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The Buccaneer

Page 14

by Donna Fletcher

  Her heart shattered upon hearing his vulgar remark.

  It is necessary, Catherine, the small voice reminded her. You do this to save your father. Do you think he would do any less for you? In the end it will all work out for the best.

  The latter was a favorite phrase of her father's and one whose prophecy she hoped would prove true.

  They turned a corner and remarkably the scene before her changed. Not to a great degree, but enough to demonstrate that civilization did exist on the island. The street was lined on either side with narrow houses and shops, some attached to each other and some set a distance apart. Smells of richly roasted food spiked the warm air and mingled with the unmistakable odor of fresh ale.

  The wares peddled on the street were colorful and interesting. Necklaces and bracelets fashioned from shells, bright-colored ribbons of burning yellow, glorious reds, and shocking pinks, and scarves varied in color and design, like none she had ever seen, strange herbs and exotic incenses, all served to excite Catherine.

  She took a step opposite Lucian and found herself halted in midstride. She turned a pleading look on him. "The items the peddlers have to offer are different from those in England; I would love to look them over.”

  He shook his head. "Another time. I have business to tend to." With that he pulled her along, entering an establishment whose sign claimed it to be Heaven's Fare.

  Catherine smiled over the name, though upon entering had second thoughts.

  The large room was clean, the patrons loud but not boisterous. The food smelled eatable and looked appetizing. Platters were stacked with thick meat stew and hot stone-baked bread and of course there was a never-ending flow of ale.

  Lucian chose a table in the corner, his back planted to the wall and her bottom planted directly beside him in a chair.

  A buxom woman with hair the color and texture of straw weaved her way around the tables, her platter held high above her head, her smile bright and her cheeks flushed cherry red.

  She brought the platter down to the center of the table with ease and with equal ease and familiarity caressed Lucian's cheek. "It's grand to lay eyes on you again, you handsome devil."

  Lucian wrapped his arm beneath her backside and pulled her toward him. "Bonnie, my fair girl. I've been missing you."

  "Go on with you, Captain." She laughed and playfully swatted his shoulder. "A man that has the devil's own good looks don’t miss any woman."

  Lucian winked at her. "But you're not any woman, Bonnie."

  Bonnie's cheeks flamed brighter and she backed out of his grasp that fell away to release her. "What can I be getting you, Captain Lucifer?"

  "Some food to start," he said, his eyes devouring her full breasts.

  "Whatever pleases you," she said with a catchy smile.

  "I'll let you know what pleases me later on."

  Bonnie nodded, her smile like that of a cat that had just been stroked lovingly by its master and walked off without so much as an acknowledgment of Catherine's presence.

  Catherine made a serious pretense of inspecting her surroundings, purposely ignoring the woman and Lucian's exchange though catching every word. He sniffed after her skirts like a rutting animal and he had had the audacity to warn her of men sniffing after her. Indignant with his actions, she kept her attention diverted from him.

  "Jealous?" he asked, filling each of their tankards with ale.

  Her head snapped around and her eyes narrowed. "Jealous? Jealous of that brazen hussy? Captain, if you prefer vinegar to wine than you most certainly don't deserve me."

  "No, Catherine, I don't deserve you," he said, and raised his tankard in a mocking salute.

  "A shame," she retorted sharply. "I think you would have enjoyed the rich and satisfying fare I had to offer."

  "Rarely does a fare satisfy me, madam." His words challenged, his eyes attempted to convince.

  Catherine, having established appropriate replies to act out her charade, leaned closer to him and whispered with more conviction then any response she had ever delivered. "I would satisfy you, Lucian."

  He stared at her lips, pouting with sensuality while aching for a kiss. Her wintergreen eyes stirred with restrained passion and her body . . .

  His heart raced, heat rushed through his veins, and he hardened instantly. He cursed his uncontrollable response.

  He caught her chin in a pinching grip. "When matters are settled, Catherine, I'll test the truth of your words."

