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A Fresh Start in Kirkham: a nineteenth century western romance

Page 6

by Susan Thomas

  Dr. Davies and Cecelia worked hard late into the night to save Louise Barnes' life. A fraction of an inch over and Louise would have been dead within minutes. Kirkham was horrified and the same supernatural explanations flew around. The only thing Louis had been able to say was, "Black figure." Henry now wondered if this was in fact a general attack on women. Any woman at all. Cecelia had been attacked twice, but that may have been because the first was unsuccessful, and perhaps she was still at risk, but so were all women. Men began to tell their wives and daughters not to go out at night not even into their own yard. Henry got volunteers to assist with night patrols.

  Early the next morning John Spencer, Mayor of Kirkham, summoned his wife Mary, and his guest Cecelia Masters, into his office. "Now I don't want either of you going out at night. Not even into our own property. Not even for a minute. Once this madman has been found we can all relax but not until. Do I make myself clear?"

  "What if I get called out to help Dr. Davies as I did for Mrs. Barnes?"

  "If that happens I will escort you. In your case, Mrs. Masters, I don't want you on your own during the day either. You've been attacked twice. It is possible this lunatic will want to be successful and hurt you. The arrangement for the surgery stands. If Dr. Davies isn't there then Sam or one of his men must be. Alternatively send me a message and I'll find someone. You're never to be on your own or go off on your own."

  "Mayor Spencer, this is ridiculous. I know there is some danger but I am a grown woman and there have been no attacks in the day. I won't become a prisoner."

  "Mrs. Masters, you must understand that here in Kirkham we expect to protect our womenfolk and show them respect. However, we also expect obedience. I'm sure Beth has made that perfectly clear to you."

  Cecelia understood him perfectly. Ralph had been gentlemanly enough when he felt like it but the men of Kirkham were solidly decent all the time. However, as Beth had warned her, a disobedient or disrespectful woman would likely find sitting down uncomfortable. She wasn't silly enough to make a fuss but Cee wasn't at all sure she was going to obey every word he said. She'd make her own judgments.

  That evening there was another attack. A woman, disobeying her husband, had gone out into the yard to get more wood for the range. She could have waited until her husband returned home from his voluntary patrol, but didn't like the way the kitchen supply was diminishing, so had to do it immediately. Fortunately, she was very alert and, having already got a basket of logs, saw the figure rush toward her. She had the presence of mind to throw the basket at her attacker and dart into her kitchen slamming and barring the door. She too heard that unearthly screech and heard a knife thudding hard against the wood again and again. Finally, the thudding stopped but she was still shaking when her husband got back.

  Henry and Liam interviewed her and examined the back door where the marks of the knife proved it was no overwrought imagination. They promised to keep a special watch on the premises but the list requiring special watch was growing. Later that night the disobedient victim found herself upended over her husband's lap while he while he used the back of a hairbrush to reinforce his iron rule that she was not to go outside the house at night... not for any reason. In the usual Kirkham way, news that she had been spanked went around quickly. Other husbands and fathers made sure their womenfolk understood there was to be no disobedience on this issue... or else sitting would be uncomfortable.

  The next day Dr. Davies had to leave the surgery and make several house calls. He would likely be gone all day. Sam duly came for a few hours and played with the girls while Cee saw patients with minor problems and dealt with them as best she could. When Sam had to leave, he took the girls with him as they were going to have another pony riding lesson. He promised to send one of his men but no one came. Cecelia didn't mind. She doubted any attack would happen in broad daylight, and anyway it wasn't her fault.

  Then someone dropped by to let the doctor know that old Mr. Garrett was having dizzy spells. Nothing urgent but just so the doctor knew. Cecelia decided that it would be a good idea if she checked on him herself. He was nigh on ninety years of age and had been one of the pioneers who had founded Kirkham. There could be a simple reason why he was getting dizzy. Maybe he wasn't eating enough. Sometimes that happened with elderly folk. She locked the surgery door and walked along Main Street and down a side alley to talk to Mr. Garret. It was as she feared: the poor man simply wasn't getting enough food inside him. She fried him some eggs and left to tell Mrs. Daffern, the pastor's wife, who coordinated the women of the town in getting help where needed. Mr. Garret would not be going hungry in future.

