. Felicity jumps up and down when she notices Axel putting his bar down, and walking toward us.

  “Good morning, Felicity. No more nightmares?”

  She shakes her head, giving him a toothy grin. “No more nightmares. I have superheroes living next to me.”

  Our eyes connect, but before he can say anything I look at the ground. I don’t want to have silent conversations with him, like we’re connected on a hig
her plane than just neighbors.

  No we’re just neighbors. Nothing more.

  “What are you doing?” Felicity asks.

  I pick her up and balance her on my hip.

  “We’re working out. Do you want to come over and spot me?”

  “What does that mean?”

  “Come over, I’ll show you.” He takes her from my arms, lifting her over the fence with ease. Even I don’t have the willpower to stop myself from watching his muscles bunch together as he puts her down.

  “I’ll open the door for you,” a dark-haired woman I hadn’t noticed says, getting up from the shaded back porch.

  Axel winks at me. “Clara will open the door. See you in a minute.”

  My legs wobble as I make my way over. The whole time I’m giving myself a pep talk about how I’m a strong single mother who isn’t going to fall for her neighbor. Her sexy as sin neighbor.

  Clara waits for me when I make my way over. She’s beautiful with black hair and big blue eyes. She’s wearing jean shorts with a red tank top. Dark heat churns in my stomach as I wonder who she is to Axel. I can’t believe how jealous I am.

  I wasn’t even this jealous when I found out Stan, my old boss, was married.


  Clara smiles at me, and I notice the ring on a very important finger. I remember Axel talking about his brother Ben being engaged, and I’m pretty sure he said her name was Clara. The nasty feeling in my stomach disappears, replacing it with disgust at my apparent jealousy over Axel.

  “Hi, I’m Clara. You must be Emma. Axel was just telling us about you.”

  “Oh, what was he saying?”

  Clara smiles at me, her eyes twinkling like I just confirmed something for her. “Just that you’re a great mother to Felicity. You’re very loyal, and he made sure his brothers knew to keep an eye on you.”

  “That’s sweet of him.” Butterflies flutter in my stomach. “Felicity had a nightmare last night, and screamed down the neighborhood. I’m pretty sure she took a couple years off Axel’s life. I’m sure he’s just being protective of her.”

  Clara shakes her head but doesn’t say anything to correct my assumption. We walk into the backyard, and once again I’m stunned by how gorgeous the Trifecta really are. The three of them together are a force to be reckoned with.

  They all have their shirts off with their gray sweat pants hanging low on their hips. The tantalizing V on all of them is prominent for anyone who wants to see. And really who wouldn’t want to look?

  Even though all three of them are identical, Axel keeps drawing my attention. It might be because he took care of my daughter last night, or because I can’t stop thinking about our kiss. Whatever it is, Axel’s the one making my heart flutter around in my chest.

  The Trifecta are entertaining Felicity as they continue their work out. They’re pretending she’s helping them lift weights, groaning, and making their legs and arms shake.

  All I can think about is how I need to get away from this man. He’s dangerous. Even though he wants to protect Fel and me, that’s not the type of danger I’m thinking of. No, this man is on his way to claiming my heart. And that just can not happen.

  “I hope she’s not messing up your workout,” I say, stepping forward. I’ve been here long enough. Time to get back to my house where it’s safe from his eyes that feel like they’re undressing me as he smiles at me.

  My skin lights fire as he gazes at me. “She’s fine.”

  “My mommy lets me workout with her too,” Felicity says proudly, getting his attention back on her.

  “What kind of workout does she do with you?” Axel asks with mischief in his eyes.

  “Yoga,” Felicity answers him.

  “Yoga,” Clara says, “I used to do yoga, before I started helping them get the club ready.” The wistfulness in her voice has Ben coming up to her.

  “Clara, I told you, you’re working too hard. You can always take a yoga class. You can do whatever you want. We won’t stop you.” Ben kisses her cheek, heading back to his weights. The love evident between the two of them, and it makes the jealousy crawl up my throat for a second time today.

  “I have a better idea.” Axel puts his hand on my shoulder, abandoning his weights. His palm is so large it engulfs me. I barely stop myself from leaning into him.

  “Why don’t we have Emma lead us through a class? I’ve always wanted to do yoga, and having a neighbor who just happens to do it just seems like a sign.”

  I want to tell them no, but the looks they’re all giving me, Felicity included, is impossible to deny.

  “Let me go get my yoga mat.”

  “We have workout mats we can use.” Axel rushes into the garage. I get a quick glimpse of the state of the art workout room they transformed their garage into when he opens the door before disappearing.