  Panic rushed through Catherine. Good Lord, what had she been thinking? Why had she responded like a jealous woman in love? She didn't care for Lucian. She feared his size, strength, and arrogance at times. Yet those same traits that induced fear in her provided protection and safety at other times.

  She pulled away from him, dropping back against her seat, silent and weary. This charade had turned difficult and hazardous. She trod on dangerous ground. She spoke like a wanton woman and yet barely possessed knowledge of one. And worse, she was beginning to believe her own act.

  Did she actually think she could satisfy a man as lusty and experienced as Captain Lucifer? And why would she even think such a foolish thought? He cared nothing for her. He would use her, and then discard her.

  He hides a tender side.

  She flushed at her thought, her hands rushed to cover her cheeks. Lucian had displayed a tender side. She recalled a few mornings she had stirred to near waking and had felt him ease the covers over her. He had seen that she received a daily recess on deck, warm wash water, plenty of tasty food, and a gentle arm protectively wrapped around her as she drifted into sleep. These actions were not the actions of a bloodthirsty pirate.

  But then Captain Lucifer differed from Lucian Darcmoor. The captain was moody, argumentative, demanding, and brazen in his remarks. And it was Captain Lucifer she needed to protect herself from.

  How? How could she gain the necessary knowledge to continue a believable charade?

  "Catherine," Lucian said, dragging her attention back to him.

  She looked his way, a faraway gaze in her eyes.

  "Pay attention, madam, this is important."

  Catherine sat up straight and fixed wide eyes on him.

  Satisfied she was listening, Lucian continued. "I must meet with someone privately. You will stay put until my return. Bones and Jolly will be nearby if need be."

  His eyes searched the room, Catherine's followed spying Bones and Jolly two tables away, quaffing ale and shoveling stew into their mouths.

  Lucian shook his head. "They don't resemble men who can offer protection, but they're both swift with a blade and their fists. They will let no harm come to you — or they will have me to answer to."

  Catherine didn't doubt the two men would defend her courageously, yet the thought of Lucian leaving her filled her with dread. "Will you be gone long?"

  "No." He stood.

  Catherine reached out, grabbing his hand.

  He cast an uncertain glance down at her. "What's wrong, Catherine?"

  She shrugged, produced a weak smile, and spoke with honesty. "I fear your absence."

  Her sincere response returned him to his seat. "Why?"

  Another shrug followed a fading smile. "A strange island with strange people. I much prefer your presence while here. And you had warned me about leaving your side."

  Lucian smiled the devils own smile, wicked and sensual and definitely heart stopping. "I would allow no danger to touch you. You're as safe from harm with members of my crew as you are with me."

  Catherine found herself responding before giving consideration to her remark. "How safe am I with you, Lucian?"

  He caressed her cheek, tempted her lips with a light kiss, and whispered, "Since your virtue is no longer intact, your safety is guaranteed."

  The color drained from Catherine's face.

  "Something ails you, that you're suddenly pale?" he asked concerned.

  Catherine placed her hand to her stomach. "I'm hungry."

  He nodded, searched
the room, and catching Bonnie's eye he waved her over. "Bonnie will make certain you —"

  He stared at her strangely, his sudden silence disturbing.

  Catherine said nothing, feeling it a wise choice. He looked perturbed and she had no intentions of increasing his ire.

  "You pale even more, what troubles you?"

  "Hunger," she repeated softly.

  His eyes narrowed and his icy tone sent shivers through her. "I want the truth, Catherine."

  She opened her mouth to confirm her earlier answer when he interrupted. "Do you carry a lover's child?"

  His question shocked Catherine speechless, her mouth fell open but no words slipped forth.

  "I'll have an answer now, Catherine." His low raspy voice warned her of his anger.

  The truth rolled easily from her lips. "I carry no child."

  Bonnie reached the table, depositing the pewter tray heavy with food in the center. "I brought extra bread and some fresh cheese.

  Lucian ripped off a hunk of bread and grabbed several slices of hard cheese. He focused angry eyes on Bonnie. "See that she eats and make certain she stays put till I return."