  Hurrying back to the surgery she ran into none other than Mayor Spencer.

  "Mrs. Masters, I thought I had made clear that you were never to be unaccompanied."

  "You did, but I am not a prisoner, indeed refuse to be one. Furthermore, it was an important matter concerning a resident, not personal, and I had no one to escort me so I got on with it."

  "You should have waited, Mrs. Masters. I made that very clear. We will discuss this in my office later this evening when the children are in bed."

  Chapter Six

  The Hartman family sat down for their evening meal. Carl Hartman liked the family to sit in order with him at the head of the table. This was the way his father, grandfather and great-grandfather had arranged family meals and he saw no reason to change. So, his wife sat at his right hand and Marta (19) at his left. Next to his wife sat Matilde (17), Gretchen (13) and Elsa (10). Alongside Marta sat Erna (15) and Luise (12). The orderliness, and fact that his family had always sat in that sort of order, made Carl feel warm and comfortable inside. He had changed meal times from that of his parents and grandparents. When he was young the children were not to talk but only answer questions put to them. He, on the other hand, encouraged his children to talk and tell each other about the things they had been doing.

  Mealtimes, however, had been stiff since Dr. Davies came to see him. There had been no talking at all. No one was sure what had been said or what was bothering him. Suddenly Carl spoke, making his family start in surprise.

  "Dr. Davies has asked my permission to court Marta."

  There was an excited buzz of conversation and Marta went bright red. Inside she thought she would explode with joy. She had believed that Iestyn did want her but he had always been so correct that doubt had tormented her. Now she knew he did. He had asked her father and she was one step nearer to marrying the man she loved so very much.

  "May I ask, my dear, what reply you gave?"

  "I told him I would think about it. Marta is promised to Paul and my good friend Hoffman is eager for his only child to marry Marta."

  "Father, I don't want to marry Paul and he does not want to marry me. Neither of us has promised. We have spoken many times after church and at the picnic. Paul is of the same mind as me. Father, even if I obey you, he will not obey his. This marriage may be what you both want but it is not right for us."

  "You use words without thought. 'Right', 'want' are foolish words. Your mother and I obeyed our parents. I am not wrong am I, my dear. We have made a happy marriage?"

  His wife reached out for his hand. "We have Carl, but that is us. Paul and Marta are different people living in a different time. What if we make them marry and they are very unhappy together? How would we feel if our first-born child were to be miserable every day because she was with the wrong man? A happy marriage cannot be ordered up just because you want it to be so."

  Carl Hartman breathed heavily but said nothing. The table went silent until suddenly, Matilde, her face bright red, burst out, "I don't want Marta to marry Paul."

  Her father looked astonished. "You don't..." and then he stopped unsure what to say next.

  Her mother looked at her curiously. "Come now Matilde, you cannot leave it there. Why don't you want Paul to marry Marta?"

  "Because... because... because I want to marry him... and he wants to marry me. We promised each other we would

  Carl went red with anger. "You promised! Have you disgraced yourself, girl? Have you sinned?"

  Matilde burst into tears. "No! No! No! How could you ask me that? We have just talked many times, and once we held hands at the church picnic, but he wants me and I want him."

  Marta sat looking at her sister with fresh eyes. She had no idea that Matilde felt that way. She must get Matilde on her own for a private talk as soon as she could. Her father in the meanwhile looked as if he was about to erupt like a volcano. Marta looked hard at her mother and her mother nodded. This was a job for her. She put out a hand and held her husband's.

