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Sweet Sizzle: A Red Hot Valentine Story

Page 8

by Redford, Jodi

  Rory blinked back tears. Michael was right. She had to trust in Ben, and in their love for each other. Her heart knew that, even when her head had resisted it all this time.

  A loud crackling noise emitted from the walkie-talkie holstered on Michael’s belt. He offered the three of them a chagrined look. “Sorry, didn’t realize I had it up all the way.” Voices broke through the static, and he started to lower the volume, only to freeze suddenly, his thumb hovering on the control. “Mierda!”

  Rory’s Spanish was shoddy at best, but she knew enough to intuit Michael’s response as not being good. “What is it?”

  “There’s been an accident. We have a man down.”

  A horrible foreboding washed over Rory. She lifted a trembling hand to her mouth. A name stood out amongst the clipped stream of chatter, and her stomach pitched. “They mentioned Ben!”

  Michael listened to his radio another few seconds before cursing—this time in English. He glanced at Rory. “They’re taking him to Beaumont now.”

  “Oh my God.” Certain she was on the verge of puking, she swallowed rapidly. Once she felt assured her measly breakfast wasn’t about to make a reappearance, she rushed into the kitchen and snatched her purse. Jamming the strap over her shoulder, she barreled for the exit. She made it outside to the sidewalk before Michael grabbed her by the arm. Panic making her crazy, she struggled to break his grip. “I have to go to him,” she sobbed.

  “I know. But you can’t drive in this state. I’ll take you.” He led the way to a souped-up muscle car and assisted her into the passenger seat. Hands shaking, she fumbled with the safety belt, finally getting it into place as Michael slid behind the wheel.

  The half hour drive to the hospital was the longest of her life. The second Michael braked in front of the main Emergency entrance she jumped out of the vehicle and dashed into the building. The waiting area was jam-packed with people, including several firefighters still in their uniforms. Recognizing Nev and Dallas despite the soot covering their faces, she hurried to their sides. She opened her mouth, trying to get the question out, but her constricted throat held the words hostage.

  Nev rubbed her shoulders. “Deep breaths. They took him in a while ago.”

  Her voice finally found purchase again. “Is he—?”

  “Pissed as hell about falling through a roof? Judging from the level of his cursing, I’d say fuck yes.”

  If Ben was swearing, that meant he was alive. The rush of relief nearly knocked her to her knees. That sensation was immediately followed by a fierce shudder racking her body.

  “Ah hell, I think she’s going through shock.” Dallas’s voice sounded tinny, like it was coming to her through a long tunnel. Supportive arms encircled her before sweeping her onto a nearby sofa she swore had been occupied a second ago. Too exhausted to figure out that mystery further, she peered up at her rescuer. “Ben?” Her blurry vision cleared, revealing Michael hovering over her, his gaze worried.

  “I’ll go check on him now.” Michael waved Dallas over. “Make sure she doesn’t move. I’ll talk with the nurse about having her looked at too.”

  “I don’t need to be looked at. I want Ben.”

  Ignoring her protests, Michael strode off down the hall. Dallas grabbed a chair and plunked his ass in front of her. She glared at him weakly. “What are you, my warden?”

  “Yeah, so don’t make me get out my cuffs.”

  Nev sidled up next to Dallas. “What’s this about cuffs, you pervert?”

  “Your mama didn’t seem to mind me using them last night.”

  She wished she had the energy to roll her eyes. Instead she listened to their good-natured and rather raunchy ribbing of each other for endless moments until a commotion down the hall drew everyone’s attention.

  “I told you, I’m motherfucking fine. Now where’s Rory?”

  The sound of Ben’s desperate shout jerked her head up. She leapt off the sofa, almost knocking Dallas over in the process. “Ben!”

  Grunting, Dallas righted his chair. “Way to make a fella feel like chopped liver.”

  Tuning out his grumbling, she pushed past the small crowd of firefighters blocking the hallway, a happy sob escaping when she spotted Ben limping toward her. Unlike the rest of his crew, he wasn’t wearing his gear and instead sported a hospital gown. Scrapes covered his arms and legs, and a nasty gash decorated his left shoulder. But at least he was alive. A fresh flood of tears water logging her eyes, she ran toward him. He caught her, hugging her tight. His fingers shaky, he buried his face in her hair. “Michael told me you almost passed out. Jesus, don’t scare me like that, Ro.”

  She gave a blubbery laugh. “You fall through a roof, and I’m the one scaring the crap out of you?”

  “Heard about that, I take?”

  “Yes. And never do that again, okay?”

  “Trust me, got no plans of a three-peat.”

  She jerked her head back. “Three-peat? You mean this isn’t the first time this has happened?” Oh God, she was going to need that sofa again, real soon.