  Axel comes out setting out the mats for everyone on the lawn. He takes extra time placing one in the front for me. I lead them through some basic movements. Felicity’s right next to Axel. My heart stutters when he keeps asking her questions on his form. Even though he is talking to Felicity, I can feel him staring at me. The heat from it has sweat forming at the base of my neck, and I feel trapped in it.

  Trapped in him.



  I keep ordering myself to stop staring at her tight ass as she moves into different poses. Her daughter is right next to me, but a man is only so strong. Emma’s shorts aren’t doing anything to cover her. And when she bends down and I see the crease of her ass cheeks peeking out, I know I’m fucked. I keep telling myself I can’t get hard with my brothers, and Felicity next to me, but even with those reminders it’s taking all my concentration to stop my erection from growing.

  She’s gorgeous. Her blonde hair is piled in a bun on the top of her head, giving me full access to the curve of her neck. Her tank top barely contains her tits and I want to tell it to give up so I can take over. My hands itch to cup them before taking them to my mouth. My eyes travel up her long legs before settling firmly on her ass, and I don’t see myself moving from that sight for a long time.

  “We moved from that position two poses ago,” Ben says, kicking me in the shin. Thankfully, he whispered to me so Felicity doesn’t hear him.

  “I was just making sure I was completely stretched before moving on.”

  Damien laughs before clearing his throat. Emma turns to check on us, her head cocks to the side when she notices I’m not in the same position as everyone else.

  “Am I moving too fast for you, Axel?” Her question appears innocent, but the sparkle in her eyes added with the tiny upturn of the edge of her mouth shows it wasn’t innocent at all.

  We’re not moving nearly fast enough. I want to do so much more with her than just a few kisses. Watching her contort her body in the different positions gives me insight into just how flexible she is. And now I want to have her stretched over me to test just how flexible she really is.

  I groan, glancing over at Felicity who has no idea what’s going on between her mother and me. “I think I’ve had enough for today.”

  Ben and Damien laugh as I get up, heading for the house. I need to get away from Emma and her tight ass.

  I hear Emma say, she’s going to lead them through a cool down, and they will continue another time. In the kitchen, I down a bottle of water immediately reaching for another one, needing to do my own cool down.

  “Are you ok? Ben was saying you were having a hard time paying attention. Was I not a good enough teacher?” Emma asks, coming up behind me. She puts her hand on my shoulder. Her other hand takes the bottle of water I’m holding.

  I watch her take a drink, before setting it down on the counter and I’m completely engrossed in all of her movements. I can’t help but stiffen when she touches my bicep. And I try to remember to keep my hands to myself.

  “Ben’s an asshole. You were awesome. In fact, I’ve had a lot of classes before but yours was amazing. The way you took us through th
e moves at a perfect pace was great.” I realize there isn’t anyone else talking or moving around the house. “Where is everyone?”

  “Felicity asked if she could lead them through the cool down. I let her and thought I would check on you.”

  Fuck, we’re alone.

  I have zero willpower.

  I turn, and Emma’s hand slides down my arm. The heat of her fingertips as they glide down my skin breaks any chance I have of keeping my hands to myself.

  “As good of a teacher as you are, I have to admit, I was having a hard time paying attention.”

  Emma’s eyes widen as I grasp the back of her neck, anchoring her lips to mine. This kiss is different from the other ones we’ve shared. This one is real. I don’t bother holding back.

  I can’t.

  She drove me crazy bending over, waving her ass in my face in the name of yoga. I need her to know just how badly I want her.

  Emma surprises me by kissing me back. She bites my bottom lip and I squeeze her ass with my other hand.

  Oh, I like this girl.

  She tastes sweet with a twist of the scorching hot Vegas summer. The coolness from the water she just drank evaporates as we collide together. I want to bury myself into her until we both melt from the heat.

  My other hand grabs the other side of her ass. She leaps into my arms, wrapping her legs around me, pushing into my erection, while groaning into my mouth. I spin us around because I need my hands for all the exploring I plan on doing. Emma arches into me when I set her on the counter, not wanting to break our connection.

  I kiss down her neck, breathing her in, drowning in her intoxicating scent. My tongue snakes out, tasting her, feeling the pulse in her neck beat erratically. I nip her collarbone making my way down to her tits, needing more than anything to taste them too.

  Emma tugs through my hair, giving a hiss when I suck a nipple through her thin tank top.

  “Please don’t stop.” Her plea hits me in the gut, spreading down until it reaches my toes. She wants this just as much as I do. The satisfaction of knowing I’m breaking down her defenses urges me on.


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