  "Carl, my love, this is good news is it not? If Paul wants to marry Matilde then one day their children will inherit and both farms will be united. If Paul's father agrees, and I cannot see why he wouldn't, Paul and Matilde can be betrothed. Paul can court Matilde and in less than a year she will be eighteen. I was only eighteen when I married you so Matilde can be married then. That leaves Marta free to marry our good doctor."

  Carl had slowly calmed as his wife talked and finally he sat back in his chair and sighed heavily, saying, "Young people today have too much freedom. This America is too soft with children. No discipline, but, as Marta has told me, we are Americans now. I can see that this Matilde and Paul arrangement will make you all happy, so I will go tomorrow, and speak with my friend Hoffman."

  Matilde got out of her seat, something normally forbidden at the meal table, and rushed to her father and put her arms around him and kissed him.

  "Oh, thank you Papa. Thank you so much."

  They could all see that the head of the family wanted to be cross but he simply couldn't be. He loved his daughters far too much to be cross for long.

  "Yes, yes, well, very good. Back to your seat now, there's a good girl."


  Cecelia left Mayor Spencer with very mixed feelings. In some ways she was scared because she knew full well what he meant by 'discuss'. He meant that he intended to spank her and she resented it. She was a grown woman, a widow, a mother and a nurse and he was neither her husband nor her father. On the other hand, she had disobeyed his very clear instructions and she could have waited to see Mr. Garrett. Beth had made clear the expectations in Kirkham: women were loved, respected, cared for and protected but... and it was a very large qualification... they were expected to do as their menfolk said. Beth had told her Mayor Spencer had spanked her when she first arrived, but she had been staying at his house, and she had put herself in danger quite unnecessarily. Wasn't this the same situation?

  No! She was thirty and Beth had only been eighteen. Cecelia couldn't persuade herself but had a horrible feeling she was going to have to humble herself and take a good spanking.

  Later that afternoon Dr. Davies came back unexpectedly early, his house calls having all gone smoothly. Cecelia gave her report and had all her decisions approved.

  "You did well Cecelia. Why didn't you train as a doctor at that Boston hospital? It's entirely staffed by women, so what held you back? You have the ability."

  "Money. My family were poor and my father very sick. He died later and my mother followed. I needed to get trained and get working. I know you were from a poor background too. but perhaps I was timid and less determined. Now I am content. I have my Alice and I love this job and the responsibility you give me. This is enough for me but maybe my Alice... time will tell."

  Dr. Davies nodded. He had not been in her position and could not judge. Now he could see something was worrying her. "What is it troubling you? Is it the attacks?"

  Cecelia went red. "No, it's not that. It's... well I think Mayor Spencer wants to punish me because I went off to see Mr. Garrett without an escort."

  Dr. Davies laughed. "Indeed, the men are strict with the ladies in this town. More so here, I think, than anywhere else I've been. I quickly learned how things were in this town and I regret to tell you that you are right. He will punish you. 'Spank' is the word they use in the main. You need not fear that he will injure you, he won't, but resisting will only make it worse. My advice is to agree that you disobeyed, apologize and take your punishment without argument. However, you may rest assured that I will never do such a thing."

  "That is a relief. What if you marry though? Would you spank your wife if you felt it warranted?"

  "Now that is quite a different matter. If, in the end, I do marry Marta you must remember she is only just nineteen. The responsibility of being a doctor's wife will be a big adjustment and she may well need a little discipline to help her adjust."

  His response made Cecelia feel weak. If lovely Dr. Davies thought it likely he would discipline his wife then really, she stood no chance of avoiding a spanking. The men in Kirkham were firmly in charge and the price for accepting their innate goodness as men, husbands and fathers was being obedient. She had not been obedient. Dr. Davies was probably right. Best just to confess and accept her punishment.