  “If I tell you yes, will that lessen the odds of you agreeing to marry me?”

  Swallowing hard, she stared at him. “Did you just propose?”

  “You’d think I woulda did a better job of it too, seeing how that was a two-peat.” His soft, devoted gaze reeling her in, he brushed his knuckles along her cheek. “I know you want time to figure things out, baby. But the truth is I love you. So much so, I would marry you right here and now if I could. But I’m willing to wait until the weekend, if that’s what you want.”

  She rolled her lips together to keep from laughing. Unable to completely hold it in, she chuckled. “Three whole days, huh? Your patience is commendable.”

  “I can’t help it, Ro. I don’t want to go one more night not having you tucked safe in my arms.”

  Her eyes teared up again. “I don’t either.”

  A ragged breath escaped him. “Did you just say yes?”

  “I believe so.”

  Splaying his hand on the back of her head, he hauled her in for a fiercely tender kiss. When he pulled back, his own eyes held a suspicious mist. “I love you, Rory.”

  Stroking his jaw, she returned the words that’d been locked in her heart for the last ten years. “I love you too, Ben.”


  “Really, bro? You couldn’t wait until next Valentine’s Day to do the deed?”

  Grinning, Ben straightened the sprig of freesia pinned to his tuxedo lapel. “Nope. Too far away.”

  “But think how romantic that would have been.” Michael sighed when it became clear that Ben wasn’t about to be swayed by his suggestion. “At least time it so your first rug rat is born on Valentine’s Day. And make sure he’s Michael if a boy, and Michaela if a girl.”

  “You’ll have to swing that idea past Rory. Pretty sure she gets final say.”

  “She’ll agree.” Michael flashed his pearly whites. “She likes me.”

  Ben gave him a warning look. “Yeah, you keep your dirty paws off my future bride, Rico Sauvé.”

  “Does that extend to her cookies too?”

  “Nah, I don’t mind sharing those.”

  Michael cleared his throat and tugged nervously on the cuffs of his tux. “Speaking of cookies, I’ve been meaning to ask if you know what the situation is with her partner, Hailey.”

  Ben choked. Shaking his head, he glanced at Michael. “Too much carbon monoxide kill of your brain cells?”

  “What? She’s cute. And feisty.” Michael made a predatory growling sound and waggled his brows.

  “You better invest in a protective steel cup.”

  Michael only laughed at that wise bit of advice.

  Poor probie. He had no damn clue of what he was getting himself into.

  The familiar opening strains of the wedding march drifted from the Vegas chapel’s speaker system, and Ben tore his mind from every other thought but the beautiful vision gliding towards him. Radiating absolute joy, Ror
y joined him at the altar, her smile more dazzling than the sun. His heart filling with so much love he swore it would burst, he took her hands and looked into her eyes. She was his soul mate, his light, his future. Always.

  “Are you ready to do this?” she whispered.

  “Past ready.”

  Her mouth twitched. “Still impatient, I see.”

  “These last three days have been hell.” He offered her a pout. “Intolerably cruel of you to limit me to only three daily rounds of hot loving until the wedding night.”

  “I’ll make it up to you.” She stood on tiptoe to whisper in his ear as the ceremony officiates approached. “I brought extra whipped cream.”

  Giggling at his exaggerated shiver, she squeezed his hand. Feeling like the luckiest bastard on the planet, he gave her a goofy grin. “I do love my cherry pie.”


  At the ripe age of seven, Jodi Redford penned her first epic, complete with stick-figure illustrations. Sadly, her drawing skills haven’t improved much, but her love of fantasy worlds never went away. These days she writes about fairies, ghosts and other supernatural creatures, only with considerably more heat.

  She has won numerous contests, including The Golden Pen and Launching a Star.

  When not writing or working the day job, she enjoys gardening and way too many reality-television shows.

  Currently residing in Michigan with her husband and overgrown lapdog, she is a member of RWA national and Greater Detroit Romance Writers of America.

  She loves to hear from readers. You can email her at and visit her online at

  Jodi is also on Facebook

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  Other books by Jodi Redford

  Now Available:

  Taking Liberty

  Light My Fire

  Vanessa Unveiled

  The Naughty List

  Cat Scratch Fever

  Breaking Bad

  Checking it Twice

  That Old Black Magic

  That Voodoo You Do

  The Seven Year Witch

  Maximum Witch

  Getting Familiar with Your Demon

  Thieves of Aurion

  Lover Enslaved

  Lover Enraptured

  Coming Soon:

  Triple Knockout

  Other Red Hot Valentine Books

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  Sweet Sizzle by Jodi Redford

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