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Brenda Jackson The Westmoreland Collection: ZaneCanyonStern

Page 14

by Brenda Jackson

  “Ah, hell!” He threw his head back as her heated tongue swirled over his swollen shaft before she hungrily mouthed the full length of him. He groaned when suddenly it seemed as if she would swallow him whole. She was using her mouth to infuse her ownership on this part of him. And she was doing so in the most earth-shattering way known to man.

  Pleasure shot to all parts of his body. She was building a fire within him and quenching it at the same time.

  While her fingertips stroked his thatch of curly hair, her mouth sucked harder. Then her fingers shifted lower to gently squeeze his testicles, causing a jolt of pleasure to tear through him. Did she know her actions were the embodiment of his wet dreams? Did she know she was bonding herself to him?

  He grabbed her head, twining his fingers through the silky strands of her hair before wrapping a lock around his fist to hold her mouth right there. Yes, oh, yes. Right. There. And then he felt it, the first vibrations stirring in his groin.

  “Channing,” he whispered as sensations flooded through him. His heart was racing, and he couldn’t get his breathing regulated. And then with one brutal yet erotic suck of her mouth, the intensity slammed into him. He felt the release gush into her mouth.

  There weren’t any words that could define what he felt at that moment. Though mind-blowing was close. He groaned her name over and over until the last sensation had swept through his body.

  He didn’t recall when she let go of him or when she eased to her feet. All he remembered was gazing through a haze of sensuous contentment to stare into the depths of her eyes.


  He wanted to tell her he loved her. But before he could fix his mouth to say the words, her soft lips took control of his, and she kissed him with such completeness it had him groaning out loud again.

  He couldn’t take any more. He swept her off her feet, into his arms, and headed for the bedroom.

  * * *

  When Zane placed her on the bed, Channing stared up at him, watching the intensity in his features. She had a feeling this lovemaking would be different from any other they’d shared. When he joined her in bed, her legs automatically opened for him. With the ease of a man who knew just what he wanted, Zane slid between them.

  They stared at each other for several heartbeats before she felt him filling her with long, powerful thrusts, stretching her and going deep. When he continued moving in and out in long, languorous strokes, the rhythm caused electrifying sensations to overtake her. His hands tightened on her hips, holding her immobile while he totally possessed her feminine core.

  “Ah,” she groaned while intense pleasure blazed through every part of her.

  Then his strokes became harder and harder, deeper and deeper, complete and absolute. The result was staggeringly powerful.

  She met his gaze, and the look in his eyes took her breath away. For the first time in her life, she felt an emotion coming from him that she’d never felt before. It might have been a figment of her imagination or wishful thinking, but she decided to take the feeling and run with it.

  The moment that decision was made, her body seemed to splinter into a thousand pieces. She dug her fingers into his shoulders, and it was only then that he lowered his head and took her mouth to drown out her screams.

  When he withdrew from the kiss, he whispered against her lips, “That was lovemaking, not sex. It’s never been just sex with you, Channing. Never.”

  Then he grasped her face in both hands and lowered his mouth to kiss her again. Channing doubted she could ever love him any more than she did at that moment.

  * * *

  “I’m glad you haven’t lost your touch in the kitchen, Channing.”

  Channing smiled at Zane while placing a plate of cookies in front of him as he sat at the kitchen table. She slid into the chair across from him. “And I’m glad you haven’t lost your touch in the bedroom.”

  At his deep chuckle, she grabbed one of the cookies and bit into it. They had made love several times before finally getting out of bed and putting on least some of them. He had slid into his jeans and she into his shirt. Then they had gone into the kitchen to get something to eat.

  Channing had taken a few things out of the freezer before they’d left for Richmond, and all she had to do was place them in the microwave. Now she and Zane were sitting at the table enjoying cookies and milk for dessert. It seemed all the dishes she’d prepared during her cooking frenzy were his favorites. Go figure.

  When she saw the way he was looking at her, she took a deep, quivering breath. It didn’t help matters that he was shirtless with that powerful chest on display. A chest she had licked all over hours ago. She shivered at the memory. Lord! She needed a cold glass of water. Quick. The glass of milk just wasn’t doing it.

  “Excuse me,” she said, getting up from the table. She strolled over to the refrigerator to get a chilled bottle of water. She quickly opened the refrigerator, grabbed one, unscrewed the top and took a huge gulp, appreciating how the cold liquid flowed down her throat. Boy, she’d needed that.

  “You want to share?”

  She jumped. She hadn’t known Zane had gotten out of his chair and was standing right there in front of her. “Sure,” she said, reaching behind her to reopen the refrigerator.

  “No, I want to share yours.”

  “Oh.” She handed him her bottle and watched him finish it off before he placed it on the counter.

  He then smiled at her and said, “You make me hot, baby.”

  Her insides stirred. If he only knew how hot he made her. She raised her palm to his forehead. “Um, you feel normal.”

  His lips curved in a smile as he took hold of her hand and lowered it to his zipper. “Can you say the same here?” he asked.