  After the evening meal Alice kissed 'Granma and Grandpa' Spencer goodnight and Cee took her up and put her to bed. Mayor Spencer spent some time with Arthur, his adopted son, reading and discussing a long article in an encyclopedia. Cecelia read a chapter, in one of her nursing books about old age while Mary Spencer knitted quietly. Finally, it was time for Arthur to go to bed and Cecelia's heart rate rose dramatically. She now felt she had little choice but to accept the spanking but it was going to be so hard to humble herself to do so. Mary Spencer had put Arthur to bed but the bed time ritual had her husband have a prayer with Arthur. Mary took the opportunity to speak to Cecelia.

  "I know you're getting a spanking now. It is so hard for us women to humble ourselves in that way but John is never wrong in his judgment. He usually is on the lenient side if anything. Many a time I've got away with a scolding when it could have been a spanking. Cee, just take your spanking and know this, you're here for a reason. This town has attracted so many like Beth and like you. It is a good town for a fresh start. The Good Lord wants you here for a reason. Don't fight it. His purpose will become clear and if it involves a man named Samuel Hoctor... Oh, and by the way I'll be in there with you when you get your spanking; and don't worry about yelling out. I take on something frightful when John spanks me."

  John Spencer came down looking very stern. "Arthur is such a good boy. He never fails to pray for his dead mother but also for Beth as well as all of us. He now includes Alice in his prayers. We have been very lucky with the lad. Now Cecelia, do we need to discuss matters at all?"

  "No Mayor Spencer, I disobeyed you. I guess it doesn't matter no harm resulted, it could have done. I apologize for being disobedient. I will ask that you not punish me but if you think it necessary I guess I ought to accept that."

  "That's a good attitude Cecelia. A very good attitude indeed. Nevertheless, I think that it was willful and unnecessary disobedience. The smart of the paddle will help you to realize that obedience is a virtue prized in Kirkham. Now I want you to go to your room and put on your nightdress and dressing gown and come down to my office."

  Cee felt her face burning with the huge embarrassment of her situation. Never, when she fled the McMorrans, had she dreamt that she would end up getting spanked. That had not happened since she was about fourteen. At that age, her mother had taken a hairbrush to her when she had been difficult.

  She had to creep around because of Alice, who was sound asleep, and manage in the half dark because Alice's small candle, in a saucer of water, shed little light. She undressed, washed and slipped on her nightdress. A sudden horrible thought crossed her mind. Her mother had spanked her bare bottom. Surely Mayor Spencer wouldn't expect to raise her nightdress! That would be most improper! Then her face went red as she remembered her erotic fantasies about Sam. In her fantasy, Sam had spanked her bare bottom and made love to her. If she married Sam would he spank her as a punishment? Would he spank her in that arousing way Ralph had when they first married? She sighed loudly. This was not fantasy but punishment. Best get it ov
er with she thought, and she put on her dressing gown.

  She tiptoed downstairs in bare feet anxious not to wake either Arthur or Alice. At the office door, her heart began to beat hard and she felt terribly frightened because she just knew so little about this situation. She knocked hoping somehow all would have changed while she was upstairs.

  "Come in."

  Cecelia entered and saw at a glance that nothing had changed at all. John Spencer's desk was clear expect for the paddle which lay on it. Mary Spencer sat behind the desk and John stood in front clearly waiting to punish her. Her mouth dried in an instant and she felt sick at the thought of being spanked with that paddle.

  "Thank you, Cecelia. You have a good attitude and I regret that it is necessary to discipline you. The Good Book makes it clear that discipline is not pleasant at the time but it bears a good harvest. Do your best to think of it like that."

  Cecelia didn't trust herself to speak, being close to tears, so she just nodded.

  "Now please take off your dressing gown and come and bend over this desk. If you reach out, Mary will hold your hands."

  Cecelia felt hugely embarrassed by the whole situation and worried that Mayor Spencer would raise her nightdress. She decided if he tried to do that she would refuse the punishment and dare him to do anything about it. She removed the dressing gown and lay it on the back of a chair. Then trembling all over as if with cold, bent forward over the desk reaching out to hold Mary's hands. The desk felt oddly cold through the thin nightdress and hard against her breasts. She was frightened but also uncomfortable.


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