  With his orders issued he stormed off, Santos rushing to finish his tankard of ale at a nearby table before dutifully following behind him.

  Bonnie shook her head and plopped down next to Catherine. "Eat while the food is hot and fresh."

  Catherine for all she had been through found herself surprisingly famished. She helped herself to a large bowl of stew, a fat piece of bread, and a portion of cheese.

  "Had a lovers' spat?" Bonnie asked.

  Catherine chewed on the delicious warm bread while she shook her head.

  "Aren't you Captain Lucifer's lady?" Bonnie queried, slicing a piece of cheese.

  Her remark amused Catherine. Bonnie tagged her perfectly, a lady. "I'm a thorn in his side."

  "A rose is more like it, your beauty is such."

  Her compliment caused Catherine to blush.

  Seeking chatter and gossip since several patrons had left and calm had descended over the establishment, Bonnie continued. "I've not known the captain to worry over a female eating."

  That bit of information sparked Catherine’s interest.

  "The captain usually enjoys a woman and then takes himself off, not concerning himself further with her, at least around these parts, that is."

  Catherine ached to ask Bonnie if she had learned that from experience, but being a lady she hesitated.

  Bonnie smiled pleasantly and cut herself another piece of cheese. "The captain he teases me all the time, but he's never taken me to bed. Not that I wouldn't mind, him being as handsome and strong as he is."

  Catherine relaxed listening to Bonnie's easy chatter. She had missed female companionship. The fact that Lucian hadn't bedded Bonnie also proved a relief, though she fought to understand the meaning of that.

  Bonnie leaned in closer so the nearby tables couldn't hear. "Tell me; is he as good in bed as the women say he is?"

  Lacking experience, Catherine hadn't the slightest notion how to rate him. She decided honesty was best. Before she could answer a sudden idea popped into her head. Instead of the smile that pinched her mouth she wore a frown. "The captain hasn't bedded me."

  Bonnie seemed surprised. "He looks as if he aches to devour you."

  Catherine continued. "I fear I haven't the skills necessary to please him."

  Bonnie laughed and waved the silly remark away. "That's easily remedied."

  Her heart jumped with excitement. "How?"

  "I can give you some tips that are sure to please the likes of Captain Lucifer."

  Elated Catherine smiled. "You don't mind?"

  Bonnie shook her head. "Us independent girls need to stick together. If you please the captain, maybe he'll keep you. You're too beautiful and nice to be passed around like a common whore. Me. I pick and choose. I like it better that way."

  Catherine liked Bonnie, she spoke from her heart and not many people possessed that quality. "I appreciate your help."

  "Let's get busy before he returns. There's a lot to discuss." Bonnie blushed a faint pink. "My favorite is tongues. There's so much pleasure a man and woman can give each other with their tongues."

  Catherine refused to display her shock. She kept a straight face and listened. She intended to learn all she could to help her succeed in her charade. Then as soon as she found the documents she planned to escape.

  "Let's start from the beginning. When you first have an itch for a man and you want to let him know you need him to scratch it," Bonnie joked.

  "I'm listening," Catherine said, pushing her partially eaten stew aside and resting her elbows on the table.

  Bonnie leaned in closer and began to whisper.

  Catherine soon found her cheeks blushing three shades of red. In only minutes the blush deepened and spread over her entire face. Catherine had had no idea what skills she had been missing.

  Thirty minutes later, Bonnie sat back in her chair and smiled. "So how about a test?"

  Catherine didn't comprehend. "Test?"

  Bonnie nodded. "Your newly acquired skills."

  "Here?" Catherine asked incredulously.

  "You want to wait for the captain?"

  Catherine shook her head. "No, but I really don't know about testing my newfound knowledge on any one but the captain," she lied, intending that all the information she learned would benefit her charade.

  "Just a simple test. An innocent smile, a suggestive sway of the hips, a nonchalant lick of your lips, a few little tempts to stir a man."

  "I suppose a sampling wouldn't hurt." At least she hoped it wouldn't. It sounded harmless enough.