  She swallowed. No, she couldn’t. He felt huge, engorged and erect. You would think that with as much action as they’d had earlier, more sex would be the last thing on their minds. Evidently not.


  She cupped him through his jeans and watched desire flare in his eyes. “I can handle this.”

  “You’re the only woman who can,” he said throatily, reaching up to peel his shirt off her. “So tell me, Channing Hastings,” he said, tugging out of his jeans, “have you ever been taken against a refrigerator?”

  “No.” She breathed the words. Blood rushed thickly through her veins at the thought of such a thing happening.

  He lifted her, and her legs automatically wrapped around his waist. “Then consider this your first time...but it won’t be your last, baby.”

  * * *

  Zane lay awake, staring at the ceiling, while a naked Channing slept soundly beside him. Something flared deep within him when he thought about how they had spent their day, beginning with the drive to Richmond and then returning here.

  It reminded him of how things used to be on her free days from the hospital. She would spend her time with him at the Hideout. How could he not have seen then just how great they were together? Although he’d known their relationship was good, he hadn’t understood the significance of what that meant until it was too late. That was why he was here backpedaling, trying to convince her that he loved her, doing whatever it took to get that message across.

  After they’d made love in the kitchen, starting out against the refrigerator and ending up on the counter, they had dressed and taken a walk on the beach. They had run into Ronald and his family. Zane had been introduced to Jennifer and their two kids. Seeing Ronald with his family made Zane long for that same thing with Channing. He’d meant what he’d told her yesterday. He wanted kids and looked forward to the children they would make together.

  When they’d returned to her villa, he’d hinted that he needed to go back to the hotel to change clothes. He had hoped she would suggest he check out of the hotel altogether and spen
d the rest of his time at the beach house with her. But she hadn’t. He’d been disappointed, but he hadn’t pushed. He recalled one of his father’s old sayings: “Anything worth getting is worth waiting for....” And he knew deep in his heart that Channing was worth waiting for. He was determined to rid her of any and all doubt about his love for her.

  She shifted her body in sleep, and immediately he became aroused. When he felt her hand on his thigh, every cell in his body became energized. She slowly opened her eyes, and his heart pounded in his chest when she smiled at him.

  “Now that you’re awake,” he said softly, brushing hair from her face, “I need to leave.”

  “To go back to the hotel?” she asked quietly.


  He saw the slight marring of her forehead and knew she was trying to make a decision. When she shifted closer and eased her thigh between his, he knew she had made it.

  “Since you’re determined for me to push you into falling in love with me, then maybe you should stay here.”

  He cupped her chin in his hand. “You sure? Whether I stay here or at the hotel, I’m not leaving Virginia Beach until you do, Channing.”

  She nodded. “I’m sure. So unless you’re desperate for your things, you can wait until the morning to go get them.”

  His hand left her chin to rub his own. “I can use a shave, but I can wait until tomorrow. If you wake up in the morning and I’m not here, that’s where I’ll be...checking out of the hotel.”

  “All right.”

  He kissed her and felt that special connection between them. They still had more road to travel, but at that moment, he felt that they were at least making progress.

  * * *

  The ringing of the telephone woke Channing. She noticed the spot beside her in bed was empty as she reached for her cell phone on the nightstand. “Hello,” she said in a sleepy tone.

  “Gracious. You’re still in bed?”

  Channing came wide-awake upon hearing her grandmother’s voice. She glanced over at the clock. It was close to eleven. Typically she was an early riser, but when you spent most of the night making love, exhaustion had a tendency to creep up on you.

  “Yes, I’m still in bed. How are you Gramma?”

  “I’m fine, but I wanted to check on you. Our last conversation had me worried.”

  Channing took a deep breath. “I know, but I’m better.”

  “Does that mean your opinion of men is better?”

  Channing thought of the past two days she’d spent with Zane and how thoughtful and considerate he’d been. But, most importantly, she thought of how he’d included her in his world. “Yes, it’s improved some.”

  “Glad to hear it.”

  She and her grandmother talked for a little while longer before they ended their call. Channing stretched and then eased out of bed. Thinking of Zane checking out of the hotel, she nibbled her bottom lip. She wanted to be optimistic that she wasn’t making a mistake.

  She hoped she wasn’t wrong, but she was beginning to feel a special bond between them, and it wasn’t just about sex...although she thought that part of their relationship was super, too. She felt more.

  But then, she quickly reminded herself, she had felt more the last time they’d been together, when she’d assumed he had fallen in love with her. She couldn’t afford to make another mistake about something like that. So she would take one day at a time. She wouldn’t rush, but she would, in her own way, continue to push him. Yes, she’d push, but she wouldn’t shove. In her mind, there was a difference. If he was close, she would see to it that he got closer. She had to believe that Zane was worth taking a chance on.

  The sound of a car door closing had her looking out the window. Zane was back, and she watched as he went to the trunk of the car and removed his luggage and laptop. As if he felt her watching, he glanced at the window, tilted his Stetson back and looked straight at her. When he smiled, she actually felt it radiate from him to her and she smiled back. Then he did something that the Zane she’d always known would never have done.