  "Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on you," Bonnie said. "If it looks like you're having trouble I'll step in."

  Encouraged by her offer of help, Catherine agreed with a reluctant nod. She had her doubts. She had played her part well around Lucian, but a stranger? Revenge blinded the captain's senses, allowing her pretense to succeed. The tavern patrons possessed no blinders. Would they see the truth?

  Bonnie cast a studious eye around the tavern. "See a man that strikes your fancy?"

  Catherine pondered her choices carefully. None looked appealing. All the men appeared more interested in their food and drink than in women. And none came close to comparing to Lucian in looks, size, or manner. They were all truly a disappointment

  "The fare is better at night," Bonnie said, sensing her discouragement. "Why don't you take a walk around the room, sway your hips a few times and lick those lips and we'll see what happens?"

  Catherine decided a quick spin around the room wouldn't hurt. Hopefully no one would pay attention to her and then she could return to her seat.

  "Go on, now," Bonnie said, easing her away from the table with a gentle nudge.

  When an unpopular chore needed attending, Catherine had always dug her heels in and finished it one, two, three. This chore topped the list of least desirable. She would put her mind to it and get it over with as fast and painlessly as possible.

  Her mind spun with countless pieces of information on seducing a man. Bonnie had stressed that the simplest action could pique a man's interest in no time.

  She sighed heavily. If she was lucky she'd fail. With that thought in mind she weaved her way around the tables with a gentle provocative sway of her hips, produced more from nerves than on purpose.

  Heads instantly turned, including Bones' and Jolly's.

  Her eyes flashed wide and bright as she fought to control her nervous jitters. Her lips dried from fright and she ran a slow tongue over them, round and round attempting to force moisture into them. All her innocent actions made her appear a woman on the prowl.

  Several smiles and winks were sent her way and she turned an anxious glance to Bonnie.

  Bonnie rewarded her with a huge smile and a brief nod, quietly acknowledging her success.

  A grand smile whisked across Catherine's face and she turned back around,
intending to circle back to Bonnie. She caught sight of Bones and Jolly, their faces pale; their mouths open wide, staring at her.

  Her smile faded and forgotten were her attempts to seduce as she hurried over toward them wondering how she would ever explain her improper actions.

  "Where are you going, little lady?" the deep voice asked, seconds before a thick hand reached out and grabbed her wrist.

  Catherine stared down in horror at the hand that gripped her tightly. "Let go," she said, putting as much strength into her voice as possible.

  He yanked her hard, forcing her to sit on his beefy lap. His height was several inches short of Lucian's, but his weight easily tripled the captain's. His brown hair fell to his shoulders in knots and his face wore a rough stubbly beard and several vicious-looking scars. His soiled clothes smelled of fish and sweat. And his bloodshot eyes and the liquor on his breath attested to his inebriated state.

  She was definitely in trouble. Her glance shot straight to Bones and Jolly in a silent plea for help.

  Both men stepped forward ready for battle. A pistol pointed at them stopped them dead.

  "Leave Handsome Harry be," said the large black man sitting at the table to Harry's right.

  Bonnie skirted around the pistol and the table to stand in front of Harry. Her blouse hung off one shoulder, offering a good portion of her plump breast. "She's too small for the likes of your handsome size, Harry. Let her go and I'll show you a good time."

  "I have a taste for a wee one this time, especially her lips. They look to fit me just fine."

  Bonnie paled and so did Catherine. Having learned well from Bonnie she realized exactly what Harry intended.

  "Come on, gal, let's have a taste," he said, and hoisted her up with him as he stood.

  His meaty arm was so strong around her waist that she could barely breathe, even her attempted shouts for help fell short of their projection.

  Her bottom smacked the top of the table while his hand pushed her back to stretch out full-length across it. "Now I'll have me a fine taste of those lips before those lips pleasure me."

  He dropped down over her, his weight crushing her, his mouth reaching for hers. With a mixture of fear and determination she fought, swinging her fists, hitting solid flesh and bouncing off, causing Harry no harm.


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