  He blew her a kiss.

  Her breath caught, and his gesture sent a warm rush of pleasure flowing through her. This was the man she loved, the man she wanted to marry and the man she wanted as a father for her children.

  Suddenly, she realized that she was looking at the world through rose-colored glasses again, and Zane had once again unlocked her heart.


  “Zane, don’t you dare! Put me down this instant!”


  And he did so, unceremoniously dumping her into the ocean. Channing surfaced, sputtering and pushing wet hair from her face. “How dare you!”

  “I dare because I thought you needed cooling off. I saw the way you were looking at me. Like you wanted to jump my bones.”

  “I was not, you arrogant, conceited...!”

  Ignoring her ravings, he continued. “Not that I’m complaining about you wanting a little roll in the sand. But although this is considered a private beach, there are others around. What would the Farmers think? Or your grandparents’ neighbors for that matter?”

  Instead of answering, she shot him a venomous look before turning to swim the short distance back to shore. He let her go. There was no doubt in his mind that she was angry with him. He smiled, thinking he would have to make up with her. The thought fired his blood. Making up with Channing was always an enjoyable experience.

  Since he was in the water, he might as well take a leisurely swim. Because there were so many lakes on Westmoreland land, the one thing his parents had been sure to teach their offspring was how to swim. He considered himself pretty good at it...mainly because of the swimming races he, his brothers and his cousins had held during the summer months while growing up. He’d been the reigning champ for years...until Bailey showed him up. Now the little nymph still held the title.

  He glanced to where Channing lay on the towel she had stretched out on the sand. It was hard to believe it had been a week since he’d moved out of the hotel. As far as he was concerned, every day seemed like heaven.

  They woke up making love and went to bed making love. In between, they spent the day on the beach or, like yesterday, shopped. She had been determined that he should purchase a pair of shorts, and, to satisfy her, he had. After she had whistled outrageously about what a nice pair of legs he had, he’d poked out his chest and decided wearing the damn things wouldn’t be so bad...especially if it meant she would continue looking at him with all that sexual hunger in her eyes.

  After spending enough time in the water, he swam back to shore. Smiling, he sauntered across the beautiful white sand toward Channing. She opened her eyes and eased up when she heard his approach.

  “Relax, I’m not going to bother you,” he said, flopping down on the towel beside her.

  She frowned over at him. “You better not.”

  He pretended to shiver. “Now I’m scared,” he teased.

  She rolled her eyes and lay back down. “Your cell phone’s been ringing,” she said casually, although he knew there was nothing casual about it. A lot of women had his number, and being missing in action probably had a lot of them worried about him. Evidently, no one in his family was giving out information as to his whereabouts so the women had taken to calling. For the past couple of days, he had turned off his phone. He’d cut it back on this morning to check with his family and to call the phone company to request a new phone number. The latter was something he hadn’t told her about yet.

  “It was someone in my family,” he said, looking over at her.

  She frowned. “You have several missed calls, Zane.”

  “Like I said, it’s someone in my family,” he said, reaching out and sweeping a lock of damp hair from her face.

  “How can you be so sure?” />
  A smile ruffled his mouth. “Because I had my number changed this morning. No one has it but my family, and they wouldn’t share it without my permission.”

  He saw the surprised look on her face. “You had your number changed?”

  “Yes, and you’re the only woman who’s not related to me who has it.”

  She gave him another surprised look. “I have it?”

  He nodded. “Yes. I keyed it into your phone while you were washing your hair this morning.”

  “Oh.” She didn’t say anything for a minute, but he knew the idea of him having a new, private phone number pleased her. He was glad that it did.

  “And speaking of my hair, I’m going to have to wash it again, thanks to you.”

  “No problem, I’ll help.” He saw the way her cheeks flushed at his offer. No doubt she was remembering what had happened when he’d offered to help wash her hair the last time, three days ago.

  He reached over and pulled his cell phone out of the shorts he had left on the chaise longue with his shirt. He checked the missed calls. “Canyon. Canyon. Canyon. Canyon and Canyon,” he said, grinning. “I told you.”

  “Sounds like he needs to talk to you,” Channing said.

  Zane shrugged. “He has woman issues.”

  “And you being Dear Zane like Dear Abby will help him solve his problem, right?”

  He chuckled. “Kinda. Sorta.” Then he held her gaze and said in a serious tone, “I know about women, yes. But with the one woman I should have known about and should have handled with the love and respect she deserved, I blew it.”

  He watched as his words gave her pause. His heart pounded when she only smiled. He didn’t say anything, either. He wanted to let her think about what he’d just said.

  “You want to go to the drive-in movies again tonight?” he asked her a short while later.

  “Um, what’s playing?”

  He chuckled. “Does it matter?” They had gone to the drive-in two other times and had totally enjoyed making out in the car.

  She smiled over at him. “No, it doesn’t matter, and yes, I’d love to go to the drive-in with you tonight.